Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Nov 1922, p. 8

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Hill. OR SALEâ€"Perfection cmil oii heatpr, Art Laurel coal stave. with oven. oxcpllenb baker. BPdStoad with springs. Hanging lamp. 1 Lime screen. 1 Frame building 14 ft. 112 ft. Miss BROWN, Ynnge Strvet, Richnmnd O'HCâ€"Geneml. All nwdern cnn- veniances. Good wages. Go home at nights preferred. Apply MRS. J. H. Dt-NL'w. 16-19 E “Relies, lot 26, con. 5, V'nughan, Teston. Apply D. C. MURRAY, Aurora. Ont. Box 213. 16.19 Notice of Application for Divorce Hill NOTICE is herohylgiven that. Emily Adlene McCausldnd formerly of the City of Toronto, in the Cuunty of Ymk, and Province of Ontario, Married Woman. but now nf the Town of Oakville. in the County of Hnltnn. will apply to the Parliament of Canada. at the next Session thereof. for a Bill of Divorce from her husband. Kenneth Leighton McGuuslund of the said City of Tomnto. Gvndenmn. on the ground. of adultery and dourtion. DATED at TORONTO, in the Province of Ontario. this Twenty fourth day of October, A. D.. 1922. DOUGLAS. DOUGLAS & ROBINSON, 157 Bay Street. Toronto. Solicitors for the Applicant, Emilv 17-21 Adleue McCuusland. strovl’ Muph ‘ OTICEâ€"E. Sliney is prepared to 1 do all kinds of Lruvking and outing in Richmond Hill and vicinity. Patronage solicited. Phone Richmond Hill Gilsnn Mfg. 00., Guelph. Game in and see their‘ll‘ self sharpening steel chilled plow share. A. ANDERSON. Rear of W. Valldurbul'g’s shop. Rich- mond Hill 10-”? J & S. DONALDâ€" M.»mufacturers of ' all kinds nf furs. We buy all kinds of skins. Remodelling and wâ€" pairing. Eluin Milis, Stop 51. Ynnge 5t. and 13(‘Ixoslnl1tSt. Toronto. 17â€"20 [do 3R1). mincessiun nf Markham; close to station, post offin'v, «lunch, and schnnl: soil clav loam; 115 acres under cultivation. lmlance bush and pasture: bush and pasturv: brick home. bank burn. driving house, pig pen. lion house; this farm is well underudrnined and in good state of cultivation. Apply to WM. SMl’l‘H, Gm-mley or RICHARD H. SMITH, Richmond Hill. > 17-19 ENDERS \VAN'I'EDâ€"Fm‘ pluslm ing hnusu. Apply P. C. BROWSE opposite Langstnfi‘ schuol. lS-tf 0R SALEâ€"l Trench platform spring Wagon, nearly new tIcKENZIE Buns, Willowdule. 13-tf \ ONEY \VAN'I‘ICDâ€"J’iist um] i sorn MI in wtgnue nmnev wnntrd. on onlv best r-ity and vicinity proper- lies. 7 to 10‘}; oi'fo‘rt-d on Is! Incl-tangy: 8 to 127., ofivrvd on 2nd nun-Igan Apply in ISAAC H. SANDERSON, Rir-h- Inond Hill. Telephone building. 10-20 mid wd (:nrmnls. wood sh: 1mm 23 x 36, with 1qu Mn 14 x 26. will; loft nhm'v. ‘ 28 x (i. Cunvvnient. to so churches. Apply mvlwr GRYDERMAN. Shvrwnod. Ont () OR SALEâ€"House and lot in an19. ALFRED RUMBLE. ls-tf. n nickl-I Anyone find Metropolitan ARM FOR SALE-One__hundred on ACRESâ€"LOP 35â€"33:“; 0F anEIe in“ (11“ Trunk hurm Mills. H ARTAGEâ€"I am prepared tn (10 all kinds of Garbage on shm‘t notice. LEPARI). Yonge Street, Richmnnd ORSIC FOR SAI gout} [tor :Ill OR SALE l7) hmisewm k ibeml Office. 98 Up]! ‘0 LI OST R SALEâ€"An acre and a. half and two small fmmv house: on Mill . Rinhmm‘ud Hill. GEO. MuNAlR, 0R RRN OUSIHYOKK mnnd SLI vol \VRIGH’I‘. at, film un with pel'it Want. 43115. 0n SA Lliâ€"On ‘H 1 font Vl'vst ‘ LdIng same n Slntiun. ix room 1|Il( 'm mu IOII ’ld hull~ \vidws 'wst; ulf mtn ahogt 11 ml lmns, pears. 1)] wand 14th 1-1 x I Inf: above, stn 1150 vuun hili "ll fl: lmrch UZAK llenvyr (ls of v 11L 11 mil hon] lS-tf‘ one neu- 5L hnuse :-h S! r01- 11 heats (N on Ri If ()sr‘AR 19-21 Apply 19.20 [h Apply 1!) 1hl( ll" In zin in JONES LUMBER C0, British Columbia 3 x and 5 x shingles Ontario No.1 White Pine lath Ontario No.2 White Pine lath Spruce, Pine & Fir flooring Spruce, Pine & Fir sidings Ontario White Pine boards British Columbia sheetings Harness ' Harness Supplies in stock. South side of Mr. Baldock’s New Garage The Rolfe Boot, Shoe, and Harness repair Store, for All kinds of re- pairs to Bootsand SATURDAY. Nov. 25â€"Stnnding timber. Int :22, con. 2. Scan-bum. the pmperly of M. & A. Scott. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms 10 months. Plentice and Prentice, Aucls. THURSDAY, Nov. ISOâ€"Standing timber. Int 14. mm. 8. Markham. the prone: !y of jus. G. Robinson. Sula HI. 1 n’clmtk. Terms 10 months. Prentice and Prentice, Aucts. ' SATURDAY. DEC. 2-Herd of pure bred Hnlstein cattle, horses, swine. Imple mems, furniture 910.. lot 5, cun. 3, Vaughan, )uucnrd. the prupm-ty of Mr. Green. Sale at 10 o'clock. Trrms 10 months. Prentice and Prentice, Aucis. THURSDAY. Now. all hn I'd wumiJot the pl'uln’l‘iyy uf Cor. Arnold 8i Yonge PHONE 27 FRIDAY Apph‘ C} Murklmm All sizes of Dimensions Doors, sash, and trim swings. (-hilds l hanging lump, ] purl \VHITMURE. Arnold S: and Prenliu Muirhmd. 10 months Aucis. . :zl [NC 'Ion 'EDNESIM Maple r in \TI'RI).\Y, NOV. implémvnts, fur on”. 8, Mmkhnm \Vismer-. Suleat and Prentice, Au ‘O\V FOR SA L] .‘UI {ugh :tul): 111 l’xll'k ~\Yl by p M H pl: Auction Sale Register the HA lh‘ nd All] 0V [)~â€"Czune to tho promis undersigned, Int. 33. mm. on Sunday the 29th cow. Owner may hn‘ paying vxpvusoe. > Jul» Hill rms 10 ml 3. Aunts. the old, due HOOVER furnituw to Ht ll v 'onsehnld furniture ‘ynce, church 9!! evt, the property of Mrs. p M 1 o'clock. Terms the pl â€"Sl.:mding [ir Sullwuns cm soporty of Il'( tnnding timber .10, Mm-klmn', ‘esor. Sale at nths. Plentiec Auc Prentice lnvk. Ten-ms nd Prentice, u] Inilch cow \‘ovmnlwr 15 lot 26, con. 33‘ if, one lamp. u‘m sh n'm pp} 1: p rly lot. 18 rnm Alex nli< have joHN H)-2l '1 nd $4500 will buy a six roamed brick clad house on Centre st. east with fruit trees, Raspberries, Strawberries, and a. good hen house, Electric Lightin- stulled. mortgage under housing plan for 52100. Lot (50 x 160. _ A seven rnomed brick clad house with all mndeln improvements at Kingsdale, 8. minutes walk from Yonge street. A bmgnin for quick sale. A small farm adjoining the G. T. R. yards at Maple. adapted fox gardening. chicken farming etc. (innd brick house. bank burn and other out. building. A perfect little home fur small fam- ily on Centre Street. East. $3500 will buy a. SIX roomed new bungalow with stable. garage, hen house and 5 acre of land all well fched. Terms easy. 4 room cottage with one acre, hen houSes. fruit trees, small fruit canes. on May Avenue runs to Yongehurst mad nenx- Yonge street, Stop 48.fon $2300. $500 cash. balance to suit. Yonge St., RICHMOND HILL ‘ Nicé Bungalow at, stop 47. Loans negotiated. Insuranceefiected. Ia. A. Hewison. lwb. I. Adamson, electinn tied. ‘ Grant, Critic. Miss Stanley day resulted as follows : Pres. M. Brown: Vice-Pres. E. Gee: Secy. R. Phipps; Treas. G. McUague: Editor of 'l‘attler. A. Armstrong. Sub-editor IV. 0. McQuarrie. III. J. McLean, II. B. Grant, I a. Z. Topper. I. b. G. “’esley. Form Representatives, IV. C.’ Lang» staff, III. G. Killough. I]. E. Whig; Parts furnished by : W. G. Baldock,Ltd. imitation parts know ncthing about. Play safe ! Ride in safetyâ€"use only Genuine Ford The High School Literary Society was formerly reorganized last Thursâ€" day. when the officers for 1022-23 were no 11inated. A vote by ballot on Tues- daii resulted as follows: Pres. M. Brbwn:Vice-Pres. E. Gee; Secy. R. Phipps; Treas. G. McCagget» Editor of Parts are made to meet specific tests of stress and strain which you increase the element of danger. Genuine Ford Mis. N. .Bnttyamd Mrs. E. G. mzin, piano solos h Mus. O. \inght,and Mr. j. . Newton .1 tending by Miss M. McUngue. A. L. Phipps, President of the I' gave an instructive talk. referrin the various activities carried on, huped [ll/IL Scientific Temperance Stil‘llctifill would he taught in Public Edit 0]. Votes of thank the m 'Inl‘fm's. the entertainers Mr. and Mrs. Mchng were temh and Mrs. Phipps and Mus. MCM; remun'ivd. vau-shments wow 5 manufacturers of Every time you use a spurious or imitation part on your Ford car Play Safe ! Clergy memh hands. Mis Slun being: :mipice's of whivh had and High S of Educnli H_ A. Nicholls AIc( am m n ‘lt pt at The Real Estate Man the Ill W. C. T. U. At Home HAS FOR SALE 11 buy a. SIX roomed new with stable. garage, hen § acre of land all well igun "Ar, Hume” under tlu (If the 1mm] \V. C. T. U. U ad hm-n‘ invited Hm Publi: 1 School twin-hers. the Bonn allirm and their wives. [hr and their wives tln inf the Union and their hus There was it n interesting ppm of conversations on live icni‘snlns by Mrs. D. \Vutmm, H. S. Literary and My . Mm. O. L. . Newton and McCalgue. Mls. nth the I'nion. 11k. referring to gnu-led on, : Temperance taught in s of thanks "Gum and nng b. G. \Vesley. IV. (W; Lang- II. E. White, I. Smith. H Pianist. B D. \Vnts B. G. R Hm Pllblil‘ the Board wives, the wives the tho “cm: nndPl' th MI spen and In- the md RICHMOND TIRE 8: BATTERY SERVICE Electric Motors, Generators, Mag- netos, Etc, Repaired. Phone 109 W. A. VANDERBURGH Richmond Hill Phone 13r2 who will gladly furnish necessary information and advice"; regarding your requirements. Out side the Village our Pressure Systems will - provide water for any installation 215 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Ontario WHO SUPPLY BATHSr BASINS, W C’s., SINKS Laundry TUBS and ALL NECESSARY EQUIPMENT REMEMBER The Jam_es Robertson (30‘, Ltd. :0 90999999moooempww¢omewwmm¢omom â€"â€"=â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" WOOD FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE A. G. SAVAGE While we am not forgotten vour ‘ ‘ Done by the HAYWOOD SCIEN- VUlCaanlngnTIFIC PROCESS. All Repairs GUARANTEED to Last Longer than the Rest of the Tire. (TORSE'I mplete. lrenc PLUMEENG General Agent, office at the Post Office - Richmond Hill ‘fi' QUALITY SHOPPE -:- COAL GLOVE IIOSIERX 1 I] MILLINERY TRENCH’S BLOCK Spades, Shovels, Forks, Building paper, Tar paper and Roofing,Harness Sup- plies Sweat pads, Breast strap, Hame strap, Heel chains, Curry combs and ‘ Brushes â€": Stoves and Ranges -: Ask; for our Septic Tank Circulaf and get in touch with our local representative VE STA All Makes OPER’S HARDWARE we are very busy in n your requirements Ambrose L. Phipps WHEN READY TO CONSIDER COOPER 10Lk ‘ntomplate :1: home an Store V Fall weigh t BA'I‘TERY S E RV I C E is { Watered and Inspected Free ' \ Repaired and Recharged. VESTA RS. new shipment just and “'8 S PHONE 93 09699600069“ NORMAN BATTY 690096$9660 0 1V1 in other full line ( communi Mill an K II 81' l‘ LADIES’ WEAR Richmond Hill stmas Novelties, ment. we 1n nmnufaccurc K65 Phone 53 ne

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