Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Dec 1922, p. 1

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VOL. XLV- Whiter Term Opens Jan. “up: JOHN R. CAMPBELL ELgJo What Did You Give Last Christmas? Cal! NOTICE ._.-._q We have a good supply of Hard and Soft Wood in 12 inch and 4 ft length. Also a large quantity of soft coal Also a good variety of feeds for stock and poultry. Our prices for best Pastry and Bread Flours are the lowest. A recent shipment of cement and draining tile "his schmfl stands ‘0 a Clr‘MlI-CHL record grade wm‘k. Evury of this your svcuret ment pmmpxly. If y‘ ALA. high. juiu and we wi“ pr lg for choice fur catalogue. W. J. ELI VETERlN ARY SURGEON, ’I‘hornhill. A large stock Kept M. WRIGHT BROS. Undertaken and Embalmers RICHMON D HILL. THORIHILL AND UNIONVILLE PAINTING by phone or At the Elevator I. D. Ramer the kiddieswâ€"all broken now. “Something useful '_‘ for the grown-upsâ€"mow worn out or for- gotten. A cash bonus for your employees#long since spent. Other “last minute“ presentsâ€"expensive but unsuitable. Are they remembered now? (“This year give them a Bank Book~mal<e their first deposit and urge them to add to it regularly. (If Could anything be more suitable and enduring? 1 OYS for Frqu the Turontu Cnnservatnry u‘ Music. will accept. a number of pupils in Piano. Vocal and -:- Theory. -:‘ For information Phone 110. M33. Mum. and Adelmo Melecci and Miss Rosalind Bush L. T. C. M. ‘I ‘IV ' ' . - , 1. jniu ‘hh‘ metuuuun we win prepare you pruper- m‘ choice positions. Send Hardwood FinishingI 3. Estlmates Furnished Fret Phone \VILLOVVDALE, ONT HILL, Oak Ridges P. O. PUBLIC 71m: les 8! rent“, annum, in advance. ELLIOTT PrinciP“l otherwise pmmpfl of Funeral Furnishing the above place: \s to-‘duy with 3rd fpr high my graduate :ured employ- If your aim is ; inflilutiun re you pniper: DECORATING Tumuto fi\\8and, Gravel, ' Tile and Brick} Company, LUd. haw (m lmnd for sale. Cement drain lilv. 3, 4. 5, l3 and S in. Culvert tile 12, 1.3. 18 and :20 inch 1 (3‘) inchvs in hingth) Als'o Cement Brick. Sand 01‘ Gravel sold by the load or In car lots. Cedar pasfs and telephone poles fm‘ The Maple Sand, Gravel and Bl‘ick‘ sale. Richmond Hill OLLIVER. Manager- Maple} Licensed Auctioneer for the Ununtyof York. Sales attended to un shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT WATER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS THORNUILL, ONT. Office Trench Hock. twu doors nm-th of Stande Bank. Hours 9 sun. 10 5.30 p. In. Open evenings by appointun'nt. RICHMOND HILL. Office hours ‘KO m 12 mm m. ' Otfice and residenceâ€"Ynngg VSlreet, 415 Bailiul St, Tammi“. Phone Belmont 13H LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Special attention given to sales at) every description. Farms and farm stock sales specialty. Fan-Ins buught. and Sold on commission. Allsales at.- tended to on shin-test noLiCe. and con- ducth by the Innstupproved methods. Paumnage solicited. BARRIST‘ER. SoucwoB, NOTARY Toronto OFfi-w. Richmond Building 33 Richmond Street, West. Richmond Hill Ofilce (‘ Lihem) Ofllce). every Thursday forenoun. Maple. Thursday aftex-nnon. WnudhrL-hze. Saturday fore-noon. Mum-y to Loan at Curl-an Rule. MlSS BEATRICE HOWELL T O RON T O feacher of Fletcher Method Musical Kmdergarten Pupils passed for Couselvatory Ex- nminations. DR J. P. VVILSON J. II. Prentice STcmoâ€" J. T. SAIGEOIV . HENDERSON WILLIAM COOK . L. R. BELL Paper hanger and Painte' Oxford Street Phone 44 1' 32. SAM. SHEPHERD ‘G Talc-phone COI’SIN DENT‘ST In Essentiah, Unity,- in HOTEL RICHMOND. Richmond Hill. Phan ML 24 Manager 6m Saturday‘s Globe contained :1 genu phctograveur of Mr. Thomas Ryan whnhas served ‘26 years on my) Men-o- politan Rnihvay. The Globe refers \[0 "Tommy Ryan" as \he “genial. reliable nmmrlnnn whn has operated on the Metropnhtnn sim‘e beginning of service. \vhu tun lhe first through 031‘ to Richmond Hill. and has m-ver had an accident nor a wrangle with a pass-nugget" Mr. Ryan 'h to he cun- gratulnted on his splendid rucmd. Death came Friday suddeuness to Mr. E. Px'iHCipul hi the PuM Menitlon. Ho ham-aw Livcin St. Catharines. vulvred :1 Lwlley car nu duties. when he fell 0th nlel‘lluuu. na‘ --‘».....,, Live in St. Catharines. and had just, entered :1 twlley car on his way to hie duties. when he fen over inm Lhe sent and expired. Dx-Nused is survived by a \vife,1hlee SHIN and one <1~Lughrm'. The family resides at 147 Medland SL, Tnmmu. Mr. Vnrdnu was principal of the Rivhmond Hill Puhlic School fm~ twn van-s ending lust lum‘. 12-“ At a meeting of the Bum-d o tinn Monday pvt-hing. Miss Riclmrdmm. Miss F. M. B“ Miss Alice Finch were engage Public Schoni stgifi‘. Suim‘y hi 1 $1000. Mr. Wade, caretaker schouis. had his sul'm'y mi 0 1‘ LII!" numua'v ru....,c. .,,, Richardson. Miss F. M. Brawn and Miss Alice Finch were engaged for the Public Schoni stgxfi‘. Suim‘y iri each case $1000. Mr.Wude, caretaker of buth schouls. had his sulgu-y raised $50. making $9503 year. Inspectm-Trench's repnrt of his recent. visit, indicated satisfautory \vurk in even y dopai Lmem. The Richmond Hill Beef Ring held theirnnuual meeting at the hume nf Mr. Jost‘ph Alkinsnn lust Thursday evening. After the business Was tremende and officers appointed for the owning year, a splendid pm- graunnc\Vasrend;r(d, and the usual good time was spent. Mr. Hmhut Smithis President, and Mr. Han-old Mlnphy, Secretary. ONT.. THURSDAY. DEC. 14, UH mum/my cyan-"b ~.~. , , meeting was held in the Council Chamber to organize a Board at Trade. A committee was appointed to draw up a constitution. Officers elected were, Mr. 1215. McLean. Presi- dent: Mr. Harold Murphy. Vice- President : and Mr. P. Suuder. Secre- ‘ tary-Trensurer. ,, A “Ar..- ...:n h. .m Ian. Veteran Street Car Man nvu ye-u-s ending Lnn,-.:».~...-- . The next meeting will be on Jan. 8th. At. that. time a constitution will he adopted. the yearly fee will he he- gun. Everyone in Richmond Hill and the surrounding district. who is intel- ested in :h» prngrew of our commun- Huie unnnputpd to be Diesent Ill, [be estedflifi 1h» pxfigress of our ity is quuested to be pxese January meeting. Mt . Varden Dies On Monday _m{e‘ni1}g Report of Ream 1V Names in nrdex‘ of merit JB. IIâ€"Bartleu Smith, Austin'l‘uck’ l May Plewnmu. Phyllis Roberts. Jack Newton, Katie Kuzack. Phyllis White, Mac Tennyson, Eloaum- Drury. Dorothy Duncan, Mildred Rand. Jack Bowlden, Reg. \Varren. Morley Sanders, Adele Savage. Mac Merrick, Mao Shepherd. Earl Paterwn, Men-u Konck, Mary Fotcheek, Dorothy Leech. ClitIol-d Jenkins, Elimheth Rumble. Lilliui Jamihs, Bu‘nice Heulley. Aubrey Bailey. George ’l‘nwn- send. Arum: Leech. Orland Bailey, l Billie Savage. SB. ItGladyl type. Aileen Grant. . “7.1m... Valli» Richmond Hi“ Public SB. Lâ€"(iladyu Roe. Aileen Grant.’ Gilbert Forest, Olive Wilson. Nellivl Hammond. Iris \Voodhead, Gmn-ge White. Albert. Bales. Jean Deadumn, Muriel Clarke. Mary Brilllnger, Jack Wallis, Ethel Coveyduck, Marjory Sandrrsnu. Victor Morris, Andrey Graingel‘. Norman Hammond, Melville Burns, Albert MOI-tson. Peter Savage. M. ANDERSON. Teneber. WHJCVOâ€"‘F Non-Essentials. Liberty ,- Patterson Board of Trade Formed School Meeting )0 Friday with startling to MI". E. ’1‘. Vardun, the Puth Schnul ML Ho ham-dud with a. win- Beef Ring Meeting :oncort a nd sup- Suddenly rd of Educ“ Dec. Ink, 3} School Report The Methodist Sunday School will hold the annual Christmas Tree and Entertainman on Friday evoning, December 22. The feature of the awning will he The Christmas Uuntula “Santa's Farm-l Post" and a drill "The Nations". Admissinn, adults 25 cents. Children )5 cents. Newton BI'O“ niverszu'y and Sex-vim- will L“ next Snuan nmrniug 59"v address “3’ Mrs Newton Brook Sunday School An- niversary and Children's Christmas Sex-vim- will I)? held in the church next Sunday. Docvmher 17. The nmrniug SEN/iv? will' include an address by Mrs. j. J. Eaton. In the Ovening lvnr E. Brm-k. Esq. will give the add 95%. Both speakms are p um- inent, 5",)“th School wo~kers (-f Tulonto. Thmowill be special singâ€" ing by the school. The deepest sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Nicholls in the loss of their only son and child who passed away early Wednesday. after a couple of days' illneSs. Vailes was in his Sunday school class last Sunday, and was apparently in good hea'th. On Monday his father was reading to him when the little fellow said “Daddy 1 cannot see.” He then threw up his hands and swooned away. He soon revived. however. but bad spells follow- ed. The family physician was sum‘ moned and two nurses secured. but it spite of all that could be done f0: Vailes he passed away early yestorda: " " r" - -nn.:ali:f from when the Hun: mum. w..- _ :annot see.” He then threw up his aands and swooned away. He soon revived. however. but bad spells follow- ed. The family physician was sum- moned and two nurses secured. but in spite of all that could be done for Vailes he passed away early yestorday morning. Dr. Hart. a specialist from the Sick Children's HOSpital. came up Tuesday.bnt had to admit that the boy‘s condition was serious. After a short service for the family and rala- tives at the house, service will be held in St. Mary’s Chulch at 2.30 p. m. Friday. The (Judah Radio Club organized last, Friday evening as the home of Mr. Harry B. Stirling. The organization it. is hoped will be the pride of the Corps and the Cadets are most enthusiastic. President Under Sergt. "Alva" Armstrong whusu zeal for Lhe Duln nf Procedure has nuequal. is in all things, Charity.” enthusiastic. fresmenu uuun VH5“ "Alva" Armstrong whusu zeal for Lhe Rule of l’locedure has noequal. is equally capable of limiting the Cadets within the “Safety Zone" of Radio exu'avngunce. The Church parade to the Methodist Church at Ma It: has been postponed until the secnn Sunday in January. rm... huh Platoon met an, the Sterling l‘lxeculhwflUIdHS Lyle Gl‘nllL‘\En\.\;l\ B Guingrr. M mugex-Csdet Cm Captain â€" Ul‘lc-i Bl'uvloy. 00 -'.hâ€"'C,u!el. Lion “(ill the mulhers the Cub Hackey Tk touch with the 0. The Cub Platoon met at, me Sterling Bank un Tuesday evening and organized their 1922â€"23 Hockey Team, with the following officers: Pres.â€"â€"C.ndei. Cm p1. Pew Savage. lstv. VidC-Pl Sims. 2nd. Viceâ€"P Stirling. V DI'I \v “‘3 . 00 -'.h-'C,u!el, Licut. Ber Grant. “(ill the mulhet-s of the Cadets of the Cub Huckey Temu kindly getin touch with [be 0. C. re the Gl'k‘ll coats which it, is uecrssary to have 1e- fitted, as in outside games challrngvd. the Cub (.‘udets whl wear the all-lens.- regimeutah. nmv onlmul from lhc House of rwldng. vwromx SQL‘ Sad and Sudden Dea‘h NEWTON BROOK I|géx-nget Cox-pl. All nin â€"~ CI’It-i Gm pl. York Ranger Cadet: 14. 19 ‘ an“... 3 last SundaY. 3"" good hea'th. 0n was reading to him How said "Daddy" '1 rts “Curly” Lynelt. h Bxlty and “Fatty” p]: Pew Swuge Cadet Uni-pl. L4 ARE School An- Christmas the church 17. The includp an n, In the 3.. will give Corpl. David m Duncan Donald Loui- The 'Workingman’s Friend First-class Boot and Shoe Repairer of all kinds of Boots and New Shop on Lorne Ave. 2Doors South of Bakery on Yonge St. _ [Single copies, Boot and Shoe Repairer Cmnlniss'mner, Conveymxcor, Eu Insurance and Real Estate Demon, Macdonald 6: Benton Shoes Satisfaction guaranteed Barristers. Snlictors. 8m. MANNING ARCADE. '24 KING ST. WEST. TORONTO, CANADA. TELEPHONE MAIN 311 Cable Address: “Dedu” Arthur A. Mucdonaid Frank Danton Laura. Danton, B. A. “The RfialfeShoe Repair Store” But don't profess to be an Economist unless you do South side Mr. Baldock's new garage Z. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired. Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. RICHMOND HILL Residcnce midr- as Victoria Sqmu u YOU DON’T HAVE GEO. KIDD Directly Behind Drug Store 304$ . WADE - U. u .â€" ‘. LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OP YO“ I’ulrnunce and influenc rr-spvclfnlly snliviL- II 1: r- , .l, take your repairs to flITARY PUBLIC CONVEYANOING _ 185mm 01?. MARRIAGE LICENSES . J. HUME CKS mlx'y. dd

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