Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Dec 1922, p. 3

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A startling fact is just being‘ brought to light. There are thousands of one-eyed people in the Province of ‘ Ontario. Moreoverrâ€"and this makes the matter will the more seriousflthe‘ number of obese oneâ€"eyed people is continually being added to. Everyone knows that crossâ€"eye or squint is com~ mon among children, a condition that can easily be put righfi; with the proper glasses or by operation. What the public does not know unfortunate- ly, is that the vast majority of these children with squint have defective vision and that many, far boo many, are blind in one eye. When I say blind, I mean what doctors call Am- blyopic. All of these children can see FARMERS' BOOKLETS Any 0! the tollow‘lng may be bed has an application to the Alfalfa growlng ln Eastern Canada. Crop thatlon for Central and Eastern ties. The All-Year Hog Cabin. The Feeding of Sheep. Keeping Dairy Herd Records. Why and How to Use Milk. Why and How to Use Cottage Cheese. Winter Egg Production. Paultry Keeping in Town and Country. The Farmer's Poultry House. Simple Methods for the Storage of ice. Dehorn Your Commercial Cattle. Dressing and Cutting Lamb Carcasses. Bovine Tuberculosis. ‘ Feeds for Wlnterlng and Winter Fat- tenlng of Beef Cattle In Eastern Canada. New varletlee and Selections of Grain. The Root Vegetables Act, 1922. Illustration Community Work in Dun- Chnadu. Potato, The, lta Cumvatlon and Varie- das County, Ontario. The Wlnter Finishing of Steers in Western Quebec. Report of the Division of Horticulture, Dominion Experimental Farms, 1921.‘ Report of the Poultry Division, Domin- .An. Eiberlmental Farms. 1921. List of 300 Availabte Publications. Post Office Publications Branch Department of Agriculture Ottawa, Canada. Provincial Board of Health. Ontario 0'. Middlem will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat- w‘s through this coaumn. Address him at Spaaina House, Spad‘ma lame . ThTobacco o Quali gr Q rm HEALTH EDUCATEGN Bulk Cadets TORQNTO SALT WORKS c. J. CLlFF - TORONTO Meant. Tomato. COARSâ€"E SALT L A N D SALT a nd in packagag (No postage required) Pravlnce BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON FREE light from darkness and many can even count one’s fingers held up in front of them when their sound eye is closed. The dimness of sight in these people is permanent and the db- struction cannot be removed. It is too late to make them see clearly. How did these people become oneâ€"eyed, you may ask? It very probably happened this way: We any one of these un- fortunate people as an example, and go back to his or her childhood days. Just about the time the youngster was able to leave its mother’s apron strings and boddle about alone, a ‘squint, i.e., a crossâ€"eye developed, but lgassed unnoticed. No diocbcur or nurse ‘ ad examined the child, and the par- ,ents were not aware that anything serious was wrong. Perhaps the cross-eye was noticed, but defective vision never suspected, so that no- thing was done, it being thought that v the patents may have been ill-advised and taken the child to one who fitted lgllasses, of to a qualified medi- ical pmtitionelr. In this case perman- ent injury may have resulted from failure to coa'rectly treat the defective eye. It may even have been given proper glasses, but the blindness of the eye was neglecbed. It is recogniz- ed by authorities in all countries that the eyes of young childu'en cannot, lwith any certainty, be correctly tested :fdr glasses Without the use of drugs which a licensed medical practitioner alone may use. If the defective eyeâ€" ‘sight remains unnoticed for a time, (the strain put upon the eyes when the lchild commences its school studies ‘will Show that something is wrong, iiihe child would “grow out of it,” or iand the worried father or mother may: realize after a time that the child‘ should he examined. But there is Levery likelihood that it may be too lllate to effect a cure. Defective vision ' from this cause should be treated beâ€" ‘fore the age of five, and if the defect An..n...»amy-¢mn-r1 is not reciified by Isix years of age, there is practically no hope of per- manent improvement being brought about. Apart from the personal affliction‘ of poor vision, one can easily realize that an individual with a defective eye may ‘be both a. loss to the State, and a menace to the community. l How can the parents of children! with defective vision be warned of i the danger of permanent injury? Plaiuly some means should be avail-! able for examination of the children at an early age, and the most effective l agency would appear to be the com-; munity nurse, who not only gives ad-l Nice at clinics and mobhierr’s meetings, ’but actually visits the home and ex- amines the children, pointing out gross eye defects and other physical 'defects that should be rectified. In this way the parent is warned of the danger of delay, and urged to get in Eboucli with a qualified medical practi- ‘Xtioner ‘at the earliest possible moment. 1 A Public Health Nurse is one of the greatest assets any community can Zpossess. In business. in pleasure, in levervdaey life. physical fitness and but. actually amines the ma e52 6. everyday good he: N ais way the parent ‘ anger of delay, and auch with a quélifie: ioner ‘at the earliest A Public Health N1 meatest assets any rd's Llnlment for Garge: In Cow: whom s medans a forces to c tics of the Who faces a huge task in where, according to Bishop of Jerusalem, now in Canad medans and Christians 2 mes any I To guard the baby against colds nothing can equal Baby’s Own Tab- lets. The Tablets are a mild laxative that will keep the lltfie oue’s stomach and bovvels working regularly. It is a recagm‘zed fact that where the atom- ach and bowels are in good order that colds will not exist; that the health of the little one will be good and that he will thrive and be happy. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a buy from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. The spectacle of a man snatching a cake from the hands of a child and de- vouring it was reported by a. police- man in the Hounslow district, adding that 110 arrest was made. stays a Lon- don despatch. He said a woman left the child to may Outside a baker‘s shop, purchased a cake and gave it to the child and then returned to the shop. Standing new by was a ragged man, shivering, who sudd‘enfly seized the cake and ate it ravenously While he ‘looked priteously at the child. Then ‘he moved away, holding his face in his hands. The policeman was not cen- sured for looking the ether way. act, th Jreserv GUARD TE: He obeyed. A little boy hm returned home after having been out to dinner. Said his mother: “I trust that when it came to the extm helpings you had m-aamens enough to say ‘No'?" “Yes, um; I said ‘No’ several times" “You did ?” exclaimed this mother, steepblvcally. . . .. ,-u: V'V‘QES; Stout kept asking I had had enough!" Claims many Victims should be guard av.-. ‘- -- .â€" is a. great preventative, being one of the oldest remedies used. Minard‘s Lindmeut has relieved thousands of cases of Grippe, Bronchitis, Sore Throat. Asthma and kindred diseases. It is ah enemy to germs. Thousands of bottles-being used every day. For sale by all druggists and general dealers. Minard's Liniment 0b., Ltd., Var. Starving Lofidone: Steals Cake from Child. Mi'ifiXxib’E ' UMMENT e right course to follow ir ation of health and phy Her work is not confine rtlcular age, but to every Face lnfiamed and Di§fi - ured. Lost Rest at ng t. -â€"â€".â€"â€" "My face broke out with hard, red pimples which {estered and scaled over. They were in blotches and itchcd and ' bumod so badly that I - bad to Scratch them, and my face was inflamed and disfigured. I lost 4 rest at nigh! on accoth of the irritation. “I saw an advertisement for M- cura Soap and Oimment and sent (m' a free smple. which relievedan {or a free I bought cakes of cakesbd Cuticum Soap and two boxes of Ointment I was healed, in about three weeks.” (Signed) Miss juiieue Ortiz, Box 1018, San Diego, Calif., Feb. 7. 1921. nguikhmwm Amw‘n ,mn- ad. 3“ II. P“! B}, w..uonnod." \d evafy- when. 30-95:. Olnmntfindm Wmm. "Guiana Sup shnveg with”! max: .â€" Sir Herbert Samuel and mouth, N54 Usé Cuticura for untouct purposes- Zionists D 3AM AEAENST COLDS other Lung Diseases iésue No‘ 60â€"‘22 m0! lctims in Canada and guarded against. find after using ‘h-han‘d ed Palesflne, Machnnes. joinu 1 to age. A WOMAN’S RES}? Ti) 6%?) WA! It Can be Hers if She Keeps Her Blood in Good Condition. To every woman belc enjoy a. healthy active out of ten suffer, often splitting headaches, ‘ aches or some other 0 that follow anaemia ox That is why one sces so many Wu- men with pale. thin cheeks, dull ayes and drooping figure-â€"ali signs that the blood is out of order. These women should win the right t‘ be well by re- freshing their bodies with the new, rich blood of health that so promptly transforms them into healthy, attrac- tive women. Hon. My appetite v in weight, and could my housework. Noth to do me any good u Wised me to try I Pills. I had only ta‘. the pills when I hog: and I continued usln taken ten boxes. wh ever I did, and had weight. My husb: have also used the suns, and I would : is rundown to give 1 You can get thesc dealer in medicine paid at 50 cents a b 32.50 from The Dr. ‘ 00., Brockville, Ont There is ply this fit so surety : Through 1 tired, su1 nev Jane. P Paper fro’in Peat. English} experimentems have demon- strated the possibility of making news- print and other papers fnom peat mixed with wood pulp [or the finer grades. A warning. Mr. Meant-To has a comrade, Anvd Ms name is Didn't Do; Have you ever chanced to meet them? Did they ever call on you? These two fellows live together In the house of Never-Win, And I’m told that it is haunted By the ghost of Might-HaveBeen. MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars_costs three cents. _, _ , 253 Bloor St. West. Ngat Avenue Road Largest permanent exhibition in Canada. Archaeology, Geology. Mineralogy. Pal- aeontology, ZooXogy. Open daily_ 10 a.m. to 5 pm. Sunday, 2 to 5 p.m. Blooz'. Ben Line. Dupont and Avenue Rd. cars. When in Toronto visit the flyél Qfxtarig 7 Museum America’s Pioneer Dog Remedial Book on S THE RELIEF from head- ache or neuralgic pains wonh one cent to you? That's all it costs for an application of “Vasfline” Mcntholnted jelly. With the first indication of a headache rub a small amount of it gently on the forehead and temees. So convenient, efl'ec- five and economkall CHESEBROUGH MA NUF‘ACTURI NG COMPANY Mow_ Wfiflwe M‘ENTHQLMEQ uft‘ 1th For Nervous Headaches 5 no other medicine ch, red blood so Spe work. Noth any good u‘ to try I lad only t3! when I beg: ;, ont., says:â€"â€""A few ye in a badly run down co med BfifiOEEUM'JEuY te was poor, I fell off ould with difficulty do \Icthing I took seemed 3d until a neighbtr ad- y Dr. Williams’ Pink V takm a few boxes of began to feel stronger using them until I had when I felt as well as had re usband W band and children : pills with goed re- advise anyone who them a fair trial." pins through any e or by mail post- box or six boxes for , Williams’ Medicine an in silence. from ' torturing back- of me many evils ox' bloodlessness. men exam! ine Ave HF. MW HEAL i E gained my lost we can sup- peedily anl Pink Pius. Lousands of have found .le. Mrs, F. A few years Spchn’s_5fiistémper.figmgeggd 513633 3:171:1an OOHPANY Montreal a right to Yet nine Jghs W0 “Yi o‘fita’rid luLTlIVG HF ALL I\l.\y'.‘ )LvV 03 mm]. pulleys. flaws cable. hone. rh', shipped subject to approval at low- est {gripes In Canada. York 39m" 00-: 33% Work EL. Torontm Broken mass. 'The safest way to gather up broken glass is to wipe it up with a wet wool- en rag, which should then be wrapped in paper and thrown away. Saved. Ha‘nd Labor. Operated by compressed air, a ma.- chine baa been invented to rub down the paint on automobile bodies and save much hand labor. Mlnard's Llnlment for Distemper. fiELTlfii‘e F 1103528 QDUGXING? USE C'uaifiwi Advovfisemenb “VHOICE SILVER BLACK FOXES. .J pqps. adults. Reid 141-05.. Bothwell. nun '1‘ « MAn-mu. hqu'K BLDG r Yonxe Street. Toronto. Register ch Attorneys. send for free booklot The horse has no eyebrows FARMER’S WIFE REGAINS HEALTH Gives Credit to Lydia Pinkham’s Vegetable )HD \ ucyuu»u., .. _V_,VV Such; symptoms as 1321111531216 irreg- ularities; Jill-gone feelgngs, backache, headache, hot flashes, nervéusnesa, with a general ruf-dowxrcondltlon, indicate some form of’fema‘le trouble. The Vegetable Compound has brought relief -to ,thqusayds of women ' éufferin'g from such aflments. Let in help. you. _ .‘ Women make a sen: allowing themselves weak and nervous that meossible for them to necessary household '.d Pullmws via. Grand Canyon Park. also to Southern Arizona. Fred Harvey meals “all the way." May I send you our picture Folders? “EEO Winter Bldg r. 1. Hanan. Gen. Agent Hutu. re Runway 404 Free Pres! mam. Detroit. II Phono: Main 6847 teachers. of succe an Corr PATENT ATTORNEYS. KNITTING AT HOME. daily trains via the Santa Fe‘ EQUIRE PARTIES To KNIT us m home. either with map "by hand"; ere for informs. pnsfage. The Canadian Whole- Cm. Dept. A. Ormia Ont. Grand Canyon Line \VOOD. BLAH “700D, CAR Reid Bros.) Bothweu, Ontario MA TBIC this winfer )HN’S FOR SALE MA Stu PD'KES pondenu nto, Ont iompound ULATIO H" .7 CLASS NOW ms accemed for a.“ incutes; twemy-flvo end for Catalozue. dance College. 507 Out“ I'vpt. W. GUI-BEEN, INDIANA Sm attend to their Ml 1th Th1”? read“ heir rev

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