Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Dec 1922, p. 5

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Mr. G. Mnndic- who oxhibiu-nl n I'anPl'Pl and 3 pullpts “Silver Pa-m'il- led Wynndottefi,” at the Ruynl “’inler Fair. was successful in seeming at 2nd and 3rd xihlmn. Mr. um] Mrs. 5' n, of Sedley. unmd the wintvr A (lhl-islmm l0 hvld ul, U.u-~ \Vvdnusduy, De Mrs. Wm. Kim! has Rnld her 170 acre {u m at Elgin Mill“. The purchaser is Mr. R. \V. E. Burnaby. For farm purposes, this is one of the best farms nu Yunge Street. COMING. EYE SPECIALIST, Dr. F. E. Luke. 167 Yungv SI.. annnto. omnmetrist nnd uplivicnn at j H. Slonn's Drug Store Richmond Hill, ‘Fridny nftcrnnnn, Dec. 15. Glnscnc if -r9quin-d at right prices. Hours 2.15 n. m. to 8 p. m. Please note change of duke in school childrens' entertainment from Friday Ln Wednesday afternmm. 0f m-xt wvek, mvnimz tn MW and death of Vailos Nicholls. will meet Monday vvoning, Dvcmnhor 18. There will be :1 good Christmns programme, including an illustrnled address “The fourth \Vise Man." and n good musical programme. Mr. R. W. E. Burnahy hasrolirod fI-mn lhu Presidencv of the Unith Fm-nners’ Co-npemtive Umnpnny.and has announced his imt-ntiun to with- draw from the leadership of the U. F. 0. He was elvctred Plesident of (.hP Association in 1919. was Presidentnf the Canadian Cuuncil (If Agriculture in 1920-2l, "I‘d for seven years has been active in the affairs of the (Du-operative company. At the annual mopting of the Ruse Hucieby of Ontario, held at Hu- Murgnreb Eaton Hull. Tum:di night. Messrs john H. Dnnlnp & Sun were presents-d with the silver Chtll‘dllgf‘ Cup Wnn at the lecvnt anal Winter Fnir {01- their Rose exhihir. This Trophy Inn to he won three times to become]: the pruperty of the exhibitor. A committee meeting re Field Day wus held in the Village Clerk’s :nl'lice, Thursday evening. Present: J. A. Greene. 1). llill. A. J. Hume. J. Lunuu, T. H. Trench, l. H. McNflr, N. liulty, .l. Monkman and J. Herrinqton. Mr. Lou. Teetzel and Mr. Reg. Cooper were appointed poll Clerks fun the Yule re Memorial in he taken on the lst nf Junu-u'y. Thuse qualified to vote will he those men and women qualified (a vote in Richmnnd Hill at Municipal and vaim-i-l electinns-nnt as xe- pm-ted in The Liberal luau week. I lnve been asked by a numlmr of penle in Richmond Hill in l‘fg‘nl'ds to farming a night class. in mder lhut assistance may he given those who Would like to try Athe Entrance exnmilmtiun and who have not the privileqt1 («f attending day school. \Vuuld anymw inryerosted please com- municuc in \vriLing or in person to me. The Richmond Hill Epwort_h League Ros: T. Burnett. the 7 year old sun of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burnett. died at ‘he home of his parents in Uninnville Wedm-sduy of lam; week. Interment took place in the Richmond Hill Cemetery. Fnidny. The litt'r‘ fellow was ill only a 5110:: time. dvutli resulting from peritonitis. The funeral o'ae'rvice was cnnducted by Rev. Frank Rae. of Uninnville. The family for- merly resided at Elgin Mills. The Home and School Club decided st their last meeting lo try and misc a fund tn supply children who stay at noon with a hot drink. The tPKChPIS have kindly nffvred tn supervise the serving of thin. The uhnol board have been usde to supply the Itnve. Contrihuiinus tn the Hot, Drink fund will be gratefully received on Wednes- day. Dec. 20. at the school or [W the treasurer, Kn. Jackson, at any time. Re Entrance Examination To Sleep to-night use RAL- MAH to-day [or Anthml- AZ-MAH no brought poacelul nights nnd restlu| sleep to thousands who Iormerly sullerod the ngonles olAnthnn. AZ-MAII contnlns no nnrcottco or other hnhlt-Iorrnlng drugs. It It door not give rellot we gunrnntee your drugglst will return your money. 5|.00 n Box. “Inst swnllow two cnpsulcs." I'm Trlnl tron Tonplcton Cm. Toronto. Sold It Sloan’s Drug Stores : 'l‘rw and concm-L will vill» Mclhndist Chmch, ecvmher :10. Hot Drinks Unionville Viotm Pugsley and Bush. are down to will) Ielntivos here. rincibal Public School R. WATSON. Friday evening. DL-cmnht-r 22. a public mwling fur the Illumination of Reeve». tnur Councillors and three Public School Trustees will he held in the Masonic Hall. mmunencing "L 7‘300'clock. Thereure rumors uf an election. but. the 22nd will tell. All good ciLizens should undeavur to attend the nomination mevling. ,. A plate will he placed near the door, and uny cunn-ihu inn hnwever large or small will he gladly reuvhed. 'lhis collection is in aid of [he fund for llle hot drink to he served L) the childu'n wlm at _v furl nch. The teachels and pupils of Maple Pnhli: Schonl invite thp public tn thir unnu cl Chl-ishlms Trev and Gill?!- tninment tn he held in Uummunity Hull, \Vvdnesday (Welling, the 2ULh 0f Deremher. The programme will con- sist (If addresses. choruses. recitalinns, dialogue-s mnnulvgues. etc. Admissivn 35 and 20 cents. - Mr. Burch, uf Scar-1mm. had an exchange of pnlplLs on Sunday with Rev. S R. Robinson. The Bazaar in cnnm’ctvinu with St, Stephen's Church. hold in [he (mm- mnnity Hall, was WP” :uttvnivd and quite a neat; 511m was le'lliZ-‘d frum the diifvrent lmnthe, m'l‘he Agriculth mu] Dunwstic Science Glasses lwlr] an "At Hnme" iu the Community Hall last. wepk. A Vdarfirce wuslhvld in the Town II last Friday night under the nu<plces tho King City I’qotfiall £99111. vr‘Alilwth‘é Hun-res in the village nro heâ€" ginning Lu present, a foslive appear- ance and are well stocked whh Xums gonds \anlm- S‘ J Re“. Phnne Hill. 5018 Barristers Soiicitor Notaries Telephone Main 2777 Monarch Bldg. 26-28 Ade) Offices {aide St” \Vest,Tm'ontn. Naughtcn Bluck, Aurora Snlic1t0r for z The Town of Aurora The Township of King The Township of \Vhitchuroh The Imperial Bank of Canada, Aurora J. M. Walton. & 00. Aurora ELGIN HOTEL VEiéiN M11115 \Yonge St. Richmoad Hill. LightLunches Ice Cream { phone 110 w_ Soft Drinks Cigarsl Cigarettes Refreshmennts E h ' Stabling Accommodation ver t ' at Reasonable Rates ‘ 7 y_ A Hg“ ‘ If] ELOC UTION Miss Marguerite Boyle Artisr, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram- atic and Humourous Sketches, Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate of Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornhill, Ont 30tf Cunudian Tenor and Chnir Leader Sniniflu Nolth Purkdule Methodist Church, is prepared to leceive pupils in Richmond Hill on Mondays. Studio, Mrs. N. Batty's. Arnold St. Particulars can be ubtaincd by calling. Phone 22 Ring 11. :29-tf Be a Secretary Phone 44 r 23 Stop 51 Yonge St. NAUGHTGN & JENKENS . Bridges, Prop° to I lap-inc" executive. An ided po-ition for 5 young womnn. The Shut Samaria! Course cover: every needed oubjectâ€"Shorthnnd. Type- writinx. Bookkeeping, Law. Bank- ing. eI.â€"Penonnl inltruction. Write {or Pro-pedu- to 5 l'. ldN‘I'OBE, Chhf md’ll- Nomination School Concert Jenkins 30 Your: of Prawn Succu- Wm. C. Ruttan IlAl‘Lb‘ Rus Ros BflSlfiSSSGfiOlS TORONTO L”). ,rry Nnnghlon Elgin Mil!s Phone 44.4 I“ CHINA China at Stein's Salad Bowls, Jardiniers, Berry sets ful articles. Cake Plates, Saucers. All at reasonable prices See our window. We have been appointed agents for Bruce’s I,Ld., high class Chocolates and candies. Watch our week end specials alge asaortment 0f(7hina ("ups and Home Made Scotch Shortbread ENROLL ANY TIME IndiVlduul Instlmztinn. Night School Mondays~ and l‘lmrsdaya. NL‘WIHdIkl't. Bank of Turmltu BIHCL‘. AN ) CONFECTIONERY Home-made Bread, Cakes, Pastry, Doughnuts, Cream Puffs, Charlotte Russe, Pork Pies, Marguerites, and Fruit Pies of all kinds. Order Your Christmas Cakes -:‘ Early. -:- Save money All kinds of ornamental and use Yonge and Centre Streets Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Posts, Sash, F mmes, "Doors Mouldi;1gs,Etc., Gypsum Wall Board and More Board, and Ready Roofing always in stock. Shavmgs glvcn to customers free of charge Book your orders now fur L INNES 82 SON COMMISSIONER, CONVEYANCER, ETC, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE J. 8: M. Stein AND LUMBER YARD RICHMOND ST. RICHMON D HILL DAY PHONE 13-3 NIGHTS AND HOLIDAYS 75. NEWMARKET BUSINESS COLLEGE MRS. G. E. REAMAN SOPRANO TEACHER 0F SINGING RICHMOND HILL, TELEPHONE 102 J Elem Bfikew FALL TERM OPEN C. Winterton ‘. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC PLANING MILL Thornhill. Just to memion a few p00 ' n l‘l'a‘. ll‘b‘ for purchasing your CON FECTION S our -l\ 00.- (RICHMOND HILL’S NEW STORE n-v>.o-n-u-0.o-n-u-u-n- Everybody has been waiting for the opening of our new store into which we moved yesterday, and though incompleted, we shall use temporary fittings, and display a various assortment of merchandise suitable for Christmas and New Year presents. You are cordially invited, when we feel confident you will take advantage of the ex- ceptionally low prices at which these goods, late in showing, will be offered. TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Richmond Hill Branch, J. R. Herrington, Manager More Cattle -:- Fashions, E923 -:- IFIE.ԤE in style, boLh 01 I also have the agency furs. in will pay you MEN’S DEPARTMENT ans PROGRESS i? Richmond 6 Hill. g 1' ,,___A_ _--‘.-"â€"- 0U can have running water in the house, in the barnâ€" wherever you want itâ€"with a. Toronto Pumping Engine. IThink of the labor savedâ€"the conveniences obtained. Toronto Engines with direct connected Jack are geared to the pump. Specially designed for pumping service. Smoothâ€"running and almost noiseless. Easily adjusted to any height of pump. Operate economically on gasoline. 1nd New York . FORTNER IF your progressive ideas for cattle raising are beycnd the financial resources at your command, talk the matter over with the local Manager of this Bank. PWfiNGTNGINEs 1322- â€"I can assure anv lady that I can give her the very le, buLh of suits and cloaks an Reasonable Price. he agency for the Norbhway Garmean and Brereton Moore ll pay you to get your suits. cloaks and furs through me. Give you running water STANDARD BAN K Clsaning and Pressing neatly Done. M R S. W M DAVIES Richmond Hill. STANDA RD KER VICE aid; Prvdum’u l’rognu Suits 1mm $18 up, overcoans‘from $20 [(JUC h for several weeks with the latc_sc fashions from â€"â€"having assisted the T. Eaton Co. with their OF CANADA THE .adies and Gents ‘31101, Richmond Hill.

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