Filling the Christmas Stocking _..___________.__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"J For little children everywhere A joyous season still we make; We bring our precious gifts to them, Even for the dear child Jesus’ sake. â€"â€"Phoebe Cary. Where there are children the Christmas stocking should never be forgotten. Nothing can take the place of it, for nothing else arouses quite so much speculation and pleasurable anticipation as what Santa Claus \Vlll put into that homely article. The general distribution of gifts may W: 1 take place after breakfast is cut of the way; but no child can be expected to wait very long for the “feel†of something old Santa has left. If all his gifts are given imme- COMMITTEE W. H. ALDERSON Chairman) Toronto Board of rude A. ). YOUNG. North Bay. Ontario Government GEO. CI. COPPLEY. Hamilton and OHN ELLlOT. Brillevillc. ) Oniorio Associated Boards of Trade and Chambers of Commerce GEO. BRIGDEN. Toronto Canadian Manufactureu' Assoc. GEO. S. MATTHEWS. Brantford. Western Ontario Associated HE indomitable folk of Northern Ontario deserve your practical sympathy. T Pivmember, eighteen hundred families have been burned out-and must start all over again. These wonderfully rich farms, mines and aggressive young towns will re-build and come back to their ownâ€"but it takes time. And in the meanwhile they must live, they must have temporary shelter and there's nobody to give It to them if we don't. Suggestions for contributions from Clubs, Factories, Organizations, etc. diately on waking, excitement will run Boards of Trade l. $500.00 will provide a Shelter Shack fora Family and Rough Stable for Cattle.“ high, and dressing_and breakfast Will MR5. M. sgggkfmmgsmyflf 2. $350.00 w," provide a shelter Shack for Family. be gone through With great difï¬culW~ R13 Quill). Asso'cialc “Burger 3. $200.00 will provide Food and Su lies for a Famil to Ma lst. l923. . . f . . . _ . pp y y “3' ad “2‘â€thth liiléitld b2. g. 3;?ng “HI! provide aswagoï¬ for semen ). can y an nu s w ' . K W. MCKAy_ 5,. mm... . . wi provi e a at o arness (double . 1.91;; has "mulling; mea'ldgsasegiiaagï¬ omflylggglgblmmm“ 6. $50.00 will provide a Set of Bobs or Sleigh for a Farmer. W 0:211“: 83;: pp V 1‘ Aiged'Faeri-a cl Ontario ' 7. $25.00 will provide a Sewmg Machine fora Home. Sm pp '. _. V _ MRS. H. P. PLUMETRE.T°rom° 8. $20.00 will provide Kitchen Furniture for a Family. As a means of avordmg these con 0mm Dmmn . . , . , ' ' , ' ' , v Canadian Red Cross Society 9. $l 5.00 wrll prowde Cooking Utensrls for a Family. dutions the Christmas stocking semes I i ‘ a godd pumosa Carefully ï¬lled, it 3119.5,Awtlrhï¬â€™JHQEtEkahI-m l0. $9.00 will feed. a Family fora week. . will satisfy the child’s longing for l l. $5.00 Will prowde Needles. Thread. Buttons, Scissors or Yarn and “Christmas the ï¬rst thing in the Knitting Needles. etc. to help outfit a Home and Family. morning," will give him a taste of l2. $l.00 Will feed and supply a child for a week. Wishnas goodies without destroying his appetite for breakfast, and will leave sufficient expectancy concerning the other things coming so that he will readily submit to being properly bathed and dressed. An orange for the toe of the stock- ing, some especially-desired toy which will prove of untold interest, some article of dress in which he can “par- aide aroun v,†a handful of popcorn, a small box of animal crackers and a stick or cane of pure sugar candy should make a stacking sufï¬ciently bulging to please any child. All the food it contains can be consumed with- out continual warnings of “Don’t eat too much now,†or “Better save the rest until after breakfast.†The toy ‘ and the one other gift will hold the l child’s interest until every one is as- ! sembled for the big distribution, which need not be hurried. W. The Light Divine. How gracious and how fair a sight, When on that ï¬rst glad Christmas " night, " The lovely little Jesus lay Upon His bed of fragrant hay, Within a stable stall. The light divine about His head, And all around His manger bed The soft~eyed cattle, and arrest His mother Mary, quick to hear Quid mind His slightest c5111! ‘~‘ ’ Make Christmas come back again Picture a Christmas in a nearly bare shack in a burned out town in a Northern winter. Hundreds of children up there, remember. Make a money contribution now and show your northern fellow citizens that the Christmas spirit lives and has a ’63] meaning in Ontario. All they ask is here necessitiesâ€"ï¬lmy deserve at least that much. ‘ 7.. . J .. Now it is up to youâ€"every public spirited Citizen and charitable organization. Spare one dollar, ï¬ve dollars, one hundred dollars or whatever you can. Spare something from your Christmas cheer. Make Christmas up there a little less than a grim tragedy. Remember, not cemforts, but bare necessities in the grip of a northern winter, is all that they ask. Send today? Make cheques payable to-- ‘ ’"' ,\‘ The Northern Ontario Fire Relief Committee Royal Bank Building, Toronto. H-u/ 0 might we be as quick to hear And to respond to that Voice clear As Mary was that shilly night When shone the star of peace so . bright, To point the shepherds’ way! The light that shone about His headâ€" The light divinekmigiht we be led By some such radiance to see state, with ten prancing horses, came A True rattling up to the door. “We’ll drive ourselves, thank you," I lfnow a Yery. 90°" Woman Who 11;†said the prince, and while every one, nonhlng 1'0 Ewe “1 the W3? 0f material lstared with wide eyes, Jan and he'lï¬â€˜esentsi bl"; Who does mOTe g'OOd Iran up to the prince’s apartment. ,according to her means than any 0;! Down they came, with arms full of; 915.9 1 know of. . , She makes a pro rich robes, and games, and books, and ; of going about among p001- people be. 0 Christmas With the Prince A week before Christmas and not Just then a The path our feet mien-ineg In faith should walk 'toâ€"dayl â€"Louel1a C. Poole. -â€"--â€"-â€"o page from the kingitoys of every sort you have ever im- a thing had been done about it!- N0, came 't‘imiduly into the hall and askedlagined. Then up and down ten times sir, not one thing! All the scribes the prince if his list was ready, as the more, till not a single thing but the and wise men of the court had beenvking and queen could not wait anyibeds and chairs remained, ran the two. poring over catalogues for months, longer. and the prime minister had visited They piled 1t helterâ€"skelte‘r into the fore Christmas, trying to cheer up and comfort the cripples, the unfor- ftuniate, the sick and discouraged, all Ethose who are in trouble. She gives 'such a wealth of love, of sympathy, . " “NO!†, red the rim , with suchcoach, and with a. wild whoop drove, . The Christmas Road. every shop in the kingdom, but here a threateï¬iï¬g gestufe mg, the poor‘ofl’ toward the village. was there of encouragement, of sunshine, of Whenever snowflakes float and faJ], it was. as I say, .th‘e W991i before little page fell over backward. Thump-‘el'el' SIR-“h 3_g8.V 1'10‘3? T0 ï¬ght and good cheer. that they feel richer after \ I do not think of city She“, Christmas and nothing done. mg (m the table, the prince wiiedElerft the prince tossed his treasures She has Visited them than many do], Where purity immaculate Instead of jol'lity and cheer the loudly for the. scribes and wise nien,:an19â€g the ï¬héfrinstgea-ienï¬ ï¬lmy“; 1ar5’ worth of material gifts woule Becomes the prey of trampling feet. whole kingdom was plunged in gloom.lwho Were busfly at work in the next gggeselk "1 e 1?: ~= twins have made them Mere things are Ah, then, I feel an impulse steal ’ And an becauseâ€"we.l' im sure wuimom‘ 1 b 1 . 11 d f cold and unsvmpathetic in comparison ' - ' ~ Wm laugh at the lamb-the Wungl “Write this listâ€"and at once!" he Tlen ac “63.?†op? or a .5?“ . m n * .‘ V . alonfhnthghlgsewrt strings to my soul. IPn-nce of Pumperdink could not ï¬nd ordered. “And see that there is no_ ond‘yload and a timid. meld, maul-03:1 “ï¬rth \.h.,t this poor woman gives y u. ' mm weatward With the a single thing he wanted for Christ thing on it that I have already!" stables weie VlSlted and a t (a? t em. _ mas. There he sat at a golden table The old rse men seized the list princes rift lpecanes'hï¬kriotte out an MY hear-t lamps up to roam again and there before him hiya long, white with trembling hands and retired in g“ en to t'_eWit re I: 1 gen. lad ' VA country road,â€"a Christmas road,â€" scnoll, headed thusrlyâ€" _ gu-eat confusion My, how un_ChTist-ih f‘m' ohm; t e.plmï¬e ‘le‘vill' is always something to give, for Where ’round the turn I’m home _â€Chm=5'tmas L15? of H15 M0543 Royal massy everything Was. One would; a sow-mu “Wim ltï¬isais awremyu‘u. “love never faileth." But where love . again! Highness,_the Prince of Pumperdlnk. think that this prince was a terrible! ï¬gmmj,» be $218de as [nagging is not, where the Christ spirit is ab- - A c‘mmmfl Stream °f coumm Chap' But’ maul†at Other times “Lian trot‘bed' the tired horses back The sent. there is poverty. indeed- Gog 373:1? tlhe open for 1:135 art, ul‘rougllt‘the eadh (iii: oï¬e mum be mow conSiderate and'oheers of the village still sounded in â€"-â€"â€"-o' n r along my coun y road W, 3,5ugg‘es.10ni 11 3 630 c arming. i ‘ - ‘ ’ ' He shows a..white magniï¬cence Plume “ml-dd Slg'h deeply and wake Jan sighed and looked out the win-{tlflelgo esrz’ngndhgge “3,23; glitiiciï¬gs of mums frieze in Grecian mode, his head. dOW, where a lot of peasant’s childrenï¬}, gt “ g . t th ‘ th h Ah does He know I want to go ’ “Have that already. Have dozens were rowing in the Show it;6 8'1 ï¬gastné’ gleatï¬r fan 5:. jap' of the forest. It can be made a ’ . - , - Of those; NOâ€"noâ€"NO!" _ “Would your Highness care to skategpmess 18 f0 e on ‘9 ace 0 an source of revenue and also a means Away from all this pushing crowd, And out the courtieps would t, toe h- 9,, h , and the pimce. . . Where mother,s h. ht .s 1 d]. . _ K '_ it). y t is afternoon. e asked. . “Christmas is giving†chuckled the of improvmg a stand of young trees. _ g' 1 €3.1n8‘ me. for the prince “as gioumo so crossI “or we m, ht 0 see the Christmas , , ’ . - , - ' i - - ° . g .g _ . “And l\OW Prince Pau er The Tl‘ght “ay 15 '00 go through the Is idm me to to . v . . n Jester , p . gu g am again that not infrequently he flung the players in the Village, he suggested! an M -. . h 1 d] d d -k t}, t ‘ A qmet roachâ€"3. Christmas mad,â€" golden ornaments on his desk after brightly. “‘haFa.Ch“=‘{1"“° £1†f.†s “(11 “Hm woo. an an mm emos Vlgomus Where ,mund the turn I’m home we offending lords and ladies. ShOCk‘ But the prince only shook his head,togeth91, 50 t at t e king an queen saplings to be kept for a mature mg. I admit. but. nevertheless, true! and stared glumly into the ï¬re. No one is so poor that he cannot give something. Where love is there The demand for Christmas trees need not interfere with the welfare again? . ‘ho e to solve a uestion that even: , - - . L 1 In spite of his rime and snow. “But your Highness has alreadyllthel) wise men gag, up as hopelessyighe ir’nfï¬l 0; Pg’mpegd’m“ AM For then I well remember everything that heart can desire!â€lHe drummed on the pane absently,l (me e m' " on you' Comes the cheer of the mgle glow, mildly obsefled Jan, the Court JeSter-land continued to watch the ' .. - . . merry] The gleam of holly ember But his “85W the kmg demandsgyoungsters below. Then, all at once! meï¬vflltalso hï¬l'eAtlzie llï¬lltpinihsst 95 gl“ stand; then from the inferior trees to “ hat' th d of Ch ‘ t r' - ,inw 0 you: . n .W a a 15 l “7115' cu‘ th se that a e of th iolt 5' â€"-\â€"â€"_Wm' L. Young. Whey VOUSWOYI'et gigoany pmserhfflli:‘ifiiifilnfliiiiigelt tigagogkpgllileiii dhd3lllgeed’ for the prmce had kept only and Shiva to be stalable. e r c 1 we ° grumb'led. “And just-Mr} receivediml , hi, .oun master needed he} _,his do and needed everything. from .. J°ys °f December- the same things I did the wear before -' a} Bâ€, l .15 h 1 mm bk, . ‘buckl she-vs to calrar butt-“rm . . “i Oh. I love the bleak December, amp" ‘ "mt" u cm“ 9’ ‘ l 38’“ ’l “I’ll do this every your.“ in :gl 9 l Clll'irilllflSACI1"â€â€˜37 “0t Gemng. i I ~â€"â€"-’._‘:.___â€"~. And the rite of the mistletoe. ï¬â€˜ggtismiï¬gpg‘i‘sgnsfï¬laige fistm‘ggiï¬e Emacs inhttc;1 thle air and snapped! My Hand m Thme' _ . ~ 5 ' .' 3 is ngers W1 ee. ? v v . : -, in». â€" AI‘Ch‘ Clomb‘e‘ and still found nothing that I had not) g “ he†babl 939' M met“ a was “I have itâ€"J have it!" he exulted,, already. Cari none of you blockhgads‘hopping around on one foot. ‘ 1about here do anything?" the prmce; The prince looked up in surprise. \" feet ï¬rst Io:lowe:l hers =301'e‘amed, 1115 r ltlence eutil'ely 9X- “What?†he asked curiously. i 1“ Joyful round? hausted. .' “‘th the answer to vofn- riddle," When baby lips from hers did learn “I'll look into the matter.†chuckled 1aughea ’Jam uListen_i-‘He whisper; My Name diving- ‘ the JGSter. ranging to be Tuffled- andfed long and earnestly in the prince’sj How tenderly my mother placed m?“ng 8_SOTY_16rSB-Plt Which made The; ear and next thing the two went rush-' My hand in Thine! prince smile in spite of himself. ’ “Jamie Colby. U , iing out of the room together. i ll 113’ are You the 91113' one “‘h}? has‘ “The royal coach at onceâ€"at once . £10? to me? 93'- â€"do you hear me?" called the prince. -’â€""“ 3111161 9 y, 511 e . “At once, at once, and lively l -. - ~ - ; “You never askgd me†laughed thelplease. And mind your (1.3 and p,s',;t After all is not the intangible gifty jester. “Let the Wise men of the coun- . . . s ' d conï¬dence oi" trilled Jan, h in after the rince.i 01- love’ of “me ene ' ‘ try solve the problem~for they tell Opp g p [me I know nothing but nonsense." Their heaven found: MM For Christmas the weather should be of that Pickwickiaai kind in which the grass is "crisp and frosty," the air has a “ï¬ne, dry. bracing coldness," and the day is one “that might induce a couple or elderly gentlemen in a lonely field to take off their greatcoa-ts and play at leapfrog in pure lightness or heart and sayety." i i The footnien ran this way and than. 1‘9}me 59rd“ and 9f real Compan'i and next thing the grext, coach of ionship the most precious gift of all? .1..- AA-‘A_ AAAAAJLAAAAL‘nuLA-‘ A