Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Dec 1922, p. 8

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Northern Now thnt winter has gripped the North help is r a little boy who 1 ever. Here is a. typical scene- family. His fame: daily supply of food. for a large (1 in the big fire. In the replace the one destrnye ' childien live in an old shack on the outskirts of Cull !._â€"â€"_ D hdies,1duu all conveniences, ( apply MRS. HICK. Bavrml I View: in. ville. A 71730 mm] 3 orders JUN ES. N19}! W at. The OR SALE ~1 range 1 dil'mn, with high sho Apply LIBERA L OFFICE. 110: r“ “Eh ll“) Uentre St first class will be S( Ins nu Applv A- OR (G n vel mm bud!“- LoL' [5 IA. "E5;- 5m. delivery- 0-“ Ol'Sl‘l T0 su'tet. Jous SHXEY. OAR!) ~ 1 ing hunse opposite bangs OR SALEâ€"P dog pnpp'u's. 0nd Hill- Ling~lmx km! is dull we sh: (iilsnn Mfg. and see. their chilled plow Rear of . ‘ mond Hill ’OR :xdrfm‘d 3 A\VS.F1LE 1 OTICEâ€"E. Sliney LS p. L d0 all kinds of [rm-L cuting in Riclmmnd Hill mu Patronage suliciled. Phone Hill 98. .. yâ€"M 0R SALEâ€"House and 10! ALFRED RUMBLE. cmv. Ayrshire: 1d Rack Corken‘l nl. A bbdrch SLree [ANTED â€"- A 31 house with u 1 room heatod an he Libenfl Ufiice. Get Yourfi Painting Done Now A. 5. WHEELER COI-ds green ,‘ quanti‘Y " and gravel. s at, LhP Lil ;, Mup‘e R. BEAN G 0(75 ENDERS S ALE#O [‘9 gr ud Iglaés Etnte t he 50‘d “t! “ nu flL‘K‘UlPl‘ TOR mm P- , SALE» Ly man'S culnr SEW (tsfii RPVE‘“ Square Stop crmvenie AND ROOM 1 double rnnm ncvs, cmuum HICK. Church HARDWOOD"; ‘ u ,_ _...1 out 5.1mm“ Phone 5 N 1911015. First knives grounu. . eshm-pen'n. A‘s fg. ‘10., Guelph. hail-21 self shur low share. . . W. Vanderburg's ’7 FOR SALE»A frnmfm tahle :1 rt-umed fmme homo, on ‘ “'esL. Richnmnd Hill. in stnte of repair. This hulst d at, a bargain as thv owner n'thm' use fur \he sump. E. GLASS, Ricnmuud Hill. 23“. A p [fly C \VANTEDâ€" se. App‘y P. I 151113 subunL pedigreed 5. M Rs. 5 ‘51; 7 class Painter Low ChargeS 47 Richmond Hill RENTâ€"MRS. HICK. 24 Agirl m sleep In a h u Indy. FIS‘Q furn- d and lighted. Amfly “"0 24-25 )‘VOODâ€"Ahout 100 hard Lvnnd fm- 5-110, of dry stump \vund. Panic: may have ibvml Offife. C. I]. nnnn .E. Slinex fifibfie (5112 EDâ€"Croas cut and cir- gummed and fih‘d. Cm. sgmund. In fact. if it pen h. Alan “gent. fnr L, Guelph. Come in l seif sharpening steel lure. A. Ammnsox, Lnderbnrg’s shop. Rich- 10-“ 3â€"6 Roomed nces . APP” good fI' Ontario Still Needs Help 2. PhnnP lframP hujlding 'r These me M [{ARLES CLARK. 23-25( 1' ‘xf 1 fresh Inilch Alsn sm‘ernl O.I..H1«:Isfl. _, 6112 Stoufi- 2lâ€"25 ’ SHAR_P 55.x” m sleep in (] Bostnn Bull‘ SACDBR. Rich- 23â€"24 1 __Fur three and laing‘Pv inq jnnum‘y. Street. 24 ‘]I\\V 3y :3 prepared to of trucking and Hill and vicinity. Phone Richmon 42 11‘ in good on“ nelf and mnk For plaster- 0, BROWNE. ls-tf me- win‘el‘ 2‘ lupipr . P “2960 2'1 -27 platform , 599d. 2!) pm- [4904). house. a“ m A. G- 20%“ in Mam"- LLH‘. 22â€"24 1 Christmas Gifts for Old and Young May and won \Vnnllen scm-fe, our 1' n" SOK‘KS unnu- nn ideal gift for gentlemen. Or what almut n nicv fine sth or the evs-r popular sweater. \Ve also have :\ nuimy of ann- hnnds, garters, braces and handk9r~ chiefs. These are nhvavsappl‘ecinted as gifts. Cuff-links in boxes Christ ma“. IIIPU. colors :11 help is more urgently needed than my who tmvels many miles for the His father is building a new house to P. In the meantime mother and the boots and Hockoy hush. mack many othpr uwful unli- Gloves 1891“ Gent’s furnishing, Phone 86 J. J. W. Wellman’s Three Years “Over There" Two With “The Mourities" Sitting astride a. "Mountie’s" horse he was as fine a specimen of man- hood as one could meet. Six feet tall, bronzed, muscular and keen. he made an athlete 01' no mean ability. Three years in the war had seemingly made “a man out of him." but it took a. bad cold to show that the war had tar-reaching and terrible effects. Om: day he played and worked hard, then went for a dip in the lake. A little cold came on. then got worse and worse and finallyâ€"consumption. His three years "Over there." and two spent in the “Mountles,” have given him a. fighting spirit. During these last eight months the foe has not killed his hope, he's stlll hoping that God's fresh air and man's skill at the Muskoka Hospital for Consumplives can retain something of his old manhood for actlve service Bedroom Then “9. lmv JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER 378 BEREBFORD AWL. W EST TORONTO ) Phone Junctxon 7'... TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPER‘ENCE nu ma” orders will receive prompt ,u. Only with the help of many warm friends can this great work be car- ried on. Money is urgently needed. Contributions may be sent to Hon. W. A. Charlton. 233 College Street. Toronto. All JONES LUMBER CO. British Columbia 3 x and 5 x shingles Ontario No.1 White Pine lath Ontario No 2 White Pine lath Spruce, Pine & Fir flooring Spruce, Pine & Fir sidings Ontario White Pine boards British Columbia sheetings All sizes of Dimensions Doors, sash, and trim be had here at Reasonable Prices' Cor. Arnold 8: Yonge PHONE 27 mail orders um and hmuluir slippers for wmnen and Children in all len fancy gift boxes for then and hoys in 5 lmv9 our man! supply of shoes. rubbms. huts, capst hosts. nmckinaw mnnsm Ettention. rem] y sacks makv (nigive f0: mocha NICHOLLBâ€"At the residence paxents. Richmond Hill. on V day. December 13. 1922. Vailes. only son and child of ' Mrs. H. A. Nichoils, as:ch Sept. 20th last. Funeral Friday. to St. Church. Service at 2.30 Intelment in Richmond Cemetery. SATURDAY, DE implement“. property of 1 o'clock. PrenticeSsz Tl SATURDAY, DEC. 3()~â€"Farm implements, lot 33. con. 3. the property of James All; at 1 o'clock. Terms 11 F. W. Silversides. Auct. P UESDAY, DE‘ implements 9 com, V’gugh! implements etc-4. In: 1-1, con., Vaughan, the prof John G. Kefier. Terms I1 Bale at l o'clnek. S-ig'. Walkington. Aucts. Only a Youth, but Never Knew aBoyhood Ge'. your harness supplies where you get your harness repaired. Don‘t throw away your old rubber boots. They may hp halt-soled, heeled and patched hy the new process. Sc‘pvx'ar'hwuvorfiifiom hfs tarfiil'y safeguards them. He's content. and he still has hope. . . ,WAA _. There are many just such deserving cases in need of treatment at the Muskoka Hospital. Will you lend a. hand. Contributinns may be sent to Hon. W‘ A. Charlton. 223 College Street, Skates to boots. "l‘nrnnfn Soles sewn on machine made welted boots at same price as nailed work. Extra charge to I am tryingno £4 at the Store South Officesâ€"Suite 511 McKinnon uxug Cor. Jordon and Melinda SL5” Tox-ont Telephone Main 3631. A. CAMERON MACNAUGHTUN FREDERICK A. A. CAMPBELL Mr. Campbell win he at, Ofiice. Richmcnd Hill, ev afternonn. cast Villagc. Macnaughton 81 Campbell Valuable house Sn eat. House and on and house and Hurst R vad, Sc Nice “PW houso and Street. North annex. Hullse and lul. and Auction Sale Register HI Ill! Maple. Loans Yonge St., RICHMOND HILL Bunsen an? Valuable prnpe Barristers, Solicitors. Etc. masâ€"Suite 511 McKinnon B}dg.. *nmnn mu] Melinda 813., Toronto. DEC. lGâ€"Farm stock and Ls, Danfnrth Ave.. 1110 of Wm. Jones. Sale at Terms 10 monthl. : Plentice, Aucls. The Real Estate Man DEATHS grouud concave and fixed the residence of his inmnd Hill. on VVednes- uer 13. 1922. Russell :0" and child of Mr. and Nicho‘ls, aged 11 years negnLiRth HAS FOR SALE 3. 30~â€"Farm stock and )t 33‘. con. 3. Markham. of James A_1l_ard. Sale A. Nicholls 19â€"17mm) stock. Int 13, rear 31d the property of Palms I1 nu ntha. r fiduunn and one 21C]? 0“ nd two acres South annex- for hand sewn soles. gain your cunfidence ;h of new Garage. at: on and Int 0" Sc. MarY'S 2.30 P- l“- mmd Hi” cy at Insm at, The Liberal every Tuesday m on! 119 Centre Street Elgin Mllls. nuance (-fi‘ected small farm “1 lot MM; Avpnne. as (m Ynnfie hmond | Oxford N OW” W‘ QUALITY SHOPPE- Trench Block STORE OPENED EVERY EVENING In addition to our regular wen assorted stock of children‘s wear. we are showing a nice assortmf‘n suitable for Christmas gifts, including, Doyheg worked, table ends, plain and fancy, handkerchu aPTODB. CamiSOIGS. woolen gauntlela, bead necklam other useful articles. . I _ Buv at home and create the Commumty spmt. are as low as elsewhere. MILLINERY Electric Motors, Generators, Mag- netos, Etc., Repaired. Phone 109 7___ av. WOOD FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE COAL Getferal Agent, office at the Post Office - Richmond Hill Dune VchaniZiflg-"Tlm N. COOPER Structoxundei .. 'l'inkn r 'l‘uy . . . . . Dumping Sandy 5M5 hf l‘nuls . , _ GUARANTEED Cap gum Flutes. .. Come-1.3.. Unt of Roulette Ring Toss . . . . . . . . Puzalea . . . . . . . . , . . Table Uroqm-L. . .. Tack hammers... Kiddieâ€"Kai's . . . . . ‘ W’ggons.... . . . . . . T. H. Dalis . . . . . . . . . . A Dull Sule . . . . . Doll Sleigh.... Dull Bod . . . ‘ . . . China ten wls. Aluminum sets Irons . . . . . . . . . Dining Set.. . . \Vash boards. . Wash set... . . .. Brooms . . . . . .. Dustpans.. Christmas Gifts for Hun Skill: v ‘ reins , (Watered and Inspected Free All Makes 1 Repaired and Recharged. MRS. NORMAN BATTY Our "Motto" Quality and 1 OMOM”OO HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited Phone 3:} Thomhill, Ontario to Last Longer and TIRE 8: BATTERY SERVICE TTE RY mum sorted stock of Ladies’ and mice assortment of novelties ding, Doylies plain and y, handkerchiefs in boxes, bead necklaces and many and Service. Done by the HA? BOYS the Boys and Girls LADIES’ WEAR Phone 53 JNTIL CHRISTMAS 'PROCESS. than the Rest $1.00 and Our prices 2751275 and 2 r.$1.25 t0 . $1.00 to $1.50 to WOOD SCIEN- ‘ All Repairs test of the Tire. 7m u. and $2.00 to 5.50 VESTA L50 LUU 1.00 1.00 9” 3.00 1.60 4.60 4.75 20 N ) 8’ 50

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