Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Dec 1922, p. 1

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G. HILL, Oak Ridges P. me the Tut-ontn' Conservatury( Music. will accept a number (.f pupils in iPiunu, Vocal and Hardwood l“lnl:«1hingI (3'3_ Estimates Furnished Frco Phone We have a good supply of Hard and Soft Wood in 12 inch and 4 ft length. Also a large quantity of soft coal Also a good variety of feeds for stock and poultry. Our prices for best Pastry and Bread Flours are the lowest. A recent shipment of cement and draining tile PAINTING WRIGHT BROS. Underukers and Embalmers RICHMON D HILL, THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE Call by plume or otherwise promptly JOHN R. CAMPBELL NOTICE Win13 Term Opens Jan. 3rd. mELLIOTT /) , A \ , Adelmo Melecci and Miss Rosalind Bush L. T. C.I Yonge :md Chin-It's Strevtq, Turnnto At the Elevator I. D. Ramer large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept, at the above places Von. XLV. VETERINARY SURGEON. 'l‘llornhil]. high, jniu- Lhi‘~ ins‘tiLuLiun and we will prepare you proper- ly for choice positions. Send for catalogue. This School stand; (0-day with A clean-cut record for high grade wm-k. Every graduate of [his year secured employ- ment promptly. If your aim is Iupils in Piunu, Vocul and -:- Thom-y. â€":- For iufnrnmtion Phone [10. ,aNâ€"Mfifi.‘ M YLKS. The Royal Bank of Canada What Did You Give Last Christmas? W. .50 per annum, in advance. PUBLIC I OYS for the kiddiesâ€"all broken now. “Something useful " for the grown-upsâ€"now worn out or for- gotten. A cash bonus for your employeesâ€"long since spent. Other "last minute" presentsâ€"expensive but unsuitable. Are they remembered now? (“This year give them a Bank Bookâ€"make their first deposit and urge them to add to it regularly. (11' Could anything be more suitable and enduring? \\ ILLO\VDALE. UNT. V. D. ()LLIVER. Manager ELLIOTT Principal. DECORATING Pupils passed for Consexvatory Ex- aminalinns. BARRISTER. Somcn‘on. NOTARY ET' Toronto 05100, Richmond Buildin g 33 Richmond Street, \Vest. Richmond Hill Office (‘ Liberal Office), every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. \Vondhridge. Saturday forennmi. Money to Loan at Curran Rate. Office Trench Block. two doors north of Special attention given to sales at every description. Farms and farm stock soles specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. Allsules at- tended to on shortest notice. and con- ducted by the mostnpproved methods. Patronage solicited. Licensed Auctioneer for the Ununty of York. Snlesut-londud to on shmtesl notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited Phone Belmont 1347 ' LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO feacher of Fletcher Method Musical Kmdergarten Officg- hours 10 m 12 mm. 6 ln 8 p.111. Office and residenceâ€"Centle and Church Streets Richmond Hill Phone 1‘0. 24. The Maple Sand, Gravel and Brick Company, Lt’d. have on hand for sale. Cement, drain “19,3, 4. 5. 6 and 8 in. Culvert. tile 1:3. 15. 18 and 20 inch (30 inches in length) Also Cement Brick. Sand or Gnu-e1 sold by the load or 11 car lots. Cedar posts and telephone poles for sale. T. COUSINS, Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO STl‘DlOâ€"HOTEL RICHMOND. Richmond Hill. PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT \VATER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS THORNHILL, ONT. Stalldnld Bunk. Hours9:|.|n. to 5.30 p.m. Open evenings by appointun-nt. A. C. HENDERSON SAM. SHEPHERD DR,J. P. WIIJSON ‘aper hanger and Painte Oxford Street Phone 44: 1' 3‘3. WILLIAM COOK 41;:1 Balliol Sh. Tornntn. J. T. SAIGEOIN RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. DEC. 21,1922 . L. R. BELL Telephone 32 DENT'S'J,‘ Maple Prentice “In Essentiah, Unity; in M :4 nager The Senior Cudet Hockey team, as also the Juvenile Cadet team and Cub Cider team. euch give-s prmnise of uchievment dun ing the l923 season. and while athletically the organization is solidly estuhlishrd. the U. C. is confi- dent that high objectives are being ob- tained. in the Innulding for the better. the charucter of the boys of this com- mand. No greater inspiration is his in the furthering of the work. than have in turn the confidence uf the Cadets. and t0 the Cadet mothers, he can only convey admiration of the tiuly manly sons that. are theirs. In looking back during the past year much has been achieved in the further- ing of the walk of the Corps, and for the coming year may success crown the efforts put fox-fl). W The l). 0., the Cadet Officers, the Cadet N. (7. Os. :md the Cadets of the Richmond Hill C(ulct Corps. convey to the Citizens of Richmond Hill their Cmnpliments and Best Wishes for [he Swisnu’s Greetings. Arrangements have been nmde to take a vote on Jun_. lstnvxt, nn the question at the form (If Memorial our Village shull erect. This will be taken at the same time and in the same place that the Municipnl Elections are held viz in the Masonic Hull fruni nine a. In. to five p. m. The persnns qualified to vote on this question will be those residing in Rich- mond Hill who are qualified tn vote at Municipal and Provincial Elections, in other words. every person who is :1 resident of the Village, whose name is on the Voter’s Lists and is of [he age of twenty one years is entitled to vote. women a: well as men. The names of persons qualified to vote at Provincial Elections only, do not, appear on the printed Voter's List which has been distributed to Electors. These names are on is written list in the possession of the Village Clerk. which will be available on the day of the voting. "That the \Vomen's Institute pay over $280 the proceeds of the Huilowe'en PM [y to the Sccremry of the Memorial Fund, und [but they place themselves on record as being willing; tn vndorse whatever form of Memorial is decided on by this community." The» Women's Institute also hope that, all those who contributed to the Hallowc’en Party on the under- standing that the proceeds were to be for Memorial Hull, will approve the above resolution. Persons who do not reside in the Village. but who are assessed as Free- holders or Leuseholders on the last Revised assessment, Roll. are also en- titled to votu. At the last meeting of the anvn's Institute the fulluwing rcsululion was uunnimuufly carried: The service in the Methodist church next. Sunday mening will he the soxt, you likP. It, is eapocially fnr ynu. Ever feature (f the seivice will be fragrant with Christnms Chm-r and Good \Vill. Van Dyke's "Other Wise Man," illustrated with cnlored lanteln slidvs will he gi\‘cn hy the pastor. Special music. ‘l 25 and 15 cents The anle Methodist Sunday School will hold their annual Christmas Concert in the church, Monduy even- ing, December 25, cmumencing at 8 o'clock. There will he a prugramme of chm-uses. iecitntions, dialogues. Pantomines (-tc.. and n play entitled "A Unse of Suspension." Admission The Thornhill Presbyterian Sabbath School purpose giving their Chiistmns Entertainment in the church, Sutur- duy evening, December 23. commencâ€" ing at 7.30. Music, dialogues and recilutions will make up the pro- gmmme. All friends are cordially invited to be present. No admission fee. York Ranger Cadets OAK [HUG-ES Re Memorial Resolution THORNHILL Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity MAPLE Leggo. Mr. and Mus. J. H. Miss Eleanor and Hnl'ty and Mrs. “H” U. Suyngv, )chutchy. Mrs. J. A. 1‘). family. The quum u. Loin and Harold Jones. latter: of sympathy W812} Toronto, Aurora. und which the bereft pu nppreciatv. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Nicholls desire through your columns to thank their very many friends for their expres- sions of lyinputhy extended to them when Lht)’ wrre called upon to sur- render their only son and child, Russell Vuiles, to Him who gave it, at such a tender nge. Whilst the grief is great the knowledge that others me soriow- ing with them is a bulm, and goes far to heal the broken heart. Expressions of sympathy through flmvers were re- ceived from Richmnnd Masonic Ludgv. Enrig Show Uumpuny. H. J. Mills LLd., St. Mary’s Anglican Sunday School, Misses Clark. lizliuLL, Hodgins. und Gertrude Clark of the Dead Letter Office, Junior League of the Meth- odist Church. Vuilcs Schuolniales, Aunt Jessie and cousins: J. H. llunlo.) wife and family; Mr. and 5115. \V. H. SOY) Al the annual meeting (If the PI‘Pshyltflialn W. M. S. last Thursday, at the home Pwsident. the following officers were elected:â€" Library Sec. Messenger Sec. }Mrs, J. Pulmor Home Helpers Sec. Press Secâ€"Mrs. Huy. Supt. Mary Slessur M. B.â€"Misu Boyle. Honnrury Presidentsâ€"Mrs. Ness. Mm. Hay. Presidentâ€"Mrs. Flank Atkinson lst. Vice-Presidrntâ€"Mrs Sneddon 2nd. Viceâ€"Presidentâ€"Mrs. C. CUOpeI‘ Secretaryâ€"Miss Heise Assistant Sec.â€"â€"Miss Gibson Trensul er‘Mrs. Vunderlmxg Expense 'I‘reusuwruhlrs. Armsmmng Stranger's Sec.-.â€"Miss Richardson. Assistant Skmngel's Senâ€"Miss Gib- .. ...V.~.. u. ..-.-u... lIAu unnunul. wuln. and headed both competitons. while five other members nf the team stood high in the film] results. Yams last week by County Teams of nine men each from sewn Counties. The boys were given rvvry opportunity to study the Bacon Hog Incluury from the Pruducels and Packers \‘ieW- points. Coupled with lhese lecLuI-ps and demonstrations two Cnmpetitinni in judging: were held, pans of live hqzs and the dressed cmcasses. A: in all ntller conleets the cumpvtilinn was keen. tlu- final results revealed a win fur the York lentv boys. Lamhext Willsnn nf Aumm did brilliant work. Three very profiruhlr- days wele agent at, the Fucking Plants and Stock Norman Neal appeared before Major Brunton in the County Police Court. Thursday Morning. changed with frug- ing :1 cheque, for $200 on the Sinndurd Bank at Richmond Hill. Amused pleadvd nut. guilty, and by request nf his Salicitnr, T. Herhext lmunnx, K. C‘ the case was mljnm-ned for u work. Bail was set at $1.000. Special Educational Course in Swine I'RESBYTERIAN CHURCH CARD 0!“ THANKS THE STERLING BANK Forgery Charged During the winter months, the privi- lage of Banking by Mailâ€"offered by the Sterling Bankâ€"is especially con- venient. It gives you the security, profit and advantages of a Savings ac- countâ€"including the convenience of paying accounts by cheque. Wnite our local Manager for full details. Winter Banking H. Her: inglun. y MOI-den, Mr. ;¢~, Mr. and Mrs. S. Summer and um] CniIdI‘OI, Very many r: rm uived from I othu- poin‘s, parents fully OF CANADA Residence address Victmia Square unless you do South side Mr. Baldock's new garage “The Rolfe Shoe Repair Store" But don’t profess to be an Economist Barristers, Solictors. &c. MANNING ARCADE. 24 KING ST. WEST. TORONTO, CANADA TELEPHONE MAIN 311 Cable Address: "Dado" Arthur A. lecdonald F.-ank Denton Laura. Dentnn. B. A. 2Doors South of Bakery on Yonge St. Boot and Denton, Macdonald 6: Benton New Shop on Lorne Ave. Directly Behind Drug Store 30-tf Commissinner, Convey Insurance and Real The Workingman’s Friend Richmond Hill YOU DON’T HAVE First-class Boot and Shoe Repairer of all kinds of Boots and Shoes Satisfaction guaranteed LICENSED AUU‘HUNEER FOR THE curx'rv 0F YORK Pm runan and influence respgctfully soliciteg All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired. Good 'Workmanship. Prompt Service. GEO. KIDD L A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCING ISSUE}! OF. )IARRIAG E LIC ENSES A. J. HUME take your repairs to [Single copies, 3 am . WADE Shoe Repairer 1'4 3’ (P P. 0. addreoe Gormley, R. R. mncer, Etr 1 Estate

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