The Liberal “’Iillrs its readers and " friends a. very Hop; y L'lll'lrtlllit‘ ‘ and a prosperous New Year. The \Villoud ule Arena will open for the season. Saturday evening of this \Vei'k. Detcher's Band. . i i The Newmarket Era states that.1 bread has taken a drop in that town, to II cents per largo loaf. Do your shopping e-trly and see the new supply of CillnllAle'L‘ and cut glass at Stein’s. i Owing to thc apprimrh of Christmas ‘ the Public Library will not he ' open Saturday evening of this week. i . . ,. ._._ i Bruce’s hiin class chocolates in hitlf i pound, one anti two pound boxes, anti till kinds of candies, and Scotch Short bread at Stein’s store. i The High and the Public School of this village will close this Thursday. afternoon. and will i0<0pell Wednes- day, the 3rd of January. St. Mary’s Church, U. of 16.. Sunday, 21th, 7p. in. Frill Choral anti Uiiol service. The Christmas Tree for the Sunday School children will be ilrlti iii lht' Masonic Hill. Thursday the 25th, at 7.30 p. m. Merchants should be expected to ad- vt-rtise. llii-ir goods, and citizens should endeavm- to shop at home, and L‘ilCiiur' age local enterpi iw. Mr. \Vt'slev Boyiitnii. real estate agent, has sold Mr. ll. t‘.ioioohiga's 50 itt'l'tl i'ai'ni, lot 21. con. :5, Markham, tillOiill)’ t- ist, of Richmond illii, to Hi . i‘omlinson ol' Luiigstall. l’riCr $8,00J. Mr. 1‘} T. Stephens ol' llirhinond Hill was again \\'lnllr‘r or a number†:3 lbs), whitt- oats (about. 4 lbs. ) , biii-ley 1(about 5 lbs), field peas (not gill’ilt'll lpcasrabout 5 lbs.). livid beans (about 2 lbs.), flax forset-dand flux for fibre prizes at the Guelph Wino-r i“u|i‘. H a secured iirst for draught team, first for 3 year old gelding or mare, and a number of other prizes. Miss Iiis \Voodhcad h-is an engage- ment at Loews Uptown 'l‘heat e. furihe Christmas l’iiitoiiiinr', “Cinderella.†and after that will train under Mr. 'l‘ichencr Smith oi‘ Toronto. If you, are buying him a Christmas Tie, see that. you get it with the stay- lll-Siltlp'.‘ stitching, and the Still) slip hand. You can get tilt‘ln M N~ .l- Giass’ furnishing store. Kindly PX‘lillilli‘ the :idilross label on The Liberal and ascei lain if your subâ€" scription is paid up. Subscriptions. especially at this season ofthe year, are veiy acceptable and much appreciated. ID will be seen bv sptcial announce- ment elsewhere in this paper the Rich- mond Hill branch store of the UillLtd it‘artiiers Uri-operative UoiupilllV will remain open to serve the general public. The local manager asks the heuity Uo-«vpL‘lzttiou of all intert'sted. The Quartein ()fliciril Board of the Newmai-ket Methodist church have extended a unanimous invitation to Rev. J. C. ()OL'III‘EIIIL’ to be till it pisioi- after the presrnt Confeience year. Rev. Mr. UliL‘ilt'rllle is at piest-nt stationed at Sudhury. He his :icccptid the invitation irom Newi'narket, subject to the nppi‘mzii of the Stitioiiing Ur-rninilter. -â€"â€"4..â€"â€" Help Helpless Blind- Babes A Dominion Charter. without stock subscription. was recently obtained for the establishment in the city of Ottawa, of a Home. Nursery Hospital and Kindergarten for the blind under six years of age, flee to all from any Province in the Dominion. So far nothing has been done for those poor unfortunates. ACCording to reports received from the various Provincial authorities, there are at present nearly 250 in the Dominion. The late Sir Arthur Pearson. before his death, claimed that “Sunshine Home." at Charley \Voo], England, was “the only home in the Empire for blind babies." It. is hoped shortly tiilizive the SECOND in Canada. To ihis end money is urgently required. Help us with your generous gift. “Lest We forget: Do it now i†Cheques should he. made payable to the Canadian Blind Babies Home Association. Remittances will he promptly ackiioivledged. Address J. F. McKinley, Treasurer, or C. Blitckett Robinson, Cur. Sec, 138 Duifeiin Road. Ottawa. ..___.._ “Don’t Worry About Me" -Tom’s Assuring Message . On a little farm away up nortl i‘om lived with his parents and OM brother. His rather, well up in years, found himself unable to continue the hard work of farming. so Tom took up the burden. The income was not large. and the lad signed up with a .umber gang working nearbyâ€"sawing logs, stripping bark and driving the tennis. Altogether these two jobs, farmer and lumberman. kept his day so well ï¬lled that he had time for little more than sleep. Nature re~ belling at this heavy burdenâ€"con- sumption claimedvanother victim. ] After trying various ways to overâ€" :ome his physical weakness. he went to the Muskoka. Hospital. His par- snts are anxious about him, they send the other son to see him often, for they are old and feeble and Journey- ing is a, hazardous undertaking to them. Tom's own troubles are never so real to him that he torgets others. « He asks for those about him. lives (or little bits 0 news about his home, and never ta. 3 to send this mes- sfrge back, "Don't worry about me. the people here sure do treat you i white." . A wonderful work is being done b :he National Sanitarium Asaocintiod’. The death rate from tuberculosis in Qnmflo has been reduced by more hair one-hut during the last twenty years. It needs your help to make it- nflorts still more ettective. l- yContributions moy b sent to Hon. iLOA. Charlton, 223 ollege Street. Q. _..__‘_‘ -__.‘~....,. Free Distribution oi Grain I A free distribution of superior sorts if grain will be made during the Cr)!“- in}; winter to Canadian farmers by the Ueit-al L)lVl$l~'ll of the I‘prt'riuiciital Farms Brunch, Ottawa. The samples will consist of spiing wheat (about (about 2 lbs.) Application must. be made on a. printed form which will be supplied by the (lertval Division. Central Experi- mental Farm. Ottawa. (No postage is i'cqiiii-i (I on letters so addressxl). NU application iiiiiiis wtll be supplied alter February 15th. 1913. Farmers are. advised to stand :it once for {turns in ‘ order not. to IM‘ disappointed. as in some cases the stock isliniited. The allotment of samples will he math in order of application. Only one snmplel will be sent to a form {COâ€"â€" York Team Wins Judging Trophy The Annual Stock Judging (Tonipe- titioii was held at Ulll‘llll) on December lillh. This year the Manning Doherty ' Trophy was keenly computed for by twtnry six County teams. York Couiiiy. again came to the fore and stood highest with a fair margin of Sixty-five points, thereby proving that the beautiful Sihcr L‘iip would remain in Yoik County for another year. Tl-(‘ t‘niuntv \vas l‘t pieiwnLt-d by Tom ll isliiigs, Markham: Jiio. Kennedy, Am. i'irlll'I: Richard ll iycioft. AurOia: \vhilt- Lambert \Yilsoii of Aurora, wtnr. with the team as spare man. H isiitigs did honor to himself and his C i my by standing highest man in the U mpetition, winning too, second iii Ht ef and fifth in Slit ep. Kennedy was a strong asset to his team, Winning third place in Horses, and had a high aver- age score for the day. Biyiwoft was in excellent form; stood fourth iii the competition, topping, the list with l93 points out ol‘ a possible Bill! in Beef and won second place in Sheep. In eight Competitions York County has Won out. five iimcsand has been ‘ successful in winning the last. three Uoiiipi-tili-ins in sneer-ssion. This team will mom the winners of ll.t‘ ()ttaiva Fair ea:-|y in the Key Year Ill Coriipetalon for the, $102k Y tids Trophy. â€"~â€"â€"+â€".â€"4.v+â€"«â€" \Valter S. Jenkins J. llai'i-y Naughton Res.» Phone Res. Elgin Mills Hill. 5048 Res. Phone 44.4 NAUGHTth 8i JENKINS Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Main 2777 Monarch Bldg.. 26-28 Adel Ofï¬ces {Hillt‘ 8L, \‘Vrst, Toronto. Naughtizn Block, Aurora Solicitor The Town of Aurora The Township of King The Township of \Vhilt'hui-t'h The imperial Bank of Canada, Aurora J. Iii.\Vall.on. & Co. Aurora for: ELGIN HOTEL ELGIN MILLS LightLunches Ice Cream Soft Drinks Cigars Cigarettes Refreshmennts Stabling Accommodation at Reasonable Rates E. Bridges, Prop. Phone 44 r 23 Stop 51 Yonge St. ELOC UTION Miss Marguerite Boyle Artist, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram‘ atic and Humourous Sketches, Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornhill, Ont 30tf Wm. C. Ruttan To our friends a nd customersl we extend Wishes: for a M e r ry Christmas and a Happy and Pros-j perous New Year We also thank our custo-l mers for their co-op:rzitionl during the past year, and assure them that we “ill do| everything in our power to‘ merit their patronage during [ tiaass a saw? PLANING MILL AND LUMBER YARD RICHMOND ST. RICHMOND 1111-1. DAY PHONE [3-3 NIGHTS AND HOLID\YS l J. 8: M. Stein Yonge and Centre Streets CiIIK \, (lROCElCIltS, CON FRICTION; = ’ Ewe money by purchasinger China at Stein's. All kinds of ornamental and use- ful articles. Just to mention a few Salad Bowls, .litl'tllllicls, Bei'iy stis Cake Plates, Spoon Trays, and a large assortment of China Cups and Saucers. All at reasonable prices. See our window. We have been appointed agents Ltd., t‘liocolaics and candies. class Watch for Bruce’s high our week end specials. Book your orders now for our use; a: Home Made Scotch Shortbread. FALL TERM OPEN NEWMARKET BUSINESS COLLEGE ENIIOLL ANY TIME Individual Instruction. Night School Mondays and I‘iiursdays. Ncwmarket. Batik of Toronto Block. .wrfln ' lieuâ€"I llama 0f AND CONFECTIONERY -:- for - :â€" Home-made Bread, Cakes, Pastry, Doughnuts, Cream Puffs, Charlotte Russe, Pork Canadian Tenor and Choir Leader Pies, Marguerites, and 17rujt Soloist Noith Paikdalc Methodist Church, is prepared to receive pupil: in Richmond Hill on Mondays. Studio, Mrs. N. Batty's. Ariic-ld St. Particulars can be obtained by calling, Phone 22 Ring 11. ZQ-tf Be a Secretary ,0 to I busineu executive. An idesl position for a young woman. The Show Secretarial Coune covers every needed subjectâ€"Shorthand, Type- writing, Bookkeeping, Law, Bank- ing, e&.â€"Personnl instruction. Write {or Pro-put:- to 6 P. IcINTOBH. Chic! Princlul. “NEWS 89 Yen's of Prawn Succeu COMMISSIONER, Pics of all kinds. Order Your Christmas Cakes -:- Early. -:- nge St. Richmond Hill. Phone 110 W. J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYASCER. ETC, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Thornhill. ,» - mmmwmya m’flm “ -m Ammoâ€"mg...- To Parents PEN a Saving; Account in this Bank for each child the year it is born. Make small deposits regularly, and when college days come, the requi- site funds are ready and the education will not be a drain on the family purse. THE STANDARD BAN K or CA NADA 3" TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Richmond Hill Branch, J; R. Herrington, Manager This“ New Store Div-’1i-i\¢l~-l|-li-ii-uâ€t‘-0-fliav- Although our new store is far from being completed, we have received many congratulations upon its general appearance, and when linishedearly in the New Year, will he descriptive of 20th Century building, and in every way modem and up to date. We are heavily stocked with all kinds of merchandise, toys, and suitable gills of all descriptions, and as we were late in moving, We are determined to clear these goods, giving you an opportunity to pur- at: sacrificing quotations, rather than carry them over until next season. three days, throng. MRS. WM. DAVIES Richmond Hill. Phone 119 WM 7 V 1,, _V Value a: s In Women’s, Misses and Chil- dren’s Coats. Call and see them Men’s Suits and Overcoats cannot be beaten for the money". Buy Here and. Save Money E. R. FORTNER, Taylor and clothier for women and men. lH'RNE Britt iiiiiiiisaiiii; smi With the most complete line of furnishings and prices not heardof in years. Mens all wool V neck sweaters, ‘fSpecial†from $2.50 to $4.50. Mens all silk ties, from $1.00 to $2.006 Mens scaris in brush and wool knit from $1.75 to $2.50. Hockey boots, mens $4.50, boys $3.50, ladies $3.65 All have ankle supports. Also; house shoes. shirts, suspenders, socks etc. Useful Christmas Gifts. -:- Norman J. Glass. -:-