Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Dec 1922, p. 7

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Attracted by a tasty-booking roll of sugary material with inviting nut kernels surrounding it, I entered the shop. The young lady was serving a cusâ€" tomer who had bought a box of candy. He tendered her a five-dollar bill, a very dirty one. She took it in her left hand, straightened it out with the fingers of her right hand and placed it in the cash register. Then she took out two two-dollar bills, each (iii-tier than the bill she had accepted. These also she straightened by smoothing them with her fingers. She handed At the Candy Counter. ‘ “What is that nice looking roll in Attracted by a tastyâ€"Looking roll of‘ ow?” I asked; sugary material with inviting nut “H emoan Pecan “311- J," kernels surmrundlin'g' it, I entered the “ 0W m'u'Ch 391' Pound - shop ‘ nCane dollar. The young Lady was S'erVing a ms" VéilghtfaiEZegzlmicgloghg'md used in homer who had bought a box of candy. t1 . h ‘. .1 h He tendered her a five-dollar bin a~sm°° “mg t ‘5 dn‘ty. b? 1's t ‘3 ng very dirty one She took it in her lat, lady took the roll], land it on..the ceun- hand’ Straighten“ it out With “Eel SEQ? 2:5); inzuggeranfilfinht’lctli: m1: islezggaflzram mini; of sh? to out two two-dollar bills, each d‘ix-tier fiat lanfi the Badmigh:i wzves of than the bill she had accepted These er “am en’ 5 1. usm" el ngffl'b' ' ‘ she pick-ed up the pieces of confectlon- also she straightened by sn'loobhin-gl “ h them with her fingers. She handed \ :glgge by one and placed them on t e them to the customer and then turned} Next, with one hand she grasped a to me' paper bag. In order to open it she â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€""â€""";moistened the fingers of the other fiéfieézmm$10,60marly Endorsed Every branch of the auto busim Commie-non. operation. urn-keep autos. trucks. tractors. farm gas engines Allteacnlng by actual practice. No guess work. Students learn by actual {ac-wry methods Bl: auto Iacmrlaa he! ed outllne our Courses an give our students fullest. coâ€"opernunn. also heartily endorse our [lg]: ziln. éiihoof. Elm". Emits“ firm. Rout". Druinx‘wddlu In Mu in. Shop I’n.Lice. Good Position: Awalt Our Graduphg-Fartories. [or an} fiiih‘iéah State Auiomobile School 5312 Auto Bldg" Dctroll, Mlch. SAVE the trouble and the time of baking pies at home, yet give your men folks pics that are exactly to their taste. Master bakers and neigh- borhood bake shops in your city are making luscious raisin pic fresh every day. Your grocer or these bake shops can supply them. Taéte them and you’ll know why there’s no longer need to bake at home. ’ Crust that’s light and flaky â€" tender, thin-skinned, juicy fruit, the juice forming SUN-MAID RAISINS Lusciousâ€"- Wade With Raisins m Wynn w...” .. v- V. :m Mil Write Today to- FREE mu... Sun-Maid RaisiQGrowers â€"Have a Busineés of Your Own .. u... .w mm...“ ""7, , struclbr at, Tech. School: olletw (Alberta) In business and has all he can do: Steekle (Penn) was getting 318 week|y, now mak- mama per week: Maya (Km) saves $100 monthly above ex- penses: Johnson (0mm Jump- . ad from " encn pusher" m. § 513.50 wee 1y to auto ma 3, chunlc at. $42.50 per week. Hundreds more like mem‘ *1 Complete Courseâ€" by Big Auto Factories and alreafiy baked for you Blue Package The Supreme Pie Raisin nihun DETROIT "W" L\\\\ i. Membcrthip 13.000 ls caught:â€" 6 repairs of g plants and Sun-Maid Raisin Growers, Dept. N‘533-13, Fresno, California Please send mg gopy of your free book, NAME ...... Please send me copy “Recipes with Raisins.” STREET............. CUT THIS OUTiAND SEND IT a delicious sauce! There’s nothing left to be desired in a pie. 1560 calories of energizing nu- trimcnt per pound in practically predigested form. Rich in food- iron, alsoâ€"good food for the blood. ‘Made with finest seeded Sun- Maid Raisins. "KIâ€"a'ke cakes, puddings and other good fooAds wigl them. You may be offered other brands that you know less well than Sun-Maids, but the kind on want is the kind you know 18 good. Insist, therefore, on Sun-Maid brand. They cost no more than ordinary raisins. WMail coupon now; for free book of tested Sun-Maid recipes. hand on her lips and was about to complete my order, But my taste for Mexican pecan roll had vanished and I asked the young lady if I might change my mind. She was displeased but pre- tended otherwise. “Yes, certainly!” “Then I think I’ll take a box of mixed chocolates.” So I did and went away with my‘ purchase. But even for chocolates my; taste had declined because I could not help thinking that perhaps the lily- White fingers which had packed them also had not been directed 'by a mind govemed by the principles of hygiene. The young lady in the shop seemed to be surprised and somewhat mysti- fied and also displeased at! my sudden change of mind. But if she happens to see and to read this she will learn the reasonâ€"F. D. “But, Marian," protested her Sun- day school teacher, “do you mean 170 tell me that you are not even willing to read the book? So long as you girls were little and your mothers bought your clothes I thought that I ought merely to tell you that the bird’s had to suffer and die to make trim- mings for your hats; but now that you are older it is your duty to read, no matter how painful the reading may be. Why, my dear, if you knew how some of those poor little birds are tor-i ‘tured just to make you pretty girls; Fresno, California ad Rather Not Know. PROVINCE» a little prettier, I’m sure you never again would buy pheir feathers!” Marian made a little grimace. “And there, my darling Miss Eunice,” she said, “you have put the whole matter into a nutshell. I’m so afraid that the book would affect me as you say that I wouldn’t read it for the world! When I see an exclusively bevfitching feath- er turban I don’t want to know of all the horrors that went into its makâ€" mg.” The next day Tom, Mari‘an’s broth- er, stopped at the door of the library. “By the way, sis," he said casually, “I wouldn’t go out to the country club with Miss Dennis again if I were you. She’s not your sort. You understand ?" “Or a Brahman? D‘o-u‘btlles‘s Marian wouflvd agree with the one I heard about the other day.” “A Brahman? How in the world am I like one of those old heathen?” Aunt Sally laughed. “I was think- ing of a story that a missionary wrote to me a while ago. It seems- that some‘ people here at home had sent him a beautiful microscope in a box of sup- plies for his school; so he thought he would amuse and instruct some of his Hindu friends. They were fascinated with most of the things that they saw} through the microscope, but when he put a drop of drinkingr water under the lens they were ho rifled, for they saw that it was swarming with ani- m-al‘cufles. Their religion strictly for- bids them to take life, and the micro- scope showed them that they were doing it. “The next day one of the Bnahmans came to the missionary and asked whether he could buy the microscope. My friend consented, but what was his astonishment to see the man take the glass out into the courtyard as soon as he had bought it and Ibatter it into pieces With a rock! Then, claslpirig his hands With deLight, he exclaimed: ‘Now I shall have peace again!’ ” V‘V‘Am liké that, Aunt S'ajlly?” asked Marian slowlry. “It certainfl'y looks so, my dear. But breaking the microscope, you must re- member, d'oesn’t break the truth!” She Got’the Job. Mr. Sharp was engaging a. new typrist. “Chew gum?” he asked. “No, sir.” “Gossip over the phone or talk slang?" “Never.” “Flirt with the clerks when you're not busy?” “No.” He paused to think up some more questions,‘when the girl begen: “Smoke cheap cigars when you're dictating 'Z” “Whyâ€"erâ€"no.” “Take it out On. the typiSit when you’ve had a row at: home and come off worst?" ‘Certainly not!” “Do you use forcible language when business is bad ‘2" “Nâ€"never! ” “Want me to get to work, or is your time worth so little thatâ€"" “Look here,” he broke in, recovering himself, “let’s get at 12111059 letters!” A SPLENDED MEDEQHNE FGR THE CHlLDREN Hwy, .. V medicine a. mother can give her little ones. They are a mild laxative which quickly regulate the bowes and stom- ach and are guaranteed to be entirely free from any injurious drugs. Conâ€" cerning them Mrs. A. D. West, Lore~ burn, Sash, writeszâ€"“Baby’s Own Tablets have given_me more satisfac- tion than anything else I have ever given my children. They are easily taken; always work well and though I have given quite a low to my baby they seem to work as well now as at first, which is something other laxa- tives seldom do.” The Tablets are 501d by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ . Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Always keep in mind the man at the other end of the bargain. If he does not make a good bargain you will lose in the end, no matter how much you may sell him. Baby's Own Tablets are the best Many a man complains of his poor memory, but did you ever hear one ompl-ain of his poor judgment? 9n he asked PALE AND SICKLY GIRLS AND BQYS Need All the Strength That Rich, Red Blood Can Give Them. Youth Is the time to lay the founda- tion for health. Every girl and every boy should have plenty of pure. red blood and strong nerves. With thin, impure blood they start llfe with a handicap too great to win success and happiness. Rich, red blood means health, full growth, strong nerves, 3 clear hradn and good digestion. In a. word pure blood is the foundation of health. The signs of weak, watery blood are unmistakable. The pale, irritable girl or boy, who has no appetite or ambi- tion, is always tired out, short of breath and does not grow strong. is a victim of anaemia â€"- the greatest enemy of youth. There is just one thing to do for these girls and boysâ€" build up the blood with Dr. William's' Pink Pills. You can’t afford to ex- periment with other remedies, for there must be no guesswork in the treatment of anaemia. Dr. Williams' Pink Pillls act directly on the blood, giving it the elements it lacks, thus developing strong, healthy girls and boys. Mrs. R. Kinch, I-Ienworth. 0nt.,i tells as follows what these pills did for her daughterâ€"“I think it a duty to let others know the benefit which Dr. XViiliams' Pink Pills have been to my daughter, and I hope this may be the means of inducing some other suf- ferer to try them. She was weak. nervous and badly run down. She [took medicine from the doctor but got no benefit, and finally she was not able to walk to school. I was advised to give her Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, which I did, and after taking them for a time she was restored to perfect V health. I cannot speak too highly of [these pills." ' years porun‘d': chemi: which as elva‘ ary ru You can get Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from the Dr. Williams' Medicine 00.. Brockville, Ont. Windows Maae of Rubber. As a result of experiments which have extended over a period of four years and upon which thousands of pounds have been spent, two British] chemists have produced a. rubber which is as transparent as glass and as elastic and hon-breakable as ordin- ary rubber. Tests have shown that it is impos- sible to break these rubber windows in the ordinary way. A ball bouncing against a pane only ca'u-sies it to bend slightly, when it at once returns to it? original position undamaged. It is. of course, pcss'ible to tear a hole in the new gloss by striking it Wit-a heavy missile, but there are no splinters. ' In addition to making windows, the transparent rubber can be used for a variety of purposes. It is deo’lared to be ideal for lining garments, thereby making them absolutely waterproof. In future bathing caps will be made of the new material, and the effect will be invisible coverings showing the hair yet keeping it dry. Slo fa-r no details of the process are available, but one is, destined to hear a great deal about this invisible rub- ber in the near future. MONEY bRDERS. A Dominion Express Money Order for five dollars costs three cents. Just once for each the White Ship touches port; Though none behold the sails, nor sound is heard; Yet while one waits, Friend after friend goes silently aboard The unseen ship and onward sails to- ward The Golden Gates. We trust the future in Thy ‘nanas, u Lord; We who draw near unto this feast of Thine. Given for us. Knee] there, and pray, and take Th3: Bpead and Wine, Find in Thy Sacrament the Love Divine Upholding us. The presence of our Saviour nearer seems; And heaven and earth closer to blend and shape Our destiny. F‘al-th, love, deep peace burn strong the while we wait Our Captain’s call to sailâ€"or soon cr lateâ€"â€" Across the sea. Blimkâ€"“W'hat kind Jones ?” Elmâ€"“Well, :he is one of those lows who always grab the stool \x‘ there's a piano to be moved." If there were 116 clouds, we not enjoy the sun. Minard'a Ljnlment for Garget In Cowal Our Captain’ 5 Call. the future in Thy hands, 0 lght Worker. of a fellow \ , E REQUIRE PARTIES T0 KNIT for us at home. either with ma- chine or “by hand": write for Inform-,- tlon: send DOStage. The Canadian \Vholoâ€" sale Dis. Co., Dept. A. Orlllla. Ont. ofita'rib BhLTlNG OF ALL. KlNDb. NEW UR used. pulleys. saws, cable. hosq, etc. shipped subject to approval at low- eat prices in Canada, York nailing 116 York 82.. Toronto. A small boy, asked to name we Io-ur seasons, replied: “Pepper, salt, mustard, and vinegar." The habit of nibbling ers, so common among 5 .Tpm ARM-xii; " scâ€"nfi 'tBE-"freo Boon“; is Believed to be disease, especial'l: handled by differ. Mlnard’s Linlment for Distemper. For Sore Throat, Cold in the Chest, Etc. magnify-J Advm’émmenb WSILVER BLACK FOXES. J pups, adults. Reid Bros.. Bothwen. INVENTHGNS HE Send (or II“ of luvontlona Winter! bf Mnnufnm" (urers. Fortunes have been made rom nlmvl. Idem. “Patent Protection" bookie: on requaot. HAROLD c. s PATENT ATTORNEYS 0RD WOOD. SLAB WOOD. CAR lots. Reid Bros.. Bothwell, Ontario UUl T & MAYBEE, liEA'i' ULUU Y°nl° Strut. Toronto,_ RegugeyA ELTIE’ii} FE America‘s Pioneer Dog Bemedles A Book on Bulk Carlots TOP‘QNTO SALT WORKS c. J. CLIFF . TORONTO Use Cuticura and Have Lustrous Hair Regular shampoos with Cuticura 1 Soap will keep your scalp clean and ‘ healmy. Before shampooing touch spots of dandruff and itching, if any. with Cuticuxa Ointment. A healthy scalp means thick, glossy hair. SonyZSc. OintmentZS “5.50:. TnlcngSc. 501d throughout theDomimon. CanadyanDepot: Lyn-u. limited, 344 St. Pu] 51.. W., Mont-u]. WCmicun Soap shaves without mus. PATENT ATTORNEY: :‘L ’COAfirsE SALT LAND SALT KNIT TING AT HOME: ‘lorguef bl wages, s . Hemph 11 Auto G 163 King ‘Vest, Tm" bit of nibbling their pen'hoM- mmon among school children, ad to be a fruitful source of especially if the peholders are by different scholars. The Four Seasons. boy, asked to name the tour AUTO SCHOOL YARMOUTH, N I‘OE SALE. ISSUE No. 5‘: FOXES‘ C. SHEPMAN 8: C0.9 231 BANK smear KNEYS OTTAWA. CANADA 38 SALE nto

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