Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Dec 1922, p. 8

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1 ing hnuso. Apply 1". Opposite Lnngstnfi school. â€"‘LEA§'GRA\'EL. s For sale. 0rdur delivery. DAVIES. R. W A‘VS FILEDâ€"Gross (‘u cnlnr saws gummed and ting box knives ground. In is dull we shnrpeu’jt. I Also Uilson Mfg. 00., Gueh Iud see their 21 self 5‘ chilled plow share. Bear of \V. Vandal-bul- {mud Hill __.._._â€"â€"u__â€"- sum of money In Rich FOUNDâ€"A Richmond Hill, on or about the The owner may 7th 0f December. have same by proving prnpertv um] paying forthisudv. E. R. FOR-ruin. 2.”) Get You Painting Done Now j?)er SLINEY UUDI‘A L‘"|u ~.._, H ~seven roamed frame 1101159. on Centre St, \Vest. Richmond Hill, in first class state of repair. This house will be sold at :1 bargain as the owner has no further use for the same. Apply A. E. GLASS, Richmond Hill. 23~tf. . OTICEâ€"E. Sliney as prppurml tn 1 do all kinds of trucking and carting in Richnmnd Hill and vicinity. Patronage sulicited. Phone Richmond Hill US. 42 if m..._____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ‘WOR SALEâ€"House anal Inc in .Uuva. ALFRED RUMRLE. 1541'. Suzmt MWâ€" ’ ‘\VO HORSES FOUNDâ€"Buy geld- I ma aged 7 years. white blue and star, also bay mare aged, three white fuvt, white face. Communicate with Toronto Hum-Ina Snciety. 197 McCaul Sheet. Ton-(min. Telephone Trinity 23-27 beech ‘ “DIG? at $5 “LLXSUN: Also a quanw sand and 2"“ orders at the JONES, Maple W _E(;use with a ished room heated an at The Liberal Office. fiendifurd. Hill Ru [‘ sprint: chENZIE t OR SALEâ€"One gcod fre cow. Ayrshire; Also Barred Rock Cookerels. O. 1_ Victoria Square. Phone (ill: ville. 0R SALEâ€"A two years. 5! good as new. I Telephone Building ‘OR SALEâ€"1 Call at the Store - BEEN HARDWOQD OR SALEâ€"A 12 x 22. APP ENDERS \VANllEl? I 0R SALE~A large kitchen range. Applv LIBERAL OFFLCE. 25 . VI A. S. ‘VHEELER First class Painter Low Charges Stop 47 Richmond Hill OUSE TO REN street, Richm OUSE FOR My} Kim \VQQI) And see the new model Superior CHEVROLETand McLAUGHLIN MASTER 4 CAR& R REN Pâ€"8 Rnomvd huuse. commieuuvs. Apply to AA.’ ANTED â€"_â€"‘A girl ‘0 5‘”? , J- Urnn \‘81'5 (If Ru. 1 "tiny and Maple. Apply :ulty, phone [14. E LOTSâ€"Choice] a. foot up. Terms Richmond St. FILEDâ€"O LEâ€"l Trench platform z wagon, nenrly new BROS.. Willowdule. 13-“ anvu v . v v _ green hardwood ftn-salo. mtity of dry stump wood, gravel. Parties may leave the Liberal Office. 0. H. tple R. R. 2. Phone 2960. 24-27 ant Ads. mpeuit. Also agvnt fur 30., Guelph. 0mm- in 21 self shm-pvning steel ahare. A. ANDERSON. 'anderburg’s shop. Rich- “1-” . HILL & CO. u.‘ - RichmondHHill. Apply 20-Lf A Fireco Range. used ‘ . stove practically no? I. H. SANDERSON. 1119‘. 25-26 7 D. Hill & C0. 611131.125 CLARK} 23-25 goo_d frame building A!_ n- .n. .girl Lo sleep in a. a lady. Free furn- and lighted. Apply 09. 24â€"25 FOR SALEâ€"Two 1 hudy {gm-d, dry per ImW l'OSS cut and cir- |ed and film. Cut- nd, In fact. if it EHARP SANDâ€" Xcomfm-tfible _FOE plaster- On Richmond C. BhowxE. lSâ€"tf fresh milch Ugo several 0. L. HEISE, 6112 Stanfi- ~â€"Aboub 100 uts for sale easy. GEO: for winter 2' Mum». Richl'nrunji 9.9-05 23â€"26 ll-lf 24-25 :tll 37S BERESFORD AVE., WEST TORONTO Phone Junction 72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS‘ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attentiun. JONES LUMBER C0, British Columbia 3 x and 5 x shingles Ontario No.1 White Pine lath Ontario No 2 White Pine lath Spruce, Pine & Fir flooring Spruce, Pine & Fir sidings Ontario White Pine boards British Columbia sheetings All sizes of Dimensions Doors, sash, and trim Bedroom and boudoir slippers for men, women and children in all colors. Gent’s furnishing, Phone 86 J . \Ve also have a. variety of arm- b‘ands, garters, braces and handker- chiefs. These are always appreciated as gifts. Hockey boots. mackinaw contsund many other useful articles. Only with the help of many warm friends can this great work be car- ried on. Money is urgently needed. Contributions ma be sent to Hon. EV. A.‘ Charlton, 2 3 College Street. Toronto. Or what, about a nice fine shirt, or the ever popular sweater. J. W. Wellman’s During these last eight months the toe has not kilied his hope, he’s still hoping that God‘s fresh air and man’s Ekill at the Muskoka Hospital for Woollen scarfs, our fine socks make an ideal gift for gentlemen. Then we have our mqu supply of boots and shoes. rubbms. hats, cups. One day he played and worked hard, then went for a dip in the lake. A little cold came on. then got worse and worse and finallyâ€"consumption. His three years "Over there." and two spent in the “Mounties,” have given hit}; a_ fighting gpirit. Consumptives can retain sBifiéihfflé of his old manhood for active service yet. Gloves for men and boys in mocha and woollen. an athlete of no mean ability. Three years in the war had seemingly made “a man out of him," but it took a bad cold to show that the war had tag-reaching and terrible effects. May be hid here at Reasonable Prices- Sitting astride a. “Mountie's” horse he was as fine a. specimen of man- hood as one could meet. Six feet tall, bronzeg, muscular and keen. he made Cuff-links in boxes ready to give for Christmas. Christmas Gifts for Old and Young Three Years “Over There" Two With “The Mounties” Cor. Arnold 8: Yonge PHONE 27 These are Ties in fancy gift boxes. Richmond Hill, JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER at Mr. Campbell will he at, The Liberal Office. Richmand Hill. every Tuesday afternoon. Oflicesâ€"Suite 5H McKinnnn Bldg.. Cur. Jordon and Melinda SL5” Toronto. Soles sewn on machine made welted boots at same price as nailed work. Extra charge for lmnd sewn soles. I am tryingno gain your confidence at the Store South of new Garage. [louse-s and luts on Centre Street east Village. Nic ' Stre t. Valuable house and Int Sheet. Skates grouud concave and fixed to boots. Ge'. your harness supplies where you get your harness repaired. Don't; throw away your old rubber boots. They may be halt-soled, heeled and patched by the new process. House and one acre on May Avnnn“. and house and two acres on Yonge Hurst R‘nad, South annex. Yonge St., RICHMOND HILL The Rolfe Shoe and harness repair store, you may have harness, boots and shoes prompnly and neatly repaired. Take further Notice that after such last mentioned date. the said Executor will proceed t'n distribute the assets of the Estate among the parties entitled thereto. having regard nnly tn the claims of which he shall then have re- ceived notice. Dated this 1.')lh day of Docembcr. A. D. 1922. Persuant to the Statutes in that be- half. Notice. is hereby given that all Panties having claims against the Estate of Walter Chatterley, late of the Township of Vaughan. whndied on or about the 8th day of April. A. D. 1917, are required, on or before the 15th day of January, 1923 to send to Joseph Edward Francis. Executor. Thm-nhill. a Statement of their claims and addresses, together with the nature of the security, il'nny held by them. of Seasonable Millinery, con-iltlng of small bright, ham. or the huge dress hall, in a variety of material and shades: and all black and silver fir matrons. at, h. 1f price, All this week at the Thornhill Mil- linery Store. You are also invited to visit our Dressmuking Department where prompt sex‘viee will be given you. PHONE 28. 'ATURDAY, DEC. 30â€"Ten acres stand- ing timber. rear lot. 25, Con. 3. Vaughan, the property of Aemilius Wilson. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms 10 months. J. T. Snigcon. Auct. SATURDAY, DEC. 30â€"Farm stock and implements. lot 33. con. 3. Markham, tho property of JamesAllard. Sale at 1 o'clock. TPl‘ml 11 monihs. F. W. Silversiden. Auct. Midwinter Sale Miss E.G. Barker Notice to Creditors ‘ouns Hnuse and lot and small f‘ aple. Va: 1 na hle Macnaughton & Campbell FREDERICK A. A. CAMPBELL A. CAMERON J‘IACNAUGHTUN H. A. Nicholls The Real Estate Man Barristers. Solicitors. Etc. 33 Richmond Street \Vest. Solicitor for Executor. negn now house and lot on Oxford North annex. Telephone Main 3631. HAS FOR SALE Auction Sa'e Register WILLIAM COOK. propel ty at Elgin Mills. tinted. Insm ance effecth on Richmond 25-28 25-26 'ar ll) RICHMOND, TIRE & BATTERY SERVICE Electric Motors, Generators, Mag- netos, Etc., Repaired. Phone 109 W. A. VANDER BUR GH â€"â€"==â€" WOOD FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE A. G. SAVAGE Trench Block Phone 53 STORE OPENED EVERY EVENING UNTIL CHRISTMAS r-z- QUALITY SHOPPE -:- ° ' ' Done by the HAYWOOD SCIEN- VUlCaanlngnTIHC PROCESS. All Repairs GUARANTEED to Last Longer than the Rest of the Tire. General Agent, office at the Post Office - Richmond Hill In addition to our regular well assorted stock of Ladies’ and children‘s wear. we are showing a nice assortment of novelties suitable for Christmas gifts, including, Doylies plain and worked, table ends. plain and fancy, handkerchiefs in boxes, aprons, Camisoles, woolen gauntlets. bead necklaces and many other useful articles. Buy at homa and create the Community spirit. Our prices are as low as elsewhere. T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited MILLINERY Dull Sulky . . . . l Doll Sleigh . . .. Dull Bl‘d . . . . . . l (‘vhina tea sets. Aluminum sets Irons . . . . . . . . .. Dining Set.... \Vash boards. .. Wash set . . . . . . . Brooms . . . . . . . . Dustpans....... Bub b'lmics. etc COAL Structomndes. . . . . 'l'lukt-l' 'l'uy . . . . . . . Dumping Sandy. . Sets hf l‘nula‘ . . . . A Tny reins . . . . . . . . ‘ Cap guns . . . . . . . . . Flutes . . . . . . . . . . . . Comets . . . . . . . . . . . Game of Roulette- Ring Toss . . . . . . . . Puzzles . . . . . . . . x .. 'i‘uhle ()mque-t. . . . Tack hammers... Kiddieâ€"Kai's . . . . . . Dolls Christmas Gifts for the Boys BOYS VESTA All Makes Phone 33 Thomhill, Ontario MRS. NORMAN BATTY Our “Motto” Quality and Service. W“... BA'IVPE RY VDSTK S E RV’ I C E ‘ IS {Watered and Inspected Free Repaired and Recharged. and LADIES’ WEAR lac, 250. $1.25. $1 and Girls $1.00 and $1.50 . . . . . . . . . . . LUU . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 . .3100 to $1.25 to and 20 9') 3.01) 150 4.50 30 4.75 15 50

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