to enter a branch of this Bank because you do not know how to make a de- posit. Our Managers 01' the staff will be pleased to show you. (II Start with One Dollar and add to it T‘dbuar by dollar. Winter Term Opens Jan. 3rd! mELlâ€"lOTTflM V‘ Von. XLV. Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto . % ELLIOT4éwD We have a good supply of { Hard and Soft Wood in ‘ 12 inch and 4 ft length. Also a large quantity of soft coal‘ Also a good variety of feeds for stock and poultry. Our prices for best Pastry and Bread Flours are the lowest“ A recent shipment of cement and draining tile NOTICE A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept. M, the above places WRIGHT BROS. Undettakers and Embalmers RICHMOND HILL. - THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE PAINTING G. HILL, Oak Ridges P. O. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA $1.50 per annum; in advance. WILLOWDALE. ONT. V. D. ‘ OLLIVER. Minuet. This school stands to-day with a clean-cut record fur high grade wnrk. Every grudunte of this year secured employ- ment promptly. If your aim is high. join this institution and we will preparfa you proper- At the Elevator I. D. Ramer (1;..{6'17 0.136:ch ‘bositi'om: Send for catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT Principal. Adelmo Melecci and Miss Rosalind Bush 1.. T. C. M. mm Mn: DO NOT HESITATE Hardwood Finishing, Estimates Furnishedfl‘reo; Phone P"! uuir the Toronto Conservatory of Le. will accept a number of ME in Piano, Vocal and -:- Theory. -:- 'or inforumtion Phone 110. Mas. MYI.KS. PUBLIC DECORATING W 23'†378 BRREBFORD AWL. W EST TORONTO Phone Junctmn 72. All mail orders will receive prompt, attentibn. JOHN R. CAMPBELL 'l‘hornhil]. Call by phone or otherwise promptly The Maple Sand. Gravel and Brick Company. Lt'd, have on hand for sale. Cement. 11min tile. 3, 4. 5. 6 and 8 in. Culvert. tile 13. 1F. 18 and .20 inch (30 inches in length) Also Cement Brick. Sand 01‘ Gravel sold by the load 01- in car lute. Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick Fedar posis and telephone poles for an e. T. COUSINS. Maple Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Sales attended to cm shortest notice and at rgasunable rates. Patronage solicited omcu hours 10 to 12 mm. 6 to 8 p.m. Ofï¬ce and residenceâ€"~Centxe and ghumh Streets Richmond Hill Phone 0. 24. DENTKST Ofï¬ce Trench Block. two doors north of Standald Bank. Hour59u.m. to 5.30 p.m. Open evenings by appointment. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' EXPEMENEE LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Special attention given in sales 01 every description. Farms and farm stock sales specialty. Farms bought and snld on cdlumission. Allsules at- tended to uu slim-Lest. notice‘ null cnnâ€" ducted by the mustuppi-oved muthods. Patronage solicited. BABRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTAR! ET' Turnntnpfflee. Richmnnd BJildin g 35 Richmond Street, \Vest. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (' Liberal Glace). every Thursday forenoun. Maple. Thursday afternnun. ‘Vooï¬hridge, Saturday forennon. PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT WATER HEATING ,AND GENERAL REPAIRS THORNHILL, ONT Mon‘ JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER Pupils passed for Consexvatory Ex aminations. STUDIOâ€"HOTEL RICHMOND. Richmond Hill. VETERINARY S_UB§_EON, MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO Deacher of Fletcher Method Musical Kmdergarten J. II. Prentice DR. L. R. BELL A. C. HENDERSON RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY, DEC. 28,1922 DR. J. P. WILSON 4L5 Bulliol St" Tornnm, Phone Belmont 1347 SAM. SHEPHERD J. T. SAIGEOIV WILLIAM COOK 'aper hanger and Painter Oxford Street it; fl Loan at Current, Rate. Phone 44 r Tell-phone 3'}. “In Essauï¬ah, Unity,- in Nonâ€"Essentials, Liberty; in allthings, Charity." Manager A largp crowd ntlendéd the Public Schuol concert in the Community Hall. The proceeds nmmmtvd (0373.25. A lengthy prugrauuue nl' recitalinns, solos, choruses, drills nnd dialnglwa \VAs givan Ivy the vupih and all took their part»: cueditahly. The chnir was occupied by Mr. A. L. Campbell Public School Inspectnr, who r-mnplimentod the teacher: and pupils on the success of the ontertalmuent. ThP MMhnflist church was well filled nn Christmas niuhl when lb: nnnual Sahhath School concert. was given. Evm'yone was phased with the pmgrlmmo. About; $56 was the turn realized. On Sunday evening “Th9 Story of the Olhw- \Viso Man" was given by thn Pastor nf the Methodist church. The. étory was illustrated by :1 number of vimvs on th screen. The farm house owned by Mr. Lnsknn an the 3rd. convossinn was de: strayed by fire one day last weak. Pastor Baringm‘ nmi va. Robin. non with the support of thvir nl‘ficla‘s will vnmhinn IhPir efforts in a series of services on ()m- Lord's Px-nvnr, every evening from January 8l013. ouu yuv -..w~.--_ A number of questions were naked and answored, and altogether there was an interesting meeting. Remember the day of voting, next Monduy. from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Dr. F W. Romney. Director of Outm'in Red Cross work. will speak in the Methodist Church. Sunday evening. He will give the history of the Hailey- hug-y fire. and of the work of the Red (Irma in connecï¬nn with that [nut conflugmtinn. Dn nnt miss the opportunity of hearing Dr. Rnutle'y. There are over eight hundred persons qualified to vote or. this question, and it is earnestly desired by the Gun)- rnittee in charge that a very general expression of Opinion shall be re- corded. In order to fglcilltate the taking of the vote on this question it separate sat, of ofï¬cials will he resent in the main hall and the vote will be taken independently of the Municipal voting which will be con- ducted at the platform of the Hall. Every person, male or feluult‘. w hose name is on the VuLei-‘a list, heinga resident of Richnhnd Hill. and of the age of Lwen y (me years, is entitled to vote on the Memorial question, and persons not residing in the Village but. who are entered on the Voter’s List as being Freeholdei's m' Leaseholders are also qualified to vote. Du nut fail to wunrd your vote an the Memmial quesliun on New Year'- Duy in the Masonic _H.-gll. ' . The Methodist Church was well ï¬ll: (1 Tuesday evening when the annual Christmas Tiee and Entertainment was presented. Mr. Gui-dun Sloan. Superintendent of the school presided, and in his opening remarks thanked the large audience for the geueiuus patronage. Rev, H. 5. Warren as pastor also gave a short addiesa in which he congratulated the members of the committee for their successful ei‘furts in prep-Ming the children for (he enlcrtninuwnt. The solos. trius. ‘chui-uses and drills by the pupils were crodilably rendered, and the applause well merited. AfteraCantatn, “The Heart of the Bells." the presents from the Christmas trees were distributed under the able management of Santa Price. The entertainment clnsed with the Ninth-nail Anthem. The Masonic Hull Was wall filled Friday evening. when nominations Wl’l't‘ taken for the pusitions of Reeve. four Ounncillm‘s and three Public School Trustees. At. the end of an hour Mr. Hume, Village Clerk. read the names of those numinated. As there was une name only fun-Reeve, Mx'. T. H. Trench was declared elected by Reclamation. ' ,_A|,M.- A: oL:- .u.....'. JAM the members of this year's Council. namely D. Hill. J. Moukman. J. Lunnu and N. Batty, are again in the field, as well as P. Sauder and H. Endeun. . . . uuu. u... The lthree trustees reâ€"plected are \V. A. \Vright. J. A. McCague and J. Atkinson. th-In ....... At the after meeting, Mr. Hume. who was appointed chairman gave an interesting hietory of our villngv, truc- ing the growth and progress from our incorpmauiuu 50 years ago up to the present. The present, pupnlnLion is now 1165. and assesgment 3671.000. I , uv vv A-vy' . Interealih‘éâ€" Qpeeches \VEI‘P made by Mr. Trench. the nominated Councillors and the trusteeg preaeqt. , x S. 5. Entertainment Nomination Meel'ng Re Memorial a-uâ€"nv-o Mmfl. The Public School concerts given in the various rooms of the Public school .on Wednesday lfternoou of last Week, Were a brilliant success. The teachers and pupils ale to be commended on the fine programme given. and tho-e who attended received a real treat. For the purpose of providing a but. dnink for pupils bringing lunch to school during the winter. a. collection Wm: taken and over twenty dollars received. School closed on Thursday for Christmts v.1â€" cution and will re-npen Jun. 3rd. The January issue 01’ le and Gun in Canada. the opening number for 1923, sets a high llandzï¬â€™d fo: the sub- sequent issues m equal. This number is now on sale, and it should please eVery sportsman. An uamrtment of splendid features greets the reader. The various departmrnta, the di\er5ity of features. tho illustrationsâ€"mil the-av hrld to make up a magazine of quality and excellence. ' in Gannda is publisth monthly at, \Vuodstock, ()nlaliu, by W. J. Taylor, Limited. Repnrt of Room I Names in nrder oi merit SB. lVâ€"Fred Greene. lvy Smith, Mun-ion Ellis, Howard Atkinson, Evelyn Smith, juhnstun Aimsu-ouq, Constance Mortson. Russell Lynett. Bertha Hopper. Dean Innis, Bert. Hammond, Jucnh Kuning. Mildl'od Mackie. lvy Foden. Max-inn Grainger, Aileen Atkinson, Marian aner, Tom Garter, Eva Maynard, Willie Mylks. JR. lVâ€"Ella Young. Douuld Smith, Audrey Tuck, Mildred Sims, Allan Duncan. Eleanor Hay. Kntbleen Munoney, Ethel Lnsher, Dulmld Bi-nwlpy, Kenneth Braybon. Peal-l Cullins, Oswald Carter, Lillian Rumble ldn Blanchard, Annie Coveyduck. ‘Phyllis Glass, Peter Savage. Alfred ,Gruinger. Dm-nbby Atkinson, Clara ‘ Newpmt, Donald Hick. Louis Mnhonv. John McLean, Frank Bruyhun,Duvid Stirling. Winnifred Saunders, Bruce lnnes. Ulmence Price. Clarence Jones, Nelliu Timsnn. Jasper. Alta.â€"A lurvey for a possible locatiun for a forty-ï¬ve mile stretch of motor road in Jasper National Park from the town (:fjusper to ihe eastern park boundary is being carried out. by two locution survey parties under the supervision of \he Engineering Sexvice of the Canadian National Punks.anch. Department of the Interior. Two lines are being run, one following for a distance of a proximately ,twenty-fire miles the a undnned Grand Trunk Pacific and Canadian Northern railway beds and the other running wholly independents ‘ of the old road beds. By this means it Iwill be possible to select the most economical route and at. the same time determine what portions of the l abandoned grade may be utilized. l \Vhen completed this mad wlli form an important link in the plOpUSPII lEdmonbonâ€"Vancuuwr motor highâ€" ‘wny. The provincial gnvvrnmant of Alberta has already >twlt~d \rmk nu Lbs road from Eillnonton to the 2 me n ‘ park boundnry. Richmond Hill Public School Report New Motor Highway in Jasper Park THE STERLING BANK Rod And Gun School Concert Keep Money Safe Burglaries and hold-ups are numeroul. Surplus money Reï¬t about the house or carried around wit yo_u is no uglier tha‘n v-n - .v_ v- - 7-, n valuable horse stréying on the road. Treat your money as scnoibly as you do your: stoqk. .1111} it in the Sterling Bank A A!â€" __.... i-whééé it will be absolutely safé, earn- ing interest,casily obtained if necessary. OF CANADA SAVE - Bgcause gasâ€"m 2 Doors South of Bakery on Yonge St. Boot and Shoe Repairer Benton, Macdonald & Denton Barristers. Snlictors. 5m. MANNING ARCADE. / 24 KING ST. WEST. TORONTO. CANADA. TELEPHONE MAIN 311 Cable Address: “Dedu†Arthur A. Macdonald Rank Denton The Workingman’s Friend First-class Boot and Shoe Repairer of all kinds of Boots and Shoes V Satisfaction guaranteed H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC New Sh0p on Lorne Ave. “The Rolfe Shoe Repair Store" But don't profess to be an Economist _ unless you do South side Mr. Baldock’s new garage Cummissinner, Conveyancer, Etc Insurance and Real Estate Residence addrt ss Viclï¬l'm Sq In!“ All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired. Good ’Workmanship. Prompt Service. YOU DON’T HAVE RICHMOND HILL GEO. KIDD [Single copies, 3 cts. L. WADE Richmond Hill LICENSED AUC’I‘IONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK l’ntrnnaqvnnd influence respectfully solicited 1 Directly Behind Drug Store 30-“ NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCING IBSUER 0F. MARRIAGE LICENSES A. J. HUME take your repairs to aura. Demon, B. A. No. 26 Ill}