"My kidneys mad bothered me for air years and i was seldom free from kache or rheumatic pains in my right arm and shoumer. I was in such 16. bad ï¬x when I started taking Tanlac that I could hardly go. My back and ‘shbuldem hurt so bad it was all I could Filo beget outoï¬ bed in the mornings. | would come home from work so tired ‘ “Boforel got. Tanlac I was thoroughly ï¬iscowrag‘ed, for I had tried most every Imed‘ioine and kept getting worse. Bu-t, ltn about two weeks after I started on ithis medicine I felt better and after [the second bottle I picked up rapidly. In wasn’t long until Tanlac had me in shape to wheie I could do _a. hard day’s work and then come home and mix Iconcre‘te and work about the house un- ‘,(:11 dark. I have not had a sign of .my old troubles since .31 took 'I‘aulac. It ,gave me a better appetite and made ‘me teel'better all over. I don’t seem to .th'e any mare and can work land all day ad‘stlll feellï¬ne. Tonlac is cer- tainlygreaL'f“ ‘ ‘ ' 'I‘anlac is sold by all good dnlgzists $1 dlzeaded to move after I got settled flown ' - ~ * jONTABIO MAN SAYS rr KEPT HIM me .103 , Movmg pictures are rapidly taking has to be shown, and in this connecâ€" a leading place in Public Healrth tion the moving picture is pre-emln- propaganda. In such a comparatively ent. It appeals to the eye, when the new su'bjec’tâ€"or at least a subject The ear is unreceptive or tired, it shows limportance of which has onJy been actual work bein- accomplished, and !recently recognizedâ€"it is sometimes . puts into action e very men, women 'difï¬cult to get the message acmoss to and children who are the central 'the people by lectures or speeches. A ï¬gures in the health drama. certaln 811W of the P9091? Can- The great question with regard to 31015 W - so the health ar’Emle fall? to movin pictures in Health propaganda {reach everybody. Somethmg tang-Me [is m? of “Sumecty What emu ha “If I had not got ’I‘ Have when I did ,I am sure I would have had to give up rw'ork," says John Atkinson, of May Avenue, Mount Hamilton, Ont, Che- doke Post Oflice, in relating his ex- perience with the medicine. Moving pictftu‘es are gapidly Qkiï¬g, has to be shown, and in Provincial Board of Health, Ontarlo N. Hum will be to new quosubns on Public Health mat- um through this column. Address him at‘Spadina House, Spadina G's-cont. Toronto. HEALTH EDUCATION Little Sun-Maids K They Do a Hundred“ Calories in About 9% “Between-Meal†Raisins N Had You} 3 Iron Today? BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON ? F0} Little Sunâ€"hiaids are 7570‘ fruit sugar in practically predigested formâ€"lewlose, the scientists call it. And levulose is réal bddy fuel. Needing practically no digestion, it gets to work and revives you quick. Full of 'energy'and iranAoth‘ good ï¬nd good for you. Just try a box. _ Inï¬abgut 9% ‘secqnds a hundred caloncs 131' more of energizing nutri- ment will put you on: your toes again. faint Afrgkbu ‘of little raisins when you _feel Huhgry; 'Yaz‘y, fil‘fed7 or 5c Everywhere Public Health ï¬lms should not in- clude .more than two reels, and the point at issue should be brought. out graphically. For instance if it is in- tended to show that discharges from . ~ the throat and nose are infective, or me “1 Ho show child welfare work resulting l gaY'S. in a reduction of infant mortality, the d mix ' inrts should be clearly and simply .se un- gought out. The ï¬lm should appeal o-i my to the eye by arousing interest, and m, ’ It in some cases, amusement. While not made made too dry 01‘ prosy it should keep mm M to reality as much as passible‘: In . every 3. But, led on after ipidly. cases shou‘ The great question with regard to movin pictures in Health propaganda is the of “Sulbjec .†What shall be shown? What will do good, or What may be obscure? We have seen this question arising time and time again with regard to moving pictures, par- lticularly those dealing with social ilryg'iene. As a general rule the pic- ture should appeal to the upper class of the general public and be free from any trace of boisterousness or come monness. The graduate of a grammar school or someone with even a slight- ly better education, is a good standâ€" ard. There is no ~use in trying to make ï¬lms suit the very poor, for the very poor never see the ï¬lm. Neither; should the picture he made to suit a} scientiï¬c audience, as the majority of such an audience may already be con-' verted to the idea ou-‘messag‘e that the ï¬lm conveys. In all kinds of health; propaganda this uestion of talkin I: to the converted aways crops up. have seen public meetings called to point out the advantages of certain Public Health work, and the entire audience was composed of those al- ready favoring the Health prwm. Those opposed and those ind' eren’f stayed at home, but when a propose is voted on, the stay-atâ€"homes often cast their vobes blindly W‘ I. it, Without understanding. I 1e eye by me cases, a a too dry 0 eality as I IE l few: 1) the ï¬lm the . One of the most cosny and tedious ‘ of the processes in connection with the ‘ manufacture of linen is the pulling'of ' the flax, which hitherto has had- to be done by hand. New attempts are now ‘ being made in Europe to do this me- chanically, and several tests have re- cently been made of different flax- pui-ling machines. The most success- ful seems to be one that is now run ning in Ireland. This machine, like others tried in England, France, RES“ SiaL and Canada, fundamental-1y con-j Isis'ts of a comblike arrangement that‘ ; grasps the flax stems, énd by the liresistance of the seed capsules of the ‘ï¬bre pI-u'c‘ks them from the ground. After being pulled, _the flax is thrown onto-'a‘hinding arrangement similar to that used in gnain harvesters. ’It is then 'bound and shocked, also like sheaves of grain. l 'I‘he halo had its origin about tx'v thousand yea-1‘s ago. 'Ib guard agains the 'possilhillty of rain staining th marble faces of their gods the Greek used to protect them with a larg metal plate placed ovel'ihe top of th head. These were mistaken by paint ers in later years for emblems of (11' vinity. Accordingly, our Christie MONEY Banana. When ordeu'ing goods by mail send a Dominion Express Money Order. Mlnard’s Llnlment for Garg Mrs. Alfred Tranchemon-tagne, St. Michel des Saints, Que, writes:â€" “Baby’s Own Tablets are an excellent medicine. I'I‘he‘y saved my baby’s life and I can highly recommend them to all mothem" Mrs. ’I‘ramchemon- mgne's experience is that of thousands of other mothers who have tested the worth of Baby's Own Tablets. The Tablets are a sure and safe medicine for little ones and never fail to regu- late the bowels and stomach, thus re. lieving all the minor ills from which children auirer. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wi‘lliams' Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. St. Ives people declare that flsllm are very “knowing.†When dog-flslh were doing damage 00 the nets some ï¬sher- men caught one, flogged it, and let rt go again to tell its fellows what would happen if they did not clear out of the neighborhood Pdfldhards have been scarce in St. Ives Bay since the railway was built along its shores, and ï¬shermen believe that the engine whistle frightens the ï¬sh away. Animals are regarded With particu- lar disfavor, and dogs and cam must not be mentioned when the nets are out. as a whole loaf. A half-loaf of bread In a ï¬shing ‘bogit'signliï¬es that only half the usual gate-h 6f ï¬sh will be taken. . 5‘ ’ Taking a pasty to sea is another in- vitation to disaster, While bread mus-t be-Icarri‘ed on board neither in slices or Where Women Mustn’t Whistle. Numbers of things are taboo among Cornish ï¬sher folk. No woman is al- lowed to whistle or bad luck will sure- ly follow. 'On’eye‘ty hind "we see youths ana yonng inen of this type plai’i‘z‘igï¬t lite. playing at work, accomplishing noth- ingIWifi‘tlr ‘mer'iamng-rabonw mum-g for something to til-{p up, for some lucky chanceï¬o giveflwm'a 11ft.,:Anï¬ when “luck†does not come to them, they blame the circumstances and con- ditions lwhich have been “ageing†them nqt p‘erceivin‘g that those gave beenmnderxheir own control. _ ‘ > ' Multitudes g‘o pinching aldng all flhelr lives in mediocrity, pointng an- vious ï¬ngers at those‘ who by industry and 'effort'have won advancement and crying “lucky dog!†"I-t's better to be how lucky than ridhg†‘ " it isn’t luck, but grlt‘that controls success. The fellow who forms the habit of waiting for someflhlng to turn up never succeeds.~0. S. Mar-den. Machines for. Flax-Pulling to Supersede Hand Labor. to stay in Public Health, it is well to make it as. efl'ective as possible from the start. The Thing That Controls Success: Most people seem to think that suc- cess comes in» some mya-terious way; that theyicaxmot do very much in the way of bl'lngi'ng‘it about; itlmt it "is largely a. question 9‘! luck, qt just han- pening to be in the right place at the right time; of having pull. or influence. or outside capital. But the real truth is .thlat these penple haven’t the grit to try} They don't half try and they know tiney don’t half try. They are cursed with inertia; hey are lazy; ,they are not wining to get right 'down- on Lheir marrbw bones and hus¢let they are not willing to pay the price‘for success. SAVEmBY’S LIFE NI 'l‘he sap of a vine circulatés with ï¬ve times the force of blood through the most important blood-vessel in a horse’s leg. Burns’ Clubs, in all parts of the English-speaking world, number over 800. ' ’ For Sore Throat, There is this difference between hap pimess 'and wisdom; he that thrinkc himself the happiest mam really is so but he that thinks himself the wis-es1 is generally the greatest: tool. Theme is not one nfan in a thousand capable of being a successful rogue. while anyone may succeed as an houn- est man. Don’t rest on your laurels'; they’re time on your Mead but they make a poor mattress. 'I‘o-day exert thyself to earn an- plause; toâ€"mprrow wflxl be time enough to sit back and listen for it. If you have half an hour 130 spare, don’t spend it I with someone who hasn’t. The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when Lt comes. Life is like tennis; in that the player who doesn’t serve well usually loses in the end. - Wham mam does not alter for the bet: ter, time alters for the worse. Difficulties strengthen the mind,. 'as exercise does the body. ' Be aggrasive. but with it be agree- able.- 7 ‘ . Riches serve a wise man, but com- mand a fool. , ‘ . Those best can heal: taproot who merit pï¬aiS'e. L ‘ ‘ As for meeii;her bagel: aches, she is dizzy with sick headaches, and often has stabbin pains in the side.. The only real helm is ell-theyéafâ€"rbuiiél health; and the secret or it is good, red blood and plenty of it. One way .40 keep the blood fin goodliéonditllon'ï¬â€˜is to take Dr. Williamsâ€'Pink“Pills.‘Thére is scarcely a nook or corner in Canada where someone will not be found who will tell you the benefit they have. had through the use of these pills. ‘And the reason is that' through the im- proved condition of ,x‘the blood‘ they strengthen and tone up the nerves of worried, enfeebled men and women, andat thesnme time have given new vigor to pale, ‘de'licat - girls {and thin we'edy boys. The value of these’pilfs in all run down condiuons is shown by the statement of Mrs. Lawrence Brown, Walton, N.S., who says:â€" "When I began taking Dr. Williamé’ Pink Pills I was in a weak'bloodless and nervous condition; suffering from all the depressingrsympt'oms that ac- company this run down stmte of health. I had taken much medicine but it did not do me any; good. and as I had a family of small children, I was much discouraged. Then raiding about Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills I decided to try them, and I can honestly say that I feel these pills have saved me from prolonged misery. My health is now good, and we now keep the pills in the house for use as a’family medicine." You can get Dr. Williams" Pink "Pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams" Medicine 00., Brockvflie; Ont. ' - - i Good Health Maintained Through '»Rich,~Red Blood. In the ggse 6'5 ifnen "won‘y ï¬nd over- strained new“? are gsuall‘y ,ieipons- ible for this state'ot unfltnesé aid in- ability to face the anxietias 0! daily life. Thais are "’many 1116;: (And wopiexf: who, every few weeks, héve spelié of weakness, during which time they are little better than invalids; yet_rat.__other times they feel very well. Why does their health fluctuaMSO? THE WAY TO BE WELL America's Pimen- Doz Samoan BOOk.‘ 01'! COARSE SALT LAN D SALT Cold in the Chest, Etc. Bulk Carlots TOP‘QNTO SALT WORKS J. OLIFF - TORONTO Wisps ofVWisdom. YARMOUTHTN. é; DOG DISEASES and ow to Feed MaJled tea to any Ad- dress b the Author. a. any lovu- 00.. no. 129 West 34th Street New York. U.B.A. The Egyptians sometimes used stones 30 feet in length in their masonry. - ' It is practicaldy impossible to dis- hing-dish learther made from ï¬sh skins from that made from hides. Where Ignoranceâ€" A youth wro-te home after the elope- ment: “1 am married now, and all my troubles are over}? Married men, please don’t laugh. Oï¬ta'rié ELTING OF ALL KINDS. NEW OR used.. pulls a. lawn. cable. hon. etc. ‘Blï¬pped'lub eat to approval at low- est prices In Canada. York Belting Co. 115 York at“ Toronto. Mlnard's Linlment ?or Ulstempor. $~§To negprm DAY; nï¬nmwAN'rED ‘ 07- at onga; city and praU‘lEs Qemngd automoblle m‘echarfl'cs and driving, trues tor operating, tire \‘ulcanlzing, oxy- acetylene weldlw, storage battery. electrical work. 6 teach these trades. practical trailing. only few weeks reâ€" ulred; day-night classes. \Vrlte for we catalogue: bl wages, steady em‘ p1 yment, Hemph 11 Auto Gas Tractor ï¬g ools, 3163;1(in5 \Vest. Toronto. t E REQUIRE PARTIES TO KNIT for us at home, either with ma.- chlne or "by hand"; write for informa- tion; send postage. The CanadianWVholb sale‘Dis. Co..‘Dept. A, Oulma. Ont. Make Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum your daily toilet preparations. lunph Huh Pneby WI. Address: “I. , Mm- lfnd. 8“ 5:. Pull l9†W1. Konrad.†old aver - where. Soap 23c. Ointment 25 and 50:. Talenm 25:. Cuticurn Soup shaves without mug. Pullmans via. Grand Canyon also to Southern Arizona, ,ivâ€"_,___. â€". l IDOUT & MAYBEE. KENT BLDG Yong. Street. Toronto. Resist r taunt Attorney: Bond for free book \t May" Folde ‘l was advised to use Cuticum Soap and Ointment and after using three cakes of Soap and three boxes of Ointment he was entirely healed." (Signed) Miss Mary Wort, Youngs Cove, New Brunswick. niglgt. †My nephew’s {ace and hands were badly disï¬gured with eczema. He was only three weeks old when it broke out in blisters, and the skin was sore and red. It caused ' itching, burning and loss ' - of sleep, and the child was so worrisome. He could test neither day not BELTINQ FR SALE BABY DISHGURED WHH ECZEMA In Blisters. .ltched and Burned. Cuticura Heals. 4'60 Wifltéi’ daily trains via the San! HOfCE .EILVER. BLACK 1' Foxm's. pgps. adults. Reid Bros., Bothwell. Classiï¬ed Adverï¬semrnh ! 0RD WOOD, SLAB: woon}""cAï¬ Vlots. Reid Bros. B'othwell, OnLarlo. Grand Canyon Line 5H ea Press 31:13., Detroit, men. Phone: Main 6847 1'. Hench-y. 692. AS Santa. Po Railway xmfr'rrim A": non. 35mm nrwonnrs. SSUE N (h is winier 'ey meals "all the ‘ end »you--.our.. pl AUTO 803°01'- FOB SALE. POXES. ,2. Fe.