HARDWOOD FOR SALEâ€"Two cars of No. l bndy wood, dry beech and Maple. Apply Richmond Hill Realty. phone 114. 25-26 W )ULLETS AND OOOKERELS~A number of Leghorn Pullets and Cockerels, wall bred. JOHN GRAHAM. Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. 28 OR SALE-A Fireco Range. used two years, stove practically no Rood as new. H. SANDERSON. Telephone Building. 25-26 Maple. UUUâ€"Ivu U‘vlâ€"-â€" -7. 7‘ \N green mixed wood for sale. “’ill deliver in Richmond Hill, Maple, And King. P. JONES. Lot 80. Con. 8, Vaughan. Phone Maple 2860. 26-28 REEN HARDWOODâ€"About 100 COrdg green hardwond for swle. Also a quantity of dry stump wand, 93nd and gravel. Parties may 163;; orders at the Liberal Ofï¬ce. 0. JONES, Maple R. R. 2. PhnnP 2960. 91,07 u.....-_.... in}; hnusé: Kpply l’. opposite Lnngstaï¬' School. ' ‘\VU “UILGDUL'UV,<V _. i a in;: aged 7 years. white blue and star. also buy mare aged, thwe white feet, white face. Communicatv wuh Toronto Hunmne Society. 19731001111! Street. Toronto. Telephone Trinity 3218, ‘ 25-27 TENDERS WAN’lepme‘ 1\ r géAVS FILEDâ€"Cross cut and cir' k. culur saws gummed and ï¬led. Cut- l'm hux knives ground. In fact. if it is ( nil we sharpen it. Also ugnlt {or Uilsnn Mfg. 00., Guelph. Cunu- in Ind see their‘ll self sharpening steel chilled plow share. A. ANDERSON. Rear of W. Vunderhurg’s shop. Rich. ,, a Llle cuuu'u r. Rear of VImderhurg mnnd Hill OR SALEâ€"l Trench plauox-m spring wagon. ncnriy new ([CKENZIE 8305.. Willowdule. 13-tt‘ NOTICEâ€"E. Sliney is prepared to L do all kinds of trunking and hitting in Richmond Hill and vicinity. Patronage suliciLed. Plume Richmond Hill 93. 42 if uoxcn Lorsâ€"Ch‘bice lots for ut $5 a foot up. Terms easy. ( \LusoN, Richmond St. Get Your Painting Done Now 7‘ 0R SALE? $03 SALEâ€"Hulk“: and Int in Maple L ALFRED RUMBLE. 18M :68 RENTâ€"43 Raomed house, all _ conveniences. Apply to A. G. l\'.ll)n 20'tf. And see the new model Superior CHEVROLETand McLAUGHLIN MASTER 4 CARS. W0 HORSES FOUNI ing aged 7 years. \vhi also buy llulfllngad, OUSE T0 street. ‘ A. 8. WHEELER g 00D- . E.†Low Charges Step 47 Richmond Hm Want Ads- wood. First class Painter *â€"lO() cords of hagd 9nd soft. . HILL & CO. Wifséï¬s. Ph‘one \360 36-27 V [tun l7 v" ........V. Richmond Hill. Apply - 20-1f D. Hill & Co. RENTâ€"jw»flich‘nmnd 100 colds gry stqil'l‘g Trench platform IN Dâ€"ng gem: 2960. 24-27 -For plaste‘ - O. BROWSE. lS-tf used r snle GEO. ll-If \Midwinter Sal e of Seusnnnble Millinery. Cnnsisting of small bright hats. or the large dress hats, in a variety of material and shades; and all black and silver for matrons. at half price. All this week linory Store. You are also invited to visit our Dressmaking Department where prompt servieo will be given ynu. PHONE 28. Miss E.G. Barker Ban-Intern. Solid tors. Etc. Ofï¬cesâ€"Suite 5H McKinunn Bldg“ Cor. Jordon and Melinda 31.5., Tm'nuto afternoon. Mr. Campbell will 'm at The Librral Ofï¬ce. Richmand Hi1|pevery Tuesday JONES LUMBER CO On a little farm away up nortl Tom lived with his parents and one brother. His father. well up in years. round himself unable to continue the hard work of farming, so Tom took up the burden. The income was not large, and the lad signed up with a ulmber gang working nearbyâ€"sawing logs. stripping bark and driving the teams. Altogether these two jobs. farmer and lumberman. kept his day so well ï¬lled that he had time for little more than sleep. Nature re- belling at this heavy burdenâ€"couâ€" aumption claimed-ahother victim. After trying various ways to over- :ome his physical weakness, he went to the Muskoka Hospital. His par- ents are anxious about him, they send the other son to see him often, for they are old and feeble and journey- ing is a hazardous undertaking to them. Tom's own troubles are never so real to him that he forgets others. He asks for those about him. lives for little bits 0 news about his home, and never fa. s to send this mes- sage back, “Don't worry about me. The people here sure do treat you white." A wonderful work is being done by :he National Sanitarium Association. l‘he death rate from tuberculosis in Ontario has been reduced by more :han one-half during the last twenty years. It needs your help to make its efforts still more eflectlve. n British Columbia 3 x and 5 xi shingles ; Ontario No.1 White Pine lath ? Ontario No 2 White Pine lath , Spruce, Pine & Fir flooring 1’ Spruce, Pine & Fir sidings . Ontario White Pine boards British Columbia sheetings 1 All sizes of Dimensions Doors, sash, and trim “Don’t Worry About Me’: from’s Assuring Message Contribufiohé in} 7135â€"75.th tor Hon‘ W..A. Charnon, 223 College Street tomato. Richmond Hill, Macnaughton & Campbell FREDERICK A. A. CAMPBELL Cor: Aynold & Yonge "Yonge SL, RICHMOND HILL; 3AMERON MAL'NAUG HTUN PHONE 27 Telephone Main 3631 at the Thnrnhill Mi!- 25326 “mu SATURDAY, DEC. 3_0â€"â€"Farm ntoek and A.. Un.»..u . implements. lut 33‘. con. 3. Murkhnm. the property ofJamea Allard. Sale at l O'clock. Tami ll months. F. W. Silversidel. Auct. SATURDAY, DEC. 30â€"Ten acres stand- ing timber. reru- lot 25, con. 3. Vaughan, the pmperty n! Aamilius Wilson. Sale at 1 o'clock. Tenn- 10 months. J. T. Suigann. Auct. WEDNESDAY, JAN. l7â€"â€"1‘"nrm stock. implements. furnitnw. Hny grain om. lot 16. con. 3, Vaughan‘ Sher- wood, the property of Lewis Clement. Sale at 1 o’clock shm p. Torms 10 momhl. Prentice & Prentlco, Aunts. Pennant to the Statutes in that be- half. Notice is hereby given that all PM‘LiOI hlving claims against. the Estate of Walter Chatterley, late of the Township of Vaughan. Whndied on or about the 8th day of Apxil. A. D. 1917, are rvquired. an or before the 15th day of junnu'y, 1923 to send to Joseph Equrd Funnels. Executor. Thm-nhill. a. Statement, of their claims and addresees, tngelhm' with the nature of the security, if any held by them. -â€" . ,. l p. “LL Notice to Creditors incl-.- Tnke further anice \hat after such last, mentinnod date. the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the Estate among the parties entitled Lhex'etu, Inn-Em: regard unly tn the claims of which he shall then have re- ceived nmtice. r - n . “hatea this 15th A. D. 1922. The Rolfe Shoe and harness repair store,\'ou may have harness, boots and shoes promptly and neatly repaired. Huner and luts. on Lienlre BLFQ‘HI east \ illnge. Valuable house and lot nnERishmond Stleel. Get your harness supplies where you get your harneSS repaired. Don't 'throw away your old rubber boots. They may be halt.soled, heeleq and patched by the new process. Skates grouud concave and ï¬xed to boots. Soles sewn on machine made welted boots at same price as nailed work. Extra charge for hand/sewn soles. I am tvryingm gain your Conï¬dence at. me Store South of new Garage. Only a Youth, but Néver Knew a Boyhood George Adams is a very weak boy â€"he'a so weak he can't. even turn the pages of a. book without feeling vain. He has a. good many brothers and sisters and his parents are very poor. So when George put on long trousersâ€"Aha was Just 12 at. the time _he became a. man and took upon himself the task of earning money for the family. . 1, A- 1â€",â€. .v. u... .. .-_, He went to learn a trade in an iron foundry. where iumes and hard work undermined a. weak system and sowed future trouble. Now and then one other working member or the family would cease earning through sickness or loss of Job. and George wouid have to keep his nose to the grindstone a tew more hours each day to make up for it. His life was Just work. work, work, unit] one day he drop- ped on the floor. The company physician, who examinad him. pre- scribed a. year or two at the Muskoka Hospital for Consumptives. He can’t understand why he never" had a boy- hood and none of the good ï¬xings of Nice- new house and lot Street. North annex. House and one acre on M and hnnse and two acres Hurst Road, South annex. Huuse and .‘I n ple. llre. but he's fairly happyâ€"he knows separation from hls family safeguards them. He's content, and he still has hope. There are many just such deserving cases in need of treatment at the Muskoka Hospital. Will you lenrd a Loans negotiated 7 hands Contributions may be sent to Hon. \V,'A. Charlton, 233 College Street. H. A. Nicholls """ \' VlLLIAM COOK. 33 Richmond Street \Vess. Solicitor for Exoout-orz- The Rea! Estate Man Auction Sale Register able pmpelty at Elgin Mills HAS FOR SALE lot, and smnll farm at day nf Decemhor, Insurance effected n Centre Street on May AvpnuP. acres on Ynnge an Oxford l 25-28 RICHMOND TIRE 8: BATTERY SERVICE For your very liberal patronage during the year 1922 and espec- ially at Christmas, we thank you, and wish you all a Very Happy New Year. Electric netos, Trench Block -:- QUALITY SHOPPE -:- W WOOD FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE A. G. SAVAGE T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited Phone 33, - Thornhill, Ontario «oonmoomommoWoomo - :- Star Skates - :- I vvvvv EOOPVER’VSVWHA'RDWARE MILLINERY GUARANTEED to Done by the HA! Vulcanizingnrrmc PROCEss General Agent, office at the Post Office - Richmond Hill COAL’ TRENCH’S BLOCK Spades, Shovels, Forks, Building paper, Tar paper and Roofing,Harness Sup- plies Sweat pads, Breast strap, Hame strap, Heel chains, Curry combs and Brushes -: Stoves and Ranges -: Demon . . . . . Bulldug. . .. Glacier . . ,. Bull Skates Sleigh: Lined. . Unliuud Plain PHD Tan: Pep.†I My Linn Roofing 1 Ply Owl Roofing 2 Ply Owl Rtmfing 3 Ply 0W1 Huufing‘ BA'FTE RY VESTA S E RV I C E VESTA [ Watered and Inspected Free A“ M akes [ Repaired and Recharged. COOPER HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited Phone 33 Thornhill, Ontario MRS. NORMAN BAT TY Motors, Generators, Mag: Etc., Repaired. Phone 109 ‘ K. VANDERBURGH ROOFING AND SHEETINGS OOOWW. HORSE BLANKETS and PHONE 93 ‘asc Longer than Done by the HAYWOOD SCIEN- A u UAâ€"‘-:m LADIES’ WEAR 500., 1.10, 1.75. Richmond Hill BESS. Au ï¬epnirs the Rest of the Tire. . per per per per Pf'l‘ pï¬l' Phone 53 $1.75 34m 2. 25 roll roll m)‘. roll roll roll