Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Jan 1923, p. 2

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BLUE WATER A. TALE "OF THE DEEP fimmwmmn '.-- .E:D~i‘.?}’BY FREDERICK WILLIAM WALLACE Oopyrlgha, by the “son Book Company -TCHAP'IiiE:Il FIFTEENâ€"(Cont’d.) Jerry could protest he was hustled s , a ractically finished into his coat and boots and dragged anlliiéazlliahékfihen Frank strolled down to the wharf by his energetic over to purchase some barn .Pam't nephew. from Captain Ring. Lem was In the; Jud Morrell was not at home when smalLstommhwfihorty entered, and ,tizey called, but Frank left word with hedmfi old chum With aIbis Wife. “Tell Juddy I’m borryln' gins Tgeemâ€"ea-wt " ,his'vessel to go to Yarmouth. I’ll i 8 th’ raCket, ol’ sock? ’aSkedImake it all right with him when I cheerily. “You’re‘looki’n as f'g-it back!» And they ran down to ‘ ot a friend left In th world‘ the deserted wharf and tumbled fiche goodmto Ye?" ' " aboard. » ' ..-- gave af, nt. ""1 wanted't “Throw off th’ star'n line, Uncle, ~: run ovégto' An-chorville to-daY,an’ drag her down to th’ head 0’ th’ ‘e her, but the ol’ man’s taken, dock! So! Thvat’ll do! Let go all, ._m an! my. to stay to home; 'an’ jump aboard!” ' ’1'" excla in the"othcr. ,“Why In fifteen minutes from the time ' The takemwiwith'him?” 5' ther lefitvthe holuse theyhhad hoisted ‘ . " hm. .f‘No, he’sai an were caving t e cove e- ahOOk‘ " hm ’Said hind in the darkness. ' n't, an’ I ‘don’t see Why. .. ‘ indfioh ' t business down' Frank ran the Jib up and belayed some rhn Ithe halliard. I mouth .v orrow an’ I was to i ' at hiOI‘llzBAAn’ bh’ Town Hop cried as he ran aft. “Now, Uncle, we’ll drive her! I‘m goin’ t’ make ", an’ I told her I’d 'Yarmouth afore noon t’-morrow or . Anchbrvillle for- it sure. ' " t.‘ ' tl 1’ man treats know th’ reason why. We’ll make a Dm‘mame h was 18 0 bid for that contract or bust. Give it me'rt’iil‘hin‘ks I’m nawthin' but a kid.” " V_ cm Erank took the paint over to . to her now! CHAPTER SIXTEEN. his'ib‘ ,'p-lace he was thinking} “so in ’5 off to Yarmouf-Jy 15 11,9? ' nythin’ t’ do W115i} There was a fresh off-shore breeze 'â€"-Wonderâ€"â€"n0W? lblowing across the Bay, and in the ~ _ supper Mrs. Wesfi-Tsmooth water under the lee of the haix'elg'handed him a letter. “The ma11,;,land the little forty-foot schooner jest brought it this afternoon; lslipped along as if she had an engine 5 " "id._ “Looks like a young lady Sgumming in her. The night was clear ‘ itm ”. I?" |and starllit, and after he had coiled the gear and trimmed the sheets of the foresail, m-ainsail, and’ jib, Frank entered the little forecastle and and Frank - ay‘t “ , d the epistle. It WWW-Bentonâ€"a proper lpver’s note, encguraging, and full of Sweefiilwms. “midi “iwas the pom? Coming aft he squatted down in SCfiPi'WMbhcausgd him to Jump to his feethx‘v'i. guys out. . 'was steering. “Th’ sidelights are out “Whva’t’dfi N matter?” eXCl‘almed ‘ in th’ brackets, an’ here’s th’ binnacle, motheradmnclegfit once. “ lit an’ ready for use. Now, ef this Frank ns‘were ,eXCItedlY- Now I breeze’l'l hold as it is ’thout droppin’ know whyTRingubds shot off for Yar- mom, anl‘i‘th’ mao‘n for all his close ways! -‘H'ere’vsaud‘in~e from Lily, en- closing 4a piece-oddbm the Yarmouth paper. Listeni:,§iere’s what she says: or stiffenin’, I cal’late we’ll run th’ hundred miles to Yarmouth in jig time. Ef I git thar’ by noon I Won’t Enlilnd)». Let me git in Yailrmouth an’ _ ’- ust my way inter t em Da os’ rims aisle mil“ in: my wider thing outiofnitu’aanvn’ this is What th’lco'I‘hemotlltielrt grunted Paper’sxgomuhfienhm‘ Ignatio Ruez 0f oilâ€"clothes aboard 9”. the Brazilian,.Governiiicnt Commisx “Can’t find amp: replied Frank sariatDepar'tnientand Captain Clo-luwe sh-d ha. bw‘n’g o’urs al‘ong but; {fa’nni’ca'stlilmenw 0f tll'cjchBrgmlégn never mind, Uncle. We Won’t ’mind, s‘tzfie‘fhtelmi.Snggieogivsfiigugshe: Eh’ collii ef \ive fland that contract an’ gentlemen will remain in Yarmouth eat hat 0 ox ng out" And for a few days forthe purpose of re- ceivjngytenders. a large quantity of dried salted iis to be supplied to the Brazilian Government for the use of the army and navy and the penal settlements.-. It.,is expected that a “Ain’t that" no to himselfâ€"a little love ditty which turned his thoughts to the beautiful girl he hoped to win. “Yes,” he mur~ mured when the song ended. “A man kin do a power 0’ things when it’s for “Sheet down yer jib!" he' brou ht tth. l , ‘ .v g on e compass and bmnade "‘Can‘t scare that fel‘ler nohow. Goti the Well or cockpit Where his uncle‘ Frank commenced to sing a little song, NURSES The Toronto Hospital for Incur- obles. in afflilo‘Jon with Boilevue and Allied Hospitals. New York City, offers a three yearu' Course 01' Train- in to young women. having the re- qu red education. and desirous of be- coming nurses. This Hospital has adopted the eight-hour system. The pupils receive uniforms of the School, a monthly allowance and travelling expenses to and from New York. For further information apply to the Superintendent. So pilot us home with thy light from above. Light clear th’ path that will lead me to thee, Estella marina! Star of th’ Sea. An' th' man what wrote that little song was a sailor, I’ll bet,” comment- ;ed Frank. “He know what it was t' Ibc homeward bound an’ steerin’ by th' stars twinklin’ jest above his home. .Aye, ayeâ€"Estella marina! Star of th’ gSea! Umi Some heft in that puff!" The little vessel rolled down to her rail in a gust which swept down from a clearing in the spruce~clad hill to windward. “Oho! here’s anotherl ENicely, now, nicely! Comes up like a whale, she does!” Uncle Jerry's head appeared in the square of light from the fo’c'sle hatch. “What’re ye tryln’ t’ do? Roll her over?” he bowled. “Lord Harry! She hove a shovelful 0’ hot cinders a-top- o’-me. Let her come up in them puffs â€"she ain’t no Bank schooner re- member!" "All right, Uncle,” laughed Frank. “I’ll let ye know when she’s capsizin’.” The wind come away stronger when ,the Gull Island light came abeam, and, much as Frank regretted taking any sail of? her, both men turned to and reefed jib and mainsail in the light from the gas buoy a few yards to ‘ windward. “Handy things is gas buoys some- .times,” remarked Frank facetiously when the shortening down was finish- ied. “Reg'lar Gov’ment lamp-posts for th" small craft t’ see when tyin’ out a reef earâ€"rin’.” Uncle Jerry looked hard at his nephew while he was speaking, and as he went below again he murmured, no nerves at all], an’ I’m ’most scarel t’ death in this bit of a boat. Eh, eh -as we git older We lose our grit an’ th’ young ’uns give us th’_ dare.” (To be continued.) Women Can Dye Old Faded Things New in Diamond Dyes Each package of “Diamond Dyes" contains directions so simple any woman can dye or tint her worn, shabby dresses, skirts, waists, coats, stockings, sweaters coverings, draper- ‘ies, hangings, everything, even if she i has never dyed before. Buy “Diamond Dyes"-no_ other kindâ€"then perfect ‘home dyeing is sure because Diamond iDyes are guaranteed not to spot, fade, istreak, or run. Tell your di‘uggist whether the material you wish to dye is wool or silk, or whether it is linen, \\ - -.- 5&- ‘ix- -un"-r* Strong Liquid" . x ‘tl‘k.;x’4(pk~l LLviuQAluw-‘--.wo,.-.~- . .2- _ , Position of Royal Bank of Canada mun-sun Total Assets Stand at $479,362,366 â€" Of This Amount Liquid Assets Are $216,048,331, Eq ual to 49.37% of Liabilities to Publicâ€"Savings Deposits Show Canadian People Practise Thrift. The Annual Statement of the Royal ‘ Bank of Canada for the fiscal year. _' ended November 30th discloses the strong 'and 'sound position' of the bank. With its large and complete organization throughout the Domin- ion, the report of the Royal Bank of Canada reflects in a special manner the general conditions of the country.‘ On this account there will be satis~z faction to find that following the i‘e-l adjustment period for industry and, trade, the general trend of business is evidently on the upgrade. ' Of the greatest importance from m...- manner in which the savings deposits have been maintained in the face of' lessened industrial activity. The sub-f stantial total of these deposits indi-. cates that a very great proportion of the people have been adding ma- terially to their savings. This is a, 1 healthy sign, particularly in view of the large amount that small invest- during the past few years. Tothl de-' posits amount to $372,003,961, of of which $277,595,882, bear interest. Bank’s Cash Position. The Bank has fully maintained its usual strong liquid position, the perâ€"‘ centage of actual cash on hand and in bank to liabilities to the public being 28.20%. Of total assets of $479,362,366, liquid assets are $216,-I 048,331, being 49.37% of liabilities; to the public. Of this amount cash‘- on hand and Domlinion notes total $63,935,920. Other principal A Slight oversight. ,' Speaking of absent-mindedness, an‘ old friend writes Us that he is reminrl- 1 led of an amusing story of the late? iJulia Ward Howe. Mrs. Howe wasl visiting at the home of our friends ’parents and found that she had forgot-j ten to put a nightgown into her bagl Her hostess had gone into another room to get one for her, when Mrs. i Howe was heard to call out from th ' i | guest room: “0 Lizzie, dear Lizzie, it is no mat- ter about the nightgown. I find I have one on!” .â€".:.â€"__ Minard’s Liniment for Coughs &. Colds. %__.__. 0 Ordering by Sample. A young woman entered a telegraph office in an Ohio town and asked the! operator if his line made connection :with Chicago. On being answered inI ,' the affirmative the young woman openâ€"i led her bag, took out a bunch of: isainples and went to writing. Aft-er} lsome difficulty she squeezed her; ithougiits into ten words and approach- ‘ed the sending table. She laid down ’ the public standpoint is perhaps tlie;acmed, mtg/refit on deposits, making. items, of them. the liquid assets are Call bonds, debentures and stocks of approximately $48,000,000: cheques on other banks $20,573,642; balances due by banks and banking correspondents $27,893,715; Cana- includod in Loans on d'i-an Municipal Securities and British ‘ F.7cign and Colonial Public Securi- ties, other than Canadian $7,901,927. Railway and other bonds $13,462,068. ' Profits Well Maintained. 'Ilhe Profit and Loss Account shows that profits have been well maintain- ed, the total for the year, after die- , ducting charges for management, full provision for all bad and doubt- ful debts, having amounted to $3,- 958,469, which equals 19.40% on the capital. This amount, adxled to the. balance of Profit and Loss carried from the previous year, made the total amount available for distribu- tion $4,863,514. From this was paid , , , in dividends and $2,856.000; ’ 0T5 have Placed 1‘“ VICtOTY BORdvahere was transferred to Officers Pen- si'on Fund $100,000; appropriation, was made for Bank $400,000; Reserve for Dominion Gov- ernment Taxes, including War Tqu on Bank Note Circulation $500,000; leaving an amount to be married» for- Premises of ' ward to Profit and Loss of $1,007,514. . That the Royal Bank of Canadfi‘ has come through the period of busi- ness depression in such shape is an evidence of the stability splendid ' of our Canadian banks and of ther businesssagacity of those in charge A REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM IN ALL ITS VARIOUS FORMS, Testimonial. Dundas Street, Toronto. Dobson's New Life Remedy. Dear Sirzâ€"Jt affords me more than mere pleasure to add my testimony to the many I am sure you already have as to the merits of your New Life medicine for lciutica and rheumatism. I was a great sufierer fora long time with sciatica. and hearing of your medicine, I procured two bottles, which cured me completely, at st one year ago, and have nev- n-umber of local dealers will tender for these; important contracts. The eminent representatives of the great South American Republic will leave for Rosana sin. n' Saturday even- ing.’ Now; w at"d-, e think 0’ that 2" “It ain’t a-goinLt’ do us any good ” said Captain Clark dejectedly. “It‘s too late nowâ€"24th:) late. Ef we’d ha' known~yesterday;.you c’d ha’ gone t’ Yarmout "tlii‘s-imornin’ an’ made a bidfor thiat.,-2L,t_._glud h'a’ bin 3 good thing t' git a contract like what they’d want. Too bad!” 1 Frank had left the table and was! pacing up and down the room absorb- J ed in thought. “Ohfif he’d only known ' day before! Such an order would, have given-him 'agreat start. Andi Plain Ring Wes..even then down in1 smooth placing" his tender inâ€"â€"â€"-” ' Fe made oneor twp turns in his pacâ€" ng andswopped. 1‘6- ~‘ Aim! .1] f thesyg‘freighrtl train leave on: ~e__ ,r rmout to-ni ht?" :‘Leozlzés‘ affili’ght," an-sweredgCap- E81“ Clark..““¥e’ll never catch that. t’s seven no\v,‘a‘n‘d‘ Anchorville’s four- teen miles away.'.’r_ i “An’ th’fi'rs't‘i‘rain in the mornin’ s . . . . ’ w I “Halfjpa‘st two in the afternoon. It’ll amvp- Jest afew minutes afore th’ Boston boat pulls out.” Frank giji'ntedzgand resumed his patting. .‘lfifiigh water now, I cal'late?” The tpfiolle “Jud Mfij‘ell‘s" schooner is Iyin’ to W'Wharf,‘-ifin't 311a?” “Yes,” answered the other. "‘Tlizft’s éfib‘uig'fi‘for me,” shouted nln - “Git.m9.ié.r~1_hntern, mai Come long, Unclel Quick now! We’ll make shoot for Yarihouth to-nig‘bt!" “In that bit‘of a schooner?” cried stout‘ski: periin amazement. “It’s lowy outsi e. t'â€"night for sich a email hookeri’v’ , ~ “Never mind,” snapped Frank. “Git gur boots on.y Gimme a coat! Come â€"1_et"s bead: it)” ‘And before Uncle cracked lips, ' chllblains. ‘ M a k e s y o u r ‘- skinsoft,white, clear and smooth. bat/cams Stu. I? a gm he loves cotton or mixed goods. - Dearie, my d‘earicl v Nothing’s worth while but dreams of The New Commandant. 3’0“. . An, you kin make every dream come A teacher in an elementary school true, had given lessons to an infants’ class Dearie, my deai'iel Give me your hand, Say you understandâ€" My dearie! on the Ten Commandments. In order to test their memories she asked: “Can any little child give me a Com- ‘ maildment containing only fOur words?” A hand was raised immediately. “Well?” said the teacher. “Keep off the grass,” was the unex- pected reply. Huh! nice song that. Mus’ git a. piano when I git married so’s Lily an’ me kin hev some sing-songsâ€"â€"” “Start yer jib a grind! She's got too much lee helm. S’ol” - They passed Anchorville Lower Head light at half-past ten, and Frank . . made a remark. “Good goin’! Twenty Insertion of an artifiCial tongue en- miles in two hours. Hope th’ tide’ll abled a wounded soldier in a New let us down easy when we make th’ York hospital to talk. Sou’-wes-t Ledge.” At midnight the eastern sky be- came obscured by clouds, and in a little while after it commenced to rain. The two men aboard the tmy craft were drenched to the skin in the downpour, and Frank cursed his thoughtlessness in coming away withâ€" out ciilslkins. “Goin’ t’ breeze up, I’m afraid,” re- marked .Captain Clark, puffing away at his pipe. “Hope it don’t come too strong, or we’ll hev t’ run in for shelter.” “It'll blow 01’ blazes afore I run in for any shelter,” growled the other. “B~r-r! but I’m soaked. Gimme th' wheel, Uncle, an’ you go below in th’ fo’c’sle. I’m younger’n you.” The older man, afraid for his rheu- matism, relinquished the wheel and dropped down for’ard to kindle a fire infihe tiny stove. It was becoming chilly and cold on deck, and Uncle Jerry felt it in his bones. Buttoning his coat up, Shorty tWirled the spokes and glanced every now and again at sails and the twinkâ€" linag flash of Gull Island Passage ahead. “Look's jest like a star.” hei remarked. “A star of the sea!” And he began to croon to himself an Italian sailor song. “Star of the Sea! Oh, bright shinin’ starl Guide ye my mariner home from afar. Light ye his barque o’er th’ waters to me, Estella marina! Star of th' Seal 43-“â€" KiWanis fairo iexpress, live yards sample ‘A' and six,‘ rs Active Immigration Policy er been troubled since. the written blank, two samples, one+ Trusting your medicine Wm be. marked and the ouéer “B”? fto'; come universally known and cure, getller With the sum 0 twenty-wei “ I beneve “ Wm, an sufferer. cents. The message read: 1 “S n d S)“ CR. 8 ‘ ’1 Who take it. e.uin~ap c um, .Licago. en. 1 I am you” very truly, 3., SMITH. v One bottle for One Dollar. Six home ,[por Five Dollars, from your near”; I ‘Druggist or direct from yards ‘B.’ " ; A Worthy Aim. Old Lardâ€"“I suppose that you sailors are very careful when you are at sew”; Old Saltâ€"“No, not a: all, ma’ani. In; Bull!!!“ f t, l t b ‘ e kl 'I 35,6)“ ’y ° 9 as w’ C e“ as 1"” ‘ Hm Elf: Brutally damning 1: Wu! Adelaide at. Toronto Canada , l Minard’s Liniment .for Burns & Scaldsf +â€"â€".â€" _ Always pay debts and compliments and you will succeed. I progressive and vigorous immigration policy, the Kiwanis Club of Montreal, recently set afoot a campaign in favor of a change in the immigration laws of the country. The campaign Star of th' night in th’ heavens so lMPRESSED With the fact that Canada's tuture progress, and the future of her national railways to a’ high, ° large extent depend upon a Light ye our ' ' 1’ th’ d k f thv sky. “as mm at o was a distinct success from the start and through In gale or tempest keep shinin’ for me, Estella ma i l t h’ i r “a S 8r 0f t sea Leo S. Tobin, Andrew C. Cordner, Oh, far is our bamue from thi‘dear Allan J. Meiklejohn, Joe Stanford, ones We love, gration day was observed in most of the Canadian cities in which Kiwanis Clubs exist. is of the Montreal Kiwanis Immigration Committee. Clap». Chas H. 31155911. $226322? §§CÂ¥8WÂ¥1 £93. ELK“ the efforts of the committee appointed, a Kiwanis immi- The above photo From left to right the members are: Hy. E. Webster, Ed. N. Howell, Secretary; Ed. A. C.‘nningh3m, J. W. C. Taylor, Chairman; Kiwanis Club Presidsnzh Dozzglas Brewer, 033;] J__. Callcry, William Pâ€" _: “012v '

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