Divisio;C(xï¬l*t will be held here nex: Tuesday. the 9th of January. _ NPW Puhlh: Schuml Geugruphies now I x s uck at. The Lihelal Stole. ‘ To ensure Lï¬e safety of the employos a Fire Escape has been erectud on Lhe west side of the Inrig Shoe Factory. _ The Hydroâ€"Radial agreement was voted down in Toronto by n majmity of 5.l96. In the junior O. H. A. Newman-hot will play Willowdnlv in \Villowdale Arvnu. Friday evening of this wef’k. Puck faced at 8.15. A achiul Metropolitan car will leuve slop 31M. 7 p. In. this. Thumday, even- ing for tho first 0. H. A. hrwkey game at, Aurora. Game between Willowdalc and Aurora. Now that. the residents by their vote on Monday have declared Ihemsvlves in favor of u Mulunrinl Stone. iL is hoped that. the committee in charge will get busy and decide on the design. For the accommodation of pupils at; tending the Richmond Hill High School a Metropolitan car leers North Toronto every morning at 8.20. The favor is much appreciated. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Stephens are leaving for the 00ml. They pnrpoue being mvny uhnuL t'nm- months and will spend pun, of Llu- winlernt Lns Angvles, Uul. Lust, Friday nfLernnon Ilw ham and nutbuiltliugs of Mr. C. McGuire, m) lhe 5th con. of King} were burned hy a spark fmm Allinâ€"‘41ng machine. The machine was also burned, as well us must of his crop and n number of pigs and pnullry. The \Vumc'n's [Inï¬nite will the home of Mrs. [m R. Wedlwsduy. junuauy [0111, at I; Dr. Mal-guru. Patterson will the meeting on "Laws rm \Vomen and Uhildl'en." Mlhi A meeting uf RHtPjhyvri Asmm- ations and residents ulung Yunge Street, will he held in the Oak Ridgvs Schrml Hnnse. \‘Vvdnesday evening, January 10. :uL8u'clock. The question nf commutation IiL-kets will he dis- cussed at this meeting. E. T. Sir-phens Ltd. has purchased 7. A . . .. M,“ ....M no u. l. u. r" , _ Mr. F. \V. Juckes’ IUU acle farm at $600 an acre. A130 50 acres fmm (iouldiug C0,. reul ESLHLQ at, $5U0nn acre. That, makes 9â€!) acres pur- chased nn Ynnge street. Ivy Mr. Stephens within the lust year unda hnlf. To Legislature for Validation of By-Law Sulicilor: mfg-'1'?!ï¬daiiï¬aratiua of the Village of Richmond Hill. 27-32 of Decembe 1922. HEA HST & HEARS? JONES LUMBER C0 NOTICE A Deserved Diplamau Certificate of Heaiih Miss M lived in the Ottawa Valley, not far from the capital. \xith her mother and young sister. Work seemed the natural thing when she left school, and, accordingly. Shk‘ started out to get what she could for her services. Progress was not fast. but at least she did not Stand still. and her earnings were always in- creasing. “'ith such prospects it soemcd that her little sister could get the chance that she had been denied a. Universâ€" ity education. The baby of the family went to Queen's. and this year. her alma mater gives her the degree of Bachelor of Arts. Next year she's going to do betterâ€"Master of Arts. But here's where the sadness comes in. The elder sister, broken in health by overwork, is no longer able to assist. She is a. patient at the Mus- koka. Hospital for Consumptives, but it is hoped that she too will shortly raduateâ€"with “A Certiï¬cate or Good ealth." Seventeen thousand patients have been cared tor by the National Sani- tarium Association in its hospitals in Muskoka and at Weston. Half of them have been restored to health and'happy homes. You can share in thi_s great york if you will. _‘ Cor. Ameld 8: Yonge. PHONE ‘27 Toronto, Wiforx'ffliiï¬tiona ms;- is oeni to Hon. w. A.‘ Chm-non. 2 3 0011030 Street. Some fur lined Mocco Gloves in our shed several weeks He may have them by Ca Notice of Application LIWOerl' is herphy given thnt the of lhe VlllaggA of _Ri_ch- at our oft" ice LiluLe will went at. 5. Ira H-unel- an [01.1]. at, 3 o'cluck. ‘I'SOII will :Idtln-ss Laws cum-era)ng left a Music. 35:0 ‘t at. A31 intimated at the nomination meeting my intention to withdraw flomthe Council this year. by the content. of my mover and secondcr. and as l afterwards decided to again have my munc- on the ballur, I wish to thank the clrctms fur the splendid rute given me nn Monday. To the best, of my abilin I shall endeavor to serve you as Councillor this year as I have in the past." ‘Niishing all our patrons a Happy and Pros- perous New Year We beg to announce we still have good bargains as usual, such as Slater Shoes, for men and women of the best workmanship that ï¬t and will not hurt the bones of the tender feet. makes and all prices forbeys. rubbers of all kinds and makes. sweaters, shirts, underwear, socks, mes of apparel for men and boy and mackinaw cos things Gent’s Furnishings. Phone 86 j. The next Sitting nt' Divxsmn Court No. 3. County of York will he held in the Court Room. .â€"ON-â€" TUESDAY,, JAN. 9, 1923 t ELOCUTION l. Miss Marguerite Boyle iArtisr, Teacher in Literature, tExpression, Reading, Dram 1 atic and Humourous Sketches, . Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate of l Owen A. Smiley Studio. iAddress Miss Marguerite Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood lHan,’ Thornhill, Ont 30tf ELGIN HOTEL ELGIN MILLS LightLunches Ice Cream Soft Drinks Cigars Cigarettes Refreshmennts Stabling Accommodation at Reasonable Rates L'eniston shoes for kiddies. shoes Inrig Shoes in black and brown Also work shirts, overalls, smock's, Church, is[ in Rivhnmu Mrs. N. Bu Mrs. N. Batiy's. mm be obtained Ring 11. Division Court Phone 44 r 23 Stop 51 Yonge St. . Bridges, Prop: A BUSH‘éESS CAREER l um] i n RICHMOND HILL Unmmencmz at, 10.15 a. CARD 0F THANKS should be based on the right founda- tionâ€"thorough (ruining. Since 1892 Shaw Schools have given personal instruction by skilled teachers in Shonhmd, 'l‘yvewriting. Filing, and Business Subjects. Eleven schools: Imtll groups: intensive trainingâ€" Start at any time“ Write {or Pro-spectra to G P. MdNTOSB. Chief Principnl. collars, and every article . Wellman '1‘. F. MCMAHON 7 CLERg Wm. C. Ruttan Yours truly. . A. MONKMAN. .1 Hill 1h enor and Pau'kd Ms E verv reasonable and many other BUSIESSWIS TORONTO Also other Loader ‘1 hnd ist pupili Studio. 29-tf To our friends a nd customers We extend wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year We also thank our custo- mers for their co-operation during the past year, and assure them that we will do everything in our power to merit their patrmiage during 1923. L INNES & SON DAY PHONE 13-3 NIGHTS AND HOLIDAYS LUMBER YARD RICHMOND ST. RICH MON D HILL CHI.\‘ A good clean stock always on hand. See our stock of China and cut glass prices reasonable. Bruces Chocolates AND CONFEC’I‘IONERY Home-made Bread, Cakes, Pastry, Doughnuts, Cream Puffs, Charlotte Russe, Pork Pies, Marguerites, and Fruit Pies of all kinds. Yonge St. Richmond Hill. Phone 110 W. COMMISSIONER, CON VEYANCER. Yonge and Centre Streets J. 8: M. STElN ‘l‘r’nc'mr l-f 'l‘m-unlu ( turd-Av REAL!ESTATE AND INSURANCE PLANING MILL always fresh. hm . EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC Blew Emmy and Candies C. Winterton EARLIL N if WT ON [’IANIST Good H ROCERU‘ Thornhill. Hill~\\'udlu‘ AND lll for Delivered l’l C ’N FMSTION “ .vl ng ‘H llâ€.- ETC, l flake gimme égc Limited I JAMES FAIRHEAD,President Ice Service Next Summer TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Richmond Hill Branch, J. R. Herrington, Manager Be Warned m K5535: ‘Great Vaï¬ue -:- If It’s Printing - We can do it. In Women’s, Misses and Chil- dren’s Coats. €35}; andsee them Men’s Suits and Overcoats cannot be beaten for the money. Buy Here and Save Money I Want to Lighten Your Chores â€"â€"am§§ Save Your Back I Let Luter cleanir Last year we mm as far north as Rich 1) )7] early nex: sum'n :r at 01 may therefore rely 11er during the eutirv- slum and regularity, now m: Street 11.15 b;cn 0:11pm verv moderate . R. FORTNER, Tailor and clothier for women and men. eel I EEPING your insurance papers, deeds, bonds and other valuables at home until they are stolen or dcstro ed by ï¬re, instead of renting a Safety Deposit ox, is on a par with “locking tho stable door after the horse is stolen.†Don't procz‘utinate! Rent a box to-day at this Bank. hnrv STANDAka BANK icr will ml maliw will be :lnippel HUS Ull md iLllh )ll >f t pl Age: OF CANADA llill {bl THE mg liw at, Richmond Hill )lrimn I want‘to \sho' , la‘oor n. saves 3‘ service ucniwn work rezuln of im ial features will please you. 1d talk it overâ€"next time a Toronto Litter Can-jar will 5 u how the time pay for itself in 3135111†HLI'ec (1H0