Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Jan 1923, p. 7

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â€"â€"HIVO . Thousands I ?smw:2°ne{kli . m “I suppose so," she said. “And I ‘Idon’t blame you for saving your money." The young thing saw her opportuni- lty and took it. Senslble Saving. She was so bored by him' that she -felt she could weep. “It costs a great deal more than you {think to become a. broad-minded and ;lntelligent men of the world," he reâ€" imarked. of “‘A nation’s greatest assets is its children. If the physical, mental and moral condition of the rising genenw tion is left to haphazard, the nation will suffer. We will gradually fall away in world "prestige and like some of the great nations'of the past be relegated to a place of minor importâ€" ance in the councils of the world. Surely it is the solemn duty of every shawled, 'They crouch as though £0 warm them- selves Qgether; .They wait, as peasant women wait, ,For their own sons. “We are not less capable of susâ€" taining the burden of Empire than were our fathers before us,” said Bal- four. “The task is now one of great difficulty, but let us not lose faith or courage. I look forward with un- flinching faith to the succeSS of the labors of those who are going to fol- low the generation to which I belong. and the generation that is to succeed that. £0351 know that they will not fall short of the example which we have endeavored to set them, and which our fathers before us set us. To be an optimist is to be a believer in youth. It is, after all, the young peoâ€" Elete who are going to do this work. t us believe in themâ€"I believe in them. If dt‘wa-s not for the young, how would the world go on, and how would it live, how would new ideas come in? Homesickness. Here the cloudy light Circles on crystalline peaks, And the soft fall of satin petals Stirs wide eddies of perfume In the emerald pools 0t walled gardens. Here the delicate accent or bright waters ‘And the cadenced music Of a gentle tongue Float upon the air And curl themselves in silence 'As late sunlight Fades in deep rivers. The grapes have purpled many times Against that wall, I know the tountain's legend now By heart; ‘ The story of this gracious land Is told. Those harsh, timeâ€"eaten hills, Like peaszint women, stooped and ‘I must go back to them; ‘I must go back. The Earl of Balfour recently said farewell to the City of London con- gtituency flhat he represented so long in the House of Commons at West- minster. His address was no>ticeable from several aspects but particularly from that of his faith in the coming generation Michigan State Automobile Scheol [312Auto ma... Detroit, Mich. "g" an}: firm-am en 0 on n o . mmwmn-d-nornés'é‘i-SZ'. 33" in 54$; fur-JV . podou with Ill! “mamas. a n no bu] Every branch at the auto buslness In tau ht:â€" Construcuon. opentlom unclean and repars 01 autos. trucks. tractors. mm lighting plants and guenglnu Allwacmng by tctual motion. No sues work. Students learn by mutual factory methods. 81¢ wto Iclorles ha! outline 03H", muggy gm Klvedour m' 'Meiis'mfiesi'cB-o'pm' ' ‘ ubn'. mew endorse our Special Conn" In Battery .mx .1 I.w|d1.“ L imma'wh-RE.‘ ' , The world's greatest 1nd . Mllllons o! automohllea need as constant service; mllllons 0! batteries and tlres to repair; mllllous or parts to rebuild. ’h-e- mendous oppcnunlues Amati the trained nun» moblle 1mm. That's why 1, pll's w learn the automobile humanâ€"and learn Detmlt. the auto cemer ol the world.â€"Lhe Bean of the Auto Industry where 797. o! the autos m mnde. MakeSZ,OOOto $10,000Yearly l' "W V" Complete Courseâ€" Endorsed by Big Auto Factories 99'!" N0.“ .. P?“"_W!!‘â€"Th° man 1139 "gem é3bd Pfikl‘ns Await Our OnGQItoqâ€"qutorla' g9- Peat is now used for the production Provincial Board of Health. Onurlo Dr. Museum: will be glad to answer questions on Public Health unit- can through thin column. Address him at Spadim House. Spam” Mm. Toronto. Thousands or our mduntcs are making bl: money In the auto bunlueas. Kunu (Slag making more money than be ex- peo :Peul w( bee appointed In- struc r M ech. chool; Collette (Album) In bnslnes and has :11 he can do: Steekle (Penn) was getting 318 weekly now Ina):- tng 8100 pet-week: M’nye.‘ (Km) saves $100 monthly above ex- f pauses: Johnson (0mm jump- \ . ed Karon: " cu pusher" m 318. 0 IV to auto ‘me- \ ammo at 842.60 per week. \ Hundreds more like them. HEALTH EDUCATEON â€"Have a Business olYour Own â€"Henry Bellamann BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON A considerable decrease in the num- ber of Eider ducks, one of the most valuable of the water fowl protected under the Migratory Birds Convention Act, is reported this season by the Chief Migratory Bird Officer for the Maritime Provinces. This scarcity is more noticeable along the sea coast of Nova Scotia, one of the principal lanes in the migrations of water fowl. this omciai states in a recent report to the Commissioner of the Canadian Nation- al Parks. Similarly in Massachusetts the Director of the Division of Orni- thology of the State Department of Agriculture in his “Notes for Observ- ers." of November 16 remarked that Eider as well as other ducks and geese were appearing in Massachusetts water with few if any young testifying to a disastrous nesting season. A real salesman is one part talk and nine parts judgment; and he uses the nine pints of judgment to tell when to useflag one part of talk. They supply an invaluable method of sorting out valuable cattle when, as sometimes happens. they become mix- ed up after a show. No one could sate- ly steal a pedigree animal whose nose- print had been taken and “filed,” for it would be impossible for the thief to remove the means of identification. .You know that no two people in the world have fingertips that are exactly alike. The ari'angement of the little ridges and furrows of the skin differs in every case, hence finger-prints are the most certain method of identifica- tion that is known. ‘ It has been found that a. very similar method can be used for identifying cattle, but in this case the nose is used as the testing spot. The wrinkles of the tip of the nose are never dupli- cated in different animals. Nose-prints are made by applying a. thick ink t) the soft skin between the nostrils, and then taking an impres- sion upon a. piece of soft, absorbent paper. “Records show that at present are only on the threshold of What can' be droneâ€"what must be dlone to safe- guard the race, and improve the sur- roundings and influences among which the great majority of the people live. Personal and community hygiene must be practiced by all classes of the community, for after all, the basis l of all health work reSts with the indi- l vidual. In Work of this kind there‘ are ’many discou-ragements, but when one gets the goal in view, the strug- gle for better citizenship and a healrthier race of people is worth while. Canada Has a Drug Problem Dr. J. A. Amyot, Deputy Minister of Health, in a speech in Ottawa last week declared that Canada has be- tween 12,000 and 15,000 drug addicts who constitute a serious menace to the Dominion. His department is at work combating the evil. “One thing is certain, we are not all: present doing nearly enough to pre- vent or curtail the terrible record of infant mortality, and physical defects among the young. These young peoâ€" ple, growing up uncared for, unsuper- vised, some'times poorly nourished and oftentimes not up to standard in health, will be the men and women of the future. It is on the children of today that will have to rest in days to come, the civil, business and domes- tic ‘burdens of the Empire. Will these young people be equal to the task? Wilt] their health be so safeguarded in youth that they may grow up strong, virile and fit to carry on, when those who come before them hand over the reins ?” good citizen, every man and woman who takes an intemt in the country's welfare to do something that may help to bring about an improvement of the 1'81! e. Destruction of Eider Duck. Tracing Cows by Nose Prints. Thelnmgestplantintbewmldis probably the gigantic seaweed known as Nereocytis, to be found in the Southern Pacific. It grows in the water to a height of 300 feet. The moment you eat a. tablet o! “Pape’s Diapepsln" your Indigestion is gone. No more distress from a sour, acid. upset stomach. No flatulence. heartburn, palpitations, or misery-male ins gases. Correct your digestion for a few cents. Each package guaranteed by drugglst to overcome stomach trouble. Live so that you~ beautify yvur name, even if it wasn’t beautifuyl to begin with, making it stand in people’s thoughts for something so lovely and pleasant that they never flhink 0d? it by imamâ€"L. M. Montgomery. “Because I put ’im to the test,” re- plied the old lady. “The first time my daughter brought ‘im ’ome, I gave 'im a. cup of 'ot tea., and when '9 poured it out into 'is saucer, 'e didn’t, blow on it like any ordinary teller, ’e fanned it with 'is ’at." MONEY ORDERS. Dominion: Express Money Orders are on sale in five thousand offices throughout Canada. Mlnard's Llniment for Neuralgla. Hurry Mother! A teaspoonful of “California Fig Syrup" noyv will thor- oughly clean the little bowels and in a. few hours you have a well, playful child again. Even a. cross. feverish, constipated child loves its “fruity” taste, and mothers can rest easy be- cause it never fails to work all the sour bile and poisons 'right out of the stomach and bowels wi-thc-ut griping or upsetting the child. Tell your druggist you want only the genuine “California Fig Syrup” which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother, you must say “California.” Refuse any imitation. “And 'ow d-o 3‘0‘1 know ’e was a gentleman?" said her friend. No Ordinary Feller. “Yes, my dear," said the old lady, “there‘s one thing I’m thanklul fqr, and that is that my daughter Liziie married a gentleman." ENGINEER MAKES 17 POUNDS GAIN "A year ago," said Mr. Denne, "I had Indigestion so bad I couldn’t eat and was too nervous and miserable to sleep. I was almost wild with head- aches and dizziness, lost weight rapid- ly, and thought I was about done for. After getting so weak I couldn‘t work I took a trip out West. thinking the change might help me. “But I kept getting worse until my sister, whom I visited in_ Kanspen, Montana, got me to try a bottle of Tanlac. In a week's time I was a dit- ierent man. and in seven weeks I had gained seventeen pounds and returned to my work in as good health as any man in St. Thomas. I never have any of my old troubles now. That’s just how good a job Tanlac has done for me.” Tanlac is for sale by all good drug- gists. Over 35 million bottles 301d. Old Time R. R, Man Says Tanlac Put Him Back on Job Feeling Fine. Oran Denna, a veteran railroad man. living at 53 Forest Ave., St. Thomas, 0nt., has obtained remarkable results from the use of Tanlac. Mr. Denne wears a gold button given him by the Michigan Central, in recognition of his forty years continuous servlce to that road. Move Child’s Bowels with “California Fig Syrup” Instantly! “Pape’sDiapepsln” Corrects Stomach so Meals Digest INDIGESTION, GAS, UPSET STOMACH MOTHER! Issue No. 1â€"4:, “Cascan For Slug; 0r Cor 1 Bm kAcuu you. -u m. W1§fi WNWW kxe‘du :‘ud. -unuw. ELL. nut}. When you tee! sick. dizzy, uplet, when your head I: dun or aching. or your stomach is sour or gassy, just. take one or two Cascarem to when constipation. No gripingâ€"nicest laxa. fiveâ€"cathartic on earth tor growr-ups and children. 10¢ a, box. Taste like candy. The skin of a barge whale is 2 feet Cniticura Beautifies Your Complexion The daily use of the Soap cleanses Ind purifies the pores of the skin, thus preventing blackheads and pimples. The Ointment soothes and he‘als any irritation or roughness. They are excellent for the toilet as is also Cuticura Talcum for powder- ing and perfuming the skin. SoIpZSc. Oinhnntzs and 50c. TalcumZSc. Sold throughouttheDominion. CanadianDepot: Lyman. Limited, 344 St. Pm] SL, W., MontruL Cuticurn Soap shaves without mug. Bulk Cadets TORONTO SALT worms 0. J. CLIFF - TORONTO America's Pioneer Dog Remedie- A Book on “Cascarets” 100 COARSE SALT LA N D 3 ALT UNLESS you see the name “Bayer” on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all Accept only an “unbroken package” of “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin,” Which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism ‘Toothache Neuraigia ‘ Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Handy “Bayer” boxes of 12 tabletsâ€"Also bottles of 24 and lOOâ€"Druggists. , .__. -5 It--.“ For Sluggish Liver or Constipath Bowels Aspirin in the trado mark (regfltered In Canada) of Bayer Manufac! mucncldeater of Sancyllcacid. While it 13 well known that Aspirin muuhcture, to mist the public against imitations, the Tablets of B; will be named with their general trade mark. the “Bayer Cross." DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. 8.. Clay Glover 00.,mo. 129 W'est 24th Street New York. U.S.A. |cfiine or Hon; an "‘A man’s worth is estimated in this world according to his conduct.” â€"La Bruyere. "- TU :10 PER DAY: MEN WANTED ’5 a: once; city and prairies demand nuwmoblle mechanics and driving. trac- tor operating, tire \ulcanlzinfig oxy- acetylcno wulaln , ntor a attery. electrical work. Yo tench hese trades. practical training. only iew weeks re- nuired: day-night classes. “‘rlto for free catalogue; b1 Wuguw. stragly em- ployment. Hemph ll Auln Gus raclo! Fv‘hm‘ls. 16.1 Inn? “‘ns' an-‘nfn A woman‘s face is" usually more beautiful when regarded from the left. Mlnard's Llnlment for Rheummlsm. ELTJNU 1);" AL]. lilnur .uhv ufl. wed. pulleys, uwn. cable. hole. Hr. shipped subject to an rovnl :1: low- .“ prices In Cnmd; Yur Boning Ca. 116 York Rt... Tomato. TellsWomenHow She Was Restored to Perfect Heaith by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Winni eg, Mamâ€"“I cannot speak too big 57 of what %ydia E. bPinkléam’s ” 7â€"7, egeta e om- HHHHIHHHHIIIHHpound has done for ~ scream if they did I; not get away from me. I could not even speak right to my husband. The doctor said he could do nothing for me. My hus- band’s mother advised me to take the Vegetable Compound and I started it at once. I was able to do my work once more a_I}d it_ was a pleasgre, n91: a_bgr- den. Now I have a fine bouncing baby and am able to nurse her and enJoy do- ing my work. I cannot he] recom- mending such a medicine, an any one seeing me before I took it, and seein me now, can see what it does for me. am only too Pleased for you to use 271% testimonial.’ â€"Mrs. EMILY DAVIS, McGee Street, Winnipeg, Man. ’ L dia E. Pinkham’s Private Text. Boo u on “Ailments Peculiar to Women ' will be sent you free upon request. Write to the Lydia. E. Pinkham Medicine 00., Cobourg, Ont. This book contains valuable information. 07 HIIUJJ BELTIE’GYQ WE 0RD woon; SLAB WOOD. CM? lots. Reid Bros.. Bothwcll, Ontario. 'Msifiu' Adv-Murmth xmmu AT noun. EQUIRE l‘ARTlEs T0 KNIT us at homs. uither with ma.- ‘by hand”; write for informaâ€" postage. The Canadian Whole- ‘n,. Dept. ,-\. r‘n-Hlm Ont. AUTO SCHOOL r02. SALE. me. I was a nervous wreck and I just had. to force myself to do my work. Even the soundof myown chil. dren Rlaying made me fee as if I must facture of Mono 3m.- 1' Company

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