\._ PUBUG NUTIGE Ini Grateful Appreciation of ycbur good-will and Patron- age, we cordially extend our Hearty Thanks and Good Wishes for the New Year. to enter a branch of this Bank because you do not know how to make a de- posit. Our Managers or the staff will be pleased to show you. (If Start with One Dollar and add to it dollar by dollar. We have arecent shipment ofOntario Bran and Shorts selling at almost wholesale prices by the ton. Can also sell Scratch Feed for poultry at reasonable price. as we have a good supply. Havevalso had- éhipped to us a few tons of Corn Flakes. This corn feed is suitable for all stock 1eeding, as it is the best of the corn, cooked and sweetened, and cheaper than gluten. ‘V Pastry Flour and Purity Flour at $6.75 and $8.00 per bbl. for one week. V0 L. A good suppiy of coal and wood. RICHMONDHILL. THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE PAINTING A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at the above places G. HILL, Oak Ridges P. O. Und :rtnkers and Embal mers From the Turouw Conservatory of Music. will accept. a rwmber of pupils in Piano. Vocal and -:- Theory. -:- For information Phone 110. MRS. .‘h'mm. ‘At the Elevator f :†I. D. Ramer THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA \VILLO \V DA LE. ()NT. ()LLI V ER. Mating-4‘ Adelmo Melecci and Miss Rosalind Bush L. T. C. M. Hardwood FinishingI Estimates Furnished Fret?) Phone DO NOT HESITATE .50 per annum, in advance. WRIGHT BROS. XLV. DECORATING 237s Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Sales attended to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates. I Patronage sqlicited Call by phone or otherwise promptly JOHN R. CAMPBELL The Maple Sam}, Gravel and Brick Company, Lt’d.‘}l:u'v on hand for sale. Cement. drain .lile, 3, 4, 5. 6 and 8 in. Culvert tile 12. 15. 18 and 20 inch sale. ‘Ofï¬ce hours 10 to 12'el.m. 6t08 p.m. Ofï¬ce and rvsidenceâ€"Centle ‘and Church Streets Richmond Hill Phnne N0. 24. All maxi (30 inches in length) Also Cement Brick b‘uud m- Gravel sold by the load 01‘ in our lots. ‘ Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick Of’ï¬ce Trench Block. two doors north of - Stunfluld Bank. [IULH‘SQHJIL to 5.30 p.m. Open evenings by appointmï¬nt. LICENSED AUGTIONEER FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Special attention given to sales 0t every descnplion. Farms and farm stock sales specialty. Farms bought: and sold on commission. Allsules :11,- teuded to nu shun-Lest notice. and con‘- ducted by [he mustnpproved methods. Patronage solicited. 8 BERESFORD AVE. WEST TORONTO Phone Junction 72. TWENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE I Tun-unto Ofï¬cp, Richnmnd Baildin g 35 Richmond Street, \Vest. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (' Liberal Ofï¬ce). every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Th ursdny afternoon. Woodbridqe. Saturday fox-enoon. Money to Loan at'Gul-ront, Rate. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY ET' PLLlMBING ASD TINSMITHING HOT NVATER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS THORNHILL, ONT. MlSS BEATRICE HOWELL TO RD N ‘I‘ O fleacher of Fletcher Method Musical Kmdergarten Pupils passed for Conservatory Ex- mninalinns. STL‘Dlo~â€"HOTEL RICH MON D. Richmund Hill. VETERIN ARY SURGEON. ’l‘hornhill. JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER 'J- II. Prentic A. C. HENDERSON DR. L. R. BELL g DR. J. P. WILSON 11' t RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY, JAN. 1131923 Pa per 415 Balliol St... Tm‘t’nntn. Phone Belmoï¬t 1347 SAM. SHEPHERD pns‘s and telephone poles for J. T. SAIGEOIN Maple WILLIAM COOK orders will receive prompt attention. Telvphone T. COUSINS, DENT‘ST hanger and Painter Oxford Street one ‘1»! In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Esszntials, Libeyty; in all things, Charity." Manager Special sermons will be preached in Testnn Methodist church Sund:.y, January 2|, by Dr. R. N. Bin-Ina, Toronto. On the following Tuesday, nn Oyster supper and concert. will be given by members of the Eaton Memorial choir, assisted by Utllf‘l able talent. Reports frnm the Secretary and Treasurer showed u very prosperous your and pointed to an even better one to come. It, is s'uid that inn certain country school wttinn the trustees fuund they must we! better accommodation fu‘ the children, as their old school home, was not large enough. They held a met-ting and passed three lesolulinns: First, that thoy bpild a new school I‘hv annual meeting of the Tenchprs and Ofl‘irzors of the Richmond Hill I’resbyterim) Sabbath Schuul was hold at the hmno of Mr. Sims, the Superin- tendent, on Thursday, Jan. 4, at '8 o'vlock. Second. that they use all the lumber in 11m old school [0 help huild the new school. hnnsv. Second. Third, that they kap schnul in tho old school house while the new scho l was being built. The officers elN‘LPd for 1923 were as follows: G. S. Sims Superintendent; A. R. Phipps, Sven-etnI-y: D.,Wutson Assistant Secrecny; H‘. BTSIllling. Treusmer; Misé M. Cooper. Pinnist. Thu teachers Hrv: Mrs. Shun, Mis; Madeline Cooper. Miss Mary CuupPr. Miss Monknmn. Mrs. Stirling. Miss McNah. Mrs. \Vatsrm. Mrs. Endean, Miss Richardson. Mrs. Phipps, Mr. Murder: and Mr. Stewart. In some resppcts mu- esteemed Village Fathers rescmhluthe cuunlry trustees. They have decided] to lmild a new skating rink. They will Use the lumber in the old rink for the new rink. But tlwy llnvp made no Dl'u- vision for skaters using the le “l-ink while the nuw is being lmilt. Mr. Stewart is organizing :1. Young Men's Bihie Class. He will give a. hearty Welcome to any young men who may desire- to attend. The meet- hour is 2.45, Sunday afternoon. A. R. PHII‘PS. Secretary -t..-.r._....‘_, V, , l Cub hockey team will headdressed by the Reeve next: Monday evening. and it is expected that they will leave for Newniarket on Saturday afternoon, .Uudct, Lieut. Bert Grant teing in charge. Line up of Cubs in as follows. Goal. Cadet, Corp]. Jolmstom Arm- nsu-ong. Defense, Cadet, Corpl. Allen ' Duncan. Cadet. Boyes. Forwards, tonich Calpl. David Stirling, Centre ‘Cadet Corpl. Bruwloy. Cadet Ler Grunt. Subs. Cadet Enoch Batty. Russell Lynett and Pete Savage. All [hive teams have been regiâ€" Imentnlly equipped, and the 0. 0 would nsk for the loyal support of the ' town hockey fans. Wmthilv :ue Rich- Amond Hill sporting traditions hong | maintained by the Cadets. . It is with pride that, the O. 0.16- cm-ds the sporlsmunship displayed by the Senior Cadets in their Cuâ€"opvration with him to “carry on" regnidless of the prevailing unavoidable conditions in the matter of ice. On Friday evening of the 12th. lhn Cadets will leave by special car fox Schwinn-rs: with the following line up. Goal, lecb Cecil Hui-ding. Defenso, Cadet Se gts. Shurpless and Gruinger. Forwards, (left) Undet Scrgt. Arm- strong. Uonli-e Cadet Sergt. Bruce Ross, (Right) Cadet Sergt. Claience Mylks. Subs. Cadet Lieuts “(hit/c and The Cadet Radio club met at the , home of Mr. and .\Ir=. Harry B. Stirling. llHSL Friday evening enjoyed by the Radio Fans, of which in the Corps there are over 30. The paper given by Cadet Cmpl. David Stirling (Crystal Detector) on the “Winding of u Unil" was most instructive and most cleverly demonstrated. Cadet Sen-gt. “An-h" Armstrong, Radio Technical Expert. was in the chair. and after the paper, went minutely into the explanatiun of the “Orystal Detector.†ufler which refreshments, brought a very delight- t'ul evening to a close. The Clubs next meet will be at the home of Cadet Sergt. "Atra" Armstrong. The Club Mascot. “Stetic has been indispnsed since. the lust Clul) met. and the Club President. Cadet Sergt “Au-a" Arm- : strong has been smutwmd to adâ€" “ minister technique lid. Blunt-y. ' Likewise the Midgets will “carry on†Cadet, Sexgb. Manager Anusu-ong now culupletjng his team. 1r 1 York Ranger Cadets Presbyterian S. S. .A Similarity TESTON Richmond Hill Board of Trade was held on Monday, Jan. 8th. The | lficexs for the your 1923 are M r. Jns. McLean, Pres“ Mr. H. Murphy. Vice-Pres, and Mr. P. Sunder, - Syn-Twas. A constitution was adopted. There will be u specinl meeting on Monday, Jan. 22nd for [11", purpose (If r‘chting comâ€" mittees fur the yam. Everyone inâ€" teiestnd is requested to he preient at this meeting. The meinheiship fee for ths‘ year is $2.00 and we want every business nun in Richmond Hill to he a member and n booster. Dmit, miss the dehujn :lt tliP Rich- mond Hill Epwm-lh LPuglle. Mondly jnn. 15m, hvtwppn Victoria-Square nnd Richmond Hill. The subject of this (lelmte is mle much talked of to- day, 'Resnlvl-‘(l that, more Ci-ime is cansml by Riches LhiIIIanei-ty." Th~ sneakeranf the affirmative are Miss Myrth Smith and Mr. Gm'tlon Slnun of Richmond Hill: and the negatin are Miss May Meek and Mr. D. Fry. of Victoria Square. There is also :1 good musical prngmm being prepared. We prumise you :1 very pleasant and beneï¬cal evening. All Welcome. At 2 u'clock on \Vvdnesdny, Dec. 20th. 1922. at the home of the bride’s parents, the marriage [00k p‘amm of Gnu-p Rorniece. onlv daughter of M 1'. Rev.S.R, Robinson and Rev. Mr. Buringer are holding a series of smvices (m “The Lord's Pmyer†every night this week alternately in their churches. The ï¬rst annual meetng 9f the The funeral of the lute J.H. Wutsmi, who succumbed Ln his injuries was held Friday afternoon. After the selvicein Sr. Stephen's church, the interment took place with Masonic honours. Th0 son-owing widow and fumin have the sympathy of all in their sud herravomenl. ’J‘lw cmfcel't given in the (‘nmmuniLy l-lnll hy the Eckllmt, Concert Cu. and Swiss Bell Ringcxs was well amended and enjoyed hy all. AL- ...,u_, i- v v. -The subject (.f the.sermon in the Methodist Church Sunday evening will he. “Blowing: hot um] cold." Scenes in a. Canadian Lumber Camp will be thx-nwnnn [he screml at. the close of the set vice. Good cheer and gund will prevailed at the pal-Sunage last. Thursday even- ing when Edgelvy choir visited the pastor and hiq \vifw. A pleasing fea~ tulc nf the otherwise. improvised pro- gramth Was the presentation ln Mrs. L‘lulbk‘lt by the choir of a h:th r. uinxed Ninnun pal-d howl. anbelt by lh p uinxed Nippuni Board of Trade Meeting Henricksâ€"Kirkpatrick THE STERLING BANK A Great Convenience For Housewives Have you tried the convenient and safe way of paying monthly accountsâ€"by cheque ? 'It does away with the need of keeping surplus money about the house, gives you an accurate record of bills paid. ’ A Saving Account in the Sterling Bank gives you this prIVIlegeâ€"earns interest as well. See our local Manager. Debate Robinson and Rev. Mr Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Main 2777 Monarch Bldg, 26â€"28 Adel Ofï¬ces {aide 8b., West, Toronto. Naughton Block, Aurora. Solic1tor for : The Town of Aurora The Township of King The Township of \Vhitchun‘h The Im erial Bank of Canada, Aurora J. M. alton. & Co. Aurora Walter S. Jenkins Res». Phnne Hill. 5048 All Kinds of Boots and v Shoes Repaired. Good Workmanship.’ Prompt Service. 2 Doors South 'of Bakery on Yonge St. Boot and Shoe Repafrer Denton, Macdonald 6: Benton Arthur A, Macdmmld Fm.th Dentnn Lam-a Danton The W'orkingman’s Friend Barristers. Solictors. 8m. MANNING ARCADE. 24 KINE; ST. WEST. TORONTO. (JANA DA . TELEPHONE MAIN 311 Cable Address: "Dado" New Shop on Lorne Ave. H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Residence add†58 (Win Square. Commissioner, Cnnvoynncexyi Insurance and Real Estate First-class Bodt and Shoe Repairer of all kinds of Boots .and Shoes Satisfaction guaranteed NAUGHTON & JENKINS Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL GEO. KIDD L. WADE [Single copies, LICENSED AUUTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK PMrnn-AQ» and influence respectfully solic'iuvd 1 Directly Behind Drug Store 30-tf NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCING ISSUER OF. MARRIAGE LICENSES A. J. HUME G. 143' ()N J. Harry Naughwu Res. Elgin Mills Res. Phone 44.4 3 cts dd