Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Jan 1923, p. 3

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WHY REEWA’EISM GWEN (BEES BACK The Usual Treatment Does Not Reach the Root of the Trouble. Most treatments for rheumatism do no more than aim to keep down the poison in the blood and enable nature to overcome that particular attack. Then when the system becomes run down from any cause the disease again gets the upper hand and it all has to; be done over. ‘ Sufferers from rheumatism who have found their condition unrelieved‘ or actually growing worse while using other remedies. would do weli to try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. The ionic treatment. with this medicine has Proved in thousands of cases that it builds up the blood to a point that en- ables it to cast out the rheumatic poisons through the regular channels of excretion. the bowels. kidneys and the skin. When this is done rheuma- tism is banished, and as long as the blood is kept pure and rich the pat- ient will be immune from attack. This is Proved by the case of Mrs. J. Hewitt, Beach P.0.. Hamilton, 0nt., who says: “For a number of years I was troubled with muscular rheumatism, which caused me a great deal of suffering- I would get rid of tie trouble for a time. but it always came back. A friend recommended Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills and I have not had an at- tack; of rheumatism since I took them. and that is five years ago. I have since used the pills for anaemia and found them equally good, and I now recommend them ’0 any friends who may be ailing.” You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine 00., Brook- ville, Ont. ' Filled the Bill. A woman inserted the following ad- vertisement in a newspaper: "Wanted, companion for a lady; muet be a total abstainer; must be cleanly in his habits and know a little about nursing. Comfortable home, no salary." A few days later she received by ex- press a basket containing a tabby cat. An accompanying note said: “In reply to your advertisement, I recommend bearer. She Is a total ab- stain-er,» cleanly in her habits and knows a. little of nursing, having brought up a large family. She will be pleased to accept comfortable home and requires no 'salary.” ’ " " Knows the Game. Mrs. A.â€"â€"“I see you have a new cook Is she experienced?" Mrs. B.â€"“I believe so. She started the first day by coming late and then asking the afternoon off.” London’s census figures, issued re- cently, Show that there are 341,000 more women than men in the Metropolis. Your Child’s Bowels Need “California Fig Syrup” love prev e ofte an (mite for age Prevents chapped hands, crackeé lips, chilblains. Makes your skin soft, white, clear and smooth. All druggists sell it MOTHER! fig syrup. LID Mother rect our Systems. The High Rocks Station between Tunhridge Wells and Groombridge claims to be the only railway station Without a staff, says a London news- paper. It has no stationâ€"master, book- ing clerk, porter. booking oflice, or waiting-room. The trains serving it are drawn by baby engines, and the guard acts in the manifold capacity of a complete station staff. But one need not go out of London to find stations run on almost similar lines. The \VaterlooCity Railway, known to tens of thousands of husi- ness men, consists (f two termini, one let Waterloo and the other in the City, and at least a third of its length runs .under the River Thames. At neither station ls there a station- master, porter, or booking clerk. for you buy your ticket on the train as you do on a bus, and throw it away when you get to the other end! anI-n is a railwav station in Derby- new Uuunuu n I “A, .â€"â€"â€". His Wife’s Two Years of]. Trouble Is Now Ended, Says ‘1 Frank Westlake. 1‘ “Tanlac has made all the difference in the world in my wife's health and we are both delighted." declared Frank VVestlake, valued employee of the Pub- lic Works Department of London, Ont., residing at 40 Langarth St. “About two years ago my wife un- derwent an operation that left her badly runâ€"down and she simply couldn't get back her strength. Her appetite left her and she could hardly eat enough to keep going. The least exer- tion would tire her out completely. She would lie awake hours at night. too, and morning found her just as tired as when she went to bed. She suffered terrible splitting headaches. her nerves were on edge and she got very little pleasure out of life. Jvu Dvw v“ -..- There is a railway station in Derby- shire where trains stop only on one day in the week to enable the inhabitâ€" ants of the village of Blackwell Mm to go shopping to Buxton! ,l‘-..1. a-“ Du ~.._r. What claims to l > the shortest pasâ€" senger line in the world may be seen at Groudle, not far from Douglas, Isle of Man. It is one mile long, and the gauge is only two feet. It was made to convey passengers from the en- trance to Groudle Glen to the seashore. The engine looks like a toy. but 15“ powerful and well made, and the open cars carry ten passengers. The smallest fully working line is pr’obably the Eskdale Railway. which runs over the seven ntiles which separ- ate Ravenglass, on the west coast of Cumberland, from the foot of Scatell, the highest mountain in England. If the engine fails to take the points and runs off the lines. passengers help the driver and guard lift it bodily back to its proper place! This novel rail- way carries large quantities of goods as well as passengers, reducing the cost of road transport in a very diffi- cult country by ourâ€"half. WOULD [WT BE WITHOUT BABY’S 0WN TABLETS Once a mother has .used Baby’s Own Tablets for her little ones she would not be without them. They are the ideal home remedy for the baby; being guaranteed to be absolutely free from opiates or other harmful drugs. They are a. gentle but thorough laxative and have proved of the greatest aid in cases of constipation, indigestion, Colic, colds and simple fevers. Con- cerning them Mrs. Ernest Gague', Beausejour, Que, writes: “I have used Baby's Own Tablets for constipation and colic and have found them so suc- cessful that I would not be without them. I would strongly recommend every mother to keep a box in the house.” The Tablets are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont. Wee, And t ’Twix Britain’s Tiniest Rail Systems. The Hills. Plains lie too far below the skies; The air of Heaven enfol‘ds the hills, And joy and hope and life distills, And vision sanctifies. Surging and singing in the wind, The upland pines call constantly I long to lie and watch the sea 0f blurring boughs, soft intertw Or gaze across a steep, dark place 0f purple gulfs sunk way below The forest's sweeping ebb and flow To sunshine 011 the mountain’s face Or Lowlands are too remote from He They balk 'the eyes’ far, perfect That plunges from the hflls‘ height, Where understanding peace is g1 Ar Order noney ba( Minard’s Llnlmont for Neuralgla‘ rom pri tiny homesteads, white and red, tiny threads of smoke ascend, iuy figures wend and wend t house and barn and yard and W116 nly hed by Domini en MONEY ORDERS. wav still, to checked That or Nothing. wner Kath ring ware of the e Clustered fields in varying green the 'gra-ln’s bright Express Mo en you get y serving it as, and the capacity of away {LONDON COUPLE 1 ARE DELIGHTED intertwined, burnished wee Aft “Tanlac has made all the d in the world in my wife's he we are both delighted," declar Westlake, valued employee of lic Works Department of Lom residing at 40 Langarth St. “About two years ago my w1re un- derwent an operatlon that left her badly runâ€"down and she simply couldn't get back her strength. Her appetite left her and she could hardly eat enough to keep going. The least exer- tion would tire her out completely. She would lle awake hours at night. too, and morning found her jug-t as “But three bottles of Tanlac simply put her on her feet again. She can do her housework easily now, the head- aches have gone, she sleeps soundly and her appetite is a joy to behold. I can't find words to express my grail- tude.” gists France in cent. of her the ages of Mlnard's Llnlment for Rheumatism. Nothing makes a business man. so absolutely indepenrignt m ready cask. gooooooooooooooooooog Bad BreAath Tanlac is for sale aver 35 million bottles sold WV"-.. To clean out. your bowels without cramping or overacting, take Casca- rets. Sick headache, biiiouuness, gases, indigestion, sour, upset stomach and all such distress gone by morning. Nicest physic on earth for grown-up and children. 10¢ a. box. Taste like fioooooooooooooooooo'o? candy "Bad breath is a sign of decayed teeth, foul stomach or unclean bowels." If your teeth are good, look to yOur digestive organs at once. Get Seigel's Curative Syrup at druggists. 1 5m 30 drops after meals,clean up your food passage and stop the bad breath odor. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. Do not buy substitutes. Get the genuine. ‘ dnfly trains via. the Santa. Fe Pullman: via. Grand Canyc also to Southern Arizona Fred Harvey meals “all th May I send you our Folders? 404 free «m WEE Grand Canyon Line the world war lost 57 per male population betWeen 20 and 31 years of age. T. Remix-y, Gen. Agent Santa Fe Railway a Press mun. Detroit. men rhone: m 6847 0 mm this winter lSSUE No. 2â€"'23 Overcome all the difference wife's health and declared Frank )loyee of the Pub- t of London, Ont, by all good drug plotdre As scan as you eatva name: Or two of "Papa's Diapepsin" your indigestion is gone! Heavy pain, heartburn, flatuâ€" lence. gases, palpitation, or any misery from a sour. acid stomach ends. Cor- rect your stomach and digestion for a few cents. Each package guaranteed by druggist. Sllghtly Puzzled. "The doctor said my lllnesa was caused by a germ’.” “What did he call it " “I really can't remember. I caught the disease but not the name." WUURA HEALS ? LARGE RINGWURM IF STOMACH IS TROUBLING YOU Instantly! End Indigestion or Stomach Misery with “Papa’s Diapepsin” 0n Heaajtched and Burned. Could Not Sleep. “A large ringworm started on my head. Each day it grew larger and itched and burned so that I used to have to get up at night and bathe it. The hair around it fell out and be- came very dry. I could not sleep at night on account of the irritation. “The . trouble lasted about a month. I began using Cuticurn Soap and Ointment and after using about three cakes of Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Cuticura Ointment I was completely healed." (Signed) Miss Lucile Bond. 606 S. Lea St.. Roswell. New Mexico. Oct. 8, 1921. Cuticfira Soap, Ointment and Ta!- cum are all you need for every-day toilet and nursery purposes. Sample Bub Free b mu. Address: “Iguana. le- ma. 8“ St. Paul a. W., Montreal." old eve - where. Soap 25¢. OintmuflZSand 60c. Talaum . "Cutie-us Soup nh-vel without mug. Minardu Liniment makes an ex- cellent counter-irritant. Bathe the face and If there Is a. cavity in the (00th place In H a, piece of cotton wool saturated with Mlnard’s. Minard’s Liniment The Famlly Medlclne Chest. UNLESS you see the name “Bayer” on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all Toothache ? p11 stamped. .othache rache W11 y an (hich durin 5 7'5: m a {Sloan's ~kill; 1min! U Break chest colds Apply Sloan‘s. It draws conges- tion to the surface. Starts blood (iziiirculating freely and thus breaks up the cold I Headache Neuralgia Lumbago [Wade 2'21 C (maria ‘- To $10 PER DAY; MEN WANTED m l at once; city and prairies demand automobile mechanics and dljlvlnx. trac- tor operating. tire vulcamzlnfik oxy- acetylene weldln , storage fiery; electrical work e teach these trades. practica! traimng, only few weeks re- nnired: day-night classes. “’rlte to! free catalogue; b! \vngea. steady em- plnyment. Hemph ll Auto Gas Tractor thnnls. 163 Km: \Vc‘st. anrvnto. I ELP WANTED. parties: to knit for us at home, eith by hand. Send stn OrHH etc at 115 Port Huron, Michiganâ€"“I suffered for two ears with pains in my side, and if I wor (ed very much I was nervous and just as tired in the mornin as when I went to bed. I was sleepy al the day and didn’t feel like doing anything, and was so nervous I would bite my finger nails. One of my friends told me about Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound, and it hel (1 me so much that I soon feltfine.”â€" rS.CHARLES BEELER, 501-14th St., Port Huron, Mich. Women who suffer from an feminine ailment should try Lydia E. inkham’a Vegetable Compound. 0 ‘ BEHIES‘. F5693 SALE Weak and Nervous. Made Well by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound WOMANSUFFERED FUR MUNTHS Webbwood, Ont.â€"-“ I was in a‘very weak and run-down nervous condmon, always tired from the time Igot up until I went to bed, Sleep did not rgs§ me at all. My sister recommended Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- ound to me and others told me about It. but it was from my sister’s adviw that I took it. It did not take lorg until I felt stronger, headaches leit. me and my appetite came back to me. I am a farmer’s wife and have many things to do outside the house such as millnn , lookin after the poultry, and other e ores. I eartily recommend the Vegetable Com ound to all who have the same trouble 1 ad, for it is a fine medi« cine for women.“~Mrs LOUIS F. ELSAs- SER, Hillcrest Farm, Webbwood, Ont. Another Nervous Woman‘Finids Edie! Claw ELTINU OF ALL thD5, NEW UR ' uned. ulle I. Haws. cable. holy . lhlpp nub cc! to tpproval at low- prioal In Cnnadn. York Bolunl Co. York 8L. Tot-outa- America's Mon-Or no: mm A Book on A1 HELP WANTEDâ€"FEMALE. )HS at home. either with machine or Id. Send stamp and ,addressed ‘9. for informution. The Canadian inle Distributing Co.. Dept. 6. 0 bottles Ont ge” of “Bay 5 and dose») roved safe b; find Advprfisemenb AUTO SCHOOL ~kills pain! DOG DISEASES and How «3 Food Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. 8. Oh Glover 00.. no. 129 est 24th Street New York. U.S.A. 1m \VE REQUIRE socks fox:

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