See our V neck sweaters at less than Manufacturer’s cost. _ In buying tires, car owner, buy a tire With a reput_ati0n for lasting quallties. BUY AMES HOLDEN AND DOMINION RUBBER FOOTWEAR. THE LGRNE BLHBK FURHSSS‘SEEQ SWEE After enjoying a very successful business year: during 1922, We Wish to thank ali Our customers for their patrenage and we seiicit your patronage for VVi’ih our new modern garage we assure you of the very best service in ail iines 0f G. Baldock, Ltd JONES LUMBER C0 child, or her picture, the judges made u But; after all is said, honor? If little D Sir Allen Aylesworw, Iol‘mel Minister of .IusLicc in Sir Wilfrid Laurier‘s Cabinet, has been appoint- ed 50 the vacancy in the Canadian Senate, caused by the death of Hon. Wm. Proudfoot, K. (' , of Godericl). As long as that. useleSs body is to be continued, in is well that men of such outstanding ability as Sir Allen Aylesworch should ï¬ll the positions. Cor. Arnold & Yonge. PHONE 27 HEAVY RU BB BPSâ€"Laced a ml“ lined Mocco Gloves in Some Cusmmer left, a pair of our shed several weeks ago lie may have Lhem 5y calling Generai automobile overhauiing. Batteries repaired and recharged. Oxyacetylene Welding. Cars washed and polished. Ste-rage space for rent. Genuine Ford parts, tires and accessories. for $2.75. OVERSHOES ONE BUCKLEâ€"Regular $2.30 for $2.00. OVERSHOES TWO BUCKLEâ€"Regular $3.33 for $2.75. MENS UNDERWEARâ€"Cotton and wow mixture, regular $1.50 for $1.00. our office. Ayleswoytb, formex Norman J. Glass. ud buck Are You Going to Plant Trees this Spring? I desilu (.hrmlgh this meJiun thank my friends and noighhms (mum Ln my assistant-v duzing (m mess, and ufter my dour sislor Bu had passed away. On behalf nf father and myself I wish In mkn edge cur grateful appreciation kindness and sympathy. GBRTRUDE GRAX‘T. n‘ulks in the Village. luv lsyiruv providn-s [hub within the hours hflor ('\'('l'V full ofsnuw, the side'- u'ulkn in the wholv Hf the Village must, be cleared fur tlwirenliw Width. Failure In r-mnply with this regulnlliun will vnt iil “xpvnsu «In the individuals Sn defaulting which the Council how’s to avoid. that the Uh vnfm-ce UM IOlanHl “f n‘ulks in th providn-s [I after oven-v walks in U must, be (‘1 \\’ldtrh. FHi this regulnt Tl 1e REMOVAL OF Trees add to the beauty of your grounds, we can sell you ï¬rst-class Stork. Fruiu trees, Ornamenml trees and Shruhbery, from the [\‘ur- sex'y of 1-1 1). Smith & Son, Win0na.()nr. I’x‘emembm- all trees that do not; grow are replaced. We can sup- ply you with one tree or hundreds. N0 order mo small. Our pricos include delivery to your home. GEO. H. PRICE PUBLIC NOTICE RE regular 53.35 and $3.50 itizcns are hz-re e Uuunuil intvnd CARD ’1‘. H. 'I‘RENCH, Reeve. Representative Richmond Hill 5H0 Vi]! 0F THANKS 'H'lleinl.y from tln by notified s 1') sh icLly xlimz Lu lhv SNOW Bylruv \(kmm'l Hill) md< 11.1 w!" u ill- lily GET Butter - The Liberal Office There are in: :y people he poultry who haw no electric ] Fair to good remlts have bet cured elsewhere by using cx'r barn lanterns. “he danger 0 when using lame n5 is mattriul creased. We hav not tested lb yet but hope to I: we them unde soon. For elect .c lighting w three ordinary bi :bs for a pen c hundred birds, it one light twenty-ï¬ve bir'd penâ€"Prof. I Graham, 0. A. C llege, Guelph. By Lighting Pens Till 9 pm. Egg Production Nearly Doubled. ‘Uause, Symptoms and Cure of Ring- worm Explainedâ€"As It Is Very Contagious the Stockman.Mu.~zt Take Great Precautions to Pre- vent Its Spread. (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture. Toronto.) It is unusual, and in most cases very unwise, to publish ï¬gures in re' gard to experiments until the maâ€" terial has been very thoroughly test- ed, but in this particular case, con~ Ildering the high cost of feeds and the general scarcity of new laid eggs, we are giving the ï¬gures on a rather short test of but four weeks' dumâ€" tion. The results appear to be gen- erally true in all pens tested and are in accord with results obtained else- where. OSTLY everybody who i: keeping poultry wants to get eggs in winter. Gener- ally speaking, the number of eggs gradually goes down from week to week from September to January and then there is a slow but gradual increase until March, April and May, which in Ontario are the best months for egg production. The increase in egg yield has been obtained by the use of electric lights, or prolonging the day. The facts of the matter appear to be that a hen’s crop is too small a reservoir to hold sufï¬cient feed for we long night. A hen, to lay, must have a surplus of feed over and above that required for body maintenance. In these particular trials, the re- sults of which are given below, the lights were turned on at dusk and were turned off at nine o‘clock at night. The birds get their ï¬rst feed In the morning at seven o’clock and a few dull mornings require lights for about one hour. The usual feed of grain given at about four to ï¬ve o'clock in the after- noon is In two of gr: birds, sim a little. ’ and govern themsu‘u iAS. McLE \N. Pu H. A. NICHOLLN‘, COIII port Chumhel oftho Rlchumnd Hill Ag Soaic-lywill bu hold in HM bl‘ Eleclinn Saturday, Jan. 20, 1E Public Notice The Annual Meeting Printed at interes lin Richmond Hill nv nlh: Lh AT 11’ eed of grain given at lve o'clock in the after- I or only a handful or 3 given to twenty-ï¬vcl to keept them moving full feed is given a! 021i wrappers YOUR mocli p1 lighting we use for a pen of one one light in a l.-â€"~PI‘0f. R. W )usil out eeptng lights. on se- vary lire xltm UH RICHMOND HILL, TELEPHONE 1021 A and St Richmond Satm-davs. ENROLL ANY TIME Indivldunl Instruction. Night School Mondays and Thursdays. Neu'nmrkct. Bank of Toronto Bloc)“. an For IIIII sal'o, apply \\iH V11 1 money to and theb (lays the; sold suhje NOIiCQ of the ESLMP :mxon g Llw palliPS rulillml thereto, having regard only In the claims of “hit II he shall then hum-1'9- ceived nuLiL-v. a Dated thii 15th duy (-f Decomlney, 1917, are I'lqllilPd, on nr lwl‘owlhr 15m dav of janan, 1923:} to smul lt- joseph Edward Francis, EXPCU'OI'. Thm-nhill, n. Sum ment of thr-‘n' claims and addresses, lugolhvr with the unune of the svcurity, ifuny held by them. a {mutag depth nf (1 feet thwe TERMS MAX 'l‘ukv further vatim' lh lam. mnntimwd dnle. 11w x “ in [n1 (em) to d strilmte tth Esta“: anxon g Lhu pa A. D. 1922‘ PulliPs hav Estate of VS the Towuslr ml 01' uhnutrt Nuunl Ofï¬l‘e hail ['an3 AND BY VIRTUE n Sale containeo in u. CPl‘tilil‘. which will In» p1 uduced “L 1 sale, there \\ ill 2w uï¬'ervd f Public Am tyinn nu (he ‘22!)d 1923. at the hour ( f leve reside ship. Churc pl'l‘del Uhm'r Mund Notice DAT! NEWMARKET BUSINESS COLLEGE ()nl aed at, Lluy in. Sh». was Mortgage Sale OF VACANT LANDS Township of North York FALL TERM OPEN IH {in-lunwnd Sir Solicitors for MK5. 0. E. REAMAN SOPRANO lln TEACHER 0F SI-NGINGQ" l’l EARL}: N Ii WT ON PIANIST WILLIAM COOK. 33 Richmond Ski-Pvt V\’e:~t, Solicitor fur Executm. 13' ownslnp m Vang llmut Hm 8th (My rare riquirpd, un and mnl {Mk H't V U( 1h Inl (‘l‘ment Come-[9| y the per \Vundbl'illg I‘d hr? 15 int HA 'l “C ffe I] St Hil )f ï¬fty fet hundred 14105026 ft Ten per (‘t paid Itt H1 bv two ding;th mg alien to Creditors itm ;uf land and plemisvs md being in lhe Tuwn» Yuxk. in the, Culunly of iqu ('olvpused [Hf Lm H“ snulh shlu of Em- Woodbridge filed in the Registry yunty of Yy-l k: cut [(0 lh( he 1)!- at the he paid The DH “‘rdl 9!. East. Tomnu the applicant. 5 (-31’Vf Ill hmm famine in that ball by giuvn lint ul- ims :Iguinxtv [he h'ullu‘luy, 1:11? of «uglmn. whu dived .xy (1' April. A. I), (In 01‘ lwl'olr'lhl- 7. 1921} to svnd lr‘ 1K whom†'nl'hnt the M L (50 It‘) md twen' 3 inches.) nt :nf [in Lliu 1d tum- wilhi [:611y :1! .uflm- km-h lid Em cnlor H10 n55! h nf ll nticé: Auc- elty mum» but certain HART llll l’mver oi ‘Iu-rtgngt time of ' sale by fjunum-y on at th. vnge Sh. ildir hh't v mm a‘ ‘hxisl J‘Jln- Plan \‘mg 0n Ofï¬ce. aflmn m HOUSE PAINTER, G1azier.Graine‘r and Paper- Hanger. Hf. Tlm business I This school is no! tutiningund h‘u' aid tu secure employme interested, wl'lte 10-1 logue. Enter any 22 W. J. ELLm'I'r higher u; vmmg llll‘ Systems will provide water installnlit n. Yong Your Future Depends, on Yourself W. HEWISQN \Vill glndly furnish m-cvssury infnh mntinn and advice. regarding your Icquilmnents. Laundry T [f I} BATHS, mum, w. C's., RINKF. PLUMBE The Jamcs Robertson, Co., Ltd. mm ’ RONCHTIS Sold at Sloan;s Drug Stdres Ofï¬ce Good Supply ( f SchooliBooks gLiperal Store a 215 Spaï¬ina Ave, Tcronto, Ontario Macnaught Ml Richmond Hill FREDERICK A Ouiside the Village UH" Pl-essuw {Athhe U 3.4-" Custom THE (SHOPPE? Ambrose I,. Phipps- Barristers Our local A)! ERON MAVNAUGHTLN RCHTIS mp! (Illl‘ qu on 8: Cam ass must hnu' nmrd Inl' SH aiding our stw yment quilzkly. ‘ 10-day for our vplit: 'l'nnk (,‘ilcnlm Ill 10px csontutivu, 1:] ALL NEUESSARY H’MI‘ZNT. Solicitor H ‘ Hi1 Phone 13 r 2 ninmr KG MELL )m' snide-n PPM s. Etc ll w pbeli anit mnto any ion