.Friday evening of lllla Wet-k. your LIBERAL and ascertain if your subscription is paid up. \Villnwdale hockey team will play \\'illowd:rle Arena I‘uck Kindly examine the address label i-rr|5 North TUI‘UHLU in I I faced at 8.15. ’ lï¬Mi'. II. it. lleise, rd' (:‘orinley‘ left ilris week to \‘ir‘lt his last um le, Mr. I). V. “else, of Clarence Centre, .\'.Y. A special ear will leave ’I‘hornhill next Monday evening at 7 o'clock for Schninhci'g, where a hockey match will he player! between Sclioinberg and 'I‘lioriihili. lteturn fine .31) ceiilu’. The Annual MUCHâ€): of the 'l‘hornhill Public Library will be held next Mun- day evening. Januaryzlét h, at. Bo‘clntk Election of ofï¬cers ond other busineSs. At the Annual Meeting: of the Aurora Horticultural Society held in the Methodist church parlors, Tues- day evening, that progressive society decided to undertake the work of beautifying the grounds of the Loyal Orange Orphanage, a mile “north of Richmond Hill. Mr. J. A. Greene, chairman of Field Day Committee. has called a meeting of that cunnniitec to be held in the Village Clerk’s Ol’l'ice Tuesday eVen- iirg._lan. TGLh. at 8 o’clock. Will every member (‘lltlt‘.iV0l' to be present. Shop at home and encourage local enterprise. Merchants and other ,business men. put. spirit into your business. advertise your goods. and lctrlieopic know what you have tn+ sell. Dr. R. M. Coulter. C. M. G. has re- lired from the position 01' Deputy Postmaster General for Canada, has- ing held that position since 1887 in the regime of Sir William Mulock. Dr. Uuultcr is 65 years of age. - A special cat Will leave Richmond Hill. to morrnw night (Friday), for Schomberg, where a Metropolitan League game will be played between Richmond Hill Juniors and Schomberg Juniors. Return fare. 50 cents. After a. stubbornly contested game, the ï¬rst in the O. H. A.. Willowdale hockey team defeated Aurora in the Aurora rink, last Thursday evening. The winners had to play ten minutes overtime to hieak the tie. \Villowdale also defeated Aurora in the "return" game. Tuesday evening. Scnre 4 2. Advertiserâ€"A petition has been sent to W. \V. 'I‘rench,‘asking him to declare the election held last Wednes- day, in S. S. No. 3, at York Mills Schoolhouse. North York Township to be illegal. owing to the method in which it was carried out. Mr. John H. Dunlop attended an unique function of Masmis Tuesday evening.r in connection with St. Anâ€" drew's Lodge. TOrnnto, the occasion being a gathering of the older mem- bch to do hxnor to the sons and to pay tribute to those. who had fallen in War. l Judge.(loatsivorih, a member of St. Andrew’s was one of the speakers of Vlhe evening. Mrs. Lennard Curtis and children are still Lll'l'tiitvt’l in Toronto. Mrs. Curtis went to \‘isii her mother on Gibson Are. After severeattacks of colds tlu-v were prepririrrg to return home. but list. Friday the two child- lull, lat-v and Billy. were taken down with scarlet fever and had to be removed to the Isolation Hospital. These are hard lines as the parents are not allowed to VhlL the Lhildren. \Vewish to thank an old friend, .\Ir.A. E. Ccvombs. Principal of the St. (lattiarines (,‘uliegiate institute, futht-Chliilllltls titttiillei‘, Vrix Cni- lpgiensiey the (liTit'léll organ hf that educational institution. This excel- lent number gives the names of 24 teachers on the stali'. and (lesCrilies the new Collegiate Institute and Vthiillll‘nill School which is being erected in that city. The new buildâ€" ing is to cost $600000. There are a number of splendid articer er the principal. teachers, ex-stulents and others. ‘ us 7 .: CAREER. should be based on the right founda- tion» thorough training. Since 1392 Shaw Schools have irivcn p " 'inl instru‘tiun by skilloi tenclzr.s iri Shorthand. 'I'ypcwritiiiu. Filinu. and Business Subjects. Eleven schools: small groups; intensive trainingâ€"â€" Start a: any time. \Vritc for Prospectus to G McINTOSXI. Chief Principal. BUSINESSSCil‘JOlS TORONT .i ».";z its . .FOR SALE 200 acres goodzland and out buildings. l 140 acres, hank barn. water in stable. Other out buildings, new brick house. all plowing dune. Fall wheat ill. This is a real snap for some one. 50 acres right on the 4111 of Mark- barn. 100 acres. good buildings, would! sell stock and implements as guingl concern. Owner now sending 4 cans of , milk daily. Alsc Hill. APPLY WESLEY BOYNTON,l .â€"»:,::Richmond Hill. ma... 2 good houses. in Richmond! Division (Jourt a. j Efllis Honour. Judge lliniel O'('rvnâ€"‘ llt'll. presided at Division CHUII, Richmond Hill. for the first line Tuesday. Only two cases were called. ()nesuit, which was In h'rVe bm ii heard before a jury. was adjourned one court. to Feb, 27. In the rulli'd' case judgment was reserved, The court. lOlllll was crowded by interested parties in the jury ease. _ «m~’77 ._.. OAK RIDGES About sixty interested citizens along Yongc Street attended a meeting in the Oak Ridges school house last even- ing. Representatives were present from Willowdale, Thornhill, iRichmond Hill, Elgin Mills, Oak Ridges. Aurora and Newmarket. Mayor Walton. of Aurora. presided. Matters discussed were commutation tickets on the Metropolitan. the widening of Yonge Street. and double tracking the line to Richmond Hill. The meeting was addressed by U. L. Wilson and F. S. Livingston, representing the Railway, who. after hearing the pleas of the various Boards of Trade for better radial service, outlined the Railway’s plans for improvements. They thought it probable that special commutation rates would be granted. o.â€"-â€"â€"- DEATHS PRATTâ€"On Saturday, January 6th, 1923. at her mother's residence. Richmond Hill, Isabel. second daughter of the hth William and Jessie Pmtt. _ Funeral (private). Tuesday, at 11 a. in. to Richmond Hill Cemetery. PEPLERâ€"At his late residence, 384 Soudnn avenue, on Saturday. Januaiy 6. 1923, Grant; Herbert Peplet‘, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. G. Pcpler. and grandsoli of the. late Canon A. J. Broughall. in his 32nd year. Funeral from St. Simon’s Church. Howard street, on Monday, january 8th. PLEWMAN --On January 5, 1923. at Grace Hospital, \Vrdter Lionel Flew- man, husband of Edna. Uni-by. Funeral from his late residence. 336 Rusholnre road. Monday. January 8, to Prospect Cemetery. HOLLINGSHEADâ€"On Wednesday, Jan. 10th, 1923, at his late residence, 6‘33 St. Ularens Ave., Toronto, 'I‘hos. Hollingshead. in his liSth year. Funeral from above address Saturday, Jan. 13th at. 2 p. m. MI,ng SMITHâ€"From pneumonia. after a long illness. at the home of her sister, Mrs. George Bowles, Bradford, Ont., Jean Harper, wife of the Rev. Dr. Smtih. of W0odbridge; January I), 1923. Funeral from the aboye address, Thursday, janirary II. at 2.30 p. in. Interment at Mount Pleasant ,(hnne- tor-y. Bradford. â€"â€"â€"-*c- All Canadian Books to Lighthouses _ It has heen‘deeided that all the BOrrkS sent next season to the over 150 Light- houses in the Dominion shall be "All Canadian.†Alieady, preparations are being made by the Tract Society's Mission to Sailors to select the very best in Canadian literature for the use of the “\Vateheis of the Lights". The Snriety hopes to send next season, through its “James S. Potter Litei'atur: for Lighthouses Merrmr ial" over one. thousand Canadian Books. thus Cele.â€" braling in an :icr-eptable way the corn- pr-iion of 5.3 years service for the sailors on the Great Lakes. As last season, so in the owning one, most of the hooks sent to the Lighthouses are gt rieiously supplied by the young people attend- ing the Public. High and (,‘onlinuziliori SUlluUlS in the Province of Ontario. Q a 9â€",...â€" We beg to tillllOunCC’WC still have good bargains as usual, such as Slater Shoes, for men and women 01' the best workmanship, IIcuistou shoes for kiddies. shoes that lit and will not hurt the bones of the tender feet. Also (“thei‘ makes turd all at very reasonable prices. 4 Inl‘ig Shoes in black and brown t'oi'lioys, rubbers of all kinds and makes, sweaters, shirts, underwear, socks, tics, collars, and every article of apparel for men and boys. Also work shirts, overalls, smocks. and iiiackinaw coats and many other things. J. W. Wellman Gent’s Furnishings. Phone 86 j. i- g; a h-.... Forsyth 8; Allen Painters. llr-rniainis and Hardwood Finishers. Estimates giv- n. l’hune TH. lirvx 2lll Al'llORA â€"â€"-â€".o-~ â€"â€"â€". Notice of Application To Legislature for Validation} of By-Law NOTICE is hereby given that the Corporation of the Village 0F Hielim inond Hill will appr to the. Legislative.I Assembly of the Province of Ontario! at the. next Sessiv-n thereof l'rr : ir Act! validating, a Ily-larw oi 5::ri.l .‘i'nnici- pality_ authorizing the consi r m-i it-ti of a Community Skating and llnrircyr Rink. and Depentiues for the sum of $12,000 to he issued thereunder. The existing debenture debt of the Municipality is $154,279.95. The reason for requiring a further issue is to provide money for the corr- stiuetir-n of said rink. DATED this 29th day of December 1922. . HICAHST K: HEARST. Solicitors for The Corporation rifllre Village of Richmoan Hill. 27-32 J. & M.'STElN Yonge and Centre Streets CFllNA, GROCERIILS, (IUNFECTIOXS Try us for Groceries l A good clean stock] always on hand. See ourastock of} China and cutglgisl l prices reasonable. Bruces Chocolates and Candies always fresh. AND CONFECTIOUERY -;- for :- Home-made Bread, Cakes, Pastry, Doughnuts, Cream Pulls, Charlotte Russe. Pork Pies, Margueritcs, and Fruit Pics of' all kinds. Goods Delivered C. Winterton Yongc-St. Richmond Hill.r Phone 110 W. ELOC UTION Miss Marguerite Boyle Artist, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading. Dram atic and Humoui‘cus Sketches, Dialect Poems. _ Professional Graduate Ol Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss IV‘Iai‘guei‘ite Boyle. Studio ‘Homewcod Hall,’ Thornhill, Ont 30tf ELGIN MILLS Ice Cream grist; LightLunches Soft Drinks Cigars Cigarettes Refreshmennts Stabling Accommodation at Reasonable Rates E. Bridges, Prop. Phone 44 r 23 Stop 51 Yonge St. H'TV - r ‘ ‘ rLi )(gu uarrt to remit any amount up to fifty dollars, emcm or that Bank Money Orders are inexpensive as , e.~:clusive of Revenue stamps are: or - i _ WIQOO and under. three cents; over $5.00 and not exceed- ing 53 0. six cents; over $10 and not exceeding $30 ten cents: over $30 and not EXCCC®1g $50, ï¬fteen cents. ’ You can get Money Orders at any branch of this Bank. THE STANDARD BANK TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS OF CANADA Richmond Hill Branch, J. R. Herrington, IVIanager '~ Your iii/die?“ Supp Automaticâ€"Sure Continuous scrviceâ€" clay and nightâ€"always under pressure. A TORONTO Pneumatic Water System will give you this serviceâ€"noise- less and best of all, absolutely auto? matic. Operated by Electric motor or TORONTO Windmill. Enioy this convenient service now and save yourself and family from the continuous drudgery of pump- ing and carrying your daily water supply. TORONTO Outï¬ts can be quickly installed. Drop in and let's talk it over. Prices and full information gladly furnished. . See‘ me to-day. J. Lunau, Agent. Richmond Hill $435 Cash Balance easy terms Car used six months as ‘ ’ demonstrated _v _______ gdsgg J. MILLS Centre Street East Richmond Hill. Phone- 41 'm i Great: Value :m “KM- In Women’s, Misses and Chil- dren’s Coats. Call ant‘YSee them Men’s Suits and Overcoats t be ' beaten for the money. Buy Here and Save Money lE. R. FORTNER, Tailor and clothier for women and men. sâ€" . , )If It’s Printing - We can do it. .-A)