Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Jan 1923, p. 8

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Slop "F363 SALEâ€"S( Ol'pingmn 1 U \nysoxa, .VIill sue llill. ‘OR. SALE-2‘1 une luuvsc slefgh. in . el‘fuct. (mndiLiun: uls » extension table and kitchen tuhlv. Apply M. L. '1‘0\V.\'SE.‘ID, .\Iuy Avemw, :2an 48, 93â€"23) J-_A7100‘n£hick size Hich‘niénd Hill- CSTâ€"A lmund, while, with nnd tun markings. 8 [numb H. J. MILLS, Ovntre St. East. the sumo by p: atnd myinz (-xn‘enw SAN Ensos, Un'm r cutter. Apply Richumnd Hm. M FOR SALEâ€" ' cutter. R. Richmund SL. r laying. ROSE. Young cheap ' ENDERS WANTEDâ€"Fm- p1 ' ing hmmv. Appiy l’. (‘1. HM oppnsue lungst nl't' subunl. 1 V 030 â€"I grm‘n \Vlll (1&4in: 1nd King. I Vaughan. Ph Eliiiléd plow share. Rear nf \V. Vandorlmn Ca” 31 Stare mrmd Hill k] :lt$ ~\LL|SU.\' OTICEâ€"E. Sliney 15 prepared to L do all kinds of trunking and c n-Ling in Richmond Hill xuid vicinity. Rummage suiiciled. Phune Richmond Hill 93. \ 42 Lf \I u nu- .. ... _ , 7 spring: Wagnn, neu rly dCKENZIE Enos, \Villowdule. Get Your Painting Done Now JllH‘ 4‘OUND-mk ihn an: a dull We shut-1* {Hs'nn Mfg. (‘-u L'ld see their :Zl :OR SALEâ€"7 B- splendid laying 50D 48 Yongo streel "IIOIC : UR SALEâ€"Set U Trench make. lm [H.913 Apply \VEu‘ '.‘ 0R SALHâ€" 6 \Vy ‘WOWCBT’I‘ERSâ€"FM‘ R. MICHAEL. i .\ \V S 1‘08. SALEâ€"Hnuw w ALFRED RI'MHLE. ‘0 R HUANG SHAWNâ€"Pair granite curling sLnnu' :lp. ApplyLllmn,\LOch O‘R SAL! high she mm, OFF ANTED â€"A c culur And see the new model SuperiorCHEVROLETand MCLAUGHLIN MASTER 4 CARS. A. S. \VHEELER Stop 47 Richmond Hill ‘Vunt Axds. SALEâ€"1 first class Painter FILEDâ€"Cross out and cir- saws gumde and filed. Cut- kuives gmuml. In fact. if it .1 shut-pen it. Also agent. fur " ' ‘ 1‘ . . . . A . ' III E L0 [‘Sâ€"Cpoice lots for Kit (‘Ilnnfilixed wnud far or in Richmond Hill, .\I Low Charges ghurs . HILL 8; CD. E» i)‘:\"r[‘);~uving the pram xpenws‘ Apply Lu R Unix) WHIP, Ont. ‘ mt up. 'l'r' lunnnd St H nurth l-f h-u-d fund Eâ€"U0111 (u‘ wand range. If and \vutertank. Apply who. Owner "my , joNEs‘. no Maple ~Some gnou yum-5 n C-ockerels. JAMES street. west. Richmond oal burning Iii-coder, Set, 0f tum slvighs, LB. box with it: also-1 WESLEY BonTON, 28 Barred rnc Guelph. Come in ;ell‘ sharpening stev I. A. ANDERSON 'Prlmrg’s shop. Rich “Hf nod first class . VASI)ERBURG}1, Stl‘ Trench . , Hill & C0. arm; easy RH :mdome pmlem, at $2 Hugh ‘ m1. PHILPOTT. ZS 2850 8 “1””le Did East. 28 Pulil' 0f good young sale. AnDlY of, Box 179. 233u ll and SUNS fur sale‘ (ill, .\I lplQ‘ 3U. COD. 3 \t in Muplr‘. {84f k plIHEtS. platform Bkmvxr lS-tf may have prugerbv Cuuw m )l' black lstPl l3-tf, ll-lf fly \he -30 ale I MAKEFE'GONGRETE TILE Well Cured and Pmperly Made Cement Tile Equal to Clay. (Contributed by Onurio Department 0! Agriculture, Toronto.) Strangles, an Infectious Disease of Colts May Be Controlled The Cause, Symptoms and Treatment of This Serious Disease. 0 make concrete tile satis- factorily many things must be taken into consideration. In the first place it is very necessary that the manufacturer have experience in the making of concrete tile: besides, it is esnential to have good strong machinery. a good qual- ity of .sand and gra-vei, or crushed rock, first-class cement, material and cement thoroughly mixed, and a kiln where the tile may be steam cured. Only strong, heavy’and durable machinery should be used. With respect to material a good aggregate would be one part material, which would pass through a twentyâ€"mesh sieve, and two parts, which would range from the previous size men- tioned up to one-quarter inch stone. Only good sharp material should be used â€"- one in which there is clay should be avoided. If this cannot be procured a. sand washing machine will have to be added to the equip- ment of the plant. Where a great many tile manufac- turers make a. mistake in the making of concrete tile is in the fact that they use too “lean” a mixture, that is not enough cement to the material. The proper mixture for first-class tile is one part cement to 2% parts of crushed material, and in no case should the mix be more lean than one to three of a total aggregate, sufficient water being added to the mixture to make a gum consistency. When the tile are completed they should be placed in kilns where they may be steam cured and left there for a period of not less than 48 hours. - In Ontario last year, the lives or 3,380 persons were claimed by con- sumption. This is all the more ter- rible because IllOSt of them might have been saved had they been helped in time. Here is a case in point. Several ‘yeais ago a man came to the Mus- koka Free Hospital for Consump- tives. He had been on Active Ser- vice in Africa. where hardship and exposure had broken down his health. Suspicious of his symptoms he sought our aid. A short time ago he wrote: “Through your Hospital a soldier of the South :Urlcrm War regained his health and a family a happy 'hcme." This is not an isolated case, for many others have been restored to health and anxious families. It. takes much money to carry on the work. Your gift. for whatever amount, will he gratefully receivea. Contributions may be sent to Sir William Gage, 84 Spadina avenue. or George A. Reid. 223 College street. Toronto. .- The kiln should be about six feet In height and of a width sufficient to allow the required number of trucks on which the tile have been placed to rest during the curing process. The tile should be placed in the kiln not more than 1% hours after it has been manufactured and kept there for 48 hours during the steaming process. After it has been cured it might be removed from the kiln and piled in the yard, and should have at least two weeks hard- ening before helng'agaln disturbed. Before the product of any tile plant is uttered for sale sample's should be tested either at the plant or sent 16 the Drainage Department at the 0. A. C., Guelph, to be tested to see u it is of the proper strengthâ€"W. R. Scott, B.S.A., 0. A. College. Guelph. Richmond Hill. NEARLY 3.400 KILLED. POM MISS“ NE“, ('0); \‘EYAN( Canadian Tenor and Chair lmadoi" Suluifl, North Pal'kdnlv Methndist Chm-ch, is prewar-9d tn rvceive pupils in Richmond Hill on Mondays. Studio, Mrs. N. Butty's. Arnold St. Particulars can he “ht-(Lined by calling. I‘hmm ‘22 W l THURSDAY. FEB. lâ€"Fnrm stuck, implr’ments, Int 16, con. 2. Markham. {m- pmpony nf Albert, J. Holmkuy. Sale at 12 o'clock. Lunch at H n. 11:. Term? 9 months. Pmntice & Pl'h'lrtit'e AuctS. sever tion. Ynm- Furnace \vil‘l want looking quPr hefure Cold weather sets in, m' it maybe you cue contemplating the in- stallation‘ of a new Furnace. We have several lines worthy of your considerrâ€" ments and Repairs, Pumps, Lightning Ruds, Ladders, Funmcés and Repairs, Eave Tronghing. Metal Building, Sup- plies and all kinds of 'l‘insmithing. IT’S A MATTER OF SHOE. OR HARNESS REPAIRS OR HARNESS SUPPLIES LET ROLFE ATTEND TO IT. BEST WORK AND MATERIAL GET 4. YOUR HARNESS SUPPLIES \VHIERE YOU GET YOUR HARNESS REPAIRED. SKATES GROUND CONCAVE AND FIXED TO BOOTS. RUBBER BOOTS RISPAIREI). 'I‘ H l‘} \Vhen you figure the 1053 01' lime and uncertain yield through dilly seed grain, the acreage lms by reason to your growing wora’e l‘hnn useltéSs weed crops, you will readily see that the purchase nf a Bull Dog \Vild Out Sepzuntor \‘uve at good invest- ment tn you. \Ve are agents forevm‘y line of Farm Implements. With the FzLH Season coming on, you will no doubt find you are in net’ad of some new machiner. TEETZEL BROS. Let us serve you IT COSTS LESS Hansen and lots on Centre Street east Village. Valuable house and 1 It (mil-lichmnnd Sm eet {in Nice new house and lot. Street. North annex. House and one acre on Mny Aveunp. :Iml hnuse and two acres on Ynnge Hurst Road, South annex. Hnuse and lot. and small farm at Maple. Valuable propelty at. Elgin Mills. Loans nezotia ted. Insurance t-t‘fected Loans negotia tec‘ Yonge St, RICHMOND HILL Tel ms Auctsx ’lcnxx: imple etc.. «'EDNESDAY. impleIm-rls Vaughan, 1 of Mls. Wm \Vec:ms rve you in Farm Implo- . EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC ROLFE sum: REPAIR SOUTH OF NEW GARAGE IIlllS AL The Real Estate Man LbDAY me n t,- Auction Sale Register wt 16. the prr Thornhill. ESTATE AND INSURANCE HAS FOR SALE Wm. C. Ruttan, xenLik .‘ Nicholls Nicol hs. P Eurnilu on. 3. IF PHONE 87 Mill Sal: renlic 24 H; HUI]! 1H. tlu nm l'lll ER on Oxford l'l). S] prquergy Prentice, ETC get RICHMOND TIRE & BATTERY SERVICE Electric Motors, Generators, Mag- netos, Etc., Repaired. Phone 109 W. A. VANDERBURGH For yourvery liberal patronage during lhe year, 1922, and espec- ially at Christmas, we thank you, and Wish you all a Very Happy New Year. Trench Block -:- QUALITY SHOPPE -:- __._â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€";.â€"= WOOD I FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE A. G. SAVAGE COOPER’S HARDWARE GUARANTEED to Last Longer than the Rest Done by the HA! VUlCflniZing"Tmc PROCESS MILLINERY General Agent, office at the Post Office - Richmond Hill TRENCH‘S BLOCK Spades, Shovels, Forks, Building paper, uTar paper and Roofing,Harness Sup- plies Sweat pads, Breast strap, Hame strap, 0 Heel chains, Curry combs and Brushes ,~: Stovesffiand Ranges -: . N. COOPER ' Richmond Hi1 COAL Skates . . . . . . . . . Straps . . . . . . . . . Ankle suppuI-Ls Hucku sticks. . I’m-ks. . .‘ . . . . . . Sleighs . . . . . . . . Coleman Per Gallon Lined . Unlined H BATTERY “STA SE RVICE ~ (VVatered and Inspected FYee All Makes (I Repaired and Recharged. VESTA H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited ©0990 Phone 33 Thornhill, Ontario MRS. NORMAN BATTY asoline Lanterns Sboves Antiâ€"Freeze for Cars ALADDIN LAMP SUPP 0000000006.. 6000690 00”“ Horse Blankets PHONE 93 and Done by the HAYWOOD SCIEN- 20c.) 50c., 1,19: 1 LADIES’ WEAR '1 LIES llcmels 50c 3.25 pair 20 pair 35 pair LBS each 20 oat-h 1.10, 1.75 All Repairs of the Tire. Phone $4. 00 $1.50 10.00

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