“\Pusuc NMIcE Ih Grateful Appreciation of your good-will and Patron- age; we cordially extend our Hearty Thanks and Good Wishes for the New Year. We have a recent shipment‘. ofOntario Bran and Shorts selling at almost wholesale prices by the ton. Can also sell Scratch Feed for poultry at reasonable price. as we have a good supply. G. HILL, Oak Ridges P. O. to enter a branch of this Bank because you do not know how to make a de- posit. Our Managers or the staff will be pleased to show you. 1H Start with One Dollar and-add to it dollar by dollar. Have also had shipped to us a few tons of Corn Flakes. This corn feed is suitabie for all stock teeding, as it is the best of the corn, cooked and sweetened, and cheaper than gluten. PAINTING 7 Pastry Flour and Purity Flour at $6.75 and $8.00 per bb!. for one week. RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE ‘A good suppiy of coal and wood. From the Toronto Conservatory of Music. will accept a number of pupils in Piano, Vocal nnd -: Theory. -:‘ For infornmtion Phone 110. Mus. MYLKS. WRIGHT EROS. Uudgruinxf and Embalmers VOL. XLV. Adelmo Melecci and Miss Rosalind Bush L. T. C. M. At the Elevator I. D. Ramer H. l' Hardwood Finishingl [intimates Furnished _Fre0} Phone \VILLOVVDALE. ONT. V. l)‘ OLLIVER. Manager. THE ROYAL BANK 9 OF CANADA ge stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at the above places DO NOT HESITATE .50 per annum, in advance.] DECORATING Ofï¬ce hum-s 10 to 12 a,m. p.11). Ofï¬ce and residenceâ€"Celine Church Slret‘ti Richmond Hill E N0. 24. Maple Licensed Auutionevr for the County York. Sulesutlondud to nu shmte notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited 378 BERESFORD AVE. WEST TORONTO Phone Junctxnn 72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS‘ EXPERIENCE All mail nrde‘rs will receive prompt attention. Ofï¬ce Trench Block, two doors nm-lh nf Stundmd Bank. Hoursflmm. In 5.30 p.m. Open evenings by appuintmvnt. Culvert tile 12. 15. 18 and 20 inch (30 im-hm: in lvngth) Also Cement Brick Sand nl‘b‘u-eu‘el sold by the load 01‘ in car luts. Cedar posts and telephone poles for sale. T. COUSINS, BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY ET' Toronto 011%", Richmond Bilildin g 33 Richmond Street, \Vest. Richmond Hill Oflice (‘ Liberal Ofï¬ce), every Thursday forenoon. ‘ Maple. Thursday ufternmm. \Vnodhridqe. Saturday fox-ennui). Money to Luau at Uui'rcnt Rate. JOHN R. CAMPBELL Special attention given to sales 01 every description. Farms and farm stock sales specialty. Farms bought and sold on cmumission. Allsnles ut- tendrd m on shun-test notice. and con- ducth by the mostnpproved methods. Patronage solicited. The Maple Sum ‘mmpunv. LL'd, hu Cement drain tile Culvert tile 12. Phone Belmont 1347 LICENSED AUGTIONEER FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick Pupils passed fnr Conselvatory Ex- :uniuntinns. MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO Ceacher of Fletcher Method Musical Kmdergarten ‘nll by phone or otherwise promptly PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT WATER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS THORNHILL, ONT. J. H. Prentice STUDIOâ€"HOTEL RICH )[ON D. JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER VETERINARY SURGEON. ’.F1101‘llllill. A: C. HENDERSON Paper hanger and Painter Oxford Street Phone 44 1' 3‘2. SAM. SHEPHERD. RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. JAN. 18,1923 WILLIAM COOK 41f; Bullith St†Toronto. J. T. SAIGEOIN . L. R. BELL J. P. VVILSON Telvphone DENT'ST Richmond Hill Ind. Gravel and Brick have nu hand f( mile. “In Essentiats, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity Manager 1nd unlynf 9 and Phone 6toS in. inch If' Richmond Hi1 The programme for this meeting promises to be 0110 nf the best yet. Miss Cherry, Prim-inn] (-f \V'estmn Ave. School. will talk to the Society on “Tho pr‘sdhilities of u Home and School Club." and we are told that, Miss Cherry knows whorvuf she enmuks. and that her visit will he a real t1 mt lo put society. In addition [hm-o will heamusicul programme hy Tmnnln Svhmil ('hiial- tenâ€"n dmxhle trio fimn Earl Gl'tâ€"‘V St‘hnol. and tun sulvist: from Gls-dhill Sclmnl. liofrothvnts will he ï¬Prvpd. Ri-memher the date and kt'up it. free. Memhers nf the Elbow Luke Spurt- ing Clnhnud :1 few invited glll‘sts spent a very pleasant evening. J2m- uury )2, at :m Oyster SuppPr at Hotel Richmnnd. Mr. Edward Brilnell mudva vvl'v capable chairman who called on must of those present [0 suggest improvements in the camp, and to Hive their experience in the huppyhunting grnunds of the nnrth cnuntly. lipgwt Was expressed that members of the club. including Mr. C. \Vnndml‘fe.the geniul captain: and Mr. John Innes. “'on- nut ahln to be present. owing to distance. The chnilnmn and guests expressed their [hunks to Mr. \Vm. Lines. Mix D. Hill and members of "Sue cmumilti-u fur the linspilulity. which was v-ny mun-h (‘njuyHL The January meeting of the Home and School Ulul) will beheld on Friday. the 26th, in the Public School. A new rink â€" A new high schoolâ€" nr whatever else may he sprung upnn usin the next. year or two. They won’t cost ynu anythingâ€"in fact they lower your taxes. 30 we are told. Is the maker of biicks donating the bricks? Is the lumber used to be given by the lumberumn? Is the build- er making us a present. of his time and labor 1’ Ask yourself. 1 want to stop right now while the iutelest is only $100.00 per each. per vear. \Ve have waterworks, good schonls. (all We can afford.) enough debtâ€"too much, and we have Lamas â€"- Who is with me ? Theunnunl Rutepayers' Mt-eting to appoint oï¬icex-s fur the year, to nppoint :l committee to selmat and urchase a monument, nnd tndeï¬nite- yflx the site. will be held in the Jouncil (‘hnmhem Tuesday evening. jnnuury 23. at 8(n'c10ck. As this inn citizens' meeting. it is requoetc‘d that mn'moplocome out in goodly num- Dear Sir: The President of lhe Bank of 'rUl'UllU) has suunded :1 warn- ing regm-ding public indebtedness in Canada. Everyone of us â€" man. woman, nnd child, rich or poor â€" is paying at, prcsvnt $100.00 interest each year on money borrowed by our governments and municipalitivs, besides paying the ordinary taxes collected for general purposes. If you don’t pay any taxes. you pay in in rent, also on everything you buy, to eat, to wear, to build, for service, for labor or for pleasure. No one escapes. and at the end of the year you cam slap yourself proudly on the buck and say you have puid $100.00 interest on public borrowed mom-y. If married you have also paid $100.00 lulu-est for your wife's share and also $100.00 inlenest for ench child’s shareâ€" and you are a fine loyal citizen. Faced hy this policy of spending bun-owed public money for public im- provg-ments Awithnul _restraint. which has hPHn adopted by most every umnicipalily including our own vil« lage, I would like every careful think- ing citizen of our village to rend what Mr. Guadexlmm says : Mr. J. M Aurora, has L he held in Aurora. lwm at. 8 o'clock. tm‘estod in Mr. J. M. Waltnn. Maynr nf Alll'Uril, has called a public meeting to he held in "Sturland Theatre,†Am-m'n. lwmm-rmv, Eriday evening. at. 8 u'clock. All cil,izn~ns who are in- tnrestod in the imprnvemmt of 'I‘mlivy mu] I‘Iieltt‘liu Service in the (-onnlyux-v reqnpstvd In uttï¬nd lhis Invvting. Mr. Gaby, of thc- Hydru- Elevtu ik.‘ :lnil Messrs. Robertson and \Vilsnnnf the '1‘. & Y. R. R. will srwnk. Hill Luk 0m»: me Ratepayers’ Meeting Home and School Club Thanking you, Yours truly, W. A. DUNCAN. [‘hmn ï¬ning from Richlwa Oyster Supper Ill PubEic Meeting High Taxes iREENE, AL, Richmund Hill President of Chairman of the warn- 'l‘lw mnnlhly meeting of Lhe \‘Vnrneu’s Inslimtv \vué held on \Vednesrluy of last wepk, at the home of Mrs. T. Uuusim. After an interest- ing programme give-n by the members and others. afternoon lea \V.1S served and :1 social hour spvnt. The annual cungregnlinlml meeting of St. Andrew’s Church was helllnn Monday nfterIn-on, Tea was sent-d and A pleasant time was spent. A progressive euchre party was hold Inst \Vednpsday evening.r m the home of Mr. F. S. llumlle. The prize winners \vme Alls. F. P. Rumbl‘r‘nnd Mr. W. \\'oo<l. Mr. Ruswl McFm-lzuw, of the Standard Bank. Winnipeg, spent several diys in the Village, last week, and mulls-d on a number of old friends. Pm‘cxty." Ri affirmative. Stewart. )1! Nichz'ls. Richmond Hill Epwm-Ih Lpngue ern the delmte fr-m Victoria. Squaw, Tuesduy evening by 2 pninh‘. The suhjmrt was “lis'snhed Ihnt In‘u‘e mime i< (must-d by Rir'hvs than Povcxty." Richmond Hill Lukingthc affirmative. I‘he judges \vme KI". Stewart. Mr. \Vul.srm and Mr. L. AConcert and Dance will he held in Ummnunity Hull, Wednesday even- ing, Jnnuary 21, when Ben Hokea will return with an entirely new pm- gmmme. Admission to (‘ODCPX‘IZ 40 and 20 vents ; ndmissirm lo dance 80 cents. Wm. The sex \ ices at Hope Church, nu the Maple circuit are withdrawn for next Sunday. Cui. Clarke D. S. 0. M. 0., has com- manded the 0. U. Lu express to the urgnnized ankey Teams of the Cadets his udmirntinn (-f the fine sportsman- ship displstyed in the nmtteruf their fearlessly uhnllenqing and “carrying nu" despite the unfortunate but un- avoidable handicap existing this season. In the double header for Willowdnle. scheduled for Fliday the 19th inst., the Colonel and Mrs. CialkP have ex- tended their patronage, and both Midget and Senior Teams will bew- viewed by them hefox'qplaying. _ The Midget Team line up for Friday’s big double header is being carefully selected. Manager Atra Armstrong ls bent. on the team keeping up with the Seniors. The 0. CI. acknowledges the donation nf $2.00 from Mr. Jack Daunt fur the regimental fund, which the Cadets greatly appreciate. The victory of the. Senior Cadets in the Bedford Park game un Monday night lust. is recorded Will) pride. Capt. Frqu Graiuger and Manager Bruce Ross are confideuL that. the Red and \Vhites me to he no second. The Uuh team leave fur Newmarket on Saturday afternoon next. Undo-t Lieut. Bert Grant will he in charge. and while lust Saturday's gnme “‘llll Aurora was not for the Cubs, 3 victury they give promise. IL is possible that Cadet Lylv Grant will make the Midget Lenin. The address of the Reeve to the Cub team at Inst Monday nightsineenng of the Council is appreciated. and the O. U. cnnvevs to him as also to the Cuuncillm's his appreciation of their kindly rocv] tion on this occasion. It is with the greatest of regret llmt the wilhdrnwal of Cadet, Sergt. Jack Glass {run the Senior team through his condition of health is necessary. Jack's "Stu" play is a great loss to the team, and to the ex Captain. all good luck for apeu‘ly rec_0v_t-ry is expressed. York Ranger Cadets MAPLE Debate I Resi'Phdhé 4 Hill. 5048 The Town of Aurora The Township of King The Township of \Vhiu:lmrvh The In) exvial Bunk of Canada, Aurora. J. MJ alton. & Co. Amox'a Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Main 2777 Monarch Bldg.. 26-28 A omces {aide St†VVest,Tornntn. Naughtcn Block, Aurom Solicrtor fm' : All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired. Good 'Workmanship. Prompt Service. 2Doors South of Bakery 7 79n Yonge St. Barristers; Solictors. &c. MANNING ARCADE. 24 KING ST. WEST. TORONTO, CANADA. TELEPHONE MAIN 31] Cable. Address: "Dedu" Arthur A. Mucdonnld Frank Danton Laura Dcnlun. B. A. Waltglj S. Jenkins Boot and Shoe Repairer Denton, Macdonald 6: Benton Residence uddn ss Victoria Square. 'I‘. G. LY()N New Shop on Lorne Ave. Directly Behind Drug Store 30-1 The W'orkingman’s Fricn d H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commissinner, Uonveynncer, E _Insurance and Real Estate First'class Boot and Shoe Repairer of all kinds of Boots and Shoes Satisfaction guaranteed Richmond Hill NAUGHTON GEO. KIDD RICHMOND HILL LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF Y( BK I’atrunanze and influence respectfully snlicih L. WADE M ARR! AG E LIC ENSES A. J. HUME [Single copies, 3 cts NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCING 155mm 01’. J. Hurry Naughton Res. Elgin Mills Res. Phone 44.4 & JENKINS I). 0. ï¬ddle Gonuley 1:. 26-28 Adel 30-tf