Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Jan 1923, p. 4

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r{HE UNITED FARMERS’ CO-OPERATIVE Co. Ltd; Phone 17 w. Richmond Hill Now is the time to have your car put in shape for spring. Let us rebuild your car with genuine Ford parts. Our machanics know how and our prices are right. Bring your car in now and avoid the spring rush. How about your battery. If your car is laid up, we advice you to take your battery out and let us store and take care of it for the winter. Better be safe than sorry. In order to have our stock at the for stock taking on January 31, ing goods at greatly reduced prices : The members of the Richmond Hill Methodist. Church Choir held a very enjoyable sieighing pan-Ly, on Tuesday evening last. The party left the church at, 8 o'clock. returning at 9.16 to a. sumptons ropust, in the school room. The choir are indebted to Mr. Harding. who \vns kind enough to bring his sleigh and team of spirited horses. Our shop is full equiped to give first class service and we solicit your patronage in the same courteous manner that we render you service. THE LURNE BLOCK FURNISHING STORE In buying tires, cqr owner, buy a tire with a reput'aglon for lasting qualltles. BUY AMES 'HOLDEN AND DOMINION RUBBER:l FOOTWEAR. ‘ See our \' neck sweaters at less than Manufacturer's cost. HEAVY RUBBERSâ€"Laced and buckle, rc;ul Sani Flush reg. 33c. sale price 280. Boys’ Hockey Toques reg. 500, sale price 2%. 1 Only Man’s Mackinaw Coat, reg. $12.50 sale price $8.00 Linen Towelling 16 inches wide with Red Border, reg. 25c. yd. sale price 20c. Check Glass 'I‘oweliing 25 inches wide, reg. 30c. sale price 250. Check Apron Gingham 36 inches wide, reg. 25c. sale price 20c. Huckaback Towelling 18 inches wide, reg. 280.yd. sale price 2'20. 3 Only Men‘s Raincoats, reg. 13.50. sale price $6.00 Perfect Baking Powder 1 lb. cans reg. 25c. sale price We. Challenge Laundry Soap 1 } lb bars, reg. 2‘20. sale price 15c. N. P. Laundry Soap, Large Bars, reg. 25c. sale price 19c. Challenge Brand Condensed Milk, reg. 20¢. sale price 15c. Orysdale Salmon f3 reg. 1’30. sale price 2 for 250. Fray Bentos corned Beef 12 oz size, reg. 40c. éale price 350 OVERSHOES ONE BUCKLEâ€"Regular $2.50 for $2.00. OVERSHOES TWO BUCKLE~Regu1ar $3.33 for $2.75. MEN‘S UNDERWEARâ€"Cotton and wool mixture, ranular $1.50 for $1.00. Sleighing Party Norman J. Glass. . Baldock, Ltd, DRY GOODS GROCERIES for $2.75 During 1922 there were enrolled at, Richmond Hill High Schnol 171 pupils. The average attendance was 115 duys per pupil. Total aggregate nttendunue was 19,783 days. 22 percent. is made- up by the attendance of Richmond Hill pupils, the remaining 78 per cent. by pupils from elsewhere in the County of York. :very lowest point we offer the follow- H. S. Attendance 3.35 and $3.50 lute of the Township of Markham. in the County of York, deceused. Pursume to the Statutes in than, he- hulf, anice is hereby given Lhatnll put-Lies Imving ciuims against the Estate nf the said Albert. Edward \Villiums who died on or about the 91h dny of November, A. D. 1922, are re- quired on m hefure the 16th day of February next. to send to Mr. Peter "n. repnst of uysfers um] mher delicacies. prepmed by Mrs. McLean and sunw nf Lhememhers wires, after which Mr. Wnltor Scull, Past; President of the club in a few Well chosen words. mov- ed a vote of thanks to the host, and holtess, the ladies who assisted. the members of the committee and all others who had helped in making the evening’s entertainman such an un. nullified snares“. This motion was ably seconded by Mr. \V. D. Scott. um genial and energetic President, for the season, and wmz unanimously carried. The nest of the evening was spent, in plogles‘sive Euchre. The first prize was won by Mr. W. Trench and the second by M r. Frank Teetzel. This brought to :1 close an evening which will he lung remembered hy the mmnho'rs (if the Richmond Hill (hurl- ing Club, or as the club are familiarly cullvd “Dinty Moore’s.” IN THE ESTATE OF ALBERT EDWARD WILLIAMS, Notice to Creditors A. R. R. 1. one of the Executors. u statement of their clnims and addressg’s. _ AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that; after such last, mentioned dute the Executora will distribute the assets among the parties entitled there“), having regard only to such cluimsus lhgy shall then have received Notice._’@ Dated this 12m day of Janualy, D. 1923. WILLIAM COOK. 33 Richmond Street West, Toronto. 29-32 Solicitor for the Executm-s. All interested please take notice and govern thomselves accordingly. JAS. McLEAN. Presidenll 27-21 H. A. NIUHOLLS, Secy.J As theresult, of the l’u-sident, vs. Vice-President, games, a waxy enjoy- able evening was spent at the hmne of Mr. and Mrs. James McLean, Friday evening Inst when the members of the Curling Club were entertained at a supper and social evening. About forty sat flown >to a_ qelicipus of the Rlchmond Hill Agricultural Society will he held in the Council Chamber. Richmond H ill Election of Officers, recoiving re- ports aind any other business that may come befou: the meeting. Home-made BreadHigh Baker’s Loaf Brown Bread Fruit Loaf Mothers and Sandwich Saturday, Jan. 20, 1923 Public Notice The Annual Meeting Curling Club SUPP” Stop and think. 28AP‘er c_ent. on {he dollar saved by buy- ing your bread at THE *7; A ---â€"..r‘.â€"--â€" A Good Saving MAPLE BAKERY. 14 cents a large loaf at the Bakery; 15 cents delivered. Bran, Shorts and Gluten meal on hand. fiéét Royal Pastry Flour at $6.50 per bbl. Baled Hay and Straw for Sale A. A. EDEN Richmond Hill Bakery Maple Bakery AT [P. M. N4 UNDER AND BY \‘lR'I‘UE of Power of Sale contnined in a. certain mortgage which will be pmduced at; the time of sale, thm-e will he ut'fered for sale by Public Auctiun on the 22nd of January 1923, at the hour of twelve nnon at; the ntfice uf McKenzie Bros.. Ynnge SL. Willuwdale, by J. H. Prentice, Auc~ tiuneer, the following pi-opeity nume- Iy: All and Singular that certain ptuccl m' tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town- ship of Nmth York, in the County of Ymk and being composed nf Lot Number 24 on the south side of Em- mess Boulevard :IIS laid down in Plan 101/0 off all goods for one week, starting Saturday, January 2201.11. Boots and shoes, socks, sweaterfi’l Mackinaws, ladies Oxfords of the finest quality, the Well known Slater Brand. Ladies Oxfords $6.25 35 0.") Ladies hlgb Kid $4.25 311') Ladies high boots 8.25 7.50 Sweaters 4 ply 1.00 3.50 Mackinawa El 75 8.75 Mackinaws for boys (3.50 3.00 Phone 86 j . Number 1751 filed in the Registry Office for the County of York. The propu‘ty is vacant, [and having: a. frontage of fifty feet. (50 ft.) by :| depth of one hundred and twvnfy-six feet three inches (126 ft. 3 inches.) Notice is hereby given that ANNIE MAY VOGELMAN. of the Cicy bf Toronto, in the County of York. in the Province of Ontario. Mm lied Woman, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next session thereuf. for a Bill of Divorce from her husband. Edwmd Vogelmnn, of the said City of Toronto, Druggist, on the ground of adultery. DATED at. Toronto. in the Province of Ontaliu, this 22nd day of December. J.W.WELLMAN. TERMS : Ten per cent. of purchase money to be paid at the time of sale and the balance to he paid within thin-l y days Iheieufter. The property will he sold Subject to a reserve bid. "' ‘ ‘ ‘ 77.,J241..4_.. “If Notice of Application for Divorce 1922. Room 328‘638’fEaE-I1'i66 Life 'Buitding 12 Hichun-nd Sh-r et. East. Toruntn. Sulicitoru for the applicant. 27-31 W ....... , ...... , , For further terms and conditions of sale Apply to URQUHART & URQUHART, Confederation Life Bldg” 17 Queen St, E.. Toronto. 27â€"29 Solicitms {or the Mnrtgagee. CUR. RICHMOND AND YONGE Mortgage Sale OF VACANT LANDS Township of North York CENTS perloaf boughtatthe Store PROUDFOOT, DUNCAN. GILDAY & TIVSDégLu‘ Bent’s Furnishings . nf Outside the Village our Pressure- Systema will provide wnler Im- nny installalinn. The James Robertson, Co., Ltd; \Vill gladly furnish necessary infm' mutinn and advice. regarding your requirements. BA'I‘HR, BASINS, W. C's., SINKS. Laundrv Custom grinding, flour and feeds, poultry feeds ground to order. Special men'. We am now carrying a line of A l Alfalfa ground into meal. Balcd Hay and straw \\'e have went mcnls. poultry and . . stock tonics. DthC‘l'lCS Tuesdays and Saturdays PLUMBING SUPPLIES HOUSE PA 1N TER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Mr. l‘alnplwll will he at The Lilwml Ofiicv. Ritchm..l.d Hill, umy Tuesday afLH'noun. Officesâ€"Suite 5]] McKinnon Bldg” Cor. Jordon and Melinda 815.. Toronto. Your Future Depends on Yonge and Charlesisnects, Tmonto Sold at Sloan’s Drug Stores 215 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Ontario Can qmlify you fat the pnnitlon higher up. Rememhw (hm. expert young mm) ('1' women are never laid off, The business mun have them‘. This whqu is Imlrd lur superior Richmond Hill Phone 13 r 2 Tle I-L‘NUUI Is mqu training and {or uidin to secure empluymem, interested, writ+ lu-dn logue. Enter any tin W. J. ELLIOTT I Individual lnshuctiun. Night School Mondays and I‘huradnya Newman-hot. Bank of Tm'mmi Blnck. .' 0‘ .. ~' %.'°.-._; - . . 3_ooo‘é.§ 33539:&\\\\\ undrv TFBS and ALL NECESSARY I‘IQUI PM ENT. A 3k fur our Svptic Tank Uilcular. ()ur lucnl varrsentative, Macnaughton & Campbell Telephnne Main 363]. A. CAMERON MACNAUG HTUN FREDERICK A. A. CAMPBELL THE CHOPPING MILL NEWMARKET BUSINESS COLLEGE Ambrose L. Phipps ME“ J. F. BURR. FALL TERM OPEN . HEWISON Barristers, Solicitors. Etc. ENROLL ANY TIME Yourself LLIOTT/ L lur supex-iur‘ g our students , quirkly. If y for our cataâ€" nil

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