Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Jan 1923, p. 1

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Havevalso ha-d- élfipped to us a few tons of Corn Flakes. This corn feed is suitable for all stock teeding, as it is the best of the corn, cooked and sweetened, and cheaper than \gluten. ‘ Pastry Flour and Purity FLpur at $6.75 and $8 00 per blj'. for one week. A good suppiy of coal and A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept, at, the above places WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers‘and Embalmers RICHMONDHILL. THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE wood. In Grateful Appreciation of your good-will and Patron- age, we cordially extend our Hearty Thanks and Good Wishes for the New Year. We have a recent slnpment ofOntario Bran and Shorts selling at almost wholesale prices by the toh. l Can also sell Scratch Feed for poultry at reasonable prices as we have a good supply. G. HILL, Oak Ridges P. O. Adelmo Meiecci and Miss Rosalind Bush L T. C. M. PAINTING dollar At the Elevator I. D. Ramer to Show posit Bani to en gent for Empire \Ynll Paper (30 (no Estimates Furnished Free Phone PHBUG MUSE \VILUHVDALE. UN'I THE'ROYAL BANK OF CANADA . ()LLI V ER. Mum-1g Hardwood Finishing ter a branch 'of this FIESITATE because you do DECORATING ‘ r annum, in advance. 3291 art with id to it not SEC BARRIs'mR. SOLICITOR. NOTARY ET' Turnnm Ot’fi :v. Richmond Bilildin g 33 Richmond Street, \Vest. Richmond Hill ()flice (‘ Libera) 0mm). every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternnon. Woodbridqe. Saturday fox-ennou. Money [0 Loan at Gun-em Rate. DICNTWST Office Trench Block. two doors Standald Bank. Hours 9 :l.m. In. 5.30 p. Open evenings by appointl Special aLtPntion given to sales 01 every description. Farms and farm stpck sales specialty. Fm-mslmnght and snld on commission. Allsnles :lL' tended to an shortest notice. and con- ducted by the most approved methods. Pa:rnnage sulicited. MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO feacher of Fletcher Method Musical Kmdergarten FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Licensed Auctioneer for thr'U York. Sulesnnendud to nn notice and at. reasonable rates. Patronage solicited 0311:: lmurs p. In. Office and Chum}: Smst M». 24 'upils passed for Consen‘atory E}- aminatinns. salt Sand STUDIOâ€"HOTEL RICHMOND Richmdnd Hill. JDH mnpnm‘ enwnl‘. ‘ uh'orb Als thi‘n Beluinintilli'iér' LICENSED AUCTIONEER Paper hanger and Painter Oxford Street Phone 44 r 32. A. C. HENDERSON [,UJIBING AND TINSMITHIN HOT WATER HRA'I‘IVG SAM. SHEPHERD AND( WILLIAM COOK 415 Bulliol St, “DING AND TINSMITHING [OT \VA'I‘ER HEATING ID GENERAL REPAIRS ‘ THORNIIILL, ONT.‘ Ii; I’reu (ice M n p J. T. SAIGEOIV Maple RES FORD . L. R. BELL ems-m; Bl‘i Telephone . P. VVILSON residéné’eâ€"Cenlw and ,Hichnmnrl Hill' Plume 10 [n COUSINS. ZAMP Mn Id . 5.30 p. m. appointmwnt u] _to on shoriesl 'M‘t-ntn. UN ph hv JR E ssentz'al‘s nuth of minty of HILI TEES was consideer one nf the best and most. importh meetings ever held in York Cuunty. cussed the proposed widening of the Yonge sheet bighwuy. which 11.15 been causing great, interest among all the municipalities bordering thereon. It is proposed [0 Widen it to 100 feet. or mm'e if necessary. Sir Adam Beck was received with npplnuse. He considwed Ynuge street the main artery of Toronto and said. “if the Government deferred decision on a wide: Lhmughfaro until alater date. it. would greatly hamper the plum of the Hydro-Electric Commission in meeting the increased requirements of the radial line. A wider Ynnge street than 86 feet is an urgent net-easily, in order to provide ample space fur double tracks. and to ac- commodate the increased vehicular traffic." Following the address i: was de- cided by the mLepayers and others to appoint a delegation to go heme the Provincial Gox-Prmnent and inter- view it in regard to the widening of Youige street. ,, , n _., . The \anen's Institute will hold a Box Social and Dance in Community Hall nth \Vednpsday evening, to umnlnence at 8 o’clock. Bring your bux and enjoy a pleasant evening. A. Gaby of the Hydro Commission. The latter gave it very interesting account of the work (If the commission in the rural districts of Ontnrin, and stated that investigations were beâ€" ing made in rogmd to the Menopoli- tan. preparatory to making the much-needed improyemernti. He dis- Impruved transportation for north Yunge sheet, was thoroughly disâ€" cussed uh u-meeting of representatives of all ratepayers’ and business men's assucialimm of North York, held in Ann-um Friday night. Mayor J. M. \antun presided, and briefly outlined the requixements of Aurora and other municipnlities on the Metlopolitan rudile line. Sir Adam Beck was an uuexpgctednvigitofi \yith Engineer F. Miss B. Garey has been appointed Principal of the public school to succeed Mr. Lorne Pe‘lklnS' whu has accepu-d Llw positiun as Principal nf n seven mom in Scurlvm'n, new the city limits on Qupen Stu-wt. Mr. Ed. Llnyd of Silver Valley. Sask., is Visiting his ln-nLhm' Mr. H. Lloyd. Mrs. Cnmernn and little sun of Saskatchmvmi Hl'f' visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. (1. H. Byan). Mr. 0. Norman frll- nn the icy side- walk on Saturday morning. and re- ceived a had shaking up. nu .xv - The annual sleigh ride nf thv Methodist Sabbath Schuol. will he held no}; Sutmdny afternoon. James. engineer. Dining thA yenr the commission spent, about $600,000 on cnunty roads. There are more than 180 Miles of paved roads ill the county. I") May vlected chairman of thv Toronto and York Roads Cmmnissiun, he succpeding Rpevu W. KPilh of New- mzuket. chairman for the lust hvn years. Mr. Henry has been on the board sincv 1911. Other/officers 91m:th we“): J. M. Gardhouse, revve nf ‘Vestun. vice glmilmun: R. ‘V. Phillins.sonrprnrv: I) 'oronto M mt To Widen Yonge Street 'lofficvrs 91m:th _\VE‘I(‘: J. M. use, wave of “7estnn. vice m: R. \V. Phillips. secretary; M:wdnn:1ld, lleusurer; E. A. ected I ofl‘ PO)‘ Henry DI MAPLE 1’ ark Roads Commi - -S. Henry WM on hairmnn of thv Toronto ruds Cmiunissiun, he n; W. Keith of New- iv an in Ill] II; l'alT m tat M SSIOTI Anulherinlernting (nature of the programme will be singing by several Toronm school childlen â€" R double min from Earl Gn-y School, and two soloists {mm Gledbill School. Re- l'rvshmenbs will be served. Everyâ€" body intelesled in our schools is in- vited. - Renae-unhol- the meeting of the Home und School Club, Fridnv evening of this week at 8 o’clock. Miss Cherry. pliucipul of \Vesturn Ave. School. Toronto, will address [be meeting on "The Posfihilities ml at Home and School Club." The present High School has two class rooms and one small laboratory. There are five clauses to he nccomu- datvd now, and there will certainly be six {next September. The Board (if Education find them- svlvss very much in the position of the "Old Woman who lived in :5 Shoe." Thanking you, I am yours truly, ROLPH L. LANGS’I‘AFF. These atatements me based on figures prepared by the town clerk, Mr. Hume. and npprcved by the Treasurer of York County. l‘he need of it new High School is extremely urgvnt. The present High School is twenty yenis behind the times, as well as being about one third the size now required. A In [his wuy Richmond Hill may have a new modern High School with "H its advantages In the village and the present Lax rate will not, be in- creased. Nowâ€"this is where our good fortune comes in : The incredsed amount the county now pays each year. toward the maintenance of the school. is suffi- cient to pay Richmond Hill's share of the building dt-bt. In addition, under the new act, the county will pay Lwo-lhixds of {be cost of the new sclmul building. Richmond‘ Hill will pay «me third. Richmond Hill's share will be $33,000, and Lhele will he thirty years to pay it. The yuzu'ly mnuunt Richmond Hill will have to pay is Lhel'efore quite lundez‘ale. By the new schools act of 1921, the county now pays the entire mainten- ance of its pupils, that'is, the: county pays 80 per cent. of teachers' salaries. C(ml hills, cnretuking. elv. etc. This is a tremendous help as Richmond Hill in the past. has paid the lion's share of the uminlonuucu. sou Mia W. A. Duncan's letter in THE LIBERAL of .lemuury 18th, in n-fervncc [0 High ‘Taxe-s, and his warning against any Tinderlukings which would illCI'eusP our lnx rate. Mr. Duncan’s paints :uc \vrll taken and deâ€"serve the must careful considera- tion, and I agree with him that Rich- mond Hill should not undertake any- thing that, “mild imolve a higher Lax rule. The building of :1, new high schml can he :iccumplished, however, with- unL increasing the tax rate of 1921. This seems impossible â€" too good to be true. and our greatest difficulty sen-ms to he, to make the public under- stand the exti-nt of the generosity that is being uCUUl'ClHl to us by the new SL'llOUlS act. Hichmonanill High Srhoxfl serves two muniripznlities â€" Richmond Hill and York (lunuty. 20 percent. (if the pupils mo liom Richmond Hill. 80 per cent. frqu York Cunnty. LIBERAL uf Jn.‘ to High ‘TaXt agninsL any Would increase Home and School Meeting lit Mr. ear Sir A L. Richmond Hill \VilS Rpsidence uddnss Victoria. $111131: 6 Barristers, Solicmrs. &c. MANNING ARCADE. 21 KING ST. WEST. TORONTO, CANADA TELEPHONE MAIN 31] Cable Address: "Dedu" Arthur A. Mnedpnald F.-ank Demon Laurel Denlnn. B. A. Denton, Macdonald & Denton All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired. Good 'Workmanship. Prompt Service. 2Doors South of Bak on Yonge St. Boot and Shoe Repairer HO USE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Canadian Tenor 2 Soloist, Nurth Pu Church, is prepared in Richmer Hill on Mrs. ‘N. Butty’s. Avn can he ubtui'ncil Ring 11. (Ngughtcn Block SUHCltOI‘ for The Town of Aurora The Township of Kin The Township of \VhlI/(lhl? The Imperial Bank of Can: J. M. \Valtnn. & C0. Amm Oflices { aidevgt‘ \Vulter S. Jenkins Res. Phnnc Hill. 5048 H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Richmond Hill ’ummissinner, Unnveyancer, Etc Insurance and Real Estate LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Pntmnuuv and influence lespeclfully solicited Barristers Soiiciior Telephone Main {Mgnarch Bldg. RICHMOND HILL NAUGHTON NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCI NG ,9 153mm 0F. MARRIAGE LICENSES . HEWISON A. J. HUME }EO. KIDD Wm. C. Ruttan prepared to receive 7172171331]: \J erll .7 'I' i COX nm‘ and Chair Leader Piukdule Methodist f ‘Vllfi/(lh urch l on H'ondays. Simiié Avncld St. Pm ticulm by calling. Plume 2 nk of Canada, Aurora. Co. Amara W_efs t: To 176 n13. co; J. Ham'y Naughton Res. Elgin Mills Res. Phone 44.4 & JENKINS d, 01 hit l'. 0. ad. i0 m e_ l: Notaries 2777 26-28 Adel Aurora Bakery :ZQ-tf

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