The Only Sure Relief is to En- rich and Build Up the Blood. Nervous exhaustion is the cause of headaches and dizziness, and it is due, "almost always, to conditions of im- lpoverished blood. Tablets and DOW- ‘ders for headaches should never be taken; they cannot possibly reach the root of the trouble, and are oftt 11 most harmful. All that. is needed to bring relief is a tonic that will enrich and purify the blood, and the very best tonic for this purpose i: Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These pills have a direct action on the blood, and in this way the headaches, dizziness and other had symptoms rapidly disappear. Mr. Mark F. Taylor, Grunby, Que. tells what this medicine did for him. He sayszâ€"“I had severe headaches which would be accompanied by vomiting spells. These would last for two or three days at a time, I would take one or these spells every three or four weeks, and it is almost impossible to describe the misery they caused me. I tried a number of medicines without getting relief, until one day my mother brought me six boxes of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. When they were used I was feeling much better, and I got a The joy received from hearing beautiful melodies preserves that idealism, which is one of the most pre- cious possessions of childhood. When such music is heard it reaches their consciousness through rhythm, melody and harmony, through form and style, through the warmth of stringed instru- ‘ments or the ,rich tones of a French horn, but it all affords a pleasure which ï¬nds echo within and is an in- fluence for good. The world can not live without music. It is uplifting and makes one think of the better things of life. {When we realize how vital a factor music is in the life of each individual Lwe will also realize how important it is to hear good music. was feeling much better, and I got a turtlb er supply. and under the continued treatment every symptom of the trou- ble disappeared. I cannot speak too highly of this medicine for it certainly has done wonders for me." Mlnard's Llnlment for Neuralgla. You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. The Pleasure of Music. Beauty in all its glory can be brought to the hearts of children! through music. I Royal Securities Corporation, Limited ILL out this coupon now. La! ‘us send you Invqstmcnt Item: each month and advise you from time to time what it would be sqfc and proï¬taï¬le to buy. NERVOUS EMMUSTEOE To people who live in the country PICA-a and me “lnvubnen: Itcmn" and o‘hu lituaturu. Royal Securities Corï¬oration, Limited Address If you don‘t wish to cut and us your hunt and a postcard or Ian-r. This in tho coypon “19! you should Mann-y - Halifax . SI. Telephone Adelaide 638 58 King Street \‘Veat, Toronto and it is due, Moms of im- ets and pow. uld never be My reach the rn n“! u mï¬ï¬‚t this papcr. address on 58 King Street “'est TORONTO I To guard the bab against oolds nothing can equal Baby's Own Tab- lets. The Tablets are a mild laxative that_will keep the little oue’s stomach and bowels working regularly. It is a recognized fact that where the stom- ach and bowels are in good order that colds will not exist; that the health of the little one will be good and-that he will thrive and be happy and good-na- tured. The Tablets are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockvllle, Ont. 8i - Vancouver - Na No Shearing doubts» shall quell my heart’s believing, Though hell and furles ply their arts deceiving; 'Ilhe icy stream may o'er my body roll], But Death can never rob me of my Soul. Bu-t stay! Does Death end all we know of living? Though it may end the bears and woe and the forgivin. , Is It not rather, O my S0111, the door To Life Eternal, life for eve/more? I do not know what may befall tomor- row, What stones or blessing. or what weight of sorrow; But this I know, whatever may befall, Whatever Life may be, Death ends it alll. Progressing Motherâ€"“Mary, don't y( are getting too old to p1 boys?†WARD WEEKBY AGNES? w Maryâ€"~“No, mother; the 0‘ the better I like 41mm." x And the brook goes down in quest of the sea, Anni men have sought for Inï¬nity Apart from the common ways that Me Where humble toil has birth And gold is won in the sweat of brow. But a wise tree stands wi-th its feet in the earth, 7 And gathers the stars in a topmost bough. BY investing in this way. you get prompt ser- vice. You have the same choice of investments as city clients and you can buy by mail on exactly the same terms as big institu- tions and large private investors. UNDER our plan, we send you a list of high‘ grade Bonds to select from and make you deï¬nite recommendations. Then, when you have made your choice, you order the Bonds from us just the same as you would order goods by mail from a big depart- ment store. \Ve deliver them to your bank with draft attached, so that you may inspect them before purchase. You take no risk ANY of you have money and wish to invest.“ it as promptly, as proï¬tably, as privately and as conveniently as city people. OR these reasons we have extended our facilities for the sale of safe, reliable Bonds by mail. little path climb Death ahd Life. Seekers. Mary W. P. NELL IS Branch Manager Brent WhiteS'I-de with ECAN SWING PICK 9 LIKE HE USED TO Instantly! Stoma-ch corrected! You never feel the slightest distness from indigestion or a sour, acid, gassy srtom- ach. after you eat a tablet of “Pape’s Diapepsin.â€, The mcmmlt it reaches the stomach all sbul‘ness, flatulence. heartburn, gases, palpitation and pain disappear. Drug‘gists guarantee each packag: to correct digestion at once. End China has magazines for women, but they are all edited by men. the door. To Uhle surprise of the good Lady whb open-ed the door, the posmman handed her a postcard, 'amrd exclaimed angrily: MONEY ORDERS. It is always safe to send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five dollars costs three cents. 116W friend V “I won} the per:- He t1 lmu tlhre this Miner 'l‘hanks ‘l‘anlac r or L’ut‘ ting Him Back On Job After Illness Forced Kim to Quit. er-b MWWM cmw “‘3' thus gaip-e The doctor w T1 PUT STOMACH IN “Pape’s Dinpepsin†for Gas, Indigestion or Sour Stomach Axum-lea“- Pioneer Dog 39mm“ 5" Book on iVC ' a postcard He’s a liar! 116 For immediate relief rub the affected part with Minard'u Llnlment. It penetrates faster and further than any other, soothing and stopping pain. Two generations have crowned It King of Pain. A lmulnche is frequently caused by badly diguted foodï¬hegues and acids resulï¬ngtherefrom are absorbed by the blood which in turn irritates the nerve; and causes painful symptom: called headache. neuralgia, them- tiun, etc. 15 to 30 drops of "other Seigel’s Syrup will correct faultydigcstion and Liford ralief. A Quick Reliei for Headache )u iV 61‘)’ postman stamp-ed up to with the card and knocked Over 35 ISSUE No. 4â€"'22 mm will I'elfl'd i't.â€v '1 posted the card in the n‘aen-ce it was cobl'eoted, the post-011109, and sent stomach ORDER AT ONCE Quite Untrue Minard’s Liniment Pain ? DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Froe to any Ad- dress by the Author. a. 013.7 Glover Oman. IZQAWegit 24th, Rtreet Ito I don New York. 7 on O IIedicine Cites: Ur 1K m 111 lped my little wonderfully 1 medicine would 5 I've taken it I three bottles just anth I have been Jc read 'em “Um “be fast ZINC D 04111 e “Writ:in bot] it?†I can )W .1go from . but had " he con- DDE 110 W that ldn‘t out the 1n ham's Vegetable Compound Tablets and a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Medicine, and I can honestly say I have never been so well before. I had suffered from pains and other troubles since i was ï¬fteen years old. and during the ‘Great War.’ period I worked on munitions for two years, and, him heavy lifting which my work called for, I strained myself, causing pelvic inflammation from which I have suffered untold agony, and I often had to give up and go to bed. I had doctored fog several years without getting per- manent relief, when I started to take your medicines.â€â€"Mrs. GOLDWIN MIS- ENER, Branchton, Ont. Write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medi- cine Co. , Cobourg, Ontario, for'a free copy of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Private Text- Bools upon †Azlmenw of Women.†0 If there not enjoy Vanished After Using Lyd E. Pinkham’s Vegeiable Compound cramping or overacting. take Cascab ets. Sick headache, biliousness, gases, indigestion, sour, upset stomach, and all such distress gone by morning. Nicest physics on earth for grown-ups and children. 100 a box. Tasbe like IQ. MWM( Mo‘mwwmomw Bulk Carlots TORONTO BALT WORKa c. J. CLIFF . TORONTO “Cascarets†10c UNLESS you see the name “Bayer†on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all Best Bowel Laxative When Bilious, Constipath COARSE SALT LA N D 8 ALT Asp Colds Toothache Earache h€ »ut your bowels v overactimg. take ( (la-Che, bfliousness. 33k a m; no clou able action I. ha ever taken, I heal ily assure youLf tï¬rough it am relieve of my suff 7h its 'resillt Tieved of m4 w ithout Lum shoulc 6111’ package W“‘a‘; with 26 3.110 _1(1 " ANTED- EXPERYENCED KNIT- TERS wanted to operate Couon'q pawnt machines making shirts, drawer- and combinations. Apply. smtln expefl‘ ence. to ('. Turnhull (70., Ltd. alt. 0n.- ihe elg} Minard‘s Liniment for Rheumatism 1_ ELP WANTED. WE REQUIRE , parties to knit men's wool cock- for us at home. either with machine or by hand. Send stamp and addressed envelope for information. The Cnnadian \thiosaje Distributing 00.. Dept. 04 OrHiin. 0M. ofï¬ce. store, cellm should be without ed to any window wanted. Ben Jo! men: Nurses 2 ELTING qr DURIWWU FWII'LEO Over Face and Neck. Face Disï¬gured. CuticuraHeals. “My trouble began with a rash which later turned to pimples. The pimples were quite large and of a reddish color, and were scattered all over my face, neck and forehead. The itching and burning were so severe that I could not help scratching. My face was disfigured for nd. Ont abggrtr a year. BELTMR FER SflLE “The trouble lasted about a year before I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment. They affordegi relief within two weeks, and at the end of six weeks I was healed.†(Signed) Clarence J. Burnell, 474 Tyler St" Pittsï¬eld, Mass., Jan. 4, 1921. ‘ HE SCAR! DTOVCd Classiï¬ed Advertisements. Hi eat Use Cuticura for all toilet purposes. :; wéek] “'elland. H .GARA FALLS MEMORIAL [us Hal ’I‘rmnlng School for x ( egistered) offers a three (8) nurse to students; nfï¬llating with nildren’s Hospltal. Buffalo, N.Y.. mnr dut '; requirements: one year '3 Schoo 'or its equivalent. Fur- lfnrmatiun upon request to Mem- Iuspiml. Niagara, Falls. New York. 1nd TING OF ALL KINDS. NEW? 0R ed, pulleys, saws, cable. hose, lppod subject to approval at low. res in Canada, York Belting 00., rk St. Toronto. J‘ZLP WANTS 12â€"an1.!- TI AGENTS WANTED. the ï¬rst IPSS‘OYIS in life is )w to obtain victory out of; 1t Rheumatism Neuritis RELIABLE AGENTSâ€"r ï¬ssion, for nursery firm experience; free («quip- pay. Welland Nursery NURSES llfl HURGLARS ALARMâ€"- on. A sure scare. No r, or any place or valu- t them. Can be attach v or door, $2.00. A cut! hnson, Box 1378. el- er Tablets of 'orked out by y millions for IOOâ€"Dmggists‘ 1m we of