I I 1/.» 3,4; - about three. years ago by Rt. \Vor. ‘ with a. beautiful set of \Vorking Tools .‘ills. .‘II'TIli‘IlI\. is \ll’HlllidIg .‘i \\l'| lin Montrcul with a bro! her. Several nitirtles unnvoitlubly held over till next week. Tiledlrtliotlist Church i; being,r re- (lt‘Clil':Ite(l,. :ind pi'uiiiisws to look \\ ell. RGPVP T. II. Trench is attending York Count Count-ll which openrtl its Jununry Session on 'Pueedoy. A number of our ritizvns :ittended the opening cf the Ontario Legislature, Tuesqu afternoon. . Mrs. T. Newton of Toronto, was in the village Friday. nod culled on u number of old friends. A cnrof Virginia nur. i'o.’ll, bitum- inous, zit $15.50a tori delivered ltom The Ele.\'ttl()l‘. cu- of coke. A shipment of gluten meal on hand. Also 'ii. l'ew tons of corn flakes. This feed is equnl to gluten. and costs $10 less it too. At The Elevator. Mrs. C. Suvuge of Toronto is stuyinaj with her sister, Mrs. A. J. Campbell, both Mr. and Mrs. Campbell being con- fined to their bed by the grip. Schoniberg and York Raidillls plny a hockey match, senior Metropolitan League. in the \Villowdale A‘V‘Pl‘lll. Fritlny evening of/ this week. Puck faced at 8.15. The new skating rink is showing progress. Four arches are_ already erected. and port of the roof is on. Mr. Stirling is busy taking the Wiring out. of the old rink. Ir. and Mrs. John H. C. Durham of " i-riigniore." Bond Lake. leave this week for the Bahama. Islands. They purpose being away two or three months. , There will be a Euchre and Dance in the Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill. Friday eVening, January 26, for St. Mary’s R. C. Church. Your patronage is solicited. “Canada†Masonic Lodge, opened Bro. \V. H; Logger, paid a. fraterpal visit to Richmond,Wednesday evening of last week, and presenter] the Lodge for each of’the three degrees. You are invited to the Anniversary Services in Victoria. Sqinire Methodist Church hext Sunday. January 28. Special music will be rendered by 'the splendid Methodist chorr of Union- ville. Service at 2 30 and 7 p. in . will be conducted by the pastor. The Richmond 'Hill High School Alumna) Association will meet Friday evening, February 211d. at. 8 , o'clock at the borne. of Mrs. T. F. Mc- 'Maihon. Members are requested to respond to the roll call with a quota- tion from a Cnnadiarn Poetcss. MARY G. ROBINSON. secy. 'An exhibition game, of hockey, to he played in Thornliill Rink. Szituiday evening of this week. between Parliament Buildings team and 'I‘hornhill, premises to be interesting. Puck f-iced ill. 7.30. Skating brforc and alter the game. ' Mr. G‘co. i}. I’ltdgct. Reeve of Mark- hamTownshm, :it‘ier lil'it-en yours at service. Wus on Tuesday .unnniuiotisly chosen \Vlll'tlL'IlUf York Coirity‘for the y .u- llniil. Mr. llnni-y O‘Brien. K. 0.. of Sherâ€" bourne Street, Toronto. rind Mrs. Je~sie Grant, widow of the late 'Rev. J. A. Grant. of Rin:liiiioiid~Hill. {were married Thursday. Jununl'y 18. Rev. Dr. McTavisli ()lTiUléltiiig. Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien have. gone to Bermuda for their wedding ti ip. The Str king (hunmihce, York County Council. which selects :ill the standing committees. was: elected as follows: Thomas Trench. Richmond Hill; Williuni Keith. Newmurket ; A. E. Pugsley, Sutton: C. E. \Villoughby, North Gwillimbuiy ; \V.J. Gardhouse, ~ I‘ltohicoke ; Alex. )IcMui-chy. King ; \Vllliillu Jackson, A ew Toronto. MRS. (i. E. REAMAN SOPRANO TEACHER OI“ SINGING RICHMOND HILL, TELEPHONE rozr a" Q I “ M "l "-wull Ill lit-pigl' “IIIW ‘ 40 "will masters BRGNORITIS MONEY BACK GUARANTEE R. 165 Sold at Sloan’s Drug Stores (he vote of the clectois of the Mg, J Dcpulation to Parliament Fâ€"m On \V'mlin-rulay, Jamian Rlst. -| dt-p- utniiou will go before. the Ontui in Government from every part of the County to stress the importance of a better, widl-r und enter Yongt- Siren-v. 'l'rolloy t-urs will start from Sutton :It7.3() H. Ell. Newuiurket 0 o’clock : Aul'l‘l‘il 9.10: lloutl Luke 9.20: Rich- rntnvl Hill {L35 : Thornhill 10.15 Stop- ping Ht intermediate points. The delegation will be received in the Parliament Buildings by the Min- ister of Provincial Highways at ll n.ni. All interested :irc invitth to attend. ‘0 Annual Meeting H At the Anuuul'Mectingr of the Agri- cultural Society on Saturday. oil'icers .lllll directors were appointed : The new Presidentis J. E. Francis: lsr. Vice â€" R. Thompson ; Second â€" R. W. E. Burnaby ; Executive. -â€" J. Mc- Lean, \V. Wells. J. Lunnu. W. Hf Leggcand J. S. McNalr. The first meeting of the executive will he held :it the home of the President, on the 2nd of February. It has been decided to holdlhe annual Seed Fair on the 17th of February. After it long term of fuithful and efficient service the resignation of the Secret“ryATreusuier. Mr. H'. A. Nicholls, “(as received with regret. The appointment of a. new secretary waisdet‘errcd to next ineet~ ing. â€"â€"-â€"â€"‘O.â€"-â€" By-Law Number . Of the Corporation of the Village of Richmond Hill. ¢ To build. construct and equip it new high school for the said Village of Richmond Hill, and to purchase grounds for a site for the some. _.__â€". WHEREAS the Board of High School Trustees for the said Village of Richmond Hill. deem it necessary and expedient to build. construct and equip a new high school for the said Village of Richmond Hill,at:nn approx- iniale cast of One hundred Thousand Dollar-st310ll,000) said sum to include the price of lurid for a site of said Building. ’ 9 AND \VHEREAS the said Board of High School Trustees have applied to the Conner] of the Village of Rich- mond Hill, for the sum of One litmâ€" dred Thousand Dollars (5100000,) to build and equip the said school, and to purchase land ilS aforesiiid. AND WHEREAS the said Council of the said Corporation of the Village of lticlimond Hill have disapproved of the. said application. AND \VHEREAS by R. s. 0. 1914. Clprpter 208, Section 33, Subsection 5, and Amending Acts. on the request of the Board of High School Trustees, after an llppllCllllOll has been dis- approvctlol' by the Count-ll, the said Council shall submit the npplicntion to said Municipilityï¬ AND WHEREAS the soil Board of High School Tl‘llett‘t’s have requestwtl the Council to submit the suiJ applit-a» [ion to the vote of the I‘llll'l).l)'t‘l$. of this Municipality." THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL 0 F TH E .CORI’ORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL. ENAC'I‘S AS FOLLOWS :â€" (I) That a new high school he built, constructed and equipped in the said Village ot Richmond Hill. on the land and premises situate, on the North side of \Viight Street in the mid Vil- l.ige and more particularly described in the grunt theieofut a cost of One hundred Thousand Dollars ($00,000) puyubleiu :50 years. The sold build- ing and equipment to be According to the pious and sperilicatious dept-silt d by the Board of lligh School l’iuetet-s now on lilo with the C'crk of this Municipality. (2) That. the Council of the Corpora- ‘tion of the Village of Richmond Hill. cripy t-l~ :i propoSetl (ion by the council m [iUli l i grunt to the sztid Board o; High School Trustees of the said Village of Richâ€" mond Hill, the said sum of One hun- dred Thousand Dollars ($100,000,) for the purpOse of building. constructing and equiping the new high school as hereinhefore set oTrt. including the cost“ oi the innd lict't-iiibei'orc rt-tcrred to us a Site. DATED'at the Viildgc of ltichnzond Hill. this 15111 tiny of Jullll try, 1023. [had :i first, unit SL'LOllll reid in Committee. ' Clerk’s Notice tiiiic and â€"â€"-â€". Toke notice (but the :llJOVL‘ is 'l llllL‘ By-Luw, 'which if the uncut vi the Electors is obtainttl thereto. will be token into considera- al‘tcr the t'Xpil‘J- tilt†of onwmontli trim the lll'ei publi thereof. which publication was the Ih’th day 121' _I.inu:ii y I923. The wires of the electors on thr By- law will be taken in the Masonic llnll. lichmond Hill on Saturday. the 101i) day of February. 10:33. commencing;r a: 5) o'clock in the fillt‘l‘iOOll and continu- ing until .3 o'clock in the afternoon and no lt‘ngvi'. Trike notice furtlivr Lliut Tenants qualiï¬ed to vote and desiring to do so. must, not later than the Tenth day he- i‘ore the day appointed for lllkilll: the vote. deliver to the Village, Clerk the Declaration proVidcd for by the Statute izi that regard. _ A. I. HUME. Cleik. 29-31 l l York Ranger Cadets l The (‘ubs us :ulso llu- Midgets uiil challenge the 'l'lioi-iihill linntmii .‘ct:(l Midget {cairn on 'l’hursrluy ei t-iiiilg :lt‘, ll|(' 'l'lioinhill liiiilz, :iiid it isliopml; that. Richmond Hill [lot-key inns w.ll be lllt'll' lo L'llt‘L'l' in large itunibtis. This St-liliil‘ (‘attlt-ls‘ exhibited lim- plny :it the \\‘iilo\\’(lzile Aren't lust; Friday evening. (,‘udt-t Smut Burt-e. lions played :1 slur game, limiting thitn‘ “Slur†players in the Scillnl teuin, Outlet Sergt. Frank Uminger :is nlso t'udet Seigt. Brynn SllillplLSS. cori- eidcring that \\'illowd;ile’s team wus compost-d of "Junior O..ll, A. players." the Cutlets l'eeirlthly Clidllt-ligI-tl mull their score of three, iiuulr- by Urninger,1 l Mylks untiltoss “us an ncliicvineut. Cudet Seigt. Atin 1hflll>llt1ll§£ uny checked while the playing 0! the subs, Bluncy rind Charles was keen through-1 out, and the goal by Undel. For ll‘rttfl" was well dcfended.’ The Midgets in their guineroveied themselves with glory, Candi-t Boyce being it "stair" centre and well sup- ported oii the wings wuh lert Ber-trum Graingcr and Cadet Eric , \Vhito, the Defense with CutletJobn 1 Hart and Elmore Harding proved hard to puss lllld Under. J on i\l:l0L::lll in (ioal was kecndo the end. Subs by Jim Newport and Allan Duncan were well placed, and congratulations are due to Cadet Sergt. Atru Armstrong in his We“ selected [cull]. A The Cubs ieturned from Aurora lust Suturdny with laurels the score, being ntie. Outlet Capt. Brawley is (lt':L'I'V- 1 ing \of praise in the enthusiasm with his team [but he now displays, The accident to Cadett‘apt. Frank Grainger at the Senior game at \Villow-i d;qu is ll. blow to the team, Dr. Wilson however is hopeful of his speedy rc- tttn’el'y. C.-det George Patton met with a serious accident. last Friday. aiszilso Cadet David Stirling," which has incapacitated temporarily botlrpiayrrs. Progress towards recovery howm ( r is being made. Rod And Gun A perusal of the February issue of Hot and Gun in Canada, the Hell kn: ":n Canadian outdoors inugnzu e. rev .Is a liberal supply (deuterium- in; 'ld instructive tending. One thing thm has always eutured this [itlllillilll spOI|»-'iiieii's journal, is the (li'.'cr.~ity of subjects it covers rind like [he preuding numbers, the FUDHIQIY number has something of interest and of value for sportsmen, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. I Rod and Gun in Canada is published monthly zit Woodstock. Oiitniio, by W. J.lTuylor, Limited. ~__‘..__. __ F orsyth & Allen l’eliliters,&w:urntors ztutl ll.t:ilwood Finis. 's. Estllliul€< given. Phone 78. Box Eol AI'HURA Notice, of Application To Legislature for Validaticn , of By-Law: NOTICE is hereby given that the Corporation of the. Village oF Hit-h- mond Hill will‘ ppr to the lmgidui ive Assembly of the Province of Ontario at the next Session thereof for on Act validating a By-Imw of. said Municiâ€" pality _ziut.horizing the construction of a Community Skating and Hockey Rink. and Depcntuirs for the Sum of gl2.0lll) to be is-uetl thereunder. The exit-ling debenture debt of the Municipality is $154,270.95, The reason for requiring it further issue is to provide money for the con- struction of said iiiik. DATED this 231th ‘dziy of December, 1932. ‘ HEARST & IIEARST. Solicitors for The Corporation I-flhe Village of Richmond Hill. 27â€"32 J. 8: M. STEIN Yonge and Centre Streets CHIN lY CROCEllII‘S, CONFEL'TIONS am 'Try us for Groceries A good clean stock, always on hand. See our stock of China and cut glass prices reasonable § Bruces Chocolates and Candies I always fresh. l «vsâ€"v.4. â€"-. -â€" nwmmm ‘mn..'.u‘:.mu To Everywomcu REANY women lack savings accounts, thinking ' their surplus too trifling to bank. Small amounts, accumululcd gradually, are your strength In an emergency. ‘ Standard Service thcomes small as well as large accounts. STAN BANK OF CANAD. u \l '- TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Richmond Hill Branch, J. R. Herrington. Manager ~\_.._~ ') n M rom the King of the Forest to the'King of Floors ‘ ‘ \ .. . Bury yetr hardwood Quoting ‘1': insist absolutely on Seamanâ€"11m: Brand.†See that the name and t are on rvcry bundle that yo‘t rev name mm», 2nd. or Brand†is yr}? "=""‘_"‘th"3 . l :f and complctw Sitisftclicn. l'v if h to l'ay' your fan- yotznelf. j. ~;r on the ' floor no t'ï¬'rsual d: ii... .1. . 5‘: it! wravm W i Lo. :‘1 3 ;; ‘}’__, Pond.†r i. ~ - 54 so perzc-ctly made ‘5‘ ed that wrfi to card fine result:- l may be ob. Luci. .. misses S; sorts ‘1)il).\l)llll.l,l.*ljrtl.lli.r% “â€" iHE mils; till: lllilliSl-llllll STORE In buying tires, car ownenbuy a tire with 2i. reputation for lasting qualiï¬es. « DEN AND DOMIN ON RUBBER FOOTWEAR. . T i. BUY' AMES IIOI. HEAVY llt lllll ‘~â€"â€"l.‘it‘_ul :tml buckle, i‘cjrtlui‘ {53.3.3 :itil 33.70 lol' iiiâ€"1‘5". OVlilifrillUl'lS ()Nl“. llITCKLl‘iâ€"licg‘ttlui' 3") 3') lil‘.$_’.‘lU. OVl‘lliolIU’rné 'l'li't) liljkiliLl‘lâ€"RDLflllif 33.33 lcl‘ $3.73. MEN'S UNDlill‘il'l'L.\i‘â€""oitoti and wool mixture, regular 81.5"?! for 5.11)). See our V neck sweaters at less than h'laiiufacturer’s cost; Norman 3. Glass. I / 'l - l ale tools felting ‘ Real bargains in a few left over coat-s. ' 4 Children’s c 5::l t) $15,017 oats, all wool valour cloth “its up e at ‘35), which is och)": my, 6 to 4. 5‘ ‘13.: -‘, Sizes ljâ€"l >3, WJS $19 sale mice, “gt at $15. sizes 4 Girl.) below I." .530, were h‘o $143 to F137. “.3’, but rather than hold them. over, will sell below cost. 4 these or.- read no ALA u E. R. FORTNER Clothier and Tailor. ..\_'. ‘\ Ly. lien".r wizitcrvéh’crcoats left to clear at