Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Jan 1923, p. 6

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Copyright by the W Book Company - CHAPTER SIXTEENâ€"(Comm fied, and itwasnntl When a lull came in the reminiscen- nlento and he know €88, S'enhor Ruez politely made a sug-‘lnstory. Frank's pl g‘estion which sounded like music in were heartily comm Frank’s ears. “Probably the Oapitan officer. and when, n‘ wee] make hees tender for the feesh'tion, Westlmver gdx Supply. One must consider one’s engaged to a gu‘l, friends. Eh, Capitan Castmmento?” ‘laugthed. I ~ “Caramba! Yes!" replied Castro-l “PCT 11! Vita. ml mento. “But why talk business while Sum"!!! 10 his dinner awaits? Let us eat first! gndi Fl‘lend Ruez, we x tn“ nnv‘ anxkiHnu: I" you will honor us by joining Wigh us, Capitqn.’_’ u n... .0. var-.-" Franlé looked down at his sodden Clothing. “I would like to, bu’t'my clothes ain’t jest right for gom Into a dinin-‘room.” Captain Ring iounged around the rotunda with a watchful eye on the corridor, but he did not see Westhaver coming out. “Guess he slipped out th' back way 50‘s I wouldn‘t see him,” he mutte’red. Then. spying the bell boy, he called to him. “Say, young feliei‘! What became 0’ that man ye showed up to them furriners a while ago?” Captain Ring rotunda with a corridor, but he d coming out. “Gu back way 50‘s I he muttered. Ti boy, he called k “Waal, they said they’d mail th’ pa- pers from here, so I cal’late ain’t much use waitin'. What gits me is how Westzhaver sh’d ha’ bust in an’ got so mighty thick with them. I wonder now?" And with a great respect for his younger rival, and still wondering, l(fazptfain Ring regretfully left the ote . ank enjoyed that dinner as he never enjoyed a meal before. The Brazilians were hospitality personiâ€" (“momma tor babies and c all ages minced on bottle. m an imita fi( '8¢nd [or Hut 0! Innntlom Hunt-d b Manuhco tut-n. Fortunes hive bean made rom ulmplc Ida-o. “Puma: Prntocnon" booklet on “quant- INVENTIONS HAROLD c. usMAN '3: co. PATENT ATTORNEYS ghz'i’v‘v’i‘.‘ 5.33:5} Even a sick .child i'o'ves the “fruity”. taste of “California Fig Syrup." It the little stomach. is upmt, tongue tested. or if your cb‘fld i‘s cmss, feverish; m1! cf cold, or 1398 cone, a teaspoo'nful will. never fail to cpeu the bowels. In a few houxs you can see for yourself how thoroughly it' works all the constipa- tkm liaison, sour bile and vmste from the tender, little bowa's and gives you a wan playful 6113341 again. MHHOBS of mothers ice-s16 “California spoon!“ 1110.? POW “Westhnver Manufacturers always consider good inventions. Fortunes are made from New Ideas to suit modern times. Semi for free list of Ideas and Circulars. Patent Attorneys 273 Bun: St. - - - Ott HS EEBTHER! fiifi‘VE CHEED’S BfiWELS “Cafifomla Flg‘ S‘yrup‘l isf Child’s Best Laxative ‘ INVENTORS m EMSAY COMPANY II BLUE WATER ray saves a. 52' California" or Q cross, feverish". on}! its, a teaspommxl will 1- the bowels. In a few see for yourself how u‘ks all rhe constipa» bile and waste from bowais and gives you BY FREDERICK WILLIAM WALLACE} Th: A TALE OF THE DEEP SEA FISHERMEN dttswn. Om in dining Califvrn menu) and he history. Fra were heartily officer. and v , e. “Per la vita min!" he exclaimed. turning to his stout companion. “Friend Ruez, we must do something for our ambitious young man here. He lovesâ€"capite? And should we not help those who love, senhor‘l We have been young once. You won your Eugenia from the mob of revolution- arios in Para. I stole my Mnrgarheta from under the eyes of her savage papaâ€"a merchant in Spezziaâ€"‘and ran across the sea with her. Shall we not help our f_1'ie d, Ruez?"’ - “Why not take eat all?” queried the other. “Three yearsâ€"one hund-red and feefty thousand dollars. I \ve-el make dees contract out for ,you, and you Wee] see that we get the shipments regular. By doing thees, eet Weel save me the trouble of giving many sep- arate contracts. I weei deal weeth you only, and you can let sub-con- tracts out to Oder men. Our prices weel be gain, and the Brazeelian Con- eévn New York weel pay you when the shipments are made to Rio Yhaneiro. You weel ‘communicate wecth heem, and all arrangements wee] be made from there. I wee] take your referencesâ€"but one knows a gentleman even though hoes cloak be fadedâ€"and I weel hand you thees document. Eet specifies everytheeng. Wee] you take eet, my, friend?” The, other nodded“ smilineg and stared at the blushing: Frank. “Can you supply us \veeth a large amount?” he said. “The contract weel be for three years, an’ for my department of supplies we \veel require at least feefty thousand dollars American worth of bacalo per year ” “Fifty thousand dollars!’ Frank. “Lord. but that’s a tract, but I cal‘late I kin su] of it.” - “Will I take it?” almost shouted Frank, his eyes alight with untold joy. “Waal, I sh’d jest think so! Oh, gentlemen, but you’ve made a happy man of me this day ” A ‘ His ingenuous delight pleased the temperamental Latins, and they smil- ed paternally upon his ebullition of spirits. When he left them, he had the precious paper in his pocket, duly signed and sealed by the representa- tives of the mighty Estados Unidos do Brazil, and their“ gpqd wishes were ringing in his ears. “When you marry, Capitan,” said Cash‘omento at part- ing, “come to Rio for your honeymoon. We will show you our incomparable Bay, our Corcovado, and the botanical gardens. Adios, Capitan! Vada con Dio!” And the yellow-skinned Ruez was .just as cordial in his farewell wishes. Frank found himself out in the ro- tunda in a daze. Was it all a dream? No, there was the paper crackling in his breast pocket. For a minute he stoodâ€"a rough-looking, seaâ€"soaked figureâ€"and made a mental retrospec- tion of the afternoon’s events. At last, after a summary of the wonder- ful happenings of the day. he became aware that the loungers'in the hotel were staring at him. “Let’s git out 0’ this. I must be a sight. Now Mr Lillian. She must bear all about it an’ what she has done for me!” She was tying up some vines at the side of the house when Frank swung in through the gate, and, headless of time, place, or circumstances, he threw his ‘arms around her and gave her a hug and a resounding kiss. “Why, I‘H'ank, you great bear!” she cried in astonishment, with her brown eyes wide and her beautiful face flushâ€" ed with the publicity of her lover‘s caresses. “Whatever sent you down hereâ€"and in those wet clothes?” Westhaver took her by the arm. “Come over to th’ summer-house, sweetheart,” he said. “I'm jest about bustin’ with joy. Another kiss, dearie, bustin’ with joy. Another kiss, dearie, an’ I’ll tell ye all about it.” She made no raistance; It would have been some task to resist such an enthusiastic young lover as West- haver, find while she was blushing ros- ily and arranging the stray wisps of disordered silky hrown hair he pulled the paper out of his pocket. “See this, sweetheart? That’s th’ result 0' th" tip you gave meâ€"a hundred~an‘-fifty- thousand-dollar contract from th’ Brazilian Government!" And he told her the story of his adventures since he left the Cove the night before. When he finished she looked up into his radiant face, and there was a hint of fear in her eyes. “Oh, Frank dear," she said softly, “I’m so glad you got that, but you frighten me with what you went through. AVFhat if_)'o:i had ,nd he knew Frank's p1 artin comm and when, in esthaver adr l to a girl, we the night before. i fished she looked up into i S Lee, and there was a hint‘ eyes. “0h, Frank dear," 1 ly, “I’m so glad you gotgr‘. frighten me’ with whntgl ouzh. What if you hadif 1115 with her. b‘nall 5., Ruez?" ‘ smilineg and 5: Frank. “Can large amount?” act wee! be for rs!” gasped ; a big con- supply some ‘ompanion. something 11 here. He do my be put the i that mm _th’ contr man 0’ Inc more. Oh, 01d Capt see him. :11 homeâ€"Iik house 1 waters c Uncle the hart office 31 Frank 91 undignif great 0in 51 when, in the {ember eveni Westport w} was transfer to death abou jest bin a-tryil ’phone t’ find An’ what's th’ It was late on Sunday evening when] uncle and nephew arrived back in the Cove, and after securely mooring Mon‘ rell’s little vessel they Went up to the house. Mrs. Westhaver had been anx- ious, and after_the greetings were over she said in a hushed voice, “Well Frank, .‘poor old Captain Crawford must have known his time was come when he sold you his land. He was found dead in bed this morning.” “Dead?” ejaculated Frank in awed tones. “Poorâ€"oldâ€"man. Aye, he must have knownâ€"he must have For answer, Frank drew out the contract. “One hundred an’ fifty thousand dollars’ worth, an’ three Vears" delivery,” he said quietly. “We’ll hev t’ git right down to work now, Uncle!” known. Poor old Cap’en Asa. We'll miss him sorely." While Frank was genuinely sorry to hear of the old shipmaster’s demise, yet the joy of the huge order he had received swamped the feelings that otherwise would have possessed him at the death of an old neighbor, and when he communicated the good news to his mother that worâ€" thy lady cried in her pleasure. “Now, Uncle," said Frank, after the supper thian had been cleared away from the tashle, “we’ll hev t’ do some plannin’. We want t’ carry out th’ most 0’ this contract ef we kin, an’ it’ll need a lot 0’ money. All th’ money we’ye got, in fact ” t _. -.. . , . . H “Hog; ,about Ring?” interrupted Uncle Jen-y. “He’s got all th’ boat fishermen tied upitq himt” _ The other laughed. “An’ what kin he do with them? He ain’t got th’ business nor th’ money to employ them alli He’ll come in with us, never fear. I’ll fetch him around to-morrow. Now, th’ question isâ€"â€"how much cash kin y-e scrape up! Uncle?” “Six thousand dollars an’ th’ vessel, I cal’late.” Frank noted the amount down. “Goo-d!" he said. “That means you hev invested a sum. of eleven thousand dollars in th’ business. I’ve put in five thousandâ€"two thousand five hundred in land an’ th’ new shed we‘ve built, an’ two thousand five hundred in th’ bank. Thus our combined cash am- ounts to eight thousand five hundred dollars with a plant an‘ a good vessel. Now, I’ll git after Ring toâ€"mon‘ow an’ I’ll see what he says.” “Hev ye got th’ deeds yet for Cap'en Asa’s property?” enquired the other. “No,” replied Frank; “but I’ve got his receipt for my cheque. He’ll have written the advocate drown in Anchor- ville about it, I reckon. I hold his re- ceipt an’ he's got my chequkao it's a deal." The uncle nodded. “Yes, I guess so. Poor Morrissey! / I cal’late he’ll be some mad when he hears that his uncle hez sold his property an’ sent th’ money to an orphan society instid o’ leavin’ it to him. An’ th’ very furni- ture is t’ be sold for old Jane, his o’ leavin’ it ture is t’ t housekeeper did like Bob much. P001 Dye Any Garment or 0k! Drapery in Diamond Dyes cadia for W CHAPTER SEVENTEEN row interior of the local pest nd general store, and when intered he gave way to a most fied whoop of joy. . Frank. I’ve bin ’most scared ‘, and :merin [ea in my way, an' 'twas 3 e these gentlemen give act. Darling. ye’ve madz 116, an’ I love ye more h, but I’m happy, Lily!” ptain Demon was pleased and still more pleased wl F {he harbor Jerry was ate in oor 01’ man." (To be continued.) whoop of joy. rank, I’ve bin ’most s'carefi out you!" he cried. “I've ‘yin’ t’ git Yarmouth on th' nd out 9f they’d seen ye. th’ news?” 37th lic R \Va ent {'33-}, the 01’ man neve 'e useter rattle mm to “’8 1‘1“ nervously pacing! of the local pest store, and when we way to a most [sel f0 Twas you that . an’ ’twas you th H puttered little V in, the ms & Scalds, tle village hamlet of beautifully glow of the the calm .va n golden i when It your “When mo ne fito and m e m lll Mtnard’s LInIment for Coughs &. Colds Arrange a pack of cards with the three of diamonds on topâ€"faces of cards uppermostâ€"and the ace of diamonds just beneath lt. Show the three and dgclare that you will cause it to change its nature and appearance. Put the cards behind your back. Utter a magic phrase which you can make up to suit yourself and bring out the cards quickly. hold- ing youP‘flngers over the ends of the face card as in the illustration. H "You see! The trey has changed into the ace!” There will be a strom of protest. Everyone will think that you have changed the troy to the ace by the simple method of hiding the and spots with your fingers. Pretend to misunderstand their proteets un- til everyone is certain that you have been caught napping. Then move your fingers and show that the card really is the ace. By that time, everyone will have forgotten that in the moment the cards were behind your back you had ample opportunity to slip the top cardâ€"thb treyâ€"into the pack. exposing the ace. others hook.) aid Rafisim (Clip Raisinsfumish 1560 calor- ies of energizing nutriment per pound in practically pre- digested form. EASY TRICKS Also a fine content of food ironâ€"good food for the blood. You may be offered other brands that you know less well than Sun-Maids, but the kind you want is the kind you know is good. Insist, therefore, on Sinzdllaz‘d brand. They cost no more than ordinary raisins. The Changing Ace No. 17 th’S a "new Hpaclzage of Sun- Maid Raisins that you will want to tryâ€" dainty, tender, juicy, seeded fruit-meats packed in tins. The tin keeps all the flavor in. No matter when or where you buy them, these raisins have with the Freshness of Fresh Emit Radio In Netherlands in Tins Members/zip 14,000 Dept. Nâ€"5 Inventol Sun-Maid Raisin Growers Sm): Please send me copy of your free book, ‘Recipes with Raisins.” CUT THIS OUT AND SEND IT Try them next time you buy raisins. See how good they are. Mail coupon for free book of tested Sun- Maid recipes. Especially delicious in a cake or pieâ€"and all ready, too. the f res fruit. Roadside berries, red Change your place For tear some 1011er May emptyfixanded Bluebird, sit-g nét at my door, But be you swiftly flown, 1‘0 where perhaps some little In silence sits alone. Prevents chapped hands, cracked lips, chflblalns. Makes your skin‘ soft, white, clear and smooth. All drugzists sell I! Do )ok you tow Who in the ,ot smi hness of fresh TCSHO A Thought. 3 11‘ that shines toâ€"m‘ght, Chew your food well, then use ‘WREGLEY’S io aid digestion. rcsno, It also keeps the teeth clean, breath sweet, appetite keen. After Every Meal PROVINCE some lonely k may be. amorma Californa‘ Hulda. A. Senator. in June, to grow, little child child child

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