OUSE TO RENTâ€"Gem! 7 room brick house to I‘entrnn Church street. Aley PERCY BRILLINGER, Richmond Hill. or J. H BRILLINHEH. Get Your Painting Done Now ’ RUCKINGâ€"And all kinds (If wire fencing. gates and posts for sale. Coal delivered from Toruutu. nut and stove, at $18.50 per ton. U. McMAHux. l’ï¬'bne 116 W. 30-31 Phone 1230, Aurora. , OR SALEâ€"One good young York- shire mule pig, 5 months old JAMES CARNEGIE. Mill moot, \vhst, Richmond HUI. 30 31 ums Hf I): clean and LOUIS L. Mnrkhzhn. { OR SALEâ€"01m. grate hmâ€, hum » wnnd 0r cml. Apply 20155 BURR, Richmond Street. 30 OTICEâ€"l‘}. Sliuvy .5 prepared to 1 do all kinds of trucking and outing in Richmond Hill and vicinity. Patronage solicited. Phone Richmond Hill 98. 42 if NAVVS FILEDâ€"Cums cut and nir- cular saws gummed and ï¬led. Cut- ling hnx kniveo gmqu . In her. if it i: dull we shut-pen it. Also agent for Uilsnn Mfg. (ML, Guelph. 001110 in and seethcir‘ll self sharpening: sterl chilled plow shn‘e. A. AanRsox. Rear of \V. VandcrlHn-g’s shop. Rich- nmnd Hill 10-“ ’ ENDERS \VANTE ing house. Apply oppoxite lmngwllf sch: "HOKCE LOI‘J‘ L, at, $7) :1 {out n ALLISON. Riclnun X X TAN'I‘ED All kinds of meats. Home-made sausage a spec1ality . Home-made lard on hand. Free Delivery. Give me a trial. ANT}? lUUL) 19k 1‘ {10R SALEâ€"H0150undid. . ALFRED RUMBLE. ichmoud HARRY BRILLINGER A. S. \VHEELER OR Butcher Shop AT KING CITY OR SALEâ€"Balm] clm‘er.’ and mixed hay. \voll cured. Afew a nf baled (Hts and “meat, lung, n and dry, (lmled out ufu‘ mow). as L. vaams. Lot, 21. Con. 4, ‘khalm. Gonnley R. R. 2. 3f) First cIass Painter Low Charges Stop 47 Richmond Hill ViirSALl‘Iâ€"l Trelmh plalft spring wagon, nelrly r mzm Erma, \Villowdulo. 1: [C LOTSâ€"Choice luts for s: It foot up. Terms easy. GE Richmond St. 11 1)â€" chic Hill [m ARMY Hm :ml-nim: Brnndm- J. Cox, Box 179 Jl in Maple IH-tf‘ BROWN lSâ€"lf 30-32. ()ZAK lsle 13 tf, iw. T. STOREY. il‘e Us W Teac net of P‘Iann Playing at the ' Toronto (Jullsnl-vaum-y of Music and St. Margaret‘s Collvgv. Richmond Hill»â€"-\Vednesdnys and Saturdavs. mas LUMBER cat Cor. Arnold 8: Yonge, PHONE 27 Let's tall: this great improve< ment over. Tomato Stable Equip- ment includes Stalls. Bull Pens, Water Bowls and Litter Carriers. Toronto Stable Equipment is designed to save you labor, keep the stable cleaner, keep your cattle healthier, more con- tented, more proï¬table. If you'll talk over with me the advantages Toronto Stable Equipment will bring to your farm. I’ll Show You How to Increase Your Profits asset, and invite your orders for anything in Building Material. customer We consider a satisfied MOND and will be open from 8 o‘clock in the morning, every day in the week, except W ednes- day afternoon. ' Patronage Solicited. shop at HOTEL RICH- I have opened a barber . EARLE N If WTON PIANIST J. Lunau, Agent Richmond Hill our best we: AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that after such last. mentioned date the Execmori will distribuLe the assets among the parties entitled themln, having regard only to such claims as they shall then hau- received Notico.fc§ Dated this 12th day ufJanu-«uy, A. D. 1923. 29-32 late of the Township of Markham, in the County of York, deceased. Pursuant to the Statutes in that. be- half, Notice is hereby given lhatnll parties having claims against the Estate of the said Albert Edwmd \Villiams whn died nu or about, the Ulh day of November, A. D. 1922,:11'ere- quired on ()1 before the 16111 day of February next. to send to Mr. Peter A. Unhex'. Maple, Om. B. R. 1. one «.f the Executbra. n statement. of their claims and addresses. ALBERT EDWARD WILLIAMS, Notice to Creditors 101'; ol'l' all goods for one week, starting Saturday, January 20th. ' Boots and shoes, flocks, sweaters, Mackinaws, ladies Oxfords of the finest quality, the well known Slater Brand. Ladles' Oxfords $6.25 Ladies man K'id $4.25 Ladies high boots 8.25 Sweaters 4 ply 4 Mackinaws S) Mackinaws for boys 73.50 35.85 ‘V cl C) ' {DOD a] <5 01 '0‘: O Phone 86 j . i. W. VVELLMAN Al'tle, ’l'eacner 1n thel'ature, Expressmn, Readmg, Dram atxc and Humourous Sketches, Ulalect Poems. _ Professional Graduate of Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornhill, Ont 30tf HARNESS SUPPLIES LET ROLFE ATTEND T0 II‘. BEST WORK 18V? MATERIAL E YOL’R HARNESS SUPPLIES WHERE YOU GET YOUR HARNESS IREPAIRED. SKATES GROUND CONCAVE AND FIXED T0 BOOTS. RUBBER BOOTS REPAIRED. THE; ROLFE SHOE REPAIR. SOL‘TH OF NEW GARAGE. “7 ILLIAM COOK. 33 Richmond Sueet \Vesr, Toronto. Solicitor for the Executms. “D lT’S A MATTER OF SHOE, 0R HARNESS REPAIRS IN THE ESTATE OF RICHMOND AND YONUE Auction Dialect P Gent’s Furnishings. IF me in Literature Register 11 1m! Electric Motors, Generators, Mag- i netos, Etc., Repaired. Phone 109 I a W. A. VANDERBURGH RICHMOND TIRE & BATTERY SERVICE “b “MW9W0660N66WW6â€WOMW“OW ‘ ‘ Done by the HAYWOOD SCIEN- VUICaanlng-'TIFIC PROCESS. All Repairs GUARANTEED to Last. Longer than the Rest of the Tire. WMVWWMMQ mowm T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited Phone 33, - Thornhill, Ontario 60000090006909.0900.“ “WMWOOO‘OMW Sporting Goods ~â€"â€"â€"â€"‘â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" WOOD FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE ~ REAL ESTATE A. G. SAVAGE General Agent, office at the {Post Office - Richmond Hill T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited ‘COAL VE STA strap, Hame All Makes Culenm n gnsoline Lanterns Per Gullvn Lilwd 'nlined Skates . . . _ . . . . . Straps . . . . . . . . . Ankle suppmts Hockey sti(:ks.. l’urks. Sleighs 211113 Stoves an COOPER Phone 33 Thomhill, Ontario Slaves BA'IVFERX' S E RV’ I C E Antiâ€"Freeze for Cars ALADDIN LAMP SUPPLIES j Watered and Inspected Free ( Repaired and Recharged. Horse Blankets V63? me strap, Heel urry combs am and PHONE EIUSDE pads, Breaét d Ranges, -: 2Uc., 500 “rain 5 Rich: 2.00, 3.2.") pair ‘ 15, 20 pair . . . . . 35 pair 1.10. 13.3 each ‘. 15. 20 each 50s., 1.10, 1.75 VES TA hmond Hi1 92".UO $1.50 $4.01) leiae 53