G. HILL, Oak Ridges P. O. Have also had‘ Shipped to us a few tons of Corn Flakes. This com feed is suitabie for all stock teeding, as it is the best of the corn, cooked and swuetened, and Qheaper than gluten. Pastry Flnur and Purity Flourat $0.75 and $6.00 per bbl. {61‘ one week. ofOntario Bran and Shorts selling at almost wholesale prices by the ton. Can also sell Scratch Feed {or poultry at reasonable price. as we ha_v_e a goo-Ll supply. RICHMOND HILL. T AND UNIONV PAINTING to enter a branch of this Bank because you do not know how to make a de- posit. Our Managers or the staff will be pleased to show you. (ll Start with One Dollar and add to it dollar by dollar. WRIGHT BROS. Uudertakers' and Embalmers I!‘ Hi cukc. A shipmvnt 50 ll 4'01! At the Elevator. I. D. Ramer VOL. XLV. Estimates Furnished Free Phone < d W: 111 \\']L,".O\VDALIC. UNT‘ ULLH' 19R, Mum-1g THE ROYAL BANK ‘° OF CANADA PEï¬BUE N OOL DO NOT HESITATE Hardwood Finishing .50 per annum, in advance.] UPI ï¬re “'u†Pupt a recent shlpment Bran and Shorts almost wholesale iniu nut Iconl, L [on delivered DECORATING iy of coal and ‘uner: nhuvr Ill WEE HORNHILL [LLE urnishin aces bitum- Alsc 2871 1'! $10 Ofï¬ce Trench Block. two (‘I Licensed Auctioneer for the U York. \Sulosatlendud Lo nn notice and at reasonable rates Patronage solicited Phnne Belmont 1347 LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR. COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Special attention given Lu sales (-1 every dvscnption. Farms and fan-m stock sales specialty. Farms bought :md_ sgld un cmumissinn. Allsule-s en,- dll salg BARR'ISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY The Maple Sand, Gravel and Brick Company, LL‘d, have on hhnd for sale. Cement (1min tile. 3. 4. 5. 6 and 8 in. Culvert tile 12. 15. 18 and 20 inch (30 inches in length) Also Cement Brick Sand or Gravel sold by the load 01- in car lnts. ' Cedar posts and telephone poles I‘m- __I.. feacher of 373 BERESFORD AVE Rhone JllnCthh 72. Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick JOHN R. CAMPBELL TWENTY-FIVE 'YEXRS‘ EXPERIENCE All mail orders wil} receive prompt ended Ofï¬ce I . Ill. Oflico lunch 5 U. 24. PLI all by phone or otherwise promptly \1 MIS Hours‘ Open even :k sales specialty. Farms bougln scxld m1 commission. Allsule-s at, fled to un ShUI'Ll’SL notice. and con ted by the mustapproved methods mnuge solicited. Musica VETERINARY SURGEON, 'Pllornhil]. JOHN T. ANDERSON AND GENERAL RE YMBING AND TINS HOT \VATIZR HE; SAM. SHEPHERD . C. HENDERSON WILLIAM COOK RICHMOND HILL. ONT" THURSDAY, FEB. 1.1923 41:3 Bull II, I’l'cn {k huu 1's HORNHILL BEATRICE HOWELL TO RONTO PIANO TUNER Standmd ,amlmd B-mk. 9:1.1u.«m 5.30 p.m. ‘ uipgs by appuintumnt Telephon e {O'I fFletcher Method 1 Kmderg‘arten T. COUSINS. . SAIGEOIV Mable I’FNTWST ho attention. 10 t0 luncPâ€"Cen l1 ( mman Hill “In Essentiabs, Unit-y; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in hnmnd Building ‘m- the County of . WEST TORONTO 1" Into X'I‘ING PAIRS M {THING 01-5110th ll) _" Liher noon. M :um got I‘ll shm'iesb 6 in )01] md ICLlEtInr (if The Liheiul [ Sir: I uwv some xvxplunuliun in those whos? m-dei-sl took fm coal th-it they may know why they cannot, be tilled. The car Was delayed sn long by causes that I, like 51: many others (‘zm only guess M, that many “1' those wlm rendered hud supplied thmnsï¬vvs from othersnnrcos. Bring l.iid upon my ,huck when‘lh'e invoice and draft, for ' the cur :u'i‘ii‘etl, I was nut present at uni-funner’s meeting when it had to he dealt with. A new president and secretary had i been elecLe-d and not one of the small number pres‘eut‘ wanted the end] when it unide so that .1 resolutinn was passed instructing llie president to re- I] morrmv." ’J‘I ‘lrin flmn Ear txvu soloists f: | loudly: applguu The meeting of the «Homer and School Club Friday evening proved both interesting and _instructive. I Mnjor Blaney,Vice-President.presided. [ Miss Cherry, one of anonlu’s Prim-i- lpnls was unavoidably absent, but a I splvndid address was given by Dr. G. | E. Rennmn (m “The Schools of Ta- mormw." The singéng of the double "trinf1mn Earl Grey School. and the UV†soloists frnm Glpdhill School. was 1 loudly applnmlvd. RI-freshments “Pro served at the cluee. Mr. and Mrs. \V. \Vnuds gave n ngressiw» Euchre pun-Ly at; their hume last Thursday evening. 7 Mr. J. '1‘. Saigon), rueve of Vaughan. is attending the January session of the County Council. at H “:1 \x :1th MI Uni shit been elechd and not one of the small number pres'eut’ wanted the anal when it uniï¬â€˜d, so that .1 resolutiun was pusle instructing lhe president Ln re- sell the car \vitlmut unloading. I (lid not know nf this action until a weth later and was much disappointed and nmmyed :uzd mquestud that the rein- lutinn he rescinded. Learning. how- ever. tlmL it would plucp our presidl-nt in :1 false and awkward position, I withdrew my uï¬pnsitinn. Hm] I been present. at. the meeting I Would have held the car fur delivery to any who dt‘SlH-‘d it. furl“ Lhist Agrmt trout is in store- fnr' those who attend the entertainment of the High School in the Masonic Hall. Friday, the 9th of Felu‘umy. The prugmmme will include folk dances, recitations and music, and the [hind- palwillpresent “A Case of Suspen- sion.†Diplomas and Prizes will he rlistt-ibl 9d. Mr. Allan Armstrong will pr 9. Tickets, 25 cents. heir chm T h l'ill) On Tuesday evening, Feb. 6, an Oyster Supper and entertainment, will be given at the Methodist Church. Rev. M. Hay. of Richmond “ill. will give an address. and then- will he vocal selections by Mr. Herb. Smith. of Heztdford. and violin SUlUS by Mr. Lowe. SuppPr from 6 to 8 o’clock. Admission 50 and 25 cents. The chair Will be taken by the pastor. Rev. “.8. Wunen. The Ag ‘ciencv cl ly's Hull J'his i Mr. .- 'l‘ht The ( ‘ Home and School Meeting rn’nnn. mus sk: r relm-I m] rmm m» choir :msistm‘ \vis Ll f [I R. H. H. S. Commencement 5 My , it. ' h now to urge that were '5 club supported as it. shu‘ tons of con! would have '01- [he needs of our peuph $1.5Utu $2.00 :I. to†less '9 all been paying for it. ent, upphes to a. (:nnsid‘ hian of the village- and vicin- )yml n slvigh-x-ido on Saturday nn. Thvy ulso spuntq a Cullple s skating un Cunsin's pnnd. On llm'n supper was served in the )mmnunify [lull “Incumgivvn by an Orchestra. ,(‘I' (he (mum-Int. VICTORIA SQUARE 'An Explanation 'ictillu ‘nl Issus [191d I“ Sits lwld :l d l‘lxm‘nhill. on \f St. Andrewâ€: Chum-h 0n Sunday morning by son. who sang the soln MAPLE Ind e by our U0-( the prices to the people MOYLE n we 5 unpaniv was cm Ben H( A dance the Domestic met) in Findâ€" Tnesdny night Iuch th w it. consider the pt )I) )Y 10 00 hould Cl uwded Hoken's tl)( ll) puin 2 our uld he been rat a ‘ than Th'is \V as lil FIRST ‘â€" Richmond Hill would pr'ohahly lose its High School. SEUUNDâ€" An addition would have to he hu'lt, on the Public School l hefom next September. " Fifty years ago Richmond Hill huiltits ï¬rst High School and paid (‘VBIY dollar for its construction. Again in 1897 Richmond Iï¬ll built the present High School and bought: the site, entiivly without assistance ifrom the county. Now, once again the old school must here-placed. {but this limo the new school act of 1921 requires that Yoi'k County [my (55 f; of the new school. Surely Richmond Hill will not, throw out, the High Srhool when such gener- ous' help is assumed. _ Next Sz-pleinhor there will be six classes to accommodate in the High $011001. We have three class looms. \tht is to I12 done 3’ If the anud of Education iefuses to admit any county pupil next year, the county cnn “'iLillM'IlLl the grant. The county is linyilu: 80 1 of Lh- upkH-p (if the school. l‘he \vithdi'uwnl of the county grunt nun-ins the closing of Richmond Hill High School. SECONDâ€"Thu, now High School is not, built. an addition must he built on the Public Schxool before next Seplein- ‘ her. . The bulldng hf this addition on tln Bulwlic Schmxl will cost eight): [1 thou- sand dollars, and the entirv pnymon must be home by this. schunl section This means n. ver mnlvriul inc-was: in Richmond Hill taxes (no help from the county here.) But, if a new High School is built the old High Sclmul building will ln released, with its llu've clasa rooms for [he use of the Public Suhoul, There is ill]: enlarging Nu wily-grounds: the Dl‘lrsenl s( enlarged this The Brand nf Edl‘lcutinn feel that the old High School would be an ideal place for the primary children, Keepâ€" ing them hv themselves wand \Vith .1 pluvgmund ( f their own. It would give them nnvre frcvdom and prntmrt tlmn from rnuglwr play (If 'Ider children. new thntu-nuld happen in the School Situation, if the High School Byâ€"luw wm-u (Ivï¬-ntvd P : chmond ] terwm-ks 1 Hill h) Olll‘ High The School Situation the Hi it will m. W hu ROLF H L . LANGSTAFF. hm .1 hi ’EHE Smmm , IIIUIH not look like progress to igh School to go out: of our maintaining it. for ï¬fty ;t entirely ourselves. Lack of legitimate funds for running your farm on a profitable basis is as serious as a shortage of machinery and seed. Your application for credit will \receive the courteous, confidential consideration of our local. Manager. all things, Charity," [he Public Schmnl. )Lherglval, objection to 9 Public School. The are much Luo small’ for :hnnl. If the SChuul is diffiz-ully increases. uf Edl'lcatinn feel {but Schoal would be an ideal primary children,‘ Keepâ€" In r ago Richmond Hill High Schnul and Paid fur its construcu’on. Richmond Hill built the School and hnnght the A’ilht-ut ussistwnce |fr0m 1 Hill way and Lrunsp‘ 1 with the adv is now able to ( d electricity. t1); Ili unds for the Farm In thucr-f ill that u SAVE ‘~ Because E Ili 1d: Iin OF CANADA [Te-1'7 0 t Rich :"PidIY trtatit antng llmu~ 'mont :Lion. :rezlse from tho tn ! \antet- S. Jenkins i Rev. Phone 1 Hill. 5048 Canadian Tenor and Chair SoloisL Nulth Pnrkdnle M Chard), is prepared tn xoceiv in Richmond Hill n Mondays. Mrs. N. Butty's. :fvncld St. [’11 All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired. Good 'Workmanship. Prompt Service. ' 2Docrs South of Bakery on Yonge St. Solicltor The Town of Aurora. Boot and Shoe Repairer mm he Ring 1 HOUSE PAlNTER, Glazier. Grainer and Panel“- Hanger. Denton, Macdonald 5: Benton Ofï¬ces {aide SEIVJégtTE‘ngn-g. Naughtcn Block, Aurora The Township of Kin The vanship nf \Vhltohun‘h The Imperial Bunk of Canada, Aurox J. M. \Vulmn. & C0. Aurora 21 KING ST. “‘1 TELEPIL Arthur H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC (unwissiunel Insurance Richmond Hill Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telenhone Main 2777 {L‘y‘ana‘rchulï¬ldgl 26-28 A LICENSED FOR THE c Patronaa GEO. KIDD RICHIVIOND HILL NAUGHTON‘ & JEN‘KiN’ M ARRI Iarristers. Solictnrs. MANNING ARCADE [Single copies, 3 cts NOTARY PUBLK CONVEYANUING {ble ht . J. HUME Wm. C. Rutt Ill :dnnald umk Denmn Laura Dt-r - ....\,....u., :md Real Estate "AUCTIONEEE UNTY OF YORE ‘nnvoyalncer LYON J. Harry Naughton Res. Elgin Mllls Res. Phone 44.4 MAIN 311 55: "Dodo" ORONTO‘ I( for 26-28 Ad 01 3N