Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Feb 1923, p. 8

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the Na Richmom‘ Hill “ WA? Box Iiwxs, Mili Sn Phone 105' W. woman, throe- Mndern convenien Richnmxyd Hill. P “7 ‘NVAN'l‘EDâ€"“'oma|1 for lmusowm'k, to live within walking distuncu of Yonge strreL curs. Slup 47 :11 111» cox-nor of Bathulst, Phone Mn .19 261 W 30R SALEâ€"Twn I ‘hone 116 W 11v nr: nl : 0R SALE-Ono g‘ shire male pig: DIES CARNEGIE. A ‘ENDER ing ho Dnsife Lm )R SALEâ€"“(le ALFRED Rmmu‘ '1 I 6MAN"WANTED-1 would m“ the sprvices of a reliable, capablt OR SALE OR SALEâ€"Rh (lockorels. O. kl) ffiifi‘r‘EfTâ€"m thl'E lease. Apply C 217'Richmnnrl Hill. UGKINGâ€"And all kinf fem-jug. gates my] posts delivered from Toruntn , at $13 50 per ton. C. M i p}9w sh-n‘( with centxe fur a farmm- l Manure spr wed one Sean f‘ \V. V â€"-in waste wood which one of my Toronto Saws will readily tum Into fine fuel. There's no piece of farm equipment I know of which will so quic pay for itseif as a Toronto Saw. That’s why I recommend it so high!) Toronto Saws are all-steel constructionâ€"require little power operatoâ€"give many years of dollar-saving service. You can't realizefthe saving in time, money and labor whivh yo make with modern equxpment (-11 your farm Anntil you hth- seen “ Toronto " line. I'll be glad to explain more fully at any time. VVant Ade-3 UH affine sea-son. G. V‘V Gormley. Phone (3307! Lying About Your Farm There are Dollars J. Lunau, Agent, Richmond Hi3] 1n engines, in go: aset grain zrir .Eâ€" A 110% NICHOLS. I XI Phlll NTI with a tract sch all kinds of wire My] posts for sule. Tornntu. nut and on. C. MLMAHON. u's Mill md lul in anle :. lfi-rf. hurl)th (\Nl 5 every [\I as. A. r\l~‘ E0!“ Ind file In f‘u ch ne tum sprm 40b 3!, Cu: months old H strain monfl ‘m- plusle ‘ BROWNI IS-tf week i! )ndifion. 11 inch just 1h» :mr‘. like 3AKER ll) K07. nt Snnlv \\' Pt MA 30-31 30 31-31 Hyd H in} l'll 31 :\ K ll] ! EFLQCUT 191. Houses and lots on Centre Stun-g east- Villnge. ’: She H‘IH Maple and 11m Yonge St, RECHMOND HIE Dialect Poems. Professional Graduale of Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguei'ife Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornhill, Ont 30th JONES LUMBER C0 H. A. Nicholls We consider a satisfied customer as Our best orde asset Ill) 10, money and labor whivh y‘ farm until you haw- seen more fully at any time. luublu house HS Miss Marguerite prie The Real Estate Man AND FIX BBER BC tr. Amid & Y PHONE ‘27 lers use Mud two notes on' Yonge Mackinnws {0:10, South annex. “ new house and lot. on Oxford Phone 86 Nm th :mnex. Building Material. IIAR EARLI HAS FOR SALE Ill p r 1m for anvthing in PIANIS'I AIRE m H ARN N E WTON dn H May Av 1112 Slll seen the quickly M mature, Dram etches, YOUI‘ enge {Ii Swen Muck 10% off all goods for one week, starting Saturday, January 90th. Boots and shoes, socks, sweaters, Mackinaws, Eladies Oxfords of the l‘inesfiquality, the well known filater Brand. Ladies: Oxfords $6.23 $:. Ladies high I{lll $1.25 “I u (3. b 0.7 c; Notice to Creditors J. “7. WELLMAN Tm‘I lm WEDNESDAY. FEB. 15â€"Fm-m Stock, ' implements eta, Int 7, con. 3. Vaughan. plopl rty of Frank Morton. Sale, at 1 o'clock. Tmms 9 months. Prentice & Prentice. Auct. THURSDAY, FEB. 15â€"Fau-m stuck. imp!ements eta, Int 13, can. 3. Mark- ham, propel [y of Althur Elson. Sale at 12 n’rlnck. Terms 9 months. Prenticv 6: Prentice, Aucts. FRIDAY. FEB. 16~Hnuschold furniture, Aulumnhilv l[('.. Markham Village, prnperly of M l‘. Gmdhnusn. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms cemh. Pn-nlicc & FRIDAY. FEB. 16â€"Ht Autumnhilv nth. prnperly of M r. G 1 o'clock. Terms Prenlive. Aucts SATIHHMY. FER. implomonts ulna. \VlihXEsl'iAY, Fm house and 1m, Vix-turiu San: W WEDXE. 'I‘Ill'nsi‘xn'. NIA‘RCII ((1 {'ESDAY. lmplmm Emu-burr \Vilsnn. Pl-enbiu‘ ’EImRsnn‘. I? and implenmn'l = Vaughan; M:pr Town: 9 mnntn ton. Ancts.‘ TIIID I Inple‘me Mal-khan Huqur. I’x enliu‘ ‘i Your )R. RICHMUNI h Stop 47 Richmond Hill m khan: lrgrvmm THIS 9 ms 4 naws ntiCe & Prentice RDAY. xlflmont mt )Li 5 lhn [worm] l v 8:110 at 1‘3. 9 rc‘nlix-o, Ancts. IN THE ESTATE OF T EDWARD WILLIAMS, Auction Sale Regine! I150“ , FEB. 20â€"-F:1rm, Farm stock. ems. Mu. In! 1,1-nn. 4. Mark; 1w 'pl-npm-ty nf [Vlwifnk PPIIY. un.‘ Um i)” ine Ill FEB ntS. ‘ Gent’s Mxmrn H. \V E’aiaiing' Done Nawl' prme _v hf “HI I-\' Sale at ll o'clock. mum hi. Prentice :md =, ('10., In! 23. Hm pummty of '{MH \M 12. ‘9 1 Plenllce. Aucls. Prentice, Aucts Fm}. l l-Fm urn", Um VVillinm Inc/H 5’ mum H i 1 E L E R “(it III‘ aL12 Sta (‘H lr‘FaI-m Stu lmplmuenlc, eu-H (he !nt urnitun'. w prnpm if Furnishings. AND YONGF lot, amtcn 8| ll) Ill i~h I" that mnnll elc nli i w stock m ilmnt ‘nlhs. It RICHMOND TIRE & BATTERY SERVICE Electr g COOPER’S HARvaA’R'E' MOMONWQOOOWWWOWOOoQMOWW 0949009900 @00600000“ VWOOOOQ 0000060096”wa QUALITY SHOPPE -:- Phone 53 Trench Block W vavwmvwvaMvaevwewm actric Motors, Generators, Mag- netos, Etc., Repaired. Phone 109 W. A. VANDERBURGH Vulcaniz 0600690006¢ $6Nm0900 OQOWOOMOWMOWO ‘ Roofings FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE A. SAVAGE TRENCH’S BLOCK Spades, Shovels, Forks, Building paper, Tar paper and Roofing,Harness Sup- plies Sweat pads, Breast strap, Hame strap, Heel chains, Curry combs and Brushes ' : Stoves and Ranges -: C. N. COOPER Richmond H T. H. HARDWARE 8: SUPPLIES Limited General Agent, office at the Post Office - Riehmond‘Hili 1f Richmond Hill is good enough to live in ‘It is good enough to buy in. COAL Lady Ramsay “’00! in all [’0] 107.. lmll HP 2 (37.. for 350. (Ilnvns. Stumped Guuds, Nntio :md (innudian makt‘. Flannel: (Hnghanm a few pieces left: Him, in light and dark shades Unlulm 35¢. per yard, mmranl 1 Ply Owl Brand . . . . . ‘ 2 Ply ()wl Brand . . . . . 3 Piy Owl Brand . . . . . 1 Ply Lmn and . . . . . ‘ Ruheroid Suun-utml to Suvmuign sheutxng. .. BOOST “'9 are already preparing for the Spring Millinmy trade. -' -:- Don't, forth it -:» lemzm T. H. HARDWARE Phone 33, 1 Makes {allon Phone 33 MRS. NORMAN BATTY lsnlil p0] ,‘Antiâ€"Freeze for Cars ziné BA'IVFE R17 06990060600 6 Wateret Poultry Tonic Repa Grain Bags and PHONE 93 guaranteed fiI-St/ (blurs Thoruhill, Ontario Notions, Hosiery in both English Innnclotln 37 inches. 30c. pev yard. -s left at 25c. pt-r yard. shades. 256. per ynrd. all Pupulur Shade 3-: W001) BOOST - BOOST ’er package of 2‘) med anc 100 s . Wu 5% 100 Sq llII) St] 432 sq 9 UPPLIES Limited Thornhill,‘ Ontario ‘0 sq Inspected Free 1d Recharged. Richmond Hi1 18 cents per VESTA 95 95per 45 pm- 30¢. each All Repairs of the Tire. 920.00 Phone 53 $1.4” cent roll roll :11)“ roll 10“ roll

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