Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Feb 1923, p. 3

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§ Sour Stan m“nnn~3««.w public have a7 Of family and bility. str assurance underwriting the It is gratifying to see ti vances then recorded are maintained by the Sun Lit! mony that the reliance of the Canadian people in their own financial institu~ tions is universally shared. The abnormal financial conditions generally obtaining some three or four years ago gave a great impetus to life nssnrancennderwriting the world over. It is gratifying to see that the ad- vances then recorded are being well maintained by the Sun Life of Canada during :1 year of comparative financial :"Iu:.. â€"--> A, garded as highly satisfactory from [every measure of progress and prosâ€" {perlty. Its items, relating both to de- ,velopment and strength, show striking advances over previous records,.es~ pecially those in connection with total business in force and assets, indicating that a policy of large-scale expansion has been accompanied by prudent and economical management. In addition to its large underwrit- ings‘iu the Dominion, the Company has for many years conducted profit- able business in countries "other than Canada, and at the present time main- tains active organizations in upwards of fifty countries. The record of the year‘s operations thus affords testi- mony that the reliance of the Canadian people in their own financial institu- tions is universally shared. . The financial statement of the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada for the year 1922, published on an- other page of this issue, must be re- garded as highly satisfactory from every measure or progress and prosâ€" You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams’ Medi- cine C0,, Brockville, Ont. PUT STOMACH IN met I seemed to be growing wanker. I had no appetite, was subject to fainting spells and my feet and ankles were badly swollen. The doctor told me that my condition had developed into a serious case of anaemia, and al- though I was under his care for over two months I was not improving in any way. At this stage one of my friends advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I was loath to do so, as I began to think my case hopeless. Howâ€" , ever, I was finally persuaded to try them, and by the time I had used two boxes there was no doubt they were helping me. I continued taking the pills until I had used a dozen boxes, when I found that every symptom of the trouble had left me and I was again enjoying the best of health. I returned to my work and have ever since been in good health and feel that I owe it entirely to Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. I think that anyone who is suffering from the after effects of influenza, or any form of anaemia, should give this medicine a fair trial.” You can get Dr. Willianis' Pink Pills .1m-_._.__44. i I'm Papc’s No reasonable precaution to avert an attack of influenza should be spared. The disease itself often proves fatal and its after eifects among those who are spared, make the life of the victim one of almost constant misery. Ask almost any of those who have been attacked by this trouble what their pre- sent condition of health is, and most of them will answer: “Since I had the influenza I have never been fully well." This trouble leaves behind it a per- sistent weakness of the limbs, short- ness of breath, bad digestion. palpita- tion of the heart and a tired feeling after even slight exertion. This is due to the thin-blooded condition in which ‘ the patient is left after the fever and influenza have subsided. This condi- tion will continue until the blood is built up again, and for building up the blood and strengthening the nerves nothing can equal a fair treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The value of this medicine in cases of this kind is shown by the statement of Mr. Edward J. McGuire, Pembroke, Ont., who saysrâ€"vâ€"“In the fall of 1918 I was at- tacked with the influenzaâ€"and not in a mild form either. I was confined to my room' for three weeks, and al- though the influenza subsided I did not regain my health. As a matter of fact I seemed to be growing WE'RE?- The After Effects Often More Serious Than the Disease Itself. GENERAL DEBELHTY FOLLOWS ENFLUENZA ncy Gas, Indig‘ year of comparative financial y, affording evidence that the .ve a growing consciousness The Sun Life. Diapepsin wmug consciousnes community respous YEW Ill H WHERE WWW? CHIWS BWEES :’ At Alto (h‘ucero, in Bolivia, water freezes every night of the year, while at noonday the sun is sometimes hot enought to blister the flesh. We attribute all our successes to ourselves and all our failures to our circum stances. MONEY ORDERS. A Dominion Express Money Order for five dollars costs three cents. A Helpful- Ministry. “As we meet and touch each day The many travellers on our way, Let every such brief contact be A glori'oug, helrpful ministry; The contact of the soil and seed, Each giving to the other's need, Each helping on the other’s‘ best, And blessing, eaohz, as well as blast” badly ventilated rooms; takes cold and becomes cross and peevlsh. Baby’s Own Tablets should be given to keep the little one healthy. They are a mild laxative which regulate the stomach and bowels and 'thus prevent colds. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockvilbe, Ont. WENTER WEATEEER _ IHARD @N “NE WES California Fig ‘Syrup” Child's Best, Laxative NC ’fi Our Canadian wlnters are exceed- ingly hard on the health of little ones. The weather is often so severe that the mother cannot take the little one out for an airing. The consequence is that baby is confined to overheated, Jackâ€"“Cause I Inherited notnin‘ good, I suppose.” Comes Naturally. Motherâ€"“Jack, why are you such a bad boy?” days Our to-days ar with which wv~ bui If these are defect: structure of our 11'] pond: Your future 1y what you nut When you see a y a young woman who odd moment for : ment, who has an make each day coux know that there is 5 very big something, him or to her in the 1a: there is some-thing, a. g something, coming to to her in the future. to-days are the bricks lich wv- build our mum m1 loves the Ea Fig Syrup unset. tonmn yur future will you put into .w uuua our future. defective, the whole our life will cor-res- Syrup." If tongue coat 5, feverish. f is Money.” Syrup” is )‘C DOOI‘ the vr self~im an ambit 111 w Fl few u corres be exact your to th [10W it)‘ man '01‘ prove 6V 8?? ’ Mrs. Holmberg Tells How Lydia E.Pinkham’sVegetable I Compound Helped Her ommending my friends. 02?? Viking, Altaâ€"“From t 15 years old I would get 51 in s in the lower part of f0) owed by cramps and \*( kept me from my work (L ents on the farm) as I u go to bed for the rest of t} times I would have to wal suffered in this way until duced me' to fry Lydia E Vegetable Compound. I h satlsfactory results so far HELP FER . YGUNG WMEN â€"for I feel at I don’ DELLA H01 Letters 1i The man who (1693 what he pleases is seldom pleased with what he does. ten me? So be it Until this morn, I fear I did forget That wonder hour with you at my side Shall I imagine too, you have forgot Mlnard's Llnlment .for Rheumatism. Morning Star. This mom I watched a lonely shining star, And I remembered once, long, long ago, How you and I, one dawning, early rose - And o’er half Waking meadows wan- dered far, Until we reached that flr tipped hillâ€"‘ you know We watched our star’s white, radiating glowsâ€" ‘ At length its fading beauty paled and died When dawn came rioting from out the sea. Ileft her gists. Over 35 million bottles sold bullel'L‘fl tenable splitting headaches, her nerves were on edge and she got very little pleasure out of life. "But three bottles of Tanlac simply put her on her feet again. She can do her housework easily now, the head- aches have gone, She sleeps soundly and her appetite is a joy to behold. I can’t find words to express my gratl~ tude." em'on wc and her 1- LONDON COUPLE ARE DELIGHTED JHis Wife’s Two Years of ! Trouble 15 Now Ended, Says I Frank Westlake. "Tanlac has made all the difference in the world in my wife's health and we are both delighted,” declared Frank Westlake, valued employee of the Pub 110 Works Department of London, Ont., residing at 40 Langarth St. "About two years ago my Wife un- derwent an operation that left her badly run-down and-she simply couldn't get backrlher streimth. Her annath we are both Westlake, v 110 Works D residing at Lin-flew: 310nm "I bought a horse with ring- bone for 30. Used 51 worth of Minard's lniment on him and sold him for $85. Profit on Liniment, $54. Moise Derosce, Hotel Keeper, St. Phillipe. Que." Tanlac is for sale by all good drug- shines yet! Ringbone ? et} â€"â€"Agnes Chaote Wonson DOG DISEASE and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Afl- dresa by the Author. 8. any Glover 00., me. 129 West 24th street New York. ELSA. ‘rom the time I was but our morning star ;such sick feel- )f my abdomen, vomiting. Thig (1 help mv nar- usually had to the day. Or at: ‘alk the floor. I til 3 friend in- E. Pinkham’s Dog 39mm.- Book on 9: A sprinkling machine is now used in many mines to lay down dangerous coal dust. Mlnard's Llnlmant for Neuralgln. Your druggist sells a. tiny bottle of "Freezcne" for a. few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft com. or corn between the toes. and the cal- lusa. without so:ensss or Irritation. Doesn L .urt. a mu Drop 9. mm "Freezene" on an aching corn. instant- ly that com stops hurting. then Show 1y you lift it right off with fingers. Truly! ) Lift Off with Fingers UNLESS you see Doesn L _un. Are relieved in a few days by taking 30 drops of Mother Seigel's Syrup after meals and on retiring. ll dissolves the lime and acid accumulation in the muscles and joints so these deposits can be expelled, thus relieving pain and soreness. Seigel’s Syrup, also known as “Extract of Roots,” contains no dope not other strong drugs to kill or mask the pain of rheumatism or lumbago; it re- moves thecause. 50c.and $1.00 bottles at druggists. 11 Rheumatic Fag; OOI {1Y1 WRNS u see the name “Bayer” on tablets, 370?; are not getting Aspirinat all (rand To clean out your bowels without cramping or overactin-g, take Casem- ets. Sick headache, biliousness, gases, Indigestion, sour. upset stomach. and 8.11 such distress gone by morn-mg. Nicest physics on earth for gmwnmp. and children. 10c a box. 'I‘antn Mer f “Cascarets” 10c ‘___ l' AST WEEK OUR WINDSOR AGENT 1 made $61 clear prcnts, selling tub. flavors house to house. W'rlte quick. Craig Brothers. Niagara Falls. 3.. 5..â€" 51mph Bub Pun by mu Red, 8“ 3:. Put] St, W., [beg-e. Soanzsc. Ointmm Use Cuficura for every purposes. Bathe with Sc with Ointment, dust with unnecessifiy. V Detective Syste was a mass of pimples. (i They were hard. large and ‘ ,. red, and the itching was most terrible. My face was disfigured. I sent fora free Ken. sample of Cuticum Soap ‘ and Ointment and after â€" using them got instant telief. I bought more, and afiel- using two cakes of Cuticura Soap and three boxes of Cuticura Ointâ€" ment I was healed." (Signed) Mrs. G. S. Miller, Box 14, Marshall, Wash" Jan. 9, 1922. 171123;: “FOAMâ€"‘5‘): N“? “Had been troubch all my life with acne on my face. My forehead Hard, Largeimed Pim- ples. Itching WasTerr'ible. V UBAM CLOVER. THE GREAT annual. Write {or interesting In- xn‘nflnn D. Fraser. RAH. 2. Ildertol. MINE WW EUHUURA HEALS Classified Advertiseménts. Best Bowel Laxative When Bilious, Constipath EVTECTIVE zuh PM» by M111. Addreu: "I. um, um- I 3:. Put] St, W., Mammal." old ev - S 25 Orknent'is and 509._Talmm o. Ereat demand‘ iuficurA FEMALE HELP WANTED. Rheumatism Neuritis AGENTS WANTED. EELP warn-121;. lathe with_ Soifirségt'g _. “an... uuuum mu. 56E!) 5 ave: without mug. .s‘w wme, b’e‘p'tf'w :em, 1966 Broa 3n: cnovnnl s mum? 1310_’M0NEY. Tablets oi rkcd out by millions for 11H gyegy-day toilet )mggistr'. box. Taste Mic ravel;:E:_tâ€";;er.lenca 3L W. Aimertcalfi Broadway. NJ. W11

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