WILD ATLANTIC SEAS SWEEP ma DECKS 6F GEANT 05m MRS . Manitoba wheatâ€"~No. 1 Northern, 1.28%. ~ Manitoba oatsâ€"Nominal. anitoba barleyâ€"Nominal. All the above, track, Bay ports. American cornâ€"No. 3 yellow, 91c; ' o. 2, 89 ‘zéc. Barleyâ€"~Ma1ting, 59 to 61c, accord- 1 ng to heights outside. {Buckwheatâ€"No. 2, 78 to 80¢. Ryeâ€"No. 2, 8'4 170 86c. ‘ Peasâ€"No. 2, $1.45 to $1.50. a Milflfeedâ€"Del., Montreal freighbs, Wags included: Bran per ton, $26; Fish-arts, per ton, $28; nmiddslinvgs, $28.50; Md fegd flqur,>$2. . New York, Feb. 18.â€"â€"Swept and bat» tered by huge waves encountered in I terriï¬c storm continuing since Wedâ€" nesday, four big liners limped into art May wi’oh buiwarks sheathed in e. Crushed ‘I'ifeboats and bent and twisted rigghng gave mute evidence of their desperate encounters with the _ Meanwfl'nile, the schooner Sam-i110, sank of? Nantucket Lightship. Her crew, whiï¬ had abandoned her with d‘ecks awash, were rescued. Qtiher re- ports came by radio telling of vessels damaged} in the storm and which will be d'elnaye& in reaching port. elem-ems Wiflh ï¬fty feet of he; port budwarks "on the forecastle swept away, the giant Cunard liner Bereng‘aria, docked Hate toâ€"dsa'y, a fqu day behind schedule. Her decks we're ice covered. Captain? Irwin, teClIl-irug the story of his battle with wind' and sea since Wednesday, baid the Beremg‘aria had been ï¬ghting her way through huge seaiskdi-iven by a. heavy gale. Snow, main and sleet gcombined with the big waves, held the ship back, but the roughest weather was encountered yesterday. v Olb'lhvious to the danger, passengers ‘were dancing and singing in the big ball warm when suddenly a huge com-l Iher swept away the buJVVIaI-ks. The' ‘ferengania trembled and was brought 'l'miost to a standstill. The entire crew was ordered out to clear away the r Ontario wheatâ€"No. 2 white, $1.14 {to $1.16, according to heights outside. Ontario No. 2 White oatsâ€"48 to 50¢. Onban'o cornâ€"Nominal. . Ontario flourâ€"Ninety per cent. pat, Sin jute bags, Montreal, prompt s‘hip- ment, $5.10 to $5.20; Toronto basis, $5.05 to $5.15; bulk, seaboard, $4.95 Ito $5. . odd, 15c. Dressed poultryâ€"Chickens, milk- ed, over 5 llbs.. 280; do, 4 to 5 lbs., 24c; do, over 5 1105., 25c; do, 4 to 5 lbs., 22c; do, 2 to 4 1133., 22c; hens, over 5 11m, 25c; do, 4 to 5 lbs, 23c; do, 3 to 4 than 22c; roosters, 22v ducklings, over 51133., 28 to 30¢; do, 4 to 5 lbs., 22 to‘ 25¢; turkeys, young, 10 1>bs., and up, (3; do, o‘ld', 20c. ‘ Potatoesâ€"On track, Toronto, 55 to; P60c per 90â€"11). bag. . Smoked meatsâ€"Hams, med, 26 to‘ '28c; cooked ham, 38 to 400; smoked: Holds, 26 to 28c; cottage rolls. 82 f0; 35c; breakfast bacon, 32 to BBC; spe-; gain] brand breakfast bacon, 38 to 40¢; backs, boneless, 36 to 42¢. § ‘ Cured meatsâ€"Long clear bzu-on, 50 gm 70 lbs‘, $20; 70 to 90 1bs., s19; 90 ilbs. and up, $18; lightweight rolls, in‘ ,bblsq $38; heavyweight rolls, $35. ‘ Strawâ€"Gar lots, per ton, track, To- ‘mnbo, $9.50. I Butter-«Finest pasteurized cream- {eryz solids, 42 to 43¢; prints, 43 to 44¢; ordinary creamery, solids, 40 to ‘41c; prints, 41 m 42c; dairy, 29c; cooking, 15 to 18¢. Eggsâ€"Fresh gathered, 36 to 38c; \held, 26 to 29¢. poun‘tn-y paints, $9.50. ' flags quotations are has noes of thick, smooth hogs ed basis, or selects, sol . Bacon selects, sold or basis, bring a premium . over the price of thh ' Laniâ€"Pure tie ‘ ails, 1734c; pri |ng, tierces, 14‘, 45%;; pails, 1.53 ‘ Cured meatsâ€"Ll gto 70 lbs., $20; '70 :lbs. and up, $18; 1' arms" $38: heavym Live 1ghoultryâ€"Chickens, milkâ€"fed, over 5 1' 3., 22¢; do, 4 to 5 Tbs., 18c- do, over 5 ‘Ilbsq 18 to 200; do, 4 to g [1705†18 to 20¢; do, 2 to 4 1139., 15 to {180; hens. over 5 libs" 22c; do, 4 to 5 [lbsq 23c; do, 3 to 4 lbs., 15 to 18¢; roosters, 12 to 15c; duckling-s. over 5 lbs, 25 to 300; do, 4 to 5 lbs., 22 to 25c; gun-keys, young, 10 lbs. and up, 25c; r ‘ ' ere, choice, $80 to $100; ce, $12 to $13; sheep, choice. “to $7; do, culls, $3 to $4; hogs, f‘ watereé, $10.50; do, f.o.b., $9.7 noun‘tn'y paints, $9.50. ’1 flags _qqo_t§tions a;e_based < ‘ Manitoba flourâ€"lat pats., in cotton sags, $730 per: _bb1.5 2nd pats“ $6.69. 7 HaSYLâ€"Extfa No. 2, per-ton,’t1'ack, g‘féronto, $14; mixed, $11; dover, $8 to The Week’s Markets Toronto. of bar -port budwarps hoice. : do. n 1110 $6 to mm of 10 thick. sm iona me )rï¬e on a , flat .ooth $90 )to rad- an he wreckage, cutting away with chisels the torn and twisted steel, while they were tied- to life linesH Waves were continually breaking 'OVérr the ship. Several hours later another big sea swept The Ship and did‘ more damage. The crew again was placed in jeop- ardy, while deal-1mg away the debris. The big liners was swung off her course to prevent the sailors from «be- ing swept overboard, and ï¬nally the decks were cleared, and the Bereï¬l garia continued on her course, her plates dented and battered by the comabers. The liner France of the French line 23-50 came into port toad'ay, damaged by the storm, and several hours Tate, while the Lapland and the Rou‘ssillon decked, showing the effects of the ter- riï¬c game. The Shipping Board liner America 'arri'vved‘ at Ambrose Light toâ€" night, nearly two days late, because of the sborm and) will not dock until bo-m-ou‘row. The coastgude cu‘bter Seneca to-day picked up the British auxiliary schooner Dorm, abandoned by its crew several days ago, afber it had been damaged by the storm. â€". .A. n,,r vy- ~,. The Bel‘engaï¬a broug‘ht 494 ï¬rst cabin passengers, including Col. Sir Matthew Mibson, of London, mining and ï¬lm magnate, who is on his may to Canada to inspect properties in the Porcupine district. Corn, American No. 2 yellow, 94 to 95¢. Oats, Canadian western, No. 2, 64 to 650; do, No. 3, 59 to 60c; extra No. 1 feed, 56 to 570; No. 2 locafl white, 54 to 55c. Flour, Man. spring wheat pats., ï¬rsts, $7.10; seconds, $6.60; ï¬gï¬Â®W§V§V§ W§VE$§§§$M§VQME$§§IWfEM§I§§®I®I§V§V§M§M§¥EM®E $4 g < é ‘ ‘Z‘Zï¬â€˜e gaééu IQKMWW§5K§KQRQWAEQR h. Montreal. Leading Life Q0 . mpany Qfl a. SUN LEFE ASSURANCE. CG‘MPANY OF CANADA Assurances 1n force Assets Cash income N: Surplus over an liabili Payments to policyhold-ars THE BEST YEAR IN IT S HISTORY CW assurances issued and paid for AVERAGE RATE OF INTEREST EARNED 6.27.1 A despateh from London says :-â€"- Further evidence of the general tight- ening up of the British military, naval } and air organizations, which has been k going on quietly for some months,‘was Irevea‘led here on Thursday by a new order of the army councifl to the terriâ€" torial anti-aircraft units of the air de- fence brigades. It was ofï¬-ciaH-y an< nounced that members of these bri- gades would be recruited to serve dur- ing national emergencies, when coiled upon, even thouth no order calling out the territorial army for actual military service is in force at this time. strong bakers’, $6 choice, $6.50. Roll $3.15 to $3.25. Shorts, $28 129 $30 $147to $15 Cheese. ï¬nest Easterns, 25% to 26c. Butter, choicest creamery, 45 to 451/2c. Eggs, fresh, 44 to 45¢; selected, 36c; No. 1 stock, 32c. Potatoes, per bag, car lots, $1.05. Com. dairy type cows and heifers, $3 to $4; winners and cutters, $1.75 to $2.75; com‘ bulls, $3 or better; better quality bulls, $4; calves, good), $10.50 to $11; com., $9.75 to $10;gras.s calves, $4; good hogs, $11; poorer quality, $10.50 to $10.75. Britain Putting Military and Naval Affairs in Order The Toronto Hospital for Incur- ablea, in afï¬liation with Believue and Anled Hospitals. New York City. offers a thrca years' Course of Train- in to young women, having the re- qu red education. and desirous of be- coming nurses‘ This Hospital has adopted the eight-hour system. The pupils receive uniforms of the School. n, ,,~,_ A__.- ‘_-‘.-nn__ -r.._. .--__ V V _..H ,, 7 , , a. monthly allowance and travelling expenses to and from New York. For further information apply to tho Superintendent. in cash Results for Year Ended 3131‘ December H-éy, No. 2 NURSES Increase for year, $94,686,738.96 Increase for year $44,716,73099 Rolled o HEAD OFFICE: MONTREAL ï¬at-ease for year, $5,144,172.97 herease for year, $3,885,511,8S .40; winter pats., ed oats, bag 90 lbs., Bran, $26 to $28. Midldlingsu, $33 to per ton, car lots, Records in 1922 (Including Reassurances} a Oiwlkiiï¬â€™ï¬i‘ï¬i’iï¬ï¬‚g’wflï¬iW! and capital CANADIAN GOODS AT BRITISH EXHIBITION Many Lines of Manufactures to be Shown for First Time at London Fair. A despa‘bch from London says:â€" That large section of the Canadian public which believes that Canadian exports to Britain are conï¬ned to bulk foodstuffs and raw materials may be surprised to read that there Will be exhibited at the British Industries Fair, which opens here next week, the fol-lowing lines of manufactured goods from the Dominion: ment plan. lou 1 part of it you take 278 Bank St‘ that bring the largest return are those properly protected. You can wrlte with conï¬dence to our ï¬rm for free report as to patentabultz’. - Bend for List of Ideas and Li emture. Correspondence invited. TEE MHEAY co. Patent Attorneys PATENTS $631,404,869.49 174,088,85832 36,251,322.13 90,798,648.79 15,615,505.85 14,269,42095 bttawa. Rheumatism Treatment. We tress! all kinds 0! Rheumatism, and it! we fail to elimimzte the pain it will‘ not cost you amt/hing. Try us and†be con- vinced. N0 medicines. No electricity. Ladies’ Department, 99 King- St West. Phone Adelaide 40-13. Ofï¬ces, Tomonto, Winnipeg, Vancouver. British Air Ministry Orders New Airplane Engine A despatch from London say The Air Mim'lsztry has ordered a airplane engine, two of which are to be capable of carrying an au'r ) with eighty passengers across Atlantic in sixteen hours. HEUMATISM Rheumatism Trentmeu all kinds 0;! Rheum»; The engines will develop 1,600 horsepower on a semi-Diesdl principle, burning oil instead of gasoline. INVENTIONS Send (or I!“ 0! Invenuom wnnted by Mnnulnc-Y (urea. Fortune: have been made lrom Ilmplo Ideal. “Patent Proncnon“ booklet on toque-t. HAR PATH}? ‘EHT ATTORNEYS QOLD c. SHEPMAN & coJ 231 BANK STREE OTTAWA. CANAD King". World’- Groateat t. Woman may Qaï¬fgmy‘maawyxmug yamiflrxyxyxwyamiw IW‘E‘W new said inel-