Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Feb 1923, p. 7

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WILD ATLANTIC SEAS SWEEP ma DECKS 6F GEANT 05m MRS . Manitoba wheatâ€"~No. 1 Northern, 1.28%. ~ Manitoba oatsâ€"Nominal. anitoba barleyâ€"Nominal. All the above, track, Bay ports. American cornâ€"No. 3 yellow, 91c; ' o. 2, 89 ‘zéc. Barleyâ€"~Ma1ting, 59 to 61c, accord- 1 ng to heights outside. {Buckwheatâ€"No. 2, 78 to 80¢. Ryeâ€"No. 2, 8'4 170 86c. ‘ Peasâ€"No. 2, $1.45 to $1.50. a Milflfeedâ€"Del., Montreal freighbs, Wags included: Bran per ton, $26; Fish-arts, per ton, $28; nmiddslinvgs, $28.50; Md fegd flqur,>$2. . New York, Feb. 18.â€"â€"Swept and bat» tered by huge waves encountered in I terrific storm continuing since Wedâ€" nesday, four big liners limped into art May wi’oh buiwarks sheathed in e. Crushed ‘I'ifeboats and bent and twisted rigghng gave mute evidence of their desperate encounters with the _ Meanwfl'nile, the schooner Sam-i110, sank of? Nantucket Lightship. Her crew, whifi had abandoned her with d‘ecks awash, were rescued. Qtiher re- ports came by radio telling of vessels damaged} in the storm and which will be d'elnaye& in reaching port. elem-ems Wiflh fifty feet of he; port budwarks "on the forecastle swept away, the giant Cunard liner Bereng‘aria, docked Hate toâ€"dsa'y, a fqu day behind schedule. Her decks we're ice covered. Captain? Irwin, teClIl-irug the story of his battle with wind' and sea since Wednesday, baid the Beremg‘aria had been fighting her way through huge seaiskdi-iven by a. heavy gale. Snow, main and sleet gcombined with the big waves, held the ship back, but the roughest weather was encountered yesterday. v Olb'lhvious to the danger, passengers ‘were dancing and singing in the big ball warm when suddenly a huge com-l Iher swept away the buJVVIaI-ks. The' ‘ferengania trembled and was brought 'l'miost to a standstill. The entire crew was ordered out to clear away the r Ontario wheatâ€"No. 2 white, $1.14 {to $1.16, according to heights outside. Ontario No. 2 White oatsâ€"48 to 50¢. Onban'o cornâ€"Nominal. . Ontario flourâ€"Ninety per cent. pat, Sin jute bags, Montreal, prompt s‘hip- ment, $5.10 to $5.20; Toronto basis, $5.05 to $5.15; bulk, seaboard, $4.95 Ito $5. . odd, 15c. Dressed poultryâ€"Chickens, milk- ed, over 5 llbs.. 280; do, 4 to 5 lbs., 24c; do, over 5 1105., 25c; do, 4 to 5 lbs., 22c; do, 2 to 4 1133., 22c; hens, over 5 11m, 25c; do, 4 to 5 lbs, 23c; do, 3 to 4 than 22c; roosters, 22v ducklings, over 51133., 28 to 30¢; do, 4 to 5 lbs., 22 to‘ 25¢; turkeys, young, 10 1>bs., and up, (3; do, o‘ld', 20c. ‘ Potatoesâ€"On track, Toronto, 55 to; P60c per 90â€"11). bag. . Smoked meatsâ€"Hams, med, 26 to‘ '28c; cooked ham, 38 to 400; smoked: Holds, 26 to 28c; cottage rolls. 82 f0; 35c; breakfast bacon, 32 to BBC; spe-; gain] brand breakfast bacon, 38 to 40¢; backs, boneless, 36 to 42¢. § ‘ Cured meatsâ€"Long clear bzu-on, 50 gm 70 lbs‘, $20; 70 to 90 1bs., s19; 90 ilbs. and up, $18; lightweight rolls, in‘ ,bblsq $38; heavyweight rolls, $35. ‘ Strawâ€"Gar lots, per ton, track, To- ‘mnbo, $9.50. I Butter-«Finest pasteurized cream- {eryz solids, 42 to 43¢; prints, 43 to 44¢; ordinary creamery, solids, 40 to ‘41c; prints, 41 m 42c; dairy, 29c; cooking, 15 to 18¢. Eggsâ€"Fresh gathered, 36 to 38c; \held, 26 to 29¢. poun‘tn-y paints, $9.50. ' flags quotations are has noes of thick, smooth hogs ed basis, or selects, sol . Bacon selects, sold or basis, bring a premium . over the price of thh ' Laniâ€"Pure tie ‘ ails, 1734c; pri |ng, tierces, 14‘, 45%;; pails, 1.53 ‘ Cured meatsâ€"Ll gto 70 lbs., $20; '70 :lbs. and up, $18; 1' arms" $38: heavym Live 1ghoultryâ€"Chickens, milkâ€"fed, over 5 1' 3., 22¢; do, 4 to 5 Tbs., 18c- do, over 5 ‘Ilbsq 18 to 200; do, 4 to g [1705” 18 to 20¢; do, 2 to 4 1139., 15 to {180; hens. over 5 libs" 22c; do, 4 to 5 [lbsq 23c; do, 3 to 4 lbs., 15 to 18¢; roosters, 12 to 15c; duckling-s. over 5 lbs, 25 to 300; do, 4 to 5 lbs., 22 to 25c; gun-keys, young, 10 lbs. and up, 25c; r ‘ ' ere, choice, $80 to $100; ce, $12 to $13; sheep, choice. “to $7; do, culls, $3 to $4; hogs, f‘ watereé, $10.50; do, f.o.b., $9.7 noun‘tn'y paints, $9.50. ’1 flags _qqo_t§tions a;e_based < ‘ Manitoba flourâ€"lat pats., in cotton sags, $730 per: _bb1.5 2nd pats“ $6.69. 7 HaSYLâ€"Extfa No. 2, per-ton,’t1'ack, g‘féronto, $14; mixed, $11; dover, $8 to The Week’s Markets Toronto. of bar -port budwarps hoice. : do. n 1110 $6 to mm of 10 thick. sm iona me )rfie on a , flat .ooth $90 )to rad- an he wreckage, cutting away with chisels the torn and twisted steel, while they were tied- to life linesH Waves were continually breaking 'OVérr the ship. Several hours later another big sea swept The Ship and did‘ more damage. The crew again was placed in jeop- ardy, while deal-1mg away the debris. The big liners was swung off her course to prevent the sailors from «be- ing swept overboard, and finally the decks were cleared, and the Berefil garia continued on her course, her plates dented and battered by the comabers. The liner France of the French line 23-50 came into port toad'ay, damaged by the storm, and several hours Tate, while the Lapland and the Rou‘ssillon decked, showing the effects of the ter- rific game. The Shipping Board liner America 'arri'vved‘ at Ambrose Light toâ€" night, nearly two days late, because of the sborm and) will not dock until bo-m-ou‘row. The coastgude cu‘bter Seneca to-day picked up the British auxiliary schooner Dorm, abandoned by its crew several days ago, afber it had been damaged by the storm. â€". .A. n,,r vy- ~,. The Bel‘engafia broug‘ht 494 first cabin passengers, including Col. Sir Matthew Mibson, of London, mining and film magnate, who is on his may to Canada to inspect properties in the Porcupine district. Corn, American No. 2 yellow, 94 to 95¢. Oats, Canadian western, No. 2, 64 to 650; do, No. 3, 59 to 60c; extra No. 1 feed, 56 to 570; No. 2 locafl white, 54 to 55c. Flour, Man. spring wheat pats., firsts, $7.10; seconds, $6.60; figfi®W§V§V§ W§VE$§§§$M§VQME$§§IWfEM§I§§®I®I§V§V§M§M§¥EM®E $4 g < é ‘ ‘Z‘Zfi‘e gaééu IQKMWW§5K§KQRQWAEQR h. Montreal. Leading Life Q0 . mpany Qfl a. SUN LEFE ASSURANCE. CG‘MPANY OF CANADA Assurances 1n force Assets Cash income N: Surplus over an liabili Payments to policyhold-ars THE BEST YEAR IN IT S HISTORY CW assurances issued and paid for AVERAGE RATE OF INTEREST EARNED 6.27.1 A despateh from London says :-â€"- Further evidence of the general tight- ening up of the British military, naval } and air organizations, which has been k going on quietly for some months,‘was Irevea‘led here on Thursday by a new order of the army councifl to the terriâ€" torial anti-aircraft units of the air de- fence brigades. It was offi-ciaH-y an< nounced that members of these bri- gades would be recruited to serve dur- ing national emergencies, when coiled upon, even thouth no order calling out the territorial army for actual military service is in force at this time. strong bakers’, $6 choice, $6.50. Roll $3.15 to $3.25. Shorts, $28 129 $30 $147to $15 Cheese. finest Easterns, 25% to 26c. Butter, choicest creamery, 45 to 451/2c. Eggs, fresh, 44 to 45¢; selected, 36c; No. 1 stock, 32c. Potatoes, per bag, car lots, $1.05. Com. dairy type cows and heifers, $3 to $4; winners and cutters, $1.75 to $2.75; com‘ bulls, $3 or better; better quality bulls, $4; calves, good), $10.50 to $11; com., $9.75 to $10;gras.s calves, $4; good hogs, $11; poorer quality, $10.50 to $10.75. Britain Putting Military and Naval Affairs in Order The Toronto Hospital for Incur- ablea, in affiliation with Believue and Anled Hospitals. New York City. offers a thrca years' Course of Train- in to young women, having the re- qu red education. and desirous of be- coming nurses‘ This Hospital has adopted the eight-hour system. The pupils receive uniforms of the School. n, ,,~,_ A__.- ‘_-‘.-nn__ -r.._. .--__ V V _..H ,, 7 , , a. monthly allowance and travelling expenses to and from New York. For further information apply to tho Superintendent. in cash Results for Year Ended 3131‘ December H-éy, No. 2 NURSES Increase for year, $94,686,738.96 Increase for year $44,716,73099 Rolled o HEAD OFFICE: MONTREAL fiat-ease for year, $5,144,172.97 herease for year, $3,885,511,8S .40; winter pats., ed oats, bag 90 lbs., Bran, $26 to $28. Midldlingsu, $33 to per ton, car lots, Records in 1922 (Including Reassurances} a Oiwlkiifi’fii‘fii’ififlg’wflfiiW! and capital CANADIAN GOODS AT BRITISH EXHIBITION Many Lines of Manufactures to be Shown for First Time at London Fair. A despa‘bch from London says:â€" That large section of the Canadian public which believes that Canadian exports to Britain are confined to bulk foodstuffs and raw materials may be surprised to read that there Will be exhibited at the British Industries Fair, which opens here next week, the fol-lowing lines of manufactured goods from the Dominion: ment plan. lou 1 part of it you take 278 Bank St‘ that bring the largest return are those properly protected. You can wrlte with confidence to our firm for free report as to patentabultz’. - Bend for List of Ideas and Li emture. Correspondence invited. TEE MHEAY co. Patent Attorneys PATENTS $631,404,869.49 174,088,85832 36,251,322.13 90,798,648.79 15,615,505.85 14,269,42095 bttawa. Rheumatism Treatment. We tress! all kinds 0! Rheumatism, and it! we fail to elimimzte the pain it will‘ not cost you amt/hing. Try us and” be con- vinced. N0 medicines. No electricity. Ladies’ Department, 99 King- St West. Phone Adelaide 40-13. Offices, Tomonto, Winnipeg, Vancouver. British Air Ministry Orders New Airplane Engine A despatch from London say The Air Mim'lsztry has ordered a airplane engine, two of which are to be capable of carrying an au'r ) with eighty passengers across Atlantic in sixteen hours. HEUMATISM Rheumatism Trentmeu all kinds 0;! Rheum»; The engines will develop 1,600 horsepower on a semi-Diesdl principle, burning oil instead of gasoline. INVENTIONS Send (or I!“ 0! Invenuom wnnted by Mnnulnc-Y (urea. Fortune: have been made lrom Ilmplo Ideal. “Patent Proncnon“ booklet on toque-t. HAR PATH}? ‘EHT ATTORNEYS QOLD c. SHEPMAN & coJ 231 BANK STREE OTTAWA. CANAD King". World’- Groateat t. Woman may Qafifgmy‘maawyxmug yamiflrxyxyxwyamiw IW‘E‘W new said inel-

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