V ANTED-n1 (:npuble woman to assist with house work and childmn in country home. Apply Mun. LENNOX. stop 43 Yonge St. 3; LEGHOH‘N KENSâ€"23 Bred to lay, _ white Leghorn hens for sale. to My for laying $2.00 each. DAVIE-4. H. R. No. 2. Maple. 251-36 s?†for o'clock. 0R SALEâ€"Came pup, about, 8 months old. \Vill exchange for Home Rock Pulletu. R. H. Puma. Confectioner. opposite Shoe Factory, Phone 4. 31-35 ll‘ 0R SALEâ€"~Two fresh milch cow, culvel by side. Jos. EsPEY, Phone Maple 549. 3 t-35 FOR QUICK SALEâ€"l Guod useful hone. cutter and harness. Apply Julli BALES, Elgin Mills, ()nturin. . or Klfulfu buy. Ar South west. cox-nor Street, EViH-‘Wdalo 'I‘ENDERS WANTEDâ€"For plaster- ing house. Apply P. 0. Buowxxc. opposlte Langsmtf School. ls-tf ‘OR SALEâ€"“bode Island Red Unckevels. O. A. C. strnin. ll. DAVIS. Mill Sweet. Richmond Hill. Phone 108 \V. 32-34 lineubï¬Lmu Far sale Ch HILL, John 58., 'I‘huruhill do all kinds of trucking and urting in Richmond Hill and vicinity. {’atrcnnge Solicited. Phone Richmond mu m, 42 {f NibTICEâ€"E. Sliney 13 prepared to L D D of straw {m- sale Vaughan. (1E0. BAKER l thurungl' minnrous. M Richmond Hill ll AVELâ€"â€"Un:u-se uml fine sand: also pnmwesz. delivered in Richmond Hiâ€, Elgin Mills and vicinity. Apply DAVIS. Nut 30, con. 2, Vuughnn. 32.35 HOXCE LOTSâ€"Choice lots for sale at 85 a foot up. Terms easy. (Eng ALLISON, Richmond St. ll-tl' Hill US. Uilson Mfg. 00., ‘ and see their 21 51 chilled plow share Rear of \V. Vandt uumd H211 \V “v Eapacity. J. \V. Bor\\‘.\1.\.\"_ Richmond Hill. Phone 44 1t 11 Sl-tf W" [TOR SALEâ€"~A FOR SALEmthrn-d Ruck ()nckere for breeding. FRED H. JOHNSTUI 2m 12, Concession 3, Markham. Ont. 34â€"36 f TRAW FOR rim. U. ich'uond Hill :08. SALEâ€"~'l‘hxm- game and 1 gander. Also a 22!) hot. water mubntni'. For Baler cheap. C. P. ‘A‘VS FILEDâ€"{310$ cut and nir- cuhu- saws gummed and ï¬lPd. (‘ut- m1 hux knives ground. In fact. if it dull we sharpen it. Alsn agent, for ilson lIfsz. 00.. Guelph. Come in ‘UR ‘TAN'PEDâ€"Coul broader, any 6% SALEâ€"1 covered box: ANCINGâ€"Mnnday and Thursdny awnings. Come and enjny ywur- for 25 cents. Commences at 8 tck. .MES.]()NES,StOp51L 31-35 roamed lmusv, I Want to Put Dollars In Your Pocket VVant Ads. SALEâ€"Seven pig nths 0111. JOHN W0 12h hre. §â€"â€"A lumlr‘l'n new six muse, h-menod flnm', fir Sworn, Baker Ava, M. 34-37 Barred Ruck Cnckerels rg. FRED H. JoassToN. R ' SALEâ€"A few luuds for sale, 10L [3, con. 3. mme R. R. 2. 3L8!) -1 Set. sleighs wiLh ox; ulsn quantity of Apply BROTHERTON. ‘m‘ Finch's und ange Guelph. Come in self sharpening steel 0. A. ANDERSON. There is no need to make a special trip to town foraload of chop if you have a Toronto Farm Engine and Grain Grinder of your own. And besides, it will save you 3. few cents on every ba_g. Coarse or ï¬ne chopâ€"for cattle or hogs-I would recommend the Toronto Grinder for efficiency and economy on your farm. A Toronto Farm Engine, too, is a great labor saver. Attach it to your pulper, pump, cutting box, cream fl sepgqaï¬oxj or fanniqgmill. ‘ _ _ sh about Mill St 34-35 Rich ln-lf ‘ Think of the labor saved! It pay§ _f9r itself on? winter. ' I’ll put dollars in your pocket if you’ll come in and discuss Ton onto Farm Equipment with me, SATURDAY. 'MA‘RCH lO«â€"A valuable 165 acre farm with mick house, hank burn and good uLuhliug, 1 drive house and pig peu. Clydesdale horsel. Registered short horn cattle, swine, new Massey Hun-is Implements, hay. grain eta. Int 22, con. 6, Markham, two miles um“; 01’ Uninnvillmthe propenty of Capt. \V. H. llny. Sale at H o'cluck. Terms 8 months for chattles. Terms fur farm made known on any of sale). PrtnliceSL Prentice, Aucts. Transplanting Early Crops From the Hotbeds. Two things are very necessary in this work; one, that the plants get as much air as possible and kept as cool as possible in this way getting them used to night temperature so that when set in the ï¬eld they will be able to withstand a considerable degree of cold. The other is .that of withholding water as much as pos- sible; this has two direct ettects on the plant. One that of enlarging the ï¬ner root system, the other that of stiffening the wall cells of the plant, making them more suited to with- stand outside conditions. On many occasions it has been proved that a plant, which has only had the water required for its actual growth, the former came through a rather severe cold spell in good shape while the softer, more frequently watered spe- cimen, froze. House and one um: on an Avenue. and hnuae and two news on Yonge Hurst Road, South annex. Nicv new house and lot on Oxford Street. Nm [h HHHI‘X. [It-naps and must, Village. Valuable house and Int. mn‘gliizhmond Street. Hnuse and lot and small farm Maple. Yonge St, RICHMOND HILL Valuable prupenty nt Elgin Mills. Loans negotiated. Iuwruncoell’ected In threshing and preparing grain for market. and especially for seed purposes. remember that a good fan- nlng mill should be used to the best advantage. A Spring Day U9 in Muskoka A Spring day in Muskoka. w‘iih sky and water vlvldly blue; the smell of pine, the song of birds in the air. On a. sunny slope a. glrl gathered trilllums with eager hands. She smil- ed at the questionlng stranger. “I never picked wild flowers be- fore." she said wistfully. "We lived in the clty. F er died. and thenâ€" mother, or t ulosis. I was all alone. I wasn “tongâ€"worked too harmâ€"and I go it. They brought me here to the Sanitarium on a stretcher." "But. look at me now!" uultuntly Tihre glow of health was in her cheeks Surely she was worth saving, this bonny, ylue-eyed girl! Surely the Muskoka Hospital for Consumptlves degerveg he: gratitude! Contflbutloï¬s may be sent to Hon W. A. Charlton 223 College Street, Toronto. “It's'the rest and care and mod food and fresh alt that saved me." and her eygs spam: joyously. J. Lunau. Agent, Richmond Hill H, A. Nicholls The Real Estate Man AUCTION SALE. HAS FOR SALE [0‘8 Cent re Street TUESDAY. FEB. 27-17mm Stock, Implements, eta. lot 23. con. 3. Scan-burn, tho property of Frank Wilton. Sale at 12. 9 months. Pl-enxlce & Prentice. Aucts. WEDNESDAY. FIB. 28â€"Fnrm stock, Implements. etc.. lot 2, con. 4. Mark- ham, the property of thelnm Goo. Onx. Sale at 12. 9mnnthn. Preniilu 8: Prentice, Ancts. THURSDAY. MARCH lâ€"Fal'm Stock. Jersvy Cattle, lmplemonts. etc†h-t, 16. cnn. 3. Vaughan, the pIupm-ty of Chas. Line. Smir- aL 12. 9 months. Plentice & Premier, Aucu. FRIDAY, MARCH 2â€"Fau'm Stock, Implements, etc" 10!. 2". mm, 8, Markham. thn purple of \V‘ilnn-L Huymer. Sale at, l. 9 muulhs. l’lcntice & Plenticv, Aucts. MONDAY, FEB. 26â€"Postpon9d auction sale 01’ Frank Mormn. Int 7, con. 3, Vaughan. Onncnrd. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms 9 months. Prentice & Prvnuce, Aucls. FRIDAY, FEB, 23â€"Fnrm slack imple- ments. etc, lot 7. con. 2. \Vrn: Ymk. the property of ank ancis. Sale ‘ M. 1 o'clock. Terms 9 months. Prentice & Prentice, Auctc. SATURDAY, FEB. ‘24â€"annnhle farm of 100 acres, more ur less, Int 7. mm. 3. Vaughan, Cnncnrd the property 01’ anea Bros. Sale at 2 o'clock. on the plemises. Terms Hme known on day of snle. Prentice & Prvnlico. Aucts. WEDNESDAY. Fm», 28â€" me stock, implements gun, lot 19. rear con. 5, Vaughan. the property of J. A. Orr.‘ Sale at 1 o'clock. Tm-ms 8 months. Saigenn & \Vulkington. Aunts. MONDAY, MARCH Sâ€"Fnrm, faxm stock. implements otc.. lot, 13. mm. 4, Mark- ham. Buttonville. the property of Wm. Bennett. Sale at 1 n'vlack. Terms 8 months. Prentice & Prentice. Aucts. SATURDAY. MARCH 35â€"Furln stuck. implements, etc.. Int 12, tear of con. 2. Vaughan. (hp prnnvrty of Peter Onher. Sale at 12 Tel-ms 8 months. Prentice & Prentice, Aucti. [‘UESDAY, MARCH Gâ€"Hulsté-in mttlo, horses. implements Ptc.. lot 10, rear con. 2, Vaughan. (hp prnpmtynf E. T. Miner. Halo :nt 1 n’chwk. Terms 9 months. Suigenn & W'nlkinglnn, Aucts. TUESDAY, MARtru 6â€"-Furm stock. implements. etc, Int 54. ('nn. 1, Vaughan. the prnpel ly of Blair: Bros, Terms 8 montlu. Prentice & Premice. Auels. SATURDAY. MARCH 17â€"Fnrm stock, implements, etc._ Int 2?. and ‘23. from the Bay. rear of mm. 1. stt York, the property of Hy Doughty. Sale at l o'clodc. Tums 8 months. Prentice k Prentice, Aucts. FRIDAY. MARCH )Gâ€"~Fm~m stock, implements. eta. Int 26. con. 4. Seal-hum, the property of Russell Harding. Sale at I. Terms Blunnths. Prentice & Prentice, Aucls. THURSDAY. MARC-n IFSâ€"Firm sh) TUESDAY. MARCH 13â€"17an stock. implements. etc.. Int 28, con. ], Hmrhorn. thn property of \Vm. White. Sade at 12. Terms 9 months. Prenï¬t‘e & Prentice. Aucts. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 14»â€"Hnrses, cattle. imploments etu. 10L (39. yonge Strvet. cur Map 581. “IF m‘rlperty of ham“ (“wt-nigh. Snie nL 12.30. F. V]. Silversmes, Ancf. WEDNESDAY. MARCH Elâ€"Furm Sim-k inmpjfmfpks (210.. Int ‘37. rear of mm. THURSDAY. MARCH Sâ€"Furm stnwk, implcuu-nts, (Jr-(2.. Int 5, mm. 2. Mank- hmn, Ill" hrnpmly nl'Uhns‘. Rnhin- snn. Sula :If. I. TormsR month‘s. PIEDUCC & Premium Anew. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 28â€"4 hex-d of Registered Hnlstein CRtUP, th" propprty of Arthur (ramplin. lot 10, con. 6, Markham, Uninuville. Sale at“. TermsSuanhs. Prentimnk Prentice. Aucts. THURSDAY. MARCH 22â€"Furm stock implements. eta. lot 23. Can. 3. E19‘ York. the» property of E Scott. Salt nt 1) o’clov‘k. Torms 8 nmnlhs‘ Prentice & Prentice. Aucts. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 7â€"me shuk, imnlvlm‘an. Nu. lo! 9. mm. 7, Mark- ham. Lhu property of John Snuwlmll. Salé at 12 o'clock. Terms 8 man! I13. Px-enlirm A: PI‘PHHCI‘, Ana‘s. THURSDAY. M AB( implements elc Sonrhoro. the x FRIDAY, MARI‘H 9â€"l":u-m Qint-k, implr- mI-nf“, 0N2. Inf 9_ run. I). Searimro, thv pfznnmiy of 0. M. Hort-n. Hale :-II 1-) n'vlnl‘k. " a 5 month; MONDAY, MARCH 12-â€"1«‘_:yrmstnrk. 2, 'Markhnm, the property ( nruicksbnnk. Sale at, 1 0 Terms 8 months. Pxem Prentice, Aucts. itï¬bielï¬Ã©ï¬ts, 9h". 10', 3. can. 1- Vnughnn, th prmwrty hf Han-y Fisher, Rain at l2. 'l‘prmsï¬ months. imolvmnnts etc. Int 2-1, ‘ Sow-horn, the pl-nperty of Phil'l'P". Sal» Ht 1 'l‘mmq S mnnlls. l’renti Plentlce. Aucts. ï¬rantice & Prentice. Aucu Aucts. 5 mnnth renticc & Prentice. Aucte. Audion Sa 0 I. 1.1) Sale It at, 26. con. My of Samuel ‘1 o'clm-k. Prentice and "6. 1‘ o'vldck. Pit-mice & 'a rm steel: vnn. Terms ren tice. ï¬Electric Motors, Generators, Mag- 3. ;ng netos, Eta, Repaired. Phone 109 w. A. VANDERBURGH RICHMOND TIRE 8: BATTERY SERVICE WOOwOOOOOO“ Wâ€. MMWOW ‘ QUALITY SHOPPE -:- Phone 53 Trench Block WNWOV‘NWOMWMWOWNMM COOPER’S HARDWARE W WOOD FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE A. G. SAVAGE G UARANTEED "I‘. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited Phone 33, - Thornhili, Ontario 000400â€... OOONWOOONWOWNOO†Roofings ' ' Donn bv the H \Y VHlCan121ng"TIF1(r "PROCESS TRENCH’S BLOCK Spades, Shovels, Forks, Buildingipaper, Tar paper and Roofing,Harness Sup- plies Sweat pads, Breast strap, Hame strap, Heel chains, Curry combs and Brushes :1 Stoves fand Ranges -: C. N. COOPER Richmond Hi1 BOOST - BOOST - BOOST If Richmond Hill is good enough to live in It is good enough to buy in. Lady Ramsay ‘Vonl in all Popular Shadvs. 18 cents pm- 10:. ball or 2 oz. for 36c. Gloves. Stampod Goods. Notions, llnsivry in both English and Canadian make. Flanneletu 37 inches. 30c. per yard. Ginghams -â€" a few pines left at 25c. per yard. Prim in light and dark shades. 25¢. per yard. Unintou 35c. per yaud, guuranu-ed fast colors. General Agent, office at the Post Office - Richmond Hill COAL “'0 me already preparing for tho Spling Millinely trad». ' -:- Don’t forget it. -:- :1 Ply Owl Brand . . . . . . . 3 Ply Owl Brand . . . . . . . 1 Ply Linn B:und . . . . . . . Rnberoid Saturated fell Sovereign sheutmg . . . . . G mda VESTA l Qw! gram! All Mak nleman gasdine n nerg Guliun HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited Phone 33 T hornhill, Ontario MRS. NORMAN BATTY Kes Anti-â€"Freeze for Cars BA'I‘TE R1" S E llV’ I C E S _( Watered and Inspected Free 1 Repaired and Recharged. VESTA to Last Lo OW“. Poultry Tonic PHONE 93 and Grain Bags ,antelns Per package of 2‘) tablets 25 cent Done by the HAYWOOD SCIEN )nger .100 sq. .100 sq. .100 sq. .100 sq. .432 Sq. .200 sq than the i All Repairs Rest of the Tire. $1.95 per 2.45 per 2.95 per 1.45 per Z 25 iwr 2.00 per 50c. (‘Il h $0.00 81.410 1 (1“ roll roll I‘UH mll mil