Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Mar 1923, p. 1

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Haveâ€"also ha'dl éhipped to us a few tons of Corn Flakes. This corn feed is suitable for all stock teeding, as it is the best of the corn, cooked and sweetened, and cheaper than \‘gluten. . V Pastry Flour and Purity Flour at $6.75 and $8 00 per bb!. for one week. From the Toronto Conservatory of Music. will accept a number of pupils in Piano. Vucal and -: Theory. -2- For infummtion Phnnu 110. MRS. MYLxs. A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at the above places RICHMOND HILL, THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE A good suppiy of wood. We have a recent shlpment ofOntario Bran and Shorts selling at almost wholesale prices by the ton. Can also sell Scratch Feed for poultry at reasonable price. as we have a good supply. A shipment. of glutnn meal on hand. Alma {cw tons of corn flakes. This feed is equal to gluten and costs $10 less a ton. WRIGHT BROS. Un-Jertakers' and Embalmers Adelmo Melech and Miss Rosalind Bush L. T. C. M.‘ A curof V inuus. ut $15 a car (if cukc Aégvnt {or Empire VVuH Paper ngINTING '3. HILL, Oak Ridges P. O.’ At the Elevator I. D. Ramer to enter a branch of this Bank because you do not know how to make a de- posit. Our Managers 01' the staff will be pleased to show you. ‘ll Start with One Dollar and add to it dollar by dollar. Estlma res Furnished Frea Phone VOL. XLV. PUBLIC NUTIGE \VILLMVDALM. ()N'l‘. v. n (ILLIVER. Manugrr. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA DO NOT HESITATE Hardwood Finishing .50 per annum, in advance.] irgiu .H. nut coal, bitum- SU u lnn delivered. Also DECORATING coal and mas 287: MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO feacher of Fletcher Method ; Musical Kmdergarten Pupils passed BARRIHTER. Somcrroa, NOTARX Er! Toronto 03129. Richmond BJilding 33 Richmond Street, “’est. Richmond Hill Office (‘ Liberal Ofllce). every Thursday forenoon. Maple. Thursday afternoon. ‘Voudhl-idze, Saturday forenoon. Monvy to Loan at Uurront Rate. Special attention given to sales 01 every description. Farms and farm stock sales specialty. Farms bought and sold on cmumission. Allsnles at- Ieudrd to on shortest notice. and con- ducted by the most approved methods. Patronage solicited. DENT!ST Office T: such Block. two ‘ FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND OXTARXO Licensed Auctioneer for York. Salesnttended I notice and at reasonabk Ufl‘ic: humz p. In. Office :1 nd Church Street No. 21. sale. (30 innin (nag-"glib "U “ Also Cement Brick Sand or Gravel sold by the load in car lots. Cedar posts and telephone poles --I- The leplr- Sand, Gravel and Brick ‘mmpanv, LL'd. have on hand for sale. Cement drain tile. 3, 4. 5. 6 and 8 in. Culvert tile 12. 15. 18 and 20 inch [on - pils passed for Consexvamry Ex aminatious. Srcmoâ€" HOTEL RICHMOND. (‘nll by phune ul' Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick 378 Bunny-0m) Ava... V Phone Junction 72. TWENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS‘ All mail orders will N attention. JOHN R. CAMPBELL A. C. HENDERSON PLUMBING AND 'I‘INSMITHING HOT \VATICR HEATING AXD GENERAL REPAIRS TIIOI.’NII[I.I.. ONT. Stande Bank Hour59u.m. tn 5.30 Open evenings by appn _.-_\---v AU‘I’I LICENSED" AUCTIONEER Pa per SAM. SHEPHERD - II. Prentico VETERINARY SURGEON ’I‘hOI'nhill. WILLIAM COOK JOHN, T. ANDERSON 415 Bulliol SL. annntn. final;ng Belmont 1347 J. T. SAIGEOIN Maple RICHMOND HILL. ONT hours A10 to . L. R. BELL and residenceâ€"(1 hanger and Painter Oxford Street one-14 r 32. 'alronage solic PIANO TUNER Telephone . P. \VIL SON Richmond Hill T. COUSINS. Richumnd U YEARS' EXPERIENCE two doors north of for the, (‘unnty of ad to on shortest able rutes. otherwise promptly 5.30 p.11». appniut‘mwnt “In Essenfiak, Unity; in Na» :., Wns'r Tunox'ro receive prompt, ited m “he and H PhnnP Manage-r poles for (5(th Report of Room III Names in nrder of merit . Jn. Illâ€"Laverne Wright, Margaret Duncan, Herbert Sharpless, Donald Bnynton. Hazel Caldwell. Eileen Roberts, Rota Caldwell. Ralph Mackie. Rosie Wondhead. (equal Irene Dead- man. Beatrice Ualdwell.)(}rant Inner, Lillian Petch, John \Viluon. Isobel Sanderson, Maurice Patton, Bill New- port, (equal Marjorie Grainger, Alice lnnes and James Kerswill.) Edith Patton. Harry Lloyd. Teddy Bennett. _ Mary Leavey. Ian Hay. | SR. IIâ€"Helen Brillinger, Jean Hall, iLlllinn Burns. Norman Couk. Henry 1 Stanford, Anna Phipps, Enoch Batty. John Blanchard. Pbili Graham. [Alfred Stong, Graham ‘llis. (equal Hilda Boyd. Lyle Grunt” \Valter Kendall, Cecil Tuck. \Villie Kendall, Donald Hand. lieggie Rand. The March issue 0! Rod and Gun in Canada. the well known Canadian sportsmen's magazine of lhe out of doors. Cuntuins many attractive features and Billllluda in stories und articles that. are tune to please. Many departments and features contain splendid fealm-al of outstanding quality. The magazine is illustrated profusely throughout. nnd in every wav. ihe March issue is one tint no one will want to miss. llundu-ds of people have \is‘itcd our new link in the Park, and tho opiniun is freely ilxpressed that Richmond Hill now has a. building that is a credit, In the lawn, the Town Gnuncil and the buildersâ€"JV. H. Graham and his staff. The rink is 90 XZUOfeel, with an ice surface of 70 x175, and will accommodate nhuut 2000 people. Although rushed up in four weeks after bhe frame was started nobndy was hurt.’ there was no accident of any kind. and every- thing went together like clockwork. The building is electrically lighted, and next winter the waiting moms. hand stand and canteen will be steam heated. (i0 and See for yoursewlves. Mm khmu Thombill Consume-rs Gas 5 Unpp~Clark (‘0. Richmond Hill 5 Amer. Shuw Curd WEDNESDAY Gulhl. Put-ha 4 Roberluon Candy ()0. 2 York Rddifll 5 \\‘vrhwn:ul 9 2 1 I This is Richmond Hill's Wt‘rk of skating and hockeyâ€"our first l(Illlll:I- ment. The play has been clean, and some of the gmnos fast. Theutten. dance has been Izmir, and u bumper rink is expected! Salmday mening. the grand finish. Sutmday evening, cmmnencing at 7.30, the finulumlch will he played. after which the winning team will Ire piesunted with gold winches. The band will be in atten- daure. mud there- will be skating until ll o'clock. Good mowdsund exciting umes may he expel-led Thursday and riday owning. hut alums! (everybody will he nnxinus to Sl-e the finish dance has been is expected .‘ grand linisll. commencing in will he played“ team will be “niches. The dam-9.. mud {In H o'clock. (h. Richmond Hill Public School Report _ Wm -V...\.,. , Mr. \Vashinzmn Direman, of the sixth concessiun of Vnughnn. has purchased the farm from Mr. John Krrr. being the West part, of lot 26. on the sixth. The sale \vnsmudo by W. O. Mchnnld and R. Thomas. This] hasheen the third fzu-m they have Suidnn the sixih concession during the last, few months. Mr. and Mrs. Dicenmn though smnewhnt in yPan. are intending toi'nrni still more ex- tensiveu‘ibh the “PIP of [hoir three .01).. After Ill illness of several wret- Mr. Chill. Norman, a highly Iolpectod citizen, puuled Away M, his lmmo. The funeral took place on Monday. and was attended by a large number of relativeu and fliends. Thn smrnwing widow has ll)? sympathy 1:! till in her sad bereanmwnt. ThoI montth nweling of the W. M. 8.. of the Methodin Church was held last week at the home of Mrs. T. H. Keys. The members decided to pack a box with pu‘served fruit and and it to the Deucuness' Hume, Torunto. Mr. C. Robeson and family are mov. ing into thvir nmv honm this week and Mr. Peters and family ul e inking popesflnu at the bake-ly. Richmond Hill Tournament Rod And Gun Our New Rink F. BROWN, Teacht u; is a summary of the fly played: BIONDAY Toronto Gen. Trusts " ’l‘e‘ifer Biscuits " TUESDAY .0- <0, MAPLE .. THURSDAY. MARCH 1, 1923 alums! everybody to seâ€"e the finish The matches are fuinly l'cfereed by -Essentials, Liberty ,- in all things, Charity tn Candy ()0 “'ycthnd Sawtell vs “'oud-â€"Ulaim$80. Ad' journed one com-t. One judgment debtur was ordered to pay $10 a month. and a cummibml on another was stayed twu months. Next sitting Ap il 17. Evans ' promissory plaintiff. Burke vs Chapmanâ€"Claim 5m Plaintiff, ram into (lvfeudnnt's truci standing (in tlié pran side nf lb road, but said to his wiilmub tail light Action dismissed. Hill vs Bulgeâ€"'Claim £37.25 fur wm‘ xnd material on car and rental 0 battery. Judgment uf nun-suit. Macanlpy vs Nixon and Rowlandâ€" Olaim $74.20. Plaintiff's motor car crashed inLu is loaded wagon. whose driver crossed the road without, giving “‘az'ning. Judgment for claim in full. Burke \'5 Chapmanâ€"Claim $50, Plaintiff, run imn (lvfuuduut‘s truck standing 0111‘ the pran side nf the Trustp & GunrunU-o CO. V: Smithâ€"A july h'ad lwen sununoned for this case mm the Judge decided to hem‘ it him- self. Defendant had giwn his note for $307.50 for Block sxid to he worthless. Judgment reserved. Teetzel vs Oakvnlv Dairyâ€"Claim for $100, momr auuck by a truck. This case wus heard before a jury. Verdict in favor of plaintiff $103. At the Newton Brook Methndist parsonage on Wednesday. Felr. 2|, a quiet wedding was solemnized by Rev. N. St. Jnlm, when Georgie G., daughter uf G. R. Gnulding. was united in marriage to \Villiam Harold Murphy, sun of Mrs. R. J. Murphy. of Elgin Mills. The bride woxe navy blue taffeta dress and Hudsml spul coat with mole u immings, and smart black umhuir hat. The hippy couple left later for a trip bu points in New York state. They will reside at Richnmnd Hill on their return. The greater part (if Tuesday was LRKPII up hearing suits! before Judge \Viddifield. HARRISONâ€"In luvim: mmnmy (vf \Villiam Harrison, “hm dvpznted this life. Mulch 2nd, 1922. Nunne knmvs the silent henltuchr‘, Only those who have lost cnn tell. 0f the grirf that is imrne in silelwv, Fur [Inx mn- whmn we lnwd gu w'e-ll. NORMANâ€"At. Muplt‘, Fuhrun-y 2: Charles Norman. Funeral from his law rr-si Mnndny, Febxuary 26, at 23! to Maple Cenwtmy. ’()WELLâ€"On Tuesday, February 27th. at the le~idenne (If ‘his brother, \Villimn L. Puwpll, )3 Helena avenue, Tort-Ht“, john IL, in his 65th year. and twin brother of the late Jnseph B. vaell. Funeral fmm nhme address Thursday. Mnrch l:‘, "L 3 o'tlouk. Intel-numb Muuut Pleasant (‘emc- lei-y \Vil‘e and family Division Court Murphy â€" Goulding l.\' MEHUIHUI note DEATHS nkâ€"ClniHL. 3105.45, 3. Judgment for SAVE "~ Because rr-sidoncv. 2 30 p. m. 23, 192? Barristers, Solicturs. kr‘. MANNING ARCADE. 24 KING ST. WEST, Tonos'ro, CANADA TELEPHONE MAIN 311 Cable Address: “Dedu” Arthur A. Mucdonald Rank Denton Laure; Demon. B. A. Denton, Macdonald 6: Benton All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired. Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. 2D00rs South of Bakery on Yonge St. Boot and Shoe Repairer i Rec. Phriilé I Hill. 5018 HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Canadian Tenor and Sulm'sb NUIUI Parkd. Church, is prepared to in Rirhmnnd Hill on Mu Mrs. N. Butty's. Arnold can be ubtaincd hy cm Ring 11. The Town of Aurora The Township of King The Township of \thtchnrch The 1m erial Bunk of Canada, J. M. V alton. & Cu. Amara MotiarcH é Offices aide St" West, Toronto. Naughtun Block, Alu‘nrg Snficltor for : mu m H. A. NICHOLLS Commissioner, Unnveyuncer, Eu Insurance and Real Estate Richmond Hill Valtgy S. Jenkins LICENSED FOR THE C Pan-me; GEO. KIDD NOTARY PUBLIC Barristers Solicitor 'Iglephoue Main RICHMOND HILL MARRIAGE LICENSES uuuu ‘11. NAUGHTON MENKINS A. J. HUME . HEWISON NOTARY PUBLIC CUNVEYANUING Sp? [Single copies ddx Wm. C. Ruttan. 1 Tenor and Choir LPrldt‘i' nth Pax-kdule Methodist prepared to receive pupilz «A Hill A“ !,l..__::, n .. IBSUER 0F IL' AUCTIONEE‘R ‘OUNTY 0F YCRK c and influence :‘nlly solicited l on M :mdays: A_rncld§t. Particulars J. Hurry Naughlun Res. Elgin Mills 1398: Phone 44.4 P. 0. address Gotmlcy, RR. Hing. P1165; Notaries Z777 35 ‘ 3 cts. Aurora. JZO-tf Adel

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