Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Mar 1923, p. 3

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Fonchu 1'1 “\Vhat I asked. “Why. Eli Brown, a dark impressive figure in his long, black clerical coat, 1. gift of the rector of St. James’s, had come, says a writer in Harper's, in answer to a post card of mine, asking him to whitewash my back fence. "l’se done moved, Miss Ma’y,” he said when he had explained to me that he could nct do the 'work that day, since noon service at St. Jain&‘ neces- sitated his presence at the organ bel- lows. “an I reckon I'll jest leave my rand so you kin know when to sen’ for me when you wants me ag’in.” With an expression of dignified grati- fication he unfolded a scrap of a. church announcement leaflet that he had pulled out of [die pocket of his waistcoat and handed me a card with ihe words: "Eli Brown, E. O . B., 50 The stormy, blustery weather which 'We have during February and March is extremely hard on children. Condi- tions make it necessary for the moth- er to keep them in the house. The? are often confined to overheated, bad- ly ventilated rooms and catch colds which rack their whole system. To guard against this a box of‘ Baby‘s Own Tablets should be kept in the house and an occasional dose given the baby to keep its stomach and bowels working regularly. This will not fail to break up colds and keep the health of the baby in good condi- tion till the brighter days come along. The Tablets are sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. “7illiams‘ Medicine Co., Brock- ll‘ congregation has- letters after th. unes. Dr. Price, he has D.D,, ] mmons has MD. an' there’s LL r some of ’em and U.S.N. for c‘ STORMY WEATHERM HARD 0N BABY farmer and his wife were impressed. They were inclined to be skeptical but thought they would like to see such an interesting thing attempted. 30 the tramp was provided with a large saucepan and into this he put some water and a large flat stone that he carried in his pocket. The watchers were deeply interested, but as is usual in such cases it took an unusually long time for the water to come to the boilwi The tramp was anxious to finish his Amorioa'l Pioneer no: Remedies ‘\‘ow It has been impressed on me of late very forcibly that the reason for the coming into being of all these cults and healers is because we as a nation have not followed nature‘s laws or practiced the rules of life that will bring good health in their train. The catchword, the auto-suggestion, is merely an inspiration, but first of all we've got to practice the simple and; fundamental health rules. othenvise“ t-he autosugg‘estions or the adjust-3 ments will bring no permanent relief.| There was once a tramp who calledi at a farm house, and told the residents‘ he could make stone-broth. Yes, he' gouild make broth out of a stone. The. New healing cults are springing up all around us. Some base their claims on auto-suggestion, some on faith healing, some on a movement or ad- justment of the spine. Deep below all these superficial requirements one great fact stands out supreme. One must live a natural, healthy life. All the auto-suggestions in Christendom or out of it will not cure a headache brought about by a stuffy atmosphere if the patient cannot get fresh air. Ccue and all his associates cannot *e- lieve one case of constipation if the patient persists in eating the foods or combinations of food that cause the constipation. ‘ ‘em. to ut whn The Sleepléss Provincial Board of Health. Ontario Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Puhiic Health mat- ters through this column. Address him at Spadina House, Spadina Crescent, Toronto. Linlment used by Phys M Miss Ma'y 1 Stre HEALTH EDUCATEON His Degree. M BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON mber. qua it)‘ for ans OWEIS Dust from, volcanic eruptions has been known to travel 500 miles through the air. L18 The Canadian National Parks Branch of the Department of the Interior pro- pose to include in their historic sites series the cemetery at Frog Lake, situated ten miles north of the Sas- Ikatchewan river and forty-two miles ‘from Lloydminster, where occurred j the most tragic incident of the Bell Re- bellion of 1885, the massacre of the of- ficials of the Indian Department and of the priests of the Roman Catholic mission by the Indiansunder the chief, Big Bear. In 1906 the bodies of the victims were removed from their vari- ous burial places by the Northwest Mounted Police into a small cemetery nearby where each grave was marked with an iron cross bearing the name of the victim and the date of the dis- aster. It is now proposed to mark the site in more permanent fashion by some form of memorial which will bear the standard bronze tablet of the Canadian National Historic Sites and testify to the national care of the burial places of these unfortunate vicâ€"‘ time of the Northwest Rebellion. l Minard‘s Liniment for sale everywhere ling as much time as possible outâ€"of- ldoors, and taking healthful exercise, land avoiding excesses of all kinds, lthere would be no need for new cults. 'Mothers would give their infants a 'good start in life by feeding them at lthe breast, and as they grow old-er, ihaving their health kept under super- vision at the baby clinics. If the health rules are then practiced and children 'taug‘ht hygienic habits, there is every lllope that the coming generation will be_ better physica1]§, ‘mentally and morally than the present generation or those that have gone before. men-mm WT f CHELD’S BOWELS “California Fig Syrup” is Child’s Best Laxative / Idemonstration as soon as possible so he asked if, to hurry matters and get £the stone-broth dewloping, he could he :‘given some old scraps of meat. 'l‘hls éwas willingly provided and the little part); anxiusly gazed at the contents ‘of the saucepan. The water was be- ginning to bubble and the tramp was (mite pleased. If only he had a hand- ful or so of barley'he said he could make the experiment go twice as fast, 150 the barley was added. He even :managed to help the wonderful stone ‘bY putting some scraps of let uce, on- ions and potatoes that. had been left jover into the saucepan and very soon [the mixture got quite tasty and the honest farm people lookel on in Won- der as the marvellous tramp produced ‘ a pot full of very good soup. 1 There is a moral here that seekers iafter health might do well to st dy. It was not the stone that made t e soup, but the stone was needed to at- tract and hold the attention. If We could only get the public impressed with the importance of right living, eating the right kinds of food and the right combinations of food, sleeping in well-ventilated bedrooms, keeping the body clean by frequent bathing, spend- The Frog Lake Massacre. M )ne-broth some odd "invineg 1 anxius-Iy JG ew hoping, he coul mmps of meat. ' 'ovided and the 1 razed at the cont The water was fYflUNG DAUGHTER MflBE WELL The moment you eat a tablet of "Pape’sDiapgpsin” your indigestion is gone. No more distress from a. sour. acid, upset stomach; No flatulence, heartburn, palpitation, 01' misery-makâ€" ing gases. Correct your digestion‘for a few Cents. Each package guaranteed by druggis‘t to overcome stomach tron. ble. the care a Vancouver, B.C.,â€"“ My daughter isa young girl who has been having severe pains and weak and dizzy feelings for Mother Tells How Her Daughter Suffered and Was Made Well by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound _. MCDONALD, 2947 ancouver, B. C. From the age of twe “It is possibie for a person to be unable to read words and yet able to cal‘cwla’oe and read figures,” says a well-known doctor. An American visiting Irela a man servant at a tavern, “H mails do you have here a day The servant replied, “Three breakfast and supper.” 1e When or Dominior Jink molasses. Heat lln rub‘well Into affectec enema! treatment. penetratesâ€"prevents The Famlly Medlclne Chest 1} Take half a tea ‘d's Llnlment ISSUE No MONEY ORDERS 11 Express cough ? The Irish Minard’s Liniment ‘rkd and PuH spoon or Min- internally 1n liniment and cted parts for It. Soothesâ€" Mail. by mail ney Orde Ireland asked 1, “How many eeds all Dinner send 11 11 gw1LuAM5.:,iIELLs J ; 0F WASTED CASH Your dmggist sells a tiny bottle or “Freezcne” for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn. soft corn. or corn between the toes. and tho cab lusm. without soreness or irritation. Doesu L .zurt a bltx Drop a little 'Freezone” on an aching corn, instant- ly that com stops hurting, than short- ly you lift It right ofl with fingers. Truly! were so nnstrung the least little thing would worry and upset her for hours and she could scarcely get any sleep. "Well, after spending hundreds of dollars on different medicines. I didn’t have much hope that Tanlac would help her, but, it's a fact, when she finished the treatment, every ailment was gone and she was eating. sleeping and feeling fine. That was several months ago and since then her health has been splendid. Hereafter we will always pin our faith to Tanlac.” Tanlac is for sale by all good drug- gists. Over 35 million bottles sold. Declares He Spent Hundreds But W ife Continued to Suf- fer Until Tanlac Ended Stomach Trouble. Lift Off with Fingers "I never 5 1c has mad 0W." declare ell-known sh UNLESS you see the name “Bayer” on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all ' never saw such a change as Tan- ias made in my wife and she says is feeling like a girl of sixteen declared Howard Williams. a. known shoemaker of 28 Cornwall Toronto, Ont., recently. “or years she had suffered from in- stion and was so weak and run- 1 I. often thought she would fall 2r tracks. Nearly everything she disagreed with her and at times was simply in agony. Her nerves so nnstrung the least little thing d worry and upset her for hours she could scarcely get any sleep. fell, after spending hundreds of rs on different medicines, I didn't much hope that Tanlac would her, but, it’s a fact, when she Toothach Ear-ache WRNS ent, every ailment 'as eating. sleeping That was several cc then her health meted (mm in- weak and run- she would fall everything she H W'rlte “717973 BC). Hum” Clean your boweisi Feel line! When you feel sick. dizzy. upset, when your head is dull or achlng‘or your stomach ls sour or g V 3115! take one or two Cascarets 'i‘e eve constipation. No griplngâ€"nices't lam» five-cathartic on earth for grown-up. and children. 10¢ a box Taste like candy. I» UUAM CLOVER. annual. Write for formation. D. Fraser. 3‘ Ontario. Only one nm in height. ‘ \RN 8:10 “WEEKLY. SPARE TIME. .xt home. addressing. mulling. Music, urculars. Send 10c for Music. Informa- Um‘. etc. American Music 00.. 106' Brnndway. N. Y. ‘ establishe At night touch spots of dande and itching with Cuticura Ointment. Next morning shampoo with a suds of OJticuza Soap and hot water. Rinse with tepid water. Keep your scalp clean and healthy and "our hair will be luxuriant. Sulp25c. OintmenIZSaudWc. TnkumZSc. Sold throughout theDominion. CanadianDepot: Lymuu. Limited. 344 St. Paul St.. W.. Mantra]. Cuticurn Soap shaves without tune. I Thick Lustrous; Hair Kept So By Cuticura glassified Advertisements. “Cascamis” 100 For Sluggish Lix or Constipath B0Wels FEMALE HELP ViANTED. -mflking Jallty I‘ SALESMEN- WANTED EMA-rd R’. Wilt on. Ont :uma tritis )ducw mxer CLOVER“ NO§MNMOWM 11D ’ORT nen. Permanent. selling \"atkins \Vorld's largest (-5 organization. Ireties required. Company (Dept. full particulars. eel tine! dizzy. upset. or aching”. or 1‘ gm met 1‘ U 1-; U HEAT interesting In- R. 2. Ilderton. is over 6 feet Liv ut by [S for, pr FOR

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