Separate HE contract No signed until March 2m. 19 Provinchfl NOTICE rlnun, My ....... tender terms, and tender envelope: obtained on and after Wednesday, 25th, 1923. at the 06108 of the un ten-s from the {allowing Resident. Eng 0,11. PHILP, Toronto. A marked cheque for $500.00 payab‘ Minister ot__Pu})lxc Works and ngm ,,_... (‘nmnnn v'a bxd 0,11. rnlur, mm".-. Amarked cheque for $500.00 payable to the Minister 0! Publrc Works and nghwsye, 0n- turio,ornGuuru.nty Company's bxd bond {or a similar amount must be attached to tenders for culvert construction. Guaranty Com- nany's Bond tor 50 per cent. of the amount. of the tender will be furnished by contractor wuen contract is signed. . ,_-:. nannuï¬ï¬‚l‘nv 'E‘ho lowest or any accepted. Are You Going to Plant Trees this Spring? ..‘,_-,_, ,, W. A. McLEAN, Deputy Minister Department of Public highways, Toronto. February 2180, 1023. ‘ Get Your Painting Done Now A. 5. WHEELER Plans. 593° Notice .of Registration of BY-LAW NUTlCE is hereby given that a hy- law was passed by the Municipal (Muncil of the Village of Richmond Hill on Hie 1(ilh day of January. 1923, providing fur the issue of Debenluws tn the “mount of $2_858.84 for the pur- “ma of pmchusing land as a. s‘tc.f.u- a High Schunl building, Ind tb It: zurzh hy-lnw was teaislered in the Rrgistry ofï¬ce fur the County of Ynl‘k 01] the 20th day of January. 1923. Any motion to qulsh or set. aside the same or any part thereof must he made within thtee months after the ï¬rst puhlicullnn of this notice, and runan he mad» thereafter. hated the 5th day of February. 4923. ELOC UTION Miss Marguerite Boyle Artist, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram- atic and Humourous Sketches, Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate of Owen A. Smiley Studio. 3 Address Miss Marguerite Boyle: Studio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thomhill, Ont 30 tf x 35 T rees add to the beauty of your grounds, we can sell you ï¬rgt-class stag-k. Fruit ‘4‘ n..." .ma Jvu u. .. trees, Ornamental tr_ees and Shrubbery, from the Nur- sery of E. D. Smith & Son, Winona, Ont. Remember all trees that; do not grow are replnoed._ We can sup- ply you with one tree or hundreds. No order too small. Our prices include delivery 30 your home. First class Painter Low Charges Stop 47 Richmond Hill CONGF GEO. H. PRICE Representative Richmond Hill unada's Standard Remedy for Pain T.R.C. Contract No. 937. King 5; Whiwhurch Townships. bidder Jacincuhons intormation to ' ~- â€" â€"- x sealed tandem markeu ' um o H ."wm be received by the i1. 12 o'clock noon on Wedz 1923,101' the following work c Highways. >NGRETB CULVER'I‘S To CONTRACTORS A. J. HUME. Clerk den; marked “Tender 10: be received by the under nnK noon on Wednesday U ment. any thousands of Cu- adlans havc proved {he ellecllveus: ol T.R.C.'s. The best test you on make Is to get a dollar box from ‘ your drugglst. or lor lrn sample ) lad: to “Get†Rheumlllsm wrlte .I. G. Templeton & Co.,Toronlo. 5 Most other pain: are easy. A postal cud will bring It. bender 1hways. Ontario not. necesmrily velopea may be “day. Februurv un tergigned. 0‘ p. a “Tender for Sold at Sloan‘s Drug Stores of Higbwflys iueer iha Take the "t" out 0! ton and you have oil. You can't take the hard work out of farming as easily a: that, but a little run robs it of much of its drudgery. Good times are the on in the toil of agriculture. That in what a. great many sincere persons overlook who study economics more than human nature. Philosophy of Having When we attempt to organize a farmers' association, what is done? Why right away a vast amount of talking is committed anent educa- tion and improvement. Both are good, of course, and the farmer, in common with all humanity, wants to improve -â€" there's a difference be- tween improving and being improved -â€"but he's not always too sure that the association will effect the im- provement. i. . . .. 7,. A_- To begin with, he is often not too well acquainted with his real neigh- borsâ€"the men in the inside of the men he knows now show themselves only to kindred spirits. Then after a. hard day's work he is prone to stay quietly at home in preference to driv- ing several miles to discuss, under a smoky lamp, the old problems in much the same old way. But there's one thing everyone wantsâ€"a good time. Everyone takes his recreation in some formâ€"only there's nothing collective about it: each goes his own way at his own time. Really persuade the neighbors once that they can have a better time at the club meeting than they can at home, and they'll go without coaxing. So that seems the logical starting point. A leader never ï¬nds it hard to get people to organize for pleas- ureâ€"to have a good time. And it leads to great things, too. As people become better acquainted mutual respect and conï¬dence de- velop. That. is the fundamental and ï¬rst step to business co-operation.â€"- Ontario Department of Agriculture. THE ROLFE Shoe and Harness Repair Store. SOUTH OF NEW GARAGE JONES LUMBER C0 NO'i‘ICE is hereby given that ELLA MA UDE GEE of the City of Toronto, in the County of York in the Province of Ontario, Married \Vonmn, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the present sossiuns thereof for a. Bill of Divorce from her husband, Jesse Buy Stanley Gee. formerly of the (My of Toronto, now of the City of New York. in the State of New York, on the ground of ndultex‘y and deser- Boots, Shoes and Harness lion. Cor. Arnold &,Yonge. PHONE 27 Notice of Application for Divorce ehrum y 1923. We have just received a car of No. 1 Dry Birch cordwood. This wood is in splendid condition to burn right, now having been cut and drying for one year. We would like you to try a cord of it. HATED n Torout‘o this 2nd d THE simple fact is this: lheve is nothing quite so good for pain: and aches as Te‘mplcton‘: Rheumatic Capsules. The medi- cinal power they contain is absorbed by the blood and so carried to lheseat oi the pain. 1'. R. C.'s contain no habit-iormin‘ drugs. Their acflon II to remove (h: cause of the pain. SING T.R.C.'s Is not an experi- ment. IIIIY thousands of Cu- Pam: and Guarantee B LU: Repairer of "'iaIIIfA' MAUDE GEE In); her Solicitors GERMAN & LENzgqx A. ROLFE Toxontu. a)‘ of Strong: Position Reported by Standard Bank of Canada In a year of lessened business ac- tivity and readjustment of special ac- counts witb the Government. The Standard Bank of Canada saw its business well maintained and was able to report to shareholders proï¬lts for the ï¬scal year ended January 31st. of $725,074 as against $725,014 in the previous year. Such a \result should be particularly satisfactory to shareholders and is an indication of the high class of business the bank is handling throughout the Dominion. An analysis of the general state- ment of assets and liabilities indi‘ cates the strong position in which the bank has maintained itself during the readjustment period. Of total assets of $78,719.26l, liquid or immediately available assets amount to $32,107,431 being equal to ap- proximately 48 per cent. of total lia- bilities t0 the public. Included in this amount is cash and Dominion notes of $1,991,770. Among the principal accounts included in liquid assets are Dominion notes $9222.30], current coin held by the bank $1,769.469 and deposit in Central Gold Reserves $1,000,000. v n , VV‘I,V\IV. l‘he liquid assets reflect the steady settlement with the Government of the special business which was under- taken during the war peiiod and as a result Domin’ion and Provincial Govern- ment securities amount to $7,883,503 down from $9,029,521. Other princi- pal accounts are cheques on other banks $3,375,661. Clnadinn municipal securities and British. foreign and coionial public securities. other than Canadian $2,462,050 and Rnilway and Proï¬ts Show Increase Over Previous Yearâ€"~General Business Well Maintained Throughout Country â€"â€" Liquid Assets Equal to 48 per cent. of Total Liabilities to the Public. Home-made Bread] High Baker’s Loafw Brown Bread Fruit Loaf Mothers and Sandwich H! m} Best Royal Pastry Flour at $6.50 per bbl. Baled Hay and Straw for Sale A. A. EDEN Richmond Hill Bakery §§§§§LMAENJQKEJNW you realize that however comfortable and artistic the furniture and (lovormions‘ may be. it is “the floor that makes the room." Install Buy your flooring by nameâ€"ask for Seaman- Kvnt “Beaver Brand" and insist on getting it. Substitution is very common, and the name “Braver Brand" and the maple leaf trade mark are your guarantee of permanent satis- faction. other bonds Sl,()52.051 L'all and short loans, not exceeding thirty days, indi- cate the lessened demand for commer- cial accommodation, having gained to 53.376.097. as compared with $2,809,230. The general business of the Bank throughout the Dominion has been well maintained. notwithstanding the smaL ler requirements of general trade and industry and total current loans in Can- ada amount to 342398816. while loans to cities. towns and municipalities total $1,696,989. L ... ._A‘.7__ |_‘:__ As a result of its organization being centred more in the older districts of the country. depOSits of the bank have held well up to the level of previous years. Deposits bearing interest amonnt to $50,574,794 and deposits not hearimz interest $11,502,064. making a totnl of 861076.859. Profit and Loss Actount V The Proï¬t and Loss Account shows that the proï¬ts of the year. added to the amount carried forward from the previous year. the total available for distribution was 3840.466. 0! this amount dividqnds_ required ‘3569000. war tax on bank note circulation “0.000. reserve for Dominion income tax 555.000. contributed to ofl’lceu’ pension fund $25,000, leaving a balance to be carried forward into the new year of $160,566. as comparPd. with year $112492 This is the ï¬rst year that the Bank has had the advantage during the en- tire twelve months of its larger capital and reserve. The capital now stands at $4,000.000 and the reserve at $6,000,000. per loaf bought at the Store the end of the previous CENTS all and short Sutul-davs Richmond The James Robertson, Co., Ltd. PLUMBING SUPPLlES BATHS, BASINS, W. 05., 5 Laundry \Vill gladly furnish necessary infoy matinn and advice. regarding your" I-eqlliremeMs. [f Outside the Village our Pressurv.’ Systems will prova water for nmy insLuIIMirm. omenâ€"Sui!» 5H MoKiunnIx 134112.. Cor. Jordan and Melinda Six. Tm unto. aternoun. Mr. Ouxnplwll will he nt, Tl: Ofï¬ce. Richmwd Hill. every Tcac oer of Toronto C 215 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Ontuio TRAIN {or SUCCESS .Macuaughton 8: Campbeil ENROLL AN Y TIMR Indhldunl Inshuclinn. Night Mondays and Thursdays. Newmarket. Bank of Turnnto Prep-u for l business career at LightLunches Ice Cream Soft Drinks Cigars Cigarettes Refreshmennt§ Stabling Accommodation at Reasonable Rates Richmond Hill ELGIN HOTEL 3 5| MISSION ER 12 Schools in Toronto insure individual instruction in all business subjects, M. our Schools or by mail. Write for pros- Forsyth 8: Alger; our School: or by mail. Write for 1 poems to P. MclNTOSIl. Chief Principal md St undry TU BS and ALL NECESSARY EQUIPMENT. Ask {or our Septic Tank Circular. 0121' local yepl esentati v9, REAL ESTATE AM) INSURANCE Thornhm. - EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC FREDERICK A. A. CAMPBELL Iil>tvl F. Dmun NEWMARKET BUSINESS COLLEGE Ambrose L. Phipps Phoné 44 r 23 Stop 51 Yonge St. FALL TE RM OPEN . Bridges, Prop. EARLE N If \V'I’ON Barristers. Solicitors. Etc. AMEROSv MAKNAUGHTLN ELGIN MILLS rf Piano-Playing CUI‘ISEI'VHIIH y u! hunt Marga": ch-phnne‘ Main 303] em llill»;\V‘1*dl)estl:o}'s 3351 PIANIST A'CdORA <Liuml€< g HUX 2U}. VEY.‘\.‘ Phone 13 r 2 Ill )1! The Liberal 'ry Tuesday \t, the Music u d\\«( SINKS Scbuul Block F.T(