.â€" ‘risin’ for fair Weather. Let‘s hope Ir “’Bout sixty-ï¬ve thousand, an' all kin steer good courses after this."',good grade. Brown’s Bank ï¬sh, And he sat down and wrote to Lillian ;y'know, an’ all from Julos‘s favorite A TALE OF THE DEEP. SEA FISHERMEN )enton. spot on th' no‘thern edge. He’s doin’ The autumn passed and winter came iwell for a green skipper.†with frost and snow, but Long Cove; The spirit of the season was enter- had passed the hibm'nï¬ilnfl.‘ PM! of iinp'r \Vesthaver's blood, and after look- coast settlements. The Lillian had a ling on the scene of activity around the full gang of Bay Shore men who cameivessel, the gang unloading on her away from the American vessels when ‘decks, the busy weighers monotonous- tlicy heard that they could fish out of ly droning the weights, the wharf their home port, and as they were in ‘hands pitching the fish into wheel- almost every two weeks during the barrows and trundlina‘ them away, winter the village nus by no means ‘and old Sailor Dan hitching and bend- lonesome. The boat ï¬shermen, able ing new rattlins on the Lillian’s rig- to procure supplies, bait, and a readylging. he strolled with an indeï¬nable I “ Einarket for their ï¬sh, had no call to feeling of pleasure to the end of the The JUdge “'aVE‘d has hand-y N0“‘,haul their craft. up and go vessel-‘pier. sense, Mr. Wrigley. I wouldn’t. enter- ï¬shing cut. of other ports. and the‘ The waters of the Bay stretched tain that claim for a moment. knic‘V once almost deserted wharf became a ,gloriouisly blue to the far horizon, and Captain Crawford Very Well mdï¬ed daily centre of activity With the men jthe white sails of the boat ï¬shermen and I know he never evmced any Slgns unloading their farcs and cleaning could be discerned in the middle (lis- of insanity.†' J [and dressing the catch. ‘tance, while far away to the south a House said severely- And the. ï¬shermen assembled 5mg" The new store, owned and operated ‘IljmbC‘T-laden I three-masted schooner “I have a mind to. order the arrest gemd audibl‘v‘iv thaver wop his case tb-V the Compan-V' 139mm? ‘1 kmd 0f “:5. sagÂ¥m51 “fly :nthher Ianm 09' of you men for contempt of Court} Of count;1 IE‘Sdcy ‘ave his deci‘siodrhi‘bâ€"room for the inhabitants of the? Sionsé '1 6’ sprhnL. hC‘ young mans Ca tam Clark what do you mean byland When t ‘e ‘ I} [2.8 g . v lfmm the village, {Ind around the big stove on 3My um: i071? 0113‘ $8 Of love-so " ' this interruptihnm’ there was a rzialfo appggda lmrtmï¬of Winter nights a coterie of Long Cov- iTUnS andOlth Sam]; anfdllirank felt that Uncle Jerry reddened. “Excuse me Special)? all: vfrsiaii‘ng 30;“, ï¬sts-01‘s smoked..yanied, and argued meg“??? i1“, Youg‘ttï¬ ï¬nlaf‘ tgachmg .' Judge,†he said. “I'm sorry ef I'vdi:Edhggingr;21,0;¢“:hoked b) the hearty leveliav Cgh§81V£PlOASIUbiGCtu from thiiheogman puggoilike- whgt‘Vgg I}; ' done 81W, 11mm,» but I think I've foundisflaps he received on the back from “3:1, mo mfoges: if] “(:9 011% Sigrcgfmis younger days, and he Shuddered hi. 4 ggethm that 11 prove my nevvy’slthe delighéfid ï¬sdhernï¬enlltlliJ/llgtgtegï¬pï¬ the Gefleme‘nt foppd the store a great‘ilt“t7llif]thï¬ug‘lit. ' ' i ‘ I While Frank gasped in conusterna~lvw'sfa}???1 t i112] 11:31 ï¬ends for “felts-37min for whirling away the long m I: \;’1851mm(llnaftin%‘tovcr Elie tion his- lawyer arose and addressedhe e h aB Sh re trawlers and it‘mn‘ter days‘ and they dmppied m after l' 0 ' leJ llem'. h 00'? am eâ€" m .» the .lud'g‘e. “I have here the necessary 53.21: nag ftaidlz, lily gaiiied a lot Vofyfisher- bzgikï¬gt (11723:: ï¬rfgï¬Ã©ogfxgigg- hi;I b32111],ailiiiostu:Ifiitetfahismhgiidtil: .r, documents to Prove my clients claim-imen’s business by his connection With Ema the “fggout of him until dosing 1inï¬oring post upon which he was , ‘ .- - . 0 mg. hme at mght (To be continued. Here is a letter yï¬itten by1 the deceas- | the case. h h d ed Captain and a v ress to iis notaries, Mr. Wï¬ 19 y, knowing that e a ‘ .. , n In it he‘lopst the dagy‘ Bmade the best of a bad The chilly months sped away very BY FREDERICK WILLIAM WALLACE 2: Copyrith by the “on Book Company CHAPTER EIGHTEENâ€"(Cont'd.) The Court Usher banged his gavel and called for silence, and the Judge, looking over at the chattering ï¬sher- men who had so unceremoniously dis- turbed the sanctity of the Court , and give your stomach a 1m. Provides "the bit 0! “Meet†In beneficial Ion-m. % Helps to cleanse, _ the teeth and keep V them healthy. D35 » Helpful Theiight for To day. “hat you must do at ï¬rst through force of character you will later be able to do through force of habit. Messrs. Smith and Crosby. - . . . ~ ' kly. Frank came down and open- ~- has written: ‘I have sold my house} -0b b congratulatmg Frank upon hls (11110 . _ _ , and land to Captain Frank Westhaverlijsucceg& «I’m, I had to o’ppose ieggul’agge zagéggï¬gmitthgugwami Women Can Minard.s L'niment for. Coughs & Colds Of this place for two thousand g°iiims lylou’ captain†he 523,â€? “but that s the: lighting up the big heater he usually Faded Things New - â€"â€"~oâ€"- .gaï¬iemout the deeds and sen emlway of the law retired into the back Ofï¬ce and Opened in Diamond Dyes The 132 Ships of the Spanish Alt. I am also sending you this “son su] hurl†owled a bulky“ . , cheque, which I want you to get cash-ired-heaged ï¬ghemmfl “Git away an’ up hls books" ed and send the money to the 'l‘reas-"ieave th’ skipper alone, you yaller- urer dehe Sailor’s Orphan Society offimugged scqujnj’ And Mr_ Wrigley Liverpool, G-B-, saying that it Is al‘wrig‘gled off with the growls and surly donation from Asa Crawford, lateilooks of a score of angry trawlers. master of the Liverpool ship Gulnâ€"Ihagtening his. departure, , evere.’ . Now, your honor, I would ask Mr, Stevens gathered up his papers you to compare the signatures .on this , and placed them in his bag, l‘bter on trim recelpt Whmh my “W611. Captain. Pin glad You won:kecping on Westhaver's part. When “13‘? v3, figâ€"1 ,, out. 1'11 look after this busines-s'for the work eased up for an hour 0, 5.0, If) i"; W Jumped 1â€" Excuseiyou and see that you don’t get mixed he would light up his pipe and pro- me’ “t 15 that cheque endorsed by “P in any more legal complications' It ceed to master the art of double-entry During the day he was kept busy noting the tallies of ï¬sh brought in over the wharf and enter- ing the amounts to the credit of the various shore ï¬shermen. The store, required a great deal of attentionn and as most of the goods purchased were debited against ï¬sh supplied, it necessitated quite an amount of book- mada carried 3,165 cannon and 34,000 seamen and soldiers. Each package of Diamond Dyes†contains directions so simple any woman can dye or tint her Worn, shabby dresses, skirts, waists, coats, stockings, sweaters, coverings, dra- peries, hangings, everything, even if she has never dyed before. Buy “Diamond Dyesâ€â€"no other kindâ€"then perfect home dyeing is sure because Diamond Dyes are guaranteed not to Pre- the deceased?" will be some satisfaction to you to booker mo and b the summer he Spot. fade. Streak, 01‘ i‘un. Tell your vents l Frail]: walled m a COM sweat for his I know that Your friend MOTYlSSey is i was ablepto t‘sr’trike oi'lY an accurate bal- dmggiSt Whether the material You Chaopm. 3‘31": s If}, y' - d by to to Pay the_ COStS Of this SUit- GOOdlance and run his ledger, cashâ€"book, Wish to dye is wool or silk, or whether hands, bearereâ€creqll‘1:d 11:1 Egveï¬iyiiosvly. day, captain-.". ‘ and journal in a very creditable man- it is linen, cotton or mixed goods. T‘ï¬iï¬dlï¬l‘l’g- «but I’ 981 A f d h n1! The transmon from absolute de- ner for a ï¬sh.erm.an_ There were 0c_ ’ M c a . 5399 lat 5?- 1'3“. Cr as e span to the ecstasy of Joy and renew- casions too when the memory of his . . ‘ - 51‘“ y°‘"’ dorsod it as well. That gives us three ed hope brought out an the boyishness MI. Bonal Law has confessed that skinsoft,whim. legal ï¬ght came to mind, that he clos- ed his door against the chatter of the loungers outside and reached dowm a ‘signatures for comparison, and I clem- and smooth. think that Mr- smith! Wh‘o has hand1‘1’d:\vould satisfy him until he had drag- in his youth he strove hard to learn of Westhaver’s nature, and nothing ' shorthand and failed completely. DR {I'GGISTS SELL U ,‘ all the Captain’s legal business, Willi d 1, . . , . f, ‘ _ V . ____ __ . . . . - ,n |ge. a - “19 Lillian S gang 1M9 one 0 .half-caliedi yolunie labelled With a 9“ ' egg-SEYJai to “133' antflt‘ï¬nuc‘gï¬le this; the best hotels in Anchorvi’lle and legal title. It was intensely dry read- Minard's Limment fO" Corns arid Warts e U g9 “0 edâ€" 0W ‘ ordered a dinner. Clad in their oldiing', but by patience and exercise of °'â€"'â€" I n N ‘ let‘éilégnméi‘afkp imp,de forward on,C]0t‘h-€S 811d I‘Ubber boots. they satithe dogged determination which was _ u , . "down to the meal and ate everythingupart of his nature Westhavcr gained n - i - ’ ' ï¬eng‘;i§r°}%l$v0Â¥a:‘:3vel;nenxï¬gé goggt’y i from soup to nuts, and the conimermal a fairly comprehensive idea of the law :- ' box givven to him My a» Mrs. Taylor of. travellers and other guests wonderedregardmg property and busmess . V Long Clove who béught it at Caven-what such a roughâ€"looking crowd coulduransaetions, . 7 Crawford“; place when th, sale was be reJOIClllig' over. At' last, when It, Almost before he was aware of 11;, '_‘ 3 held. his one 0, them puzzle boxes’, was all over, Frank orew his uncleI Frank, from his desk at the ofï¬ce, saw , . - ~. Ito one S'ide- lthat sprin had come. The grass was an I managed to open It Whfle we' “Before we go aboard tli’ Lilli-an an’shoxving gbrown-green through the ' ’ ]~ in in th" . . I glibhnlgyiiliihnï¬ï¬Aieiooiiblasnl opened’stht f0? “1’ CPVe’ 1’“ .gom’ do?“ ’0', patches of snow, and the 411p from ' J, it a number 0’ letters fell out an’ th' by? some lbOOkb 0“ “1511,1655; an one the roof patt-ered 1n glittering drops om; which Lawyer Stevens has wasp them “1111 be a copy 0 th LaW, Ilbefore the window. In the flake-yard, among them. When I l’varned who do?†g1t.Ԥ,ter any more scrapes llke‘captain Ring and Lem were busy this agam~ erecting the drying racks, and as he ’twas addressed to' I “Hated it Might When the Lillian arrived off the-gazed out upon the blue of sky and be th’ I a-look’n’ . for, solefilgrhmuhgni‘g thespatch zin’ Long 0"†Wharf neXt mommg‘, theisea, the lure of the season called to ho . we Cid WhOIe Poplflï¬lon were flown to mï¬etmim, and he threw ‘down his pen, open- sla‘iï¬fd E? rmfiï¬ing 51,337: 1?; headed her, 311d With the “151811. flutfenllg‘ , ed the window to let the fresh‘breeze US in th’ Bay we might ha’ bin in from he“ "13,111 935 She glided 1n hie-sweeten the heated atmosphere redol- More." tween the: pier heads. †ent of tar and sulphur matches, and “All right, Captain!†The Judge H°W dye €011.19 out? bawled Har- went out. i looked over the papers laid before bor'maSter Jennmgs' In the flake-Yard Captain Ring 1001.4" him, “I think we have conclusive “All right!†answered Frank, and ed up from his work on Frank’s hail. proof that Captain westhaver pur. the crowd on the wharf broke into a,“Aye, it’s beginnin’ t’ look summery chased the roperty in litigation. The cheer which made the hills and rocks again. We'll hev t’ git th’ flake-yard endorsed a eque and the letter to echo again. jaâ€"goin’ soon, as we h-ev an awful pow- Messrs, smith and Crosby bear out Chaired on the broad shoulders of;er 0' ï¬sh t’ dry afore th’ barquentzne Twentyâ€"two daily papers are pub- lished in London. W 3,000 newspapers and magazines are published in J zip-an. dim a... 27x64 ins, $3.76. 80160 1:13., $4.50 326 ft. $6.00. We pay express charges. Send (or our catalog. Sanitary Rug Works 65 St. Nicholas 31'... Toronto. 5. . . L (I an Reserved A Financial Courtship Romance of Investments told in Clever Short Story Made AII'rom Your Own the testimony of the defendant. and the signature on the receipt is identiâ€" cal with the signatures on the letter and the endorsement on the cheque. You will] swear to the late Crawford‘s hand-writing, Mr. Smith?" " “Yes, yourhonor!" Mr. Wrigley, the smile gone from his cad:.verous features, arose and spoke. “Your honor,†he said, “I beg‘ for a postponement of the case. I wish to prove that the deceased was not in hJs_right mind when he made this dis- posnion of his property †RONING, with a Hot- point Iron, becomes a pleasant task. This famous non is so constructed that you simply tilt it back on the heel stand without hav- ing to lift it at all. As a result the tired feeling. so many women experience after ironing, is entirely eliminated. For sale by dealers every- where. ' M am: in Canada" by Cauadl‘n General Electric Co. Limited He‘d Quin: ~ Toronto l l l two bi'awny trawlers, Westhaver was'wmes aroun’ t’ load.†, escorted to his home by a laughing,l Down on the wharf, Uncle Jerry. shouting mob, who, when they arrived with an oilskin apron around his waist, at the house, clattered into the sacred, “'35 Standing by the Scales tallying precincts of Mrs. Westbaver’s “scttin’Jthe Lillian's CStChy 811d Frank StOOd room" and demanded to know all about,for a moment and \Véltï¬â€˜hf’d the gang it. If poor Bob Morrissey had been in‘SWaying 0n the dOI‘Y tackles llOiSting the vicinity at that time he wouldithe baskets of ï¬sh out of the hold and have fared roughly, and Mrs. Westâ€"‘ldumping them into the scale box. havcr had to close her ears to thewwaal. You blame’ quill driver!†cried various lurid and picturesque deep-Captain Clark. “You‘re like th' bear, water anathemas which were levelledlI cal'late- Th' 51111 heZ sure brought against, him, ye away from yer desk t’ come an’ “Now,†murmured Fran]: when they 5111913 g’urry again, eh?†had departed, “I hope I'm through “Yes, I reckon it has,†answered the sailin’ shipmates with Trouble. Th’ Other. smiling. “How much has Cap- clouds hev lifted an’ th’ barometer’sitain Jules brought in this time?†~MAYDE ONLY THE, CHASSIS LEFT , BUT I‘LL BREAK YE w CHAPTER I. When James Allen died, he left two daughters a small but com- fortable home and ï¬fty thousand dollars of life insurance. He had been a quiet, taciturn man, taking no one, not even his own daughters, into his conï¬dence. Not until he was buried and his will was read, did anyone have the slightest ideal of his possessions. He had held the: position of Clerk of the Court fori forty years, and had lived comfort- ably, educated his daughters and performed his duties as a good citi- zen. His wife had died four years before him. It now appeared that he had adopted early in life the idea of living close to his income, sav-, ing enough each year to pay his life insurance premiums, and rely- ing on the insurance to take care of his family when he should be gone -â€"rnther a dangerous, but not un- usual, policy. He had nevor discussed business at home, and his daughters were absolutely ignorant of the ï¬rst principles of ï¬nance. They had re-‘ ceived the usual common school‘ education, and were now well ad- vanced toward middle life, Hannah being foxty-two and Mary, thirty~1 two. l When the ï¬rst shock of the un- expected death was overcome and they found themselves thrown wholly upon their own resources, they were staggered by the weight of the responsibility. It is true they had a comfortable home and :2 mod est fortune, but they were entirely without male kith or kin. There was no man, no near relative, they could go to for advice, and, with the instinctive dread of women of exposing their affairs to outsiders, Liey hesitated to take anyone into their confidence. It was the evening following the fuiieral,and the two sisters, in their new black gowns, were seated in r the little lonely sitting-room, read- i ing their father’s last will and tes- tament, which was very brief, and left all he possessed to them jointly. “I never had the slightest idea of how much father but," said Han- nah, staring into space. “Nor I,†said Mary. “We always 'had enough, but we lived very economically, so I suppose we can go on all right.†“Yes, but you must remember we don't have father's salary any more." “That's true; I never thought of that. Can we live on what he left?" And an anxious look came over the face of the younger woman. “IVe must. It isn’t as though v.1.» were young and could 20 out and teach or become stenogruphers. We art- almost too old to beg-in now, and it doesn't look, Mary. :is though either of us would get married.†A sad little laugh followed tine words, and the quick tears sprang; t.) the gentle eyes of the younger sister. The word "spinstor" was ind: bly stamped on both their good honest, kindly faces and they knew the world would pass them by for fresher and more brilliant ones. For the continuation of this veiy human story. read “A Financial (V: to the two siste d the .cz'nd you one free, ll you the name of this paper. adult member. of your fun l‘["l‘" v.“ which tells what happened ir legs-.1 adviser. We uill n'r‘u- for it. and mention _\'ot only you, but C\'Ll’y lily will enjoy l’l’ilfllnéf it, and it will help you as well to under-xand how to choose and buy good invt’stmcnis. Emiliusjarvis £5 Isiablishei 1571 O ttawa New York 293Bay 51‘. Toronto (30. Lli‘vllTED Montreal London Eng!