0R SAIJEâ€";Rbode Island Rm Cocketels. 0. A‘ C. stxain. H DAVih. M!!! Street. Richmond Hjll 0 REVTâ€"cBrlck house to rent in the village nf MaplP. Applv J. T. SAIGBON. Maple. 35-37 NOTICEâ€"E. Sliney \s prepured to L do all kinds of trucking and outing in Richmond Hi“ and vicinity. 0d. Plume Riulunond E'Mrouage solicit -... m. 42 H. A‘VS FILEDâ€"Cross cut and rip k cnlnr saws gummed and ï¬led. Out- limx hm: knives ground. In fuel if it in dull we sharpen it. Also agent for Gilsnn Mfg. (70., Guelph. Come in and see their 21 so“ sharpening steel chiIh-d plow share. A. ANDERSON, Roar nf “'A Vanderbm'g's 311015, Rich- ' lu-lf Innnd [Jill \VANTED ~ emu ‘ capacity. J. \V. Richmond Hill. Phone 44 R 11 hrooder, any Bow MAN, 31-†f\ paired and ï¬nished. flnmslMd:md ï¬mnwd. of carpenter work done at nrices. R. A. JACOBb. care Sloun. Gormley R.R. No. 2, 4741. ‘ uunuu.‘ “U.†i, ’ â€"V v , white Lughvn-n hens fur sale, m M y for laying $2.01) each. DAVIES, B. R. No. 2. Maple. 31:36 u-‘uu If". 0R QI'If.‘K horse, cull Jmn BALES, Phone 103 W 0R SALEâ€"Collie pup, about 8 months old. \V'ill exuhange for some Rock Pullets. R. H. PIERE. Confectioner, oppositeLShna Frtclory, Phone 4. 34-35 "TRAJV FOR SALEâ€"A few loads of straw fur sale, lot 13, con. 3. Vaughan. GEO. BAKER, R. R. 2. 34-86 Rich ï¬'i'l,' Elgi" DA \‘ls. lut 1‘ EN “’ANTHDâ€"Sleï¬dy Plnplnv. men. for good men. JOHN H. DUNLOP & 30x, Ltd. 37. Kurd. 53†for 25 cents. Unmmeno o'clock. MRS.J().\‘ES, Stop 515. A" i’xt‘ï¬wï¬age sulh Hill 98. 4 0R SALE â€"-B:n‘red Ruck Cockerels for breeding. FRED H. JOHNSTON. Ill-Zn; 12, Concession 3, Markham. Ont. o: rm rrrcpuves by side. Plume Maple 549. L, at. $5 \LLISONI I) “OR SALE -- “OR SA LEâ€"Two frosl} milch cmv, TRAVELâ€" SALEâ€"A “cod frame huil-hns 12 x 22. CHARLES CLARK. Head ‘8. 35â€"37 HOICE LOTS 0 LETâ€"Four rnmn sni‘oirm’el LL kinda of _fu_rt}itnle EUHOR I’O ANCING pumwu nund 'Hiili IEBITP. T. H. HARDWARE. Thor: 35 tf. Thero’l one featum in particular you'll appreciate about Toronto Stable Equipment. It's the only Stable Equipment made in Canada in which the galvanizing thorough- ly covers and completely coats the metal and the inside of steel tubes as well. Tth method makes it ab- solutely rust, defying and proof Rust Defying - Because ' Hot Galvanized NCINGâ€"Mnnday and Thursday evenings. (J0me and enjoy ynur- w 25 cents. COInfllePCQB int 8 nmcd hum“. \Vnnt Ads. EL-â€"()ourse and ï¬ne sand: also LUIUS, delivered in Richmond gin Mills and vicinity. Apply 0&3", can. 2, Vaughan. 32-35 3E LOTSâ€"Choice lots t1 5 a foot. up. Terms uusy '. Richmond St. 1N HEN unx VA... cutter ami‘hn'rrless. Apply :3, Elg'm Mills, Ontario. 34-35 Eâ€"A mudern new six I()|I§P, hardwood flum', fir SAUDEK. Bukrl‘ Ava. n] on . Lunau, Agent, Richmond Hill, Ont. (SALEâ€"l Guod 9391's]! I W. ELLIOTT Principal 25 Brad to la y, Jos. Espm', 34-35 made. re Hardwood All kinds x-eaannnhlP of F. \V. Telephone 35 for sale v . GEO. 34â€"36 3l-37 31 ll-lf Red Your Furnace \Vl“ want lnokix g quH- before cold weather sets in. (W it. may be you are contemplating the in- stallation of :I. new Furnace. We have several lines worthy uf yuul' considera- tion. ' \Ve can serve you in Farm Imple- ments and Repaird, Pumps, Lightning Rods. L-ldders, Furnacas und Rvpuirs, hum Troughing, Metal Building, Sup- plies and all kinds of Tinsmilhing. \thn you figure the 103. of lime and uncertain yield through dilty seed grain. the acreage loss by reason to your growing worse than useleSS weed crops, you will readily see that the purchase of a Bull Dog \Vlld Out Separator will prove a good invest- ment tn you. “'e are agents for every line of Farm Implements. With the Full Season coming on. you will no doubt ï¬nd you are in need of some new machinery TEETZEL BROS. OR SALEâ€"Ono good cutter. also a quantity of potatoes at 75 cents per bag. R. A. VANDERBURGH. Rich- mond Hill. . 35 Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto OPEN ALL YEAR IT COSTS LESS against strong stable laid- for the maximum periodâ€"while the method ordinaril used simply applies BEIJI- faoe cos. ing and goes only a short dis_tance insidejiubigg. _ - Toronto Stable Equipment will make work easierâ€"keep came healthierâ€"bring more proï¬ts. Let. me explain the many advantages of Toronto Stalls, Bull Pens, _Water Bow-k and Litter Carriers. George Adams is a. very weak boy â€"-he's so weak he can't even turn the pages or a. book without reeling pain. He has a. good many brothers and sisters and his parents are very poor. So when George put on lom.’ trousersâ€"he was Just 12 at the time -â€"he became a. man and took upon himself the task of earning money for the family. He went to learn a. trade in an iron foundry. whore fumes and hard work undermined a weak system and sowud future trouble. Now and then one other working member of the family would cease earning through sickness or loss of job, and George would have to keep his nose to the grindstone a. few more hours each day to make up for it. His life was Just work, work, work, until one day he drop- ped on the floor. The company physlclan, who examined him, pre- scribed a, year or two at the Muskoka Hospital for Consumptives. He can't understand why he never had a boy- hood and none of the good things of life, but he's fairly happyâ€"he knows separation from hls family safeguards them. He's content, and he still has hope. \V Only a Youth, but Never Knew a Boyhood .et us serve you Contributions may be sent to Hon. '.'A. Charlton, 228 College Street. n-n..¢n Courses given; Business, Stenc- grnphy, Typewring. Secre- lariul, Gem-ml Improvement etc. DEMAND FOR OUR GRADU- ATES DURING THE LAST SIXTEEN MONTHS MORE THAN DOUBLE OUR SUPPLY. Enter nnw, Particulars free. Ther_e are mgnyrjust such dese A High Grade School in need afï¬Ã©atment at the aka Hospnal. Will you lend a ELLIOTT PHONE 87 SATURDAY. MARCH IOâ€"A valuable 165 acre farm with luick house, hank burn nnd good sthling. 1 drive h'mse and pig pen. Clydesdale horses. Rpgzistertd shnrt horn cattle, swine, new Massey Hm-ris implements, hay. grain etc., Int 22, con. 6, Markham, two miles north of Uninnvillmthe propexty of Capt. \V. H. Hay. Sale at H o'cluck. Terms Slunnlhs for chuttles. Terms for farm mnds- known on (luv of sale. PienticeSz Prentice, Aucts. THURSDAY. MARCH wâ€"Furm stvrk, in'plemunls 910.. Int 26. con. 3. Svnrhorn. tho pl'npprty of Samuel King. Sal» at 1 o'clock. Terms 8 months. Prentir-e & Prentice, Aucts. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4-Fnrux ptm'k, implements (‘10.. Int. 17. NHL 2 Vaughan. the pruperty of B. Grady. S tie at 1 n’x-Inck. TPI‘IHS S months. Prentice & Premium AMEN. THL'RSDAY. MARCH 15 â€"Fnrm stuck, implements, Pm, lot, 3. con. 3. Vaughan, the property nf Hurry Fisher. Sal» at, 12. TPrms 8 months. Premise fx’ Prentice. Aucta. THI'RSDAY. MAW H ZZfFul'ln stock, SATURDAY. MARCH 31â€"A held of first. class, flesh milch cuws. calves by side, and close springera. Int 2, can. 7, Markham. “16‘ property 0! J. S. Honey. Sale at 1 o’clock, Teuns 8 months. Prenlirfe & Pmutice, Aucts. â€˜ï¬ MONDAY, APRIL Zâ€"Blnuksmith tools, THURSDAY. MARCH Sâ€"Farm stock. implmm-nts, etc" Int, 5, mm. 2. Mark- hnm, llw property nf Uhns. Ruhin- sun. Sale at I. Tvrms 8 months. SATURDAY. MARCH lTâ€"Farlu stm-k, implements, aha, In: 2'1. and 23. from the Bay. reurofvnn. 1. West Yul‘k, lhe prnpvrly (If My Dnughly. Sale at. l o'vlovk. Tel-mi h' months. Prunticv 61 Pmnlice. Ancts. FRIDAY, MARCH Hiâ€"Fnl'm sltwk, implemvnle. (‘16., Int 26. our. 4, Scuhum. the pmpnrty of Russell Harding. Sale an I. TermsSmonth. Prentice & Prentice, AucLs. implements. eta. Int, 23. con. 3, East York. the properly of E Scott. Sale at 11 o'clouk. Terms 8 months. Prentico & Prentice. Aucts. \VEDNESDAY, MARCH 28â€"4 hmd of Registered Holstein Cattle. the property of Arthur ()umplin, lot 10, con. 6, Markham, Unionville. Sale atll. TennsSnmnlhs. Plenii'W‘x‘E Pnenliue, Aucts. FRIDAY, MARCH 2aFarm Stock, lmplemontl, e\o.. 1m. 20. con. 8, Mnrlhum. the prnpu'ly of Wilmut Hnymn. Sale at, l. 0 munlhs. Prentice & PI-entica, Aucu. SATURDAY, MARCH 3â€"Furm stock. implements. “(2.. lot. 12. rou- of con. 2. Vaughn-n. the prnperty of Peter Oober. Sale n 12. “forms 8 montho. Prentice & Prentice. Auctl. MONDAY, MARCH 5â€"l'arm, farm stock. implements etc, lot, 13. con. 4, Mark- ham. Buttonvillo. tho property of Wm. Bennest. Sale at; 1 o'clock. Terms S monthl. Prentice & Fmpn', MARCH 9â€"Farm stoek,‘imple- mpnls, etc" Int 9, mm. D. Scarhmn, the property of C. M. Heron. Sale at 12 o'clock. Terms 8 months. Prentice & Prentice, Anctn. Mnxluv, MARCH l2â€"F‘arm stuck. implnmeuts etc.. lot 21. con. B, Scarbom, the property of T. D. Phil-roll. Sale at l o’cloek. 'l'les 8 months. Prentice and Prentice. Aucts. TUESDAY. MARCH 13â€"17mm stock. implements, 916.. lot 28, con. 1, S‘mrhm'n. the property of \Vm. White. Sale at 12. Terms 9 months. Prentice 8: Prentice, Aucts. \VEDNESDAY. MARCH 14-â€"Hun-sos, cattle. implements et.c., lot 69. yonge street. car stop 531,. the property of James (h-aigiv. Snie :ll H.250. F. W. Silver-sides, Auct. \VEDNESDAY. MARCH ilâ€"Farm sLm-k implements (40.. Int 27. rear of mp. 2. Markham, the property (If Jns. Cl'uickshunk, Hall: at l n'oloL-k. Terms 8 months. Pxentil-e n\' Prentice. Anrts. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 7â€"Funn stock. implemenli. elm, lot 3. mm. 7. Mark- hum. lb? property of jnhn Snowball. Sals- It 19 o'clock. Terms 8 montbl. remice a; Prvnlicp. Aucls. furnitlne. 910.. an Millikpn, the property of 1:15. Clayton. Sale at ln’clnck. Terms cash. Prentice & Prentice. Aucts. Aucts. ’mnliï¬o 8.; Prentice. Anus Audion Sale Regina AUCTION SALE H 13â€"Fn1-m stock. Milliken, [he "WWWW “0.0900900â€. .00“. 0Mâ€. “WOOW W QUALITY SHOPPE -:- Phone 53 Trench Block Announcing a partnership formed by Harold Reid and Waller/ Vanderberg to be known as The Richmond Hill Motor Sales to early on a general garage business in new building to be erected on the west side of Yonge 25!. the second lot south of the High- School to be ready about the ï¬rst of May. In the meantime we will be pleased to serve you in any way that our present limlted quarters will permit, such as vulcnnlzing‘ battery charging, and repairing. Oxy acetylene welding, gaso- line, and oils, tires and auto accessories. We also wish to announce that we have been appointed local agents for the well-known line of Durant Automobiles, including the Sensational Star car, and will be pleased to give you facts and ï¬gures pertaining to the different models. CHARGING RADIO BATTERIES A SPECIALTY â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"=â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" WOOD . FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE A.»G. SAVAGE T. H. HARDWARE & SlTPPLlES Limited Phone 33, - Thornhill, Ontario 6â€â€œOOOWOOWM 090 «99099909909990.9099». Roof ings COOPER’S HARDWARE TRENCH’S BLOCK {Spades, Shovels, Forks, Buildingipaper, Tar paper and Roofing,Harness Sup- plies Sweat pads, Breast strap, Hame strap, Heel chains, Curry combs and Brushes : Stoves Land Ranges -: C. N. COOPER Richmond I‘Iil BOOST - BOOST - BOOST 1f Richmond Hill is good enough to live in It is good enough to buy in. General Agent, office at the Post Office - Richmond Hill T. H. HARDWARE 8: SUPPLIES Limited Announcement Harold Reid COAL Lady Ramsay Won] in all Pupular Shades. l 10:. bull or 2 oz. for 350. Glnvos. Smmpod Goods. Notions. Hnsiery in l: and Canadian make. Flannelen- 37 inches. 3 Ginghuns â€" a few pieces left at 25c. per ymd Print in light :md dark shades. 25¢. per yard. Hulxtoa 35c. per yard, guaranteed fast colors. Glade 2 Ply Owl Rrund . . . . . . . 3 Ply Owl Brand . . . . . . . 1 Ply Linn and . . . . . . . Ruheroitl Satmulod felt Snvueign :heutmg . . . . . 1 Ply Owl Bram] “'0 are already preparing for [he Spling Millinev y trade. <:- Don't. fmgot it, -:â€" mnnergy nlenmn RICHMOND HILL MOTOR SALES Phone 33 Thornhill, Ontario Ull MRS. NORMAN BATTY gnsvliu Antiâ€"Freeze for Cars mm... Poultry Tonic Lame; n8 and Grain Bags PHONE 93 “10 sq. 100 sq. 100 sq. 10‘) sq. 432 sq. 200 Sq. M-knge of 24) table-ta 25 cent Walter Vanderburg hath English 300.. per yard. 18 cents $1.95 per 2.45 per 2.95 per 1.45 per 2 '25 per 2.00 per 50¢. each Phone 53 10.00 81,40 I'D“ roll 1‘0" roll mll [‘0