Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Mar 1923, p. 1

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A special price on Scratch Feed, and Old Process Oil pak‘e Meal; also 21 Sat of Gluten Meal toarrive Wed nes- day at the Ele- vator. WRIGHT BROS. Undgrtakers'and Embalmers mu Kiln» Turoutq Music.“ will 3009 mm“: in Pia: A car of dry hard- wood 24 in. body wood, (not limbs) at $14; also a car of dry wood, mostly hard wood, 4 ft. af$12.50,delivered at the Elevator. ‘ Adelmo Melecci and Miss Rosalind Bush L. T. C. M unlllbl O ICHMONDHlLâ€"EF EEHRNHILL AND UNIDNVILLE large stock 01’ Funerai Furnishing rent at the above places G. HILL, Oak Ridges P. o PAINTING to enter a branch of this Bank because you do not know how to make a de- posit. Our Managers or the staff will be pleased to show you. (ll Start with One Dollar and add to it dollar by dollar. Estimates Furnished Freo Phone PUBUfi NGTifiE llt \VILLQW’DALH, UNT Vm“ XLV. THE ROYAL BANK * OF CANADA Will accept it number 3 in Piano. Vocal and Theory. -:- ~(infornmtion Phone 110. Mus. MYLKs. for Empire “3-1” ULMYER. Mm)" Hardwood Finishing DO NOT HESITATE 'oroutu Conservatory of .50 per annum, in advance. . Ramer DECORATING Papal Pup Mnm' BARRISTEB. Soucu‘on. Noun: I‘m-unto 0.11:9. Richmond Bail 33 Richmond Street, “'est. fiichmond Hill Office ('13 FUR COUNTY HIV YORK AND ONTAHI Special attmxtion given to sales 1 every description. Farms and fem stock sales spuciultv. Farms bang! and sold on cmumissinn. Allsnlesa tended to an sllnl‘lk’St notice. nnd cm ducted by the mustnpproved method Patronage solicited. DENT'ST Office Trench Black. two: Licensed Auctioneer York. Sales :ltfendl notice umiat reason mung um. ouucxron. NOTARY ET' I‘m-unto 0.11:9. Richmond B 3 Richmond Street, “'est. Richmond Hill Office (' Libera) mce), every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternnuu. \Voodbridze. Saturday fox-ennnn. ailding Church \(J. 34. MISS BEATRICE HOWELL Ulfic p.111. pils passed for Cunseltvatory :uuinatinus. STUDIO â€"HOTEL RICHMOND Richmond Hill. TORONTO :acher of Fletcher M'ethod Musical Kmdergarten sale. Offim- (30 inch“ in length) Also Cement Bria-k Sand 01' (have! said by Has in car lnlS. Cedar posts and Leh- hula phone Paper hanger and Painter Oxford Street I’honb ~11 r 32. SAM. SHEPHERD Sand. Gravel 4) Tile and Brick I’LLâ€")1 [KING AND 1101‘ \VA'I‘EJ JOHN R. CAMPBELL 78 Bunssvonn Ava: P_l_)9ne Junction 72. TWENTYâ€"ENE All mail Pl‘dlutsl The Map!» Sand. (ll-av mmpanv, Ll'd, hun- nnl ‘mpenL drain tile. 3. 4. :' 'rménL drain uh‘vrc tilv ] < 1‘1. Pren l £00 {H Standard Bank Hours 911.1“. to 5.30 )en evenings hv :mnm WILLIAM COOK :\.\'I) G ENERAI‘ VETERINARY SURGEON ’l‘horuhil]. JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER by phone or otherwise pmmpHy In UKNERAI‘. REPAIRS THORNHH‘JL. ONT. hum I'H)l RICHMOND HILL. ONT - T. SAIGE Maple , _.<..\,. 'utronage soiicited 3. HENDERSON Tub-phone 3 Saturday forennnu. man at Current Rule “met-r for I Attended {0 §AND TINSMITHING ATER HEATING r-vsidvnceâ€"Conh 0 :1 nd Richumndflill thu- T. (,‘0 Us 1 XS VE YEARS' EXPERIENCE am will I'Pceive prompt attention. 10 L1) two dum's “with of VVILSON EU to (In ahoriest *lbleratias. ‘ 0.51) p‘ m_ aplmiuuuwnt “ In Essentiah, Unity have! and Brick on hund l'ur sale. 4, 5. 6 and 8 in. 18 and 20 inch length) I to sales 01 us and farm 'urms bnugbt Allsnles at,- ice. nnd cnn- Um Unpnlyof . WEST TORONTO 101V LU] ’38 JOHN; fur ( 12-t1‘ Manage: SLOS HI m-I I. No Senior 0. H. A. T‘ players allowed to compete. 2. N0 Intermediate 0. H. A or players still in the 0. H. . ning allowed to compete. (signed) A. MacFaI-lund . . .. son 8105. (signed) C. R. Brewer....( ers Gus. (signed) 1.. McCormnck.... Pen-ha Rubber Co. I (signed) R. S. Thumbs . . . . . . ‘ Clark Uu. In reply to your letter re Pete Reesnr, of Markham, Reesor did nut, play in the 0. H. A. this season and is eligible under your rules submitted, to play for Markham in your tnurnament. After considering the above dam we Were forced to declare Richmond Hi” ineligible hncnuse they unknow- ineg vinlated Rule No. 2. G. H. SLOAN A.(1'. 8.02M”: r Counfilteee L. A. HILL Also the from W. A \Vhervus considerable misunder- standing has arisen over- the commit teu's stund l'egaxding the Hockey Tourmunenb now in progress. we. the undersigned committee, wish to make the following facts known. To whom it may concern :â€" Rules of Ridnnund Hill Tournament given to us by luixtee. i The (Huh-ls would tnkr? this nppnr- (unit of (“pressing Illt‘ll Ilpprz-‘Cliltlnn tn tic citizens of Rirlnnoml Hillfm‘ their putunmgo “L the Alena Canteen, thus far :mpu-xiumtt-ly 55115 has been cleared during lhs‘ Hockey 'l'ouummunt \\‘(-Pl\‘. ' JCflnrts i- being made tn have the lLeugm- game's scheduled in the Melmpolilnn League as fullows: Newmarkvf- Millgvts :md Juniors Friday. March“ 1 Schumhetg Jnnim-s, Wednesday. , Marnh ll. ‘ Willowdal» Midge-[s and juniors, Friday, March 16, Fur the Schomherg game the Yoxk Ranger Richmond Hill reserve hand will be in attendance. Skming after‘ the big game. A lspecial cur is ex- _, LA,‘ 1' The Committees Explanation Butlefahy and A113. Club will meet at L] frvshments will he Stein's famous Under also promised fm~1his 7, _. . y-In. Iy(|L lo TA- pected fx7~m Schfimberrg. The O. C. asks for the loyal suppan r~f (he lmckPY fans 10 the Cadet gzuims. Stand by the Cadets. They need your help. It has been unfmtuuale that the return gman are being played Iutv. but [ha very best has been made of un unmmidalzlo situation. . The Hude Ulnl) "wet has been called ‘0“ until the first Friday in April, when lhrough the kindness of the Rev. Mr. a g'unes comrmccee. a committee to iurpervise an electric light system. and a Tournament committemwere appoint- ed. the tournament. to be held the second Wednesday in June. The membership fee was placed at $5. ladies $12.5“. 1’. ‘C. H‘mf’R‘ fizfibééh A g‘imes committee‘ The following were elected officers Prekident, A. G. Savage; 1st Vice N. J. Glass: 2nd Vice. J. McLean Secy. A. E. Glass: Treas., J. R Herrinzton. Ilireclnrs ~â€" W. H. Legge. J. A. Greene. l. H. lenhfnn At tho annua} meeting of the Richâ€" mond Hill La\\*n"B:\\vling Club Monday evening, the auditors' report showed a balance on hand of M0715. At :1 meeting of the Richmond Hill Agricultural Socier hrst Saturday, and hefm'e prncw’ding to the business (if tlwday. Mu'. H. A. Nicholls, the re- tiring Secretary-'I‘Iensurer. was called to the front by the President. Mr. J. E. Francis, who in very appropriate language presented Mr. Nicholls with u .lncuhean chair. the gift of the Asso~ cintionjn appreciation of the incnmpu- mhle services which he hull rendered during his vxlendod and succesfiul tenure (If nffice, Mr. Nichplls made .1 very suitable ru-ply. thanking the mmnhvrs for llwil' kindnvss and for the hem-(y support they had always given him. Hill fnflo‘wiug ummuunicatiorm Hewitt. Sacretury U. H. A. Toronto. March 5, 1923 (signed) \V’. A. HEWITT York Ranger Cadets ,' in Non-E Annual Meeting ~H.- O. H. A. Teams or Mrs. Battcrsby, the at the Rectory. Re- he served and Mrs. Unth Scrum!) Breud is Glass: Treas., J. R‘ Direchvrs ~â€" W. H. :reene. J. H. Nuughton. Endean. and the officexs. Presentation .. THURSDAY, MAI-{CH 8. 1933 ] Hill ankey us by the com- occasion ssentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity ” Consum- Ruben- . Cupp Guttn 'EIIHS I'llll' M r. the ‘ Hwy; of the lime will he In zlhsul'!) lhe cur- hon dioxide and thin permit the iron to come out uf snlnliou. I shunld he glad if you will send samples of tnp wuwr at the filtration plant. 21 huurs after sun-ting this h'ennm-nt. I have arranged fur u 19 of our lab- oralorv men to keep in tuuch with the situation up then: so (but we may forc- szull the same Irmle next yFar. I have the honour [f- be. Yuma sincmelv. CESSHHM.‘ will nut in uny way < the Wu.(el'h:1rmfllny so that you nt‘L need tn take any pvt-can abutmgctung the (met; qlmntip truducvd into the water. Tho I ' u .V .. u." .. gl-l uuu (iiuxide ((302) content, This condition nppnrenlly keeps the iron, which mâ€" dinarily piecipitutus out into the stream. in snlulion. and it, is not. reâ€" moved by the alum film-Minn treat- ment. Our analyses showed 8 part per million of ii on in ymu- tap water, which is extremely high and Would account for the unpleasant admins and Lilltrt. i believe, us Sum) as the ice cover of Lhe rivm‘ is gone that the uxygen con- tent of the stream will increase and [He carbon dioxide content will do- crease, and that, the inn) will piecipi- {ate nut, into the stream ilsvlf. In the meantime, 1 suggest that, yun use between three and [mu- hundred pnnuds of lsnildex’: lllllu pz'l- millinn‘ gallons of water. upplying it by Innk- ingnpa snlutinn and feeding it at about, the San“: pointns you are now fut-(ling the nlum suluIiun. Any v);- ceSslimv will nut in any Way PHI-(rt .L-u-H c 0” but Richmond Hill \\"I'Ii‘e.l".“the lubmatory analysvs show that the water is de- nde uf oxygen and has a high carbon Robert Miller nf Stole Tuesday elected Preside- (lanndian Nalimull Ithii needing Mr. R. Flumning. Joseph Martin, K. C , the Canadian lawyer and poll in the General Hospital in last, Friday. \Vhllt‘ in thl Cabinet he framed and int: measure abolishing Svpnrut Aluminum. Dean “unis (vf the best Immvn Dunn-in, und :1 Canadian llistm'y Monday. Dr. Flt‘dt‘link Ban lecuption by the Mnnduy evening. T‘ related the sturyofl in conneqtion with healmont of diahetes much ‘impressed his ence. Dear Sir TEELâ€"At the rosidenco llmw-ianW. Hornpr BIT Mulkhmn, on Thursday 1923, “’illinm Tm I, in hi Interment in Heise Hi} SLINEY~AL Rivhmom] Hi day, Mnrchf), 1923. Elm qun,wife Hf John Slinp meu.) 1()S€.I”Illy'S( 3.11). Thursday. Intvrm Luke's Ueuwterv‘ 'I‘hm-l l Letter to Dr. Langstafl, M. O. H Dir “am Smmma mews NOTES The progressive farmer recog- nizes that Credit plays an impor- tant part in promoting a healthy growth in the business of farming. Applications for loans Will be courteously received and your discussions treated confiden- tially. I unspltnl In Vancouver \Vl)il(‘ 1n the Greenway unitary Eng Division. W'ilh rrferem-e to SuMluy’s'chmc-h at If) y. Intvrment in 9!. cry, Tum-Lhill. DEATHS Rdnlinz wns gin n n the Ummdinn (Huh, {3. The young doctor '3' of his research Work with insulin for the hetes in :1 manner that I his illlellignlt Audi. if you will send :rnl the filll‘nLiuu fler sun-ting this nf Stouffviue was on President, of the nu] Exhibition, suc- anfl ngliliicizin.4£fi;a. Turnntu, one of ("\Lhnliv, Cleric-s in noted student. of . died in l‘m‘omn on and introdchVe-(i Separate Schools in IM'LB Y. I] Hill. on Mqu Elizabeth Ann mt vnu will pvt-cautious quantny m. Tho (-1700! {hf “will-known rcorrf his ln-o~ Bros. find an. lay, March 1, his 74th yvsu. Hi“ Cometw-r. nee ring OF CANADA gnu n n. Club, doctor 11 work 5 *3 Because the LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY" 01? YORK Patronage and influence res ectfuliy snlicited Result-nee ; dx-vss f'. 0. add Victoria Square Go! tulvy,l 21 KING ST. WEST. TORONTO, CANADA . TELEPanE MAIN 311 Cable Address: “Dede” Arthur A. Mncdnnald [Hank Demon Luum Dental). B. A. Deuton, Macdonald 6: Dénton Boot and All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired. Good "Workmanship. Prompt Service. 2Doors South of Bakery on Yonge St. HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. ! \Valtel-S. Jenkins 1 I Ree. Phnne ] Hill. 5048 Canadian Tenor and Choir Leader SnInii-sb North Parkdnle Methodist. Church, is prepared to teceive pupil: in Richmond Hill on Mondays. Studio, Mrs. N. Batly's. Arnold _St. Particulars, .- l.‘ l mm be obtained Ring 11. The The The The H. A. NICHOLES M (H.111 reim- Offices «(aide st” Richmond Hill Commissioner, Convey Insurance and Real GEO. KIDD NOTARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCING 133mm 09- )I ARRIAG E LICENSES Barristers Solicitor _1_ԤIephone Main :es (aide St.. West, Toronto. Nauahtcn Block, Aurora Snlicxtor fnr : Town of Aurora Township of Kin Township of ‘Vhllnhnrch Im eriu] Bunk of Canada, Aurora. .Wfizltnn. & ('0. Au: om NAUGHTON 3""JEN‘KFNE . HEWISON 1:u'rizzitmers. Solicmrs. 8n: MANNING ARCADE. . J. HUME [Single copies, 3 cts Wm. C. Ruttan Shoe Repairer J. Hurry Naughlnn Res. Elgin Mn‘ls Bus: Phone 44.4 Bldg Cill :nton, B‘ eynncer, Etc an Estate BL. rm-uculars. lling. Phone 22 21M! Notaries 2777 23-28 Adel

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