Remember the France: Nickawa entertainment in the Methodist Church this (Thursday) evening. ‘ Will the owner please call fur a of butter left, at the Liberal Oï¬ice, Sknting in the rink Saturdny evening. 7.80. Band in attendance. Admission 1'5 and 15 cents. At a muting re soldiers Memorial last Saturday, Mr. \‘Vm. Innes. Mr. 1. Monkman and Mn. F. Lynett were appointed to select a memorill and roport. The Women: Institute will meet, at the home of Mn. D. \Vatson on WPdnes- day. March 14th. ut80'clnck. Paper hy Miss Stunley. Solu, Mn. Elmore Heuman. The ladies of St. Mary's RC. Church will serve a supper in the Masonic Hall, Biichrpop} Hill, St. Patrick's high}, March 17. The Metropolitan earl to Richmond Hill. which formerly came to the Waiting Room only, now go as far north as the High School, morning and evening. Our citizens should endeavor to patronize these curs. A meeting of the Ratepayers' Alsncintion will be hPld in the Council Uhnmhvrnexc Tuesday night. March 13th. at 8 o'clock, to decide ahunt, having an "Old Boy's Re-union.†As Ibis is an important matter. it. is Parneslly desired that all intele<ted ghould attend. J. A. GREENE. Pu-s. Play in the Hockey Tournament. was hulth a few evenings the latter parth last, week, on nccnunt of the mild weather. but. the ice hardexwd. nnd the games WPIP resumed Tuesday V night, when Markham defeated (mn- sumers Gas by ï¬-ltfujd‘ ijblu Percha defeated Yorl': Rndials hy75-3 Markhamand Guttn Perclm. faced each other in the grand ï¬nish last, eve- ning. and gave a splendid exhibition of good hockey. Mankhnm proved the anger mum, and won by n. score of abnut 10-0, Immediately after the game'llle cummittpe in charge. with the Village (lnuncil, presented the winners wlthS gold watches, Reeve Trench making the presentation. The runners-up were also prescribed with cuff links. Skating followed until 11 o'clock. In Memory of my dear husband. Wm. Curtis. who died March lbLb, 1918. A loving husband and father dear. Muny troubles he did see. \thn nlive ho did his‘best Now his suul has guns tn rest. lIe suffered lung and murmured not. Shep on deanfather and Lake Vnur rest. For God Calls home whom he loves best A loving father true and kind. A beautiful lllEllIOI‘y left behind. \Vben a father breathes his last fune- well. '1 he Stll'uke seems more than “ ox‘ds can tel . Then home ii quite a different place Wileuf a smile of A delu- fathers flee. â€" Wife and family. Cï¬ï¬‚GI'IS'SQLBS BRONCNWS Markham Wm thé Gold Watches MONEY BACK GUARANTEE Sold at Sloan‘s Drug Stores A Spring Day ‘ Up in Muskoka A Spring day in Muskoka. with sky and water vividly blue: the smell of pine. the song of birds in the air. On a sunny slope a girl gathered triliiums with eager hands. She smil- ed It the quegtion‘ingfgrapger. "I never picked wild flowers be- fore." she said wisttully. 'WVe lived in the city. er died, and thenâ€" mother. of t ulosls. 1 was all alone. I wean strongâ€"worked too hard.â€"-and I x; it. They brought me here to the Sanitarlum on a stretcher." “But. look at me now!" exultantly. The glow of health was in her cheeks. “It's the rest and care and good food and fresh air that saved me," and her eyes shonq joyousl'y. Surely she was 'worth saving, this bonny, ylue-eyed lrl! Surely the Muskoka Hospital or Consumptives deserve; he; tmfltudg! Coan-ibuuoï¬Ã©'ï¬iéiv’be sent to Hon. W. A. Charlton 228 College Street. Toronto. IN MEMORIAL! V ¢ Wm“ ""."l"i';il,,,“uu ' lil’fi'zti‘ .Illl II I ' '9 RD. Church lb. MRS. W.‘ DAVIES, Yonge St. Millinery The village, during the last two months, satiated with a. drab dreari- neas, turns with relief to It least one oasis of enthralling intereu, to our new and modern showâ€"room, wherein from Saturday next, and during the spring season, W111 be portrayed the creations of the super- mind amongst miliiners, where many phases of originality. deft workman- ship. and the imaginings of vanity will ï¬nd full expression. Our name is synonymous with value, and quality, and if made to order, whether the hat is medium or high-class, one may have the supreme satisfaction of knowing it is exclu- sive, combined with an individuality of its own. Newest HATS For Spring Notice to Creditors late of the Township of Vaughan in the County of York. deceased. Pursuant to the Statutes in that; he- h'Llf. Notice is hereby given thb all nrtie! having claims ugninst, mhe Esta» of the said Elizabeth Hownrd. who died on m- about. the lat, day of Februcry, 1928, ure required on or boforu the 5th day of April next, to send to Mr. John H. Francis, Thomhill, Executor, a Itatement of thelx-claiml and Addresses. AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that other such Int, mentioned date the Executor will distribute the “sens among the partios entitled thereto, having regard only lo such clulms as he Ihall then have received Notice. Are You Going to Plant Trees this Spring? “0321i 11;; 'i’th’duj of March. A. D 1928. NAUGHTON It JENKINS, 26 Adelaide Street, \Vest. Toronto. Grinding as! usual. Aurora and Maple Len {pastrynfm'd bread'flour. Bran, Sllorts. Dairy meal. Meal for laying hens, Alfalfa meal. Monarch Scratch feed. Whole and ground feeds made up to sult purchaser. Meat scraps Lankage. Deliveries Tuesday and Saturday. ENROLL ANY TIME Indivldual Instruction. Night School Mondays and Thursdays. Newmarket. Bank of Toronto Block First Display J. F. BURR, NEWMARKET BUSINESS COLLEGE IN THE ESTATE OF ELIZABETH HOWARD, FALL TERM OPEN 'l‘rees add to the beauty of your grounds, we can sell you ï¬rst-class stock. Fruit trees, Ornamental trees and Shi'ubbery,from the Nur- sery of E. D. Smith & Son. Wlnona,0nt. Remember all trees that do not grow nre replaced. We can sup- ply you with one tree or hundreds. No order too nmall. Our prices include delivery to your home. Mrs. W. Davies PHONE 119 CHOPPING MILL GEO. H. PRICE Representative Richmond Hill Phone 82 W. OF THE 30-39 Tho March issuv u)" Rod and Gun in Canada. the \wll known Cmmdian Iportsmen's lllMgnliuQ at the nut (.f doors. ountuins many attractive features and IthHIdn in slorirs and articles that. are lure lo planar. .\ depnrtnwnta and ï¬uLura-s mum-in ~p|endid fQ'A‘III'I'G of outst-mding quality. The mngazinr‘ ls iihxstratt-d p: nfo-ly throughout. and in every an. lhv March inane is, one that no one will want to min. ELGIN HOTEL LightLunches Ice C ma m Soft Drinks Cigars Cigarettes Refreshmennts Stabling Accommodation at Reasmable Rates Barristers, Solicitors. Etc. omenâ€"Suiti- 3H McKilmon Bldg“ Cur. Jordon and _\' n-l'mdu. Stan. Tummo Mr, Cmnplh‘l] \vi‘ul "e at, 'l'ho Liham) Ofï¬ce. Richln..|.d Hill, evely 'I'umduy gum-noun. Foréyth & Allen COMMISSIONER, (‘f1N\'E}'AN(JER. FTP, The James Robertson, Co., Ltd. PLUMBING SUPPLIES BATHS. BASINS, W. C‘s., SYNKS. Lnundry TU RS m] A LL NECESSARY EQUIPMENT. Ask for our Sz'pkiu Tlnk Uirculnr. Oui‘ local 19px esentative, Systama will provid» water for any install-«inn. \Vill gladly furnish necesnry infor- mation and advice. regarding your requirements. Pniv (orï¬. DPHHHIUIS :Ind Haul“! Finishels. Fntimutes giyvn. SaturdaVS. Get Your Painting Done Now Ricluunnd Hill “'o'dnpsduys and Macnaughton & Campbell NOTICE i~ MAUDIC G E E in the (‘I'IH'AU' of Ontnrln, : apply tn the I the present, 82 of Divorce {mm Roy Stanley Ge< City of 'I‘oruntn, II New Ymk. in [he on the ground of a Lion. Phoné 44 r 23 Stop 51 Yonge St. Telephmw Main3631. A. CAM EROS MMNAUGH'H, N FREDERICK A. A. CAMPBELL Februarv 215 Spadinl Ave , Tomnto, Ontario Richmond Hill Phone 13 I) . Bridges, Prop. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE T030191 (.f PiuHU-Plilyi’lg at the TUIUI’IUI UUIISI‘lValUI'y ut Mush: Nutice of OllLaidP tho) Villwgo mu- Prnsurp and St. MrugM-M‘s Uollvgv. DATE!) 3 Stop 47 EDWARD FRxNus NOTARY PUBLIC . EARLE ,NEWTON PIANIST Ambrose L. Phipps "mum x LENNOX TIUSLS and Guarantee Bdlg. ELG IN MILLS by Rod And Gun First class Pain'tcr Thornhill ELLA 7E is lwml-y given that IGICIS cf {he Ciky of 'I umty of Ymk in the P rin, Mun-led \anm the Purlimm’ul’. of CH :nL sessions thereof fm (:e from her husband "don Can, fm-mH-lv hour I IP 78. Ha: AI’YU)? \V H 1315 L E R nw Charges Richmond Hill Application for Divorce AL‘DE GEE ‘2†l Toront 'I'm'nn l’roviv 1C LLA TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Richmond Hill Branch, J. R. Herrington, Manager THE LORNE BLUBK FURNISHING STORE Banking by Mail†and Booklet. The Onkario Gypsum Co., Ltd. Paris - - Ontario An Early Easter We have a few Overalls in plain} blue, khaki $1.75 to Men’s heavy : thinking or getting anew suit; tor 1n. n time to order same. I [have new Sp for both iadies and men, at. reasonable pi ing you for your past custom. and trusty me the same this season. Ladies and cloths made at; reasonable price. 3 ready to wear have also arrived. ANY and varied are the types of men who conduct M their bankin with The Standard throï¬gh the post. Busy men wï¬o live far away from any bank ï¬nd that our plan of banking by mail saves them making special trips to town, and is satisfactory in every way and quite Iimple. We pay interest at current rates on such acaounu. Write or call for full particulars. THE Also wotk shirts at $1.25 and $1.33 An:exlra goudjine or all woo) work socks an 530 um: ’8 heavy :work boots in good graip, cow hidc‘, black or brawn $1.30 L. INNES & SONS, Dealers, RICHMOND HILL Aiso rubbers in STAN BAN K ARROW SHIRTS AND COLLARS STAY-IN-SHAPE TIES aster Norman J. Glass. Clothier and Tailor. heavy rubbers, $3.50 for 2.75 allzsizes, from little children up. e. khaki. bmc strip and black, from . FORTNER or CANADA EB after Qwafls and. i ceilings WCC Deï¬ects can be obtain- ed through the use of Gyproc V\'g11boax~§i._ Because of its unshrlnkuble and nonâ€"warping qualities, “Gyproc†can be used on the walls and ceilings of the most costly homes. Unlike ordin- ary Svallboard, Gyproc stays put regardless of temperature as which it is subjected, form- ing a beautiful, perfectly flat surface without a wrinkle or roll. V Gyproc walls and ceilings can be painted, tinted or papcred the same as any plastcvcd wall. It is absolutely ï¬reproof and a wonderful insulator against heat or cold. “'rite For a sample: of Gyproc and Booklet. The Ontario Gypsum Co., Ltd. Paris - - Ontario [have new Spring Goods at. reasonable price. Thank- ‘tom. and trust you will give Ladies and Gents own ole price. New spring EAUTIFUI, PANEL '.L for it. Now have new Spring away, ant regular $3.35 and if you are Now is your