Mei-f; MW... Classiï¬ed Advertisements. _______________â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"'â€"‘ I) I'RE W001. BATTS, BEAllTIFUIn l.\' carded and fluffy. Entirely frog from all m- grr-nse. Lnrge supple. enough. for comforter, one dollar. Woollen Mills, Georgetmyn, Ontario. fl BALESMEN WANTED. inhibits him i NEEDS our CARE, Care of Home and Children} Often Causes a Breakdown. The woman at home, deep in house- MA’N’ or V LErrsRs THANKS TANLAC‘ ‘Canadian Writer Declares He i Never Saw lts Equal for Building One Up. "Tanlac is a faithful old friend that never fails me.“ (lei-lured James A. Brain, 671 Gerrard St. }<l., Toronto. 10nt., recently. .\lr. llrnin is one of . v’ i'l‘oronto‘s best known citizens, and in Du†from volcanic eruptionq has ‘nddition to being .1 :lit‘i't‘Sillll business i hm,“ km’wn M have] 560 miles ‘man, has written many pawns and fthrmmh the ah: ‘ :[songs that haw gained wide popu- 1 I -’____ laxity" i Minard's Liniment used by Physicians. "I‘ve been taking an occasional treat» . ment of ’l‘nnlac for four years. and it Ewuonnwownmmnuueuwwwwe i _..â€"â€"__..__.â€"â€" EUBAM CLOVER. mum CLOVER. 'rHE Gnaan annual. Write for interesting ind tormation. D. Fraser. RR. 2. lidertc-n. hold duties and the cares of mother- hood, needs occasional help to keep her in good health. The demands up- on a mother’s health are many and severe. Her own health trials and her children's welfare exact heavy tolls, while hurried meals, broken rest and - ‘ ‘ ' en her . , . _ mud} 1nd?“ “2mg tang to“? 6:11:11 wo_i keeps me in ï¬ne ('Dlllllillln. \Vhy. consmuuon' ho won er a e ' “it's alto " t ~ in» l" l - lll lwld - - . gather too easy to get a ugh non, I e 1‘ me to] i man at home is often lndlSpOSGd: dl " , r. ‘1 I f t H “I v†"I v mm , u ‘ " through weakness headaches back- V°r°°' , .“01Ԡm a 0“ “‘w/ ‘1 i ‘ ‘5 ' . S C ' ' “Well, maybe if It wasn 1: so easy ‘my age in @3an 1 , Mines and nervous‘ness' T00 many ‘0 9et something to Get ‘1 diV°r°° i “Before ttxkiut: 'i':'il\i1.<‘. l was ell run-‘- _ _ Ln ‘ down, had little am; it‘ , and was quf- Dose!†tun 8' b1“ Drop a n a : women have grown to accept these "om It woman be so easy}, l ‘ion. i wasn’t “szona†0“ 8-“ “ME “0â€â€ mm“ g Best Bowel laxative momemwd. But many and vm‘led as Opened 50101110395 POOls' sleeping Well and w: . often so Weak 1y that com stops hurting' the“ Short. visitations as a part of the lot of ' _ H terms: from illirlKLni . , the cause is , , . -â€" r , .~ I,‘ .. her health tumbles “e In its soiutlon of the vexed problem and uerveus I couldn't, attend to bust 1y you h†H mm or: mm ï¬ngem he“ [3110115) simple and relief at hand. When wé'il. of Fl wqter qumflv in Jomwuem (.8 nesq Truly! it is the woman‘s ood blood thatkeeps ‘ ‘ ‘ - †5‘, ‘ “ " _ Your dru ist sells a tin bottle 0!; ‘ 'y ‘ her we“. when 11g] she must make her Department of Public Works in Pales- “we†5†an n 939 nummm 5mm :“Freezmengfm a few cent: summer“: LOIISllldldd WW tine has contrived-to combine utility peared with my ï¬rst treatment. of Tnn- to remove every hard corn. soft coral “"m romance, “’“ies the Jerusalem mc- and 10 this gm)“ “"3" 1"“ be“ ‘33“ or corn between the toes, and the ca} To clean out your bowels without woman in the world needs rich blood ?°r"95130“dent Of “The London Mom‘ “13' Sleeping and feeling ï¬ll‘l- 1“ 11†loses, without sosencss or irritation. icrampihg or overacting. take Cascar- and plenty oi’it. There is one way to mg Post" I†the days Of the Roma“ my seventy yearsv “'9 “PVC? 9‘30“ the “:1†. v ets. Sick headache, biliousncss, gases. get this good blood so necessary to occupation, When the population of the equal of Tanlac, and I just wouldn't he {on years is the average, hie of an indigestion, suur’ upset Stomach, and perfect health, and that is through the Holy Land was no smaller. apparently. without it.†' “91‘- all such distress gone by morning. use of Dr. \Vmiamsv rink pins M13 than now, Jerusalem was well supplied Tanlac is for sale, by all good drug- ‘ "m" blood rich to renew her health. The nursing mother more than any other ____________.___._..._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"- "\/a\/¢)M\/¢.,J‘¢JVUVU Nicest physics on earth for grown-ups \v. T. Riley, R_R_ No_ 1’ Apple H111, with water. It has occurred to the de- gists. Over 35 million bottles sold. 2 . and children. we a box Taste 1"" Ont._ has proved the great value of Dr. Dartment to make use of the Roman _________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-___________________â€"â€"â€"__. galleries; candy. Williams’ Pink Pills to mothers, and reservoirs and aqueducts, of which the petmmum In Spawn ‘ g B ‘ . 0 _ ° tells her story as followsrâ€"“TWO years Wins can Still he Seell- . , ‘ . . . ‘- Amerl a’a PI 1: 3e cu ago. after the birth of my boy, I be- Thus the Pools of Solomon. so called The 893111511 (’ovemmem W111 drlul _ C on“: Bzgk me 6. two 2,000-metre wells in a search for 0 °“ came very weak and run down. Grad- from being near the Gardens of S010- I _ - petroleum in provinces where it is be- M. D. advises: “Perems who 8 ually I lost weight and energy until I mon, and of second century date, three , . sufier from severe indigestion was unable to do my housework. I large reservoirs, with a total capacity new“ to “ISL andconstipaiionshouidiake alter 11,1523 ESQ: {35:3'1Ad. could not sleep, my nerves 'ii’ould of 40,500,000 gallons, situated some W'3*â€"‘~ each meal and albedtime,ï¬iteen Q dress by the Author. twitch and jump so that I arose in the eight miles from the capital, are again, When a dog harks at night in Japan to thirty drops of the Extract of fitnf’lfvi’eglc’zï¬â€™l; 05:53? morning with heavy aching limbs and after centuries of disuse, supplying the owner is arrested and sentenced to Roots known to the Drug Trade “New York. U.B.A_ head. Indigestion helped to make the Jerusalem with water. Some difficulty work for a ï¬xed time for the neigh- as “MotherScigel‘s Cm‘htive Syrup." 6 > A__M_'_‘ff“_":-*jf’fff‘f‘_“ff“m_. misery worse, and my heart would pal- was found in repairing leaks, but two bors whose slumber may have been Getthe Genuine. 50c.and$1.00 ‘ pitate terribly. Idoctored steadily for of the pools have al-eady been sufâ€" disturbed. bottles. 1 S a year Without getting better. 131“ Sillst ï¬ciently cleared out and restored to __________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"--â€"â€""‘"" ' dragged along feeling that 1 W011†fulï¬ll their original purpose. never be W911 again- Bllt 0119 luck? The department has even found it day: 0‘1 the adVICe 0f 8 friend: I bega“ possible to use the surface aqueduct treatment With Dr- ‘Vimams, Pink and tunnels, which the Romans made, . ,. , _ . ‘ “I , Pms' I have taken only 51" boxesv hm so as to secure connection between the - ' i “L ‘ ii i' 1‘ A ‘ t I‘ 15“ (i. I Wish you could see the difference. I pools and their main source of supply, v' i I . ‘_ with 1‘ am now able to do my work» go about a spring rising in a cavern named Bir and enjoy myself' I feel so entirely Darash. This was effected after the like 3‘ tie-“(Woman that I advme evefy removal of much silt and stones. So Weak 0" 311mg Woman to try Dr' W ,11' history is repeating itself at Jerusalem. liams' Pink Pills and I know they Will get beneï¬cial results." It you are ailing, easily tired or de- secret- pressed, it is a duty you owe yourself I know a thing that no one knows and your family to give Dr. Williams’ Save only one and I, Pink Pills a fair trial. What this So frail it is, a thread seems strong. medicine has done for others it will So great, it, mocks the sky. surely do for you. You can get Dr. Will-iams' Pink Pills through any deal- I dare not tell it if I would. er in medicine or by mail at 50 cents And would not it I dared. a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The It is so shining even gold Dr. “Viiiiams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Is only dull compared. 'Mrs. McMahon Tells How 3113 Found Relief by Taking Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound * .l . ii iiiiiiH' ii ‘ I Chatham, Ont.â€"-“ I took Lydia E. t Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound for a run-down condition after the birth 0 my baby boy. I had terrible pains , backache, and was tired and weak, no . ‘ ï¬t to do my work and care for my three ‘ little children. One day I received your little book and read it, and gave up ‘ 16 , ‘ ing the medicine I had and began takin I ghe Vege’cabledCompound.h I fegl mtg“ ' ‘ otter now an am not. as ame to ï¬rm rheumtwpam, I ,ecommem: what it has done for me. VVhether you have suffered it to any woman I think feels as I do.’ , TROUBLING YOU 0m"- , . . -â€"Mrs. J. R. McMmon, 153 Harvey -- But he must tell itâ€"I must wait, _ . foryears'or Eli‘s: CXPCI‘ICHCIHg St†Chatham’ 0m; .1 To My Mother. As modest maidens do. Instantly! End indigestlon rheumatic pain for the ï¬rst Lydia E_ pinkhamvs Vegetable (3mm~ Deal gently with her, Time; these My little heart. will he be glad or Stomach Misery with timeâ€"Sloan s Llnlant will ound, made from roots and herbshhas many years To ï¬nd I know it too? i D †bring you quick, sure relief. ‘ o‘rnearlyï¬ftygyelarsflienrgsiiormgtimlï¬ â€˜ I ' â€"- . “ ’ ia 6 sin ' amngwomen 0 ea an s ren . Of life have brought more smiles With Helen Frame/Bower Pal)e S p p Apply 51951“ S to those relieves the troubles which cause such them than tears, ' stiff sore jomts. ' . fl ï¬ d Lay not thy hand too harshly on her 9 symptoms as backache, pam u o s, .ItS‘ingiinE.Wiletrï¬lng‘i‘m’gm i irregularities. tired, worn-out eelings brings Comfort‘mme ‘aie 3" e’ 1 andnervousness.Thtstsshowna aman As soon as you eat a tablet or two of now . . ’ . I ' ‘ " v - ' t on is - - - _ But trace declme so slowly on her .Papes Diapepsln your indiges lfl t {Qre you realize “ the pam has I agam by suchletters as Mrs. cMahon brow gone! Heavy pain.i heartburn, ‘8; u- dlSES‘Fpeiu‘eï¬: , t .n make You i, writes, aswell as by one woman telling That like a sunset of the northern lence' gases! Dammit on’ f†“2; m r aliggnhzw‘rl‘l‘rfligegs‘aw it is) to another. These women kn0W_. and are dime Th r i d abs from a sour, add “013mg? exits. r sitter from rheumatic pain today W‘umg a? “P whitish What 1" CM 1‘3; ,' e armero toâ€" ayre ' th :1. . . , es on or a ‘ .- ‘ - ere re 1 is sure wor Where tWIlight lingers in the summer - vantages of concrete-built snoruoigiu, met your swung} ï¬nk g . .nteed The mOSt StUbem and Chrome ‘ tgi?’trial o ’ y “me “1‘29"†“c' Th°~“3"~'m‘°rd' i' few cemS' Eat pat age guard cases yield to Sloan's. l y ' . ’ . > “it WW“ V31“ lam We Huer- Load- by druogist. . 1 Women who suffer should write tothe And fades at last into the silent night r up?) unilgad- I51mg“ " Made“ C‘m‘z‘i" LydiaEPinkham MedicineCo Cobom‘ . 1 . . . - t 2' . , ‘ fly, ' ' " - ‘ 4 . ' " ‘ hie one may note the passmg of the . flthSd ï¬rmwaef ; I _ Sloan's Liniment-klllspam’ Ontario, for afree copy of L dia . light. ' ZEN-Gs. orkmoupt- _ (- l - ‘ Forrheumatism,bruisesstrninsxhestcolds Pinkham’s Private Text-Boo upon 30 may 5110 9355â€" since 'tis our com- o ._; V ' . "' [*F’" “ Ailments Peculiar to Women." 0 mon lot- i \{'ritctorhookier. ‘ g I .g. - M ' "-T"*~"“T ' '* ' . r ‘. g' As one who, resting, sleeps and knows . (’32:):- $2933“ _ i it not. wow ‘. . . ’“J ll All IV ' i Brandnrd ' ‘ - r ' Endorse )linm'd’s Linlment and c 11 en ’leill- _ ;. . __ . ._._.,_. I presvriiue it in Illf‘ll‘ Ill‘ï¬"il“°' . i V ; prescribe it in their practise. “‘rite for testimony of mediâ€" cal men. MONEY ORDERS. ‘ Dominion Express Money Orders are! l i ii ll ‘. - s . . ‘ , flirousgaliZut ill-snail: 1 Ohqu 0m“; . o i ' m the famous Vauhan Dilute! .__,â€"-â€"~. Something Worth While. 1 now lam: Irrigation Project Guest (inspecting pictures))~ “Ah! ‘ Alix-£33123]? Eiï¬â€˜i-il’ga‘1‘é’gliï¬ï¬fg’iï¬ The Fam'ly medium cheSt an old master, I think?" fsraunttt tfor ‘young 111311111037 living :'"-I ~ ., . __.. v_. . _, a re s w ere. goo an cannot 1 H v H ‘ hirs.l\e\uitb Iyes,butthe flame you see the name Bayer 0n tablets, you . H15 18 NOT PIONEEMNG. the 5 ! ratu‘iopoluo 3.3;“ are fully Ieltled and Minard’s Liniment for sale everywhere :Efue‘fï¬em; muflfl‘jflgï¬mflfï¬yï¬ï¬ â€"â€"â€"â€"®â€"â€"%â€" railroad, seven miles. Good roads. True Education. telephones and schools. Easy phy- V ments. extending over 18 years. No person can he called educated Thu 1- the nut Land. any in Alb-art. 2 who will not do effectively 5) l‘i i" at: “"1†t“ with“ informamn m: . U" i“~ mun mum and mama-non that he does not wish to do at the 0035mm, Lxmrrm) time when it. ought to be done. .\'i<-‘.i- 3°50“. 3‘" ‘ ‘ “5°?†01:15 Murray Butler. i-...____.._.__,__ n o bought at reasonable pricel. is new. are not getting Aspirin at all __.__â€"â€" AiiiBITIGUS MEN MW WQMEH make his; nilrl'w} >_lling .m- gang. lislhmsule. four-ply knitting: \Vmils. SL‘ii on sight. l‘rotlis TI. rents and 31 pound. 'l‘uent)‘ shudes sumgvlr i wool free. “lite t-i-dny. Engl'hsh Wool Company Dept. “'1. BOX 69‘. . MONTREAL “ My trouble started with pimples breaking out all over my face and _ fl shoulders. The pimples "‘ ‘. were large and red and lesâ€" . tered.anditchedandburned ’ so badly that I could not sleep. They were .vcry sore andznyclothingaggravated them. “I read an advertisement for Cuticura Soap and Ointment and sent for a free sample which helped me. I purchased more, and after ‘. Keep Kendall's 6, always in the barn. "r? A strained muscle, a sprung tendon, a jolt or I knock demands immediate attention. A few hours’ delay will result in a long lamenessâ€"perhaps in the loss of the horse. Kendall’s Spavin Treatment has saved more iiorscflcsh than all the other known remedies. Under the name oi Accept only an “unbroken package" of “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin,†which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians dxring 22 years and {70:53 safe by millions for, -/ .4 corru ated Galyaï¬ized - Kendall's Span-in Cure. it is the using four cakes of Cuticura Soap - 7 . s ,1 " s g g R g: toriy-ycar-old standby of horsemen, , :nd three bodxes oéCutiEuraNOimmegi COldB HCIlcltlLllc Elleturatism " farmers and vet in. ' ; was heal: .†1. igne ; 'illiam . ’ ' A in n r»? _" ' ' too 09 mg ‘3â€"137: I I a slew,†Peabody StuBuMmNY' toothache neuralgia 7 curl iS I Dir'“ gaggnmaï¬'i’gï¬â€˜lfrgï¬u? “m' C" 5 Lame "fiw'lw‘l 3 ‘°“ay' ; Use Cutich for alltoiletpurposee. EfllIlClIC Lumbflg’O Pam, P31“ .455. loo, for the Free 5001.: or irrifcfor ii to DR. B. J. KENDALL COMPANY, ENOSBURG FALLS. VL. U.S.A. ' Sample in): fro-bridal}. Address: "Iymam.Lim- (ad. 314 El. Paul St . Hoctrml." Sold (very- where. Snap 2.5:, bitumen! ï¬ndscc Talumic. WCuticura Soap shaves without mug. Sitiu.’ T." ':< {a I‘lzrnnm The Metallic Rooï¬ng Co. Limited each 1194 King St. W., Toronto 4 of [It and 100-â€"~Dmggistl'y r lfan‘ifarture of Mom» at. Aspirin means Bayer ré. to as . ’ . . 1215p! Mayer Company, aged with their neural Le“ ' . v B..;<~r chul. ._.â€"â€"_ _.___ ______. 4 issue so. 10â€"‘23.