Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Mar 1923, p. 8

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Yonge St, RICHMOND HILL House and one more on M and lmusu nd two acres Hurst Ruad, South annex. Nice new house and lot Street». North annex. Houses and Int: or].';Cetlll'c-‘Street cast Village. Valuable house Street. House and lot and small fan-In nt anle. Valuable properly at Elgin Mills. Lo ms negnLiutud. Insuraw e vfl‘vctml G} u V TANTEDâ€"A CUR] burning lu-undur Buckeyu preferred; also Nn. 23 Buckoye burning Inonder. for sale “7. Cox. Oxford Street, Elgin Mills I)RUNING~NU\V is llm lime : pruning u-eos. U. SHIELDS (f tree experts, guarantee gum-i j; Box 217. Richmond Hill. 30‘ D RESH COWâ€"(hm fresh Holstein cow for SHIP. KEFFER 131103.. Maple, Phunn 2371'. 36â€"437 ' 1 RESH CO\Vâ€"F1'vsh milcln cow fm axle. 2nd cnn. Vaughan. I). T. RUMBLE, Richmuml Hill. 315 28L 0R SALEâ€"One large gray gander. N. BRODIE, Gm-mley, phone- 472) Richmond Hill. 36 B“ OR SALEâ€"Axminsler mg. size 10} x 13§ feet, Oriental culurs. nearly new. A bargain. J. E. FRANCIS, Thornhill. 36 0 RENTâ€"Buck house to rent in the village uf Maple. ApplyJ. '1'. SAIGEON. Maple. 35-37 Zlgin Mills. 12 Schooll In Toronto insure individunl ill-trucfion in all busineu subjects. at our School: or by uni]. Write for proa- Dcctul to TRAIN for SUCCESS Prepare for 1 business unm- u hm AWS FILEDâ€"Cross cut and cir- l cular saws gummed and film]. Cut- ting box knives ground. In fact. if it Also agent, for is dull wv shm-pen it. 0‘me in (lilsnn Mfg. Um, Guelph. and sec their2l self sluu-pvning SL991 chilled plow share. A. ANDERSON, Rear 0f \V. VundurlmFg's shop. Ritfvh- ln-l .nnnr} Hill mrmd Hill H. A. Nicholls ‘, ANTEDâ€"Coal ‘brooder, any cnpncity. J. \V. Bownmn, Richmond Hill. Phone H R11 3l-tf O'l‘lCEâ€"E. Slim’y xs prepared to L do all kind< of trucking and carting in Richmond Hill and vicinity. Patronage solicited. Plume Richmond ‘7" ‘ 7 A9 0" Hill ()8. FOR SALE-A go trim. B. k Richmund Hill CHOICE LOTSâ€"Choice lots fur sale at. $5 a font up. Tran unsy. (hm. ALLISON, Richmond St. 11-” EGHORN “ENSâ€"25 Bred to lay, white Lu-ghorn hens fnr sale. ready for laying $2.00 each. DAVIES. R. R. No. 2. Maple. 31-36 XNN ER 0A 3‘ â€" RESSMAKING â€"â€" \anons and childrens dresses. MR5. “M. (D, Richmond Hill. 36-39 30R SALEâ€"Barred Ruck Cnckerels ‘ for breeding. FRED H. JOHNSTON. IJM 12. Concesslvn 3, Markham. Ont. 34â€"36 P. HelNTOSH. Chief Principal The Real Estate Man 0 LETâ€"Four I-onm suite over ‘OR SALEâ€"A mndem new gig ronmed lmusp, hardwood floor, fir ‘m. B. SAUDER. Bukrr Ave” ‘TRAW’ FOR SALEâ€"A few lands _ of straw fnr sale, lot 13, con. 3, aughun. Gnu. BAKER R. R. 2. 34-36 store Inn HAS FORESALE Want Ads T. If. HARDWARE, Thora- 85 tf. sucre on M~Iy Aw-nue. two :lcres'Nn Ynnge oA florid frame building CHARLES CLARK. HPad- 3-5â€"37 flan \nd Int m1 Richmond SPA quantity of nuts for sale. Lot, D. D. CAMERON, lot on Oxf-n'd the time for HIELDS (70.. 42 tf 36-38 30' 34-37 9‘) Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood Hall,’ T hornhill, Ont 30 tf ArtiSt, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram~ atic and Humourous Sketches, Dialect Poems. Prgfessional Graduate 0f EOI‘S [111le Past of Elgin Mills. Stnp Sl, Yonge St.. FRIDAY, MARCH mm. SHERRIUK BROS. Pwprietnrs. F. \V. SILVERSIDES. Stunfi‘ville Ind L. E. FRANKLIN. Torunto, Auction» miles vast \Ve are also selling 3 teams of Re- gistered (‘lyzdesdule and Perri/xenon Bred Horses. " 2 choice young bulls. one from n23 1h. 3 year 0|d_daughtor of a 33 lb. bull, eired by Roy Croft Eel-m Suh-uys. The other from a 20 lb. 4 yem- old and sired by Roger Ruuweul l-eudy for imdeinte set vice. vuys whose dam produced in ’7 days milk 525 lbs. butter us a. junirr 3 year old. - bred or days. lbs. milkand 1010 lbs. lmttvr in 365 or in any of the Roger Ra 20 head in all R. O. M ed Holstein Fnit-sim (‘Jltle ELOC UTION Miss Marguerite Boyle Sale will ve‘r 700 lbs milk in TEETZEL BR \Ve can serve you in Farm Implo- ments and Rvpairs, Pumps, Lightning ,Ruds, Ladder-7, Furnaces and Repairs, Eave Troughing. Metal Building, Sup- plies and all kinds of Tinsmithing. In the offering will also be i-ucluded Also a number of the cmvs will stallatk seve all lines tion. may he afLPr before ment to you. We are agents fur every line of Farm Implements. With the Fall Season coming on, you will no doubt find you are in need of some new m;le um y Let us serve you. ()th'd, we huv Reduction Sale W'hen yun figure the loss of time and uncertain yield through dil [y seed grain. the act-euge loss by tension to your growing worse than useless weed crops, you will readily see leL the purchase of a Bull Dug \Vlld Out Sepmutor will px-uva u gUOll invest- d u 0 win IT COSTS LESS Yonge and Charles Slrlets, Toronto DUI] ()lll‘ Courses given: Busines‘:I Stenn- gruphy, Typewring. Secre- lurial, Ganernl Impmvement etc. -DEMAND FOR OUR GRADLZ A’I‘ES DURING THE LAST SIXTEEN MONTHS MORE THAN DOUBLE ul'n slim-LY. Enter lu-w, Particulnrs fl'vP. sired by Roy W. J. ELLIO'I'I‘ Principal A High Grade School flELLIOTTfi A - ‘ you n of |H man] whom: dzun pr he held C LIUII 1 the {.w ()\\'S ul'nace OPEN ALL YEAR cold \vexllhgr sets in, or it are contemplating the in- n new Furnace. We, have worthy of your considera- Elgin the 011‘:in the young str fl} (it fresh will be brer PHONE 87 Hl will want [coking [hut Mills Crqu Echo Sil- led Herd M8. Clns lllz useless weed See: that the ; \Vlld OHL good invest.â€" :md to hold ll'lu {"gistfl ill have 26000 Sh-e, uced hnut md w. ragga; Toronto. Only with th friends can thi. ried on. Money _~ContAI-ibutlons Cons of hi skill One day he played and worked hard. then went (or a dip in the lake. A little cold came on, then got worse and worse and finallyâ€"consumption. His three years “Over there," and two spent in the "Mounties," have glven him a fighting spirit. During these last eight months the foe has not killed his hope, he's still honing that God’s fresh air and man's Sitting astride a “Mountie's” horse he was as fine a. specimen of man- hood as one could meet. Six feet tall. bronzed, muscular and keen. he made an athlete of no mean ability. Three years in the war had seemingly made “a man out of him." but it took a bad cold to show that the war had far-reaching‘and gerrlble effects. n_a ; SATURDAY. MAkx'u In Three Years “Over There” Two With “The Mounties” & Prentice. A \VEDNESDAY, 4 implements Vaughan. the Sale at lu’cl MONDAY, APRII furniture em: propeyty of J; Aucts. SATURDAY. anu :: ~â€"A hvui of filst class, fresh Inih-lu (tows, calves by side, and close :pringcrs. Int 2. con. 7, Mulkhnm, the property nf 8. Honey. Suh- ax 1 o'clock, Terms 8 monlhs. Pwmicc & [’xenlice, at H. TellusSnu Prentice. Aucts. TIijsnAY, M'Alzvn unplemeMS Nth. Scal‘lmrn. the ym A'l‘L'RI)AY. MAkx'u lH-â€"A \‘uluuhle 165 acre farm with brick house, bunk [mm and gum] alilhlillg, l dri've house and pig puu, Clydesdale horses. Registered shunt hm‘u cattle, swine, new Massey Hun-is Implements, hay. grain etch, Km 22, mu. 6, Malkham, two miles north (-f Uniom'ille. the propert} of Capt. \V. H. Hay. Sale at, 11 o'clock. Terms Sumnth fer (-huttles.‘ Tenn; fur farm made known on day of sale. Prentice& Prentice, Aucls‘. nt 11 (t’clm'k. Prentice & Preulit SATURDAY. MAM“ implements and com Mzu-kbnu W. Baker. Sah- : months. F. W. Si \VEDNESDAY, Mun Registered “Izlsl properly of Ari-ht con. ti. ' Mm kh:uu_ Prentice & Promh THURSDAY. MAmn implements, Nu. Yul-k. thfpl 0pm I) Sitting astride : a was as fine 1!. tea as one could ORZAesi. muscular I’I'I‘ntive & l’lvnti: \VEDNESDAY. Mun implements 010;. Vaughan, Yonqe property (f Mrs. Sale at 12 o’cluk. lot of Perchvmn horses and reg. Yorkshire white hogs. FRIDAY. MARCH lflaRPgistered hot-Spa and Holstein mlle IOL'Z7, cnn.2, Mmklmm. the pmpm‘tv of Shem-ick Bros. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms 8 months. Silvmsi‘lus 5; Franklin, Auctioneers. SATURDAY, MARCH l7~me Stock. implements. \wlxicll's‘ eta. Int 26, can. 3. Vaughan. tho prnperty of Charles G. Kvnt. Sale utzlo'cluck. Term- cnsh. Saigenn (c \Vulkington, Aucts. FRIDAY. MARCH l(i~â€"1“:Il'l‘il stock. implements. (Aha. IUI. 26. run. 4. SCdI‘anPO. the pmparty of Russell Harding. Sale at l. TermsSmonlhs. Prentice & Prentice, AucLs. SATURDAY. MARCH 17â€"Furm stock, implements, eta, In! 22 and ‘23. from the Bay. I'Rzll'OfL'UlL 1. West York, the prnpérty of My Doughty. Sale at 1 o'clock. Tvl‘l‘llfi 8 munths. Au jnmes Uralgip. 5mg :lL Ilia)”. 1‘. vv. Silversides, Auor. MONDAY. -MAR('H .IZâ€"Farm stock, implemvnis Mu, ill‘ Ouk Ridgvs, Yonge SL, Stump 58 Metropolitan r‘nr. the property nf \\'. Tlmnmd. Sal:- at. 1 o'clock. l'sunl tonne. A special lot of Perchvmn horses and reg. rent ice TUESDAY. MARCH 18â€"Fvn'm stock. implenmnta. et::..,1(~t 28, van. 1, Smwhorn. the prnperty of Wm. Whitn. Sula at 12. 'l'mmsQInonths. Prentice &- Prunticn, Auctc. WEDNESDAY. MAm‘n 14 â€"â€"Hnrsos_ cattle. implementa etc. lot 69. yonge street, car strup58},_ tthrnperty of. r.‘ nv THURSDAY. MAm'u 15 implements, “Um, I Vnnghnr'L tho prnpt‘ Fisher. Snip nl I2. TI at the M Jmpuves c 5 old man!) MONDAY, MAm-u 12â€"Furm Mock. impleontS on... lot, 24, con. B. Scarboro, the mnpeI-ty of T. D. PhirrPll. Sale at. 1 5" o'clock. 'l‘mms 8 months. Prentice and FRIDAY. MARCH 9â€" Farm stock, implo- mpma, No. In! 9, non. D. Searhnm. the property 0f 0. M. Heron. Sale at 12 o'clm‘k. Terms 8 months. Prentlce & Prentice, Auctl. [ll Prentice 8: 'l‘mms 8 mm Prentice. Aucts UK Slllt‘ mthe. these last eight months the ot killed his hope, he's still at God’s fresh air and man's the Muskoka Hospital for AUCTION LE. y of Arthur (Jumplin. Mmklmm, Uniumilln- Tenns 8 numthsfi I’lel APRIL '.'r~Hl.-u"ksmitll tools, eh“. m Millikvn, the of Jas. Clayton. Sale at Tums cash. Prentice e. Aucrs. Auction Sale Register ; H12. Int, 26. con. 3. the pI-upelty nf Sumnel e M l (I'L‘lock. Terms I’m-Inigo & Prentice. AH help of many warm great work be car- is urgently needed. may be sent to Hon. 223 College Street, Mam‘n “Izlslt'ill Arthur ( mim k. \V. 11. Hay. Sale forms 8 mnnlhs fer 1s fur farm made of tale. Prentice & t--., In: 2?. and 23. from of con. 1. West York, \f Hy Doughty. Sale 'l‘vrms 8 months. “Lira. Aucts. ARCH 21â€"Farm stock «l l'mnitur'p, Int :2 m the proper {V of 2‘ .- at 12.30. Tenns pe etaln sbmething or active service 'H l7â€"Fm In Stock. iclvs eta. Int 26,1307). prl'pm‘ty of Charles at 2 o'clock. Terrm (c \Vulkington, ilve lut ll. (:un. . rty of B. (hady Terms 8 months . Aucts. ](i»â€"F:Il'l‘il stock. , lnl. 26. mm. 4. npnrty of Russell . TormsSmomhs. :e, AucLs. , l7â€"Furm stock, In: 2?. and 23. from run. 1. West York. ‘H 15-‘Fm'm stock. 0., lot, 3. can. ‘3. prom-Hy of Harly l2. TPrmnS months. lire. Aucte. Int, 58. con. 1. St. Slvp 52. the Jumvs Murphy. I‘m-ms 8 months. r-. Aucts. I'IIIS Zâ€"Farm stock, It 074k Ridgvs, ‘sid‘ ll( I 14 â€"H-Irsos, c.. lot 69. YUM" the wave”? of. at 12.30. F. W. Farm sh 'urlu blm Fax-m stock Scott ll'll] 5. Aucl . L ln'rd hf mile, 1119 Hill. lot 10, illv. Suh- xentiut m-m slm H.’ Sal? Inuul 11s. g COOPER’S' "'H'AK‘D'WXRE “m0990¢¢0¢OOOQOWWMOMWOWQWW One set Back Band Harness with 1% inch Traces â€"â€" Steel Bolt Hames. Regular 360 00. Sale price $50.00 Pts. 45c. Pts. 80c. Qts. $1.40 Gals. $5 00. Two Burner -‘ $21.50 Three Burner - 26.00 Four Burner ~ 34.00 Two Burner Junior - 14.75 Qvens - $6.50 and $8.00 v v vvvvvvv New Perfection O'I’L'V "SV'VIV‘VOVES T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited Phone 33, - Thornhill, Ontario OOOOOOWOWWW % WOOD FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE A. G. S A V A G E DRY GOODS - MILLINERY - LADIES’ WEAR Announcing a partnership formed by Harold Reid and Walter \undei'borg to be known as The Richmond Hill Motors tn carry on a general garage business in new building to be erected on the west side of Yonge St. the second lot south of the High- Sehool to be ready about the first of May. ' In the meantime we will be pleased to serve you in any way that our present limited quarters will permit, such as vulcanizing battery charging, and repairing. Oxy acetylene welding, gaso- line, and oils, tires and auto accessories. We also wish to announce that we have been appointed local agents for the well-known line of Durant Automobiles, including the Sensational Star car, and will be pleased to give you facts and figures pertaining to the different models. General Agent, office atvthe Post Office - Richmond Hill QUALITY SHOPPE -:- Phone 53 Trench Block COAL Sherwin-Williams Paints RICHMOND HILL MOTORS Harold Reid Walter Vanderburg TRENCH’S BLOCK Spades, Shovels, Forks, Building paper, Tar paper and Roofing,Harness Sup- plies Sweat pads, Breast strap, Hame strap, Heel chains, Curry combs and Brushes Stoves and Ranges -: N. COOPER Richmrmd Iâ€"li Announcment . H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited Phone 3?} Thornhill. Ontario CHARGING RADIO BATTERIES A SPECIALTY pu rV .77â€"â€"- --- ‘uuuu\ .ll'b Ll' l'lll IXIIIII’ IIIK‘HU.‘ that (fur sprung Millinery Display is now ready. and We well lye pleased tn show you the Very lute-st, (It-- S’R’ls. and from WEPk to week an thosenson advances Will ildd eevrylhin that iq new and up-tmdnle. hpecmlauvntiongven to individual rrquiroments. N0 lun hair: 1 f the same pattern. Alan a full line nf Hats suitable for children, at rmsonnl-le W P take pleasurt- in annoul :' A... _,_, ,, up... _ MRS. NORMAN BATTY partnership formed by Harold Reid and Walzer 3 known as The Richmond Hill Motors to 1| garage business in new building to be erected )f Yonge St. the second lot south of the High- ,' about the first of May. ' and COOWQO PHONE 93 tr) our many, friends Richmond Hi1 Phone 53 ‘aso-

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