Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Mar 1923, p. 1

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me the Tm‘ontu Music. will accept pupils in giant). A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at the above places RICHMOND HILL, THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE A special price on Scratch Feed, and Old Process ‘ Oil Cake Meal; also a car of Gluten Meal to arrive Wed nes- day at the Ele- vator. Adelmo Melecci and Miss Rosalind Bush L. T. C.fl WRIGHT BROS. Undermkers' and Embalmers A car of dry hard- wood 44in. body wood, (not limbs) at $14; also a car of dry wood, mostly hard wood, 4 ft. at $12.50, delivered at the Elevator. G. HILL, Oak Ridges P. O PAINTING to enter a branch of this Bank because you do not know how to make a deâ€" posit. Our Managers or the staff will be pleased to show you. QT Start with One Dollar and add to it dollar by dollar. Estimates Furnished Free Phone VOL. XLV. P1531“? NSTEQE nL WILLOWDALE. UNT. V. I) ()LLIVER. Mnnugrr. THE ROYAL BANK £9 OF CANADA $I.5o per annum, in advance. [e Toronto Conservatory nf will accept a number of a in Piano. Vocal and Theory. -:< iufnrnmtion Phone 110. Mm. .Vh'uw. DO NOT HESITATE Hardwood Finishin Sulpin DECORATING \V I“ “I. :p Pupils pa. BARRISTER. Somcn‘on, No'mny ET’ Toronto OJi'm, Richmmd B‘lilding Richmond Street, “"951. Ri hmond Hill Office (‘ Libel-a) 0M£). every Thursday forenoon. Maple. Th ursday afternnon. Woodhridcze. Saturdu fox-euoon. Muzwy to Luau at(uu~enL Rate. AL [HE MISS BEATRICE HOWELL Eggs??? TORONTO ‘ ' eight first feacher of Fletcher Method 3‘33“? PX); Musical Kmdergarten I A 415 Bulliol St. Toronto. Phone Belmont 1347 LICENSE!) AUCTIONEER FUR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Special attention given to sales 0t every description. Farms and farm stark sales specialty. Farms bought and sold on cmumissiun.‘ Allsales at- tended to nn shurtest notice. and con- ducted by the mnstupm-oved methods. 1 El 7 .J' on “‘5 DENTIST Office Trench Block. two: p.11). Office ‘5” Church Sln No. 24. Maple Licensed Auctioneer for the 0 York. Snlesntlended to on notice and at reasonable rates Patronage solicited sale. Uulvert tile 12. 15.18 And (30 inchns in length) Also Cement Brick Sand or vael sold by the load 01‘ in car lnts. Cedar posts and telephone nnlps fnr pils passed for Conservatory auuinatinns. STUDIOâ€"HOTEL RICHMOND Richmond Hill. The Mnle Sand )mupany. LL'd. hu Cement. drain tile Culvert tile 1:3. ] Call by phone or otherwise promptly Ul‘flce Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick 378 Bunnsvonn AVE. WEsT Tonox'ro Phone Junctmn ’72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS‘ EXPERIENCE A“ mail orders will receive prnmpt, attention. JOHN R. CAMPBELL PLUMBING AND TINSMITHIN HOT “'ATER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS THORVHILL, ONT. Stnnduld Bank. HoursQaJn. to 5.30 p.01. Open evenings by appointnwnt Telephone 32 Paper hanger and P Oxford Street- Phone-11 1' 32. SAM. SHEPHERD VETERINARY SURGEON fl‘hornhill. WILLIAM COOK JOHN T. ANDERSON II. Prentice RJ. P. \VILSON RICHMONb HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. MARCH 15 hours L R. BELL Fnu‘ . T. SAIGEOJN . HENDERSON PIANO TUNER mnstuppz-oved Iuetbodé. licitvd. T. COUSINS, l-esIdPHCPâ€"Uenh ( Richmond Hill and tek'phone poles for and, Gravel and Brick have on hand for sale. tile. 3, 4, 5. 6 and 8 in. B. 1531.8 and 20 inch 10m two doors norm [1 of “In Essenfiak, Unity; in the County of m slim-{est Manager “ and Plume 610 aid and R. Thomas. Miss Winnie McDonald has passed her second examination in the Acad- emy of M usic in Tomntn, very success- fully on both occuaiuus. fur \Vednesduy evening, the leL (:1 March, to be given by the Fax Fur Company in Maple Community Hall. For |):ll'[iCllliH‘S see [urge poslexs. Mx-James Patton of King has pur- ehased the 150 acre farm from Mus. Julmsnnamd sons of Eversley. The Sale was made by \V. O. McDon- ei; Mrs. \V. II. Malloy. of Auto" \isiting ht‘l' sisLPr. 311-5.]. Richu‘ Miss Helen McLacblnn, of Tu visited ov‘el-Sundny with her 1 Mia. Geo. W. Bailey. Mr. Ross Ht-ulvy. night opera the Grand Trunk Station, bus Llansfeu-vd Lo Concord, as [here enuugh won k for two men hrrc. I A tenific March storm of snow and I wind swept m'm- this section Mnnduy I nmmikg when the electric lights were. v extinguish-d, and the fan-Lurks clnsed } for Want of power. About 23 poles 1 wow hmkvn or hlmvn down between lRiuhmrmd Hill and Lnngsbufi‘. The vlnnil from the south did not :n'ri‘ve l‘nntilevening. Agnng of about. 100 ‘men arrived from Toronto, and by Mr. V and Int Jam-u Aplil. The Fox-estersuf Uuurt Muplv City. held a. fowl supper, concert nnd dance at Jonos’ hotel, last Flidil)‘ evening._ The “’uodhridge and Vaughan '1 phone Cmupimy nave pulchzlsed King Township private line and two lines will he npernted togrthel the gift of the groom. Ath- the wedding supper the happy couple left Lo spend thir honeynmnn in Fungus. and on their letm'n will reside. at Victm-iu Squzu‘v. The bridewas given away by her father. She was drawn-J in white silk and gemgrlle crrpe trimmed Wlth pearls and lnidul \vreul 11 and nail and colsuge bouquet of rose and lily 0f the valley. The bride wore a suubuxst, Fralick'of Thornbill. A vmy pre-tty wedding took place at Butlnnville, M:n'ch1.ntthv home uf Mr. and Mus. Frank Stephe-nsnu when their youngvst daughter Muriel Rclm \vnsunited in nun-lingo in Russel G. Bl'illinger nf Uniumjllu. by Rev. Mr. mull from the south (lid nut :n'ri'v nntilevening. Agnng of about. 1‘) men arrived from Toronto, and b4 gund work the lights came m nlmnt'i'o’clmzk in the Pvening. ’l‘h snow packed sn closely the sum plow was stalk-(l in different places and operated with much difficulty Outsidellw trolley line liitlv (1.11an has been reported. play. A humorous sketch. “The Intm'- Vie\v,"given by Mr. M. Broivn and Jack Frisby was wvll tendered and well l'm‘oived Altogether the director, Mr. E. Hitchcock. and his company, nn- In IH" congratulated on the SIIIYCPSC of the uxtmluinment. Pl'OCL‘t’dS $11.55. The clever (thnructm' skctvh “Tho Young Villugi- Doctor” prvsenn’d hv the members of the #league on Friday evening. March Qti, was a distinct suecess. Frnm the youngest pm‘fnrmer, Muster Archie Nichols to "The Doc- tor"every one was M home in his or her part and the audience enjoyed the vz'n'ions situations that, arcse in the A \{Ny plpnsing incident featured the rs-gulur March meeting of Lhe Suburban Yong? Busines» Men's Assocsation llelll at ‘Villowdnle Sehnol Inst. week, when their prelident, Dr. Carl E. Hill, was presonted with roses for his bride and u‘ beautiful sil- ver ten. service. The presentation was made on lwhalf i-f the S. Y. B. M. A. by Mr. \V. T. Gooderhmn and was the cause of cunsideunhle fun and congrat- ulations to the newly nun-lied cuuplv, which were responded to by lhc President. Patrons of the Library will be pleased to know that. through the kindness of the pnbllshers or nf some unknown friend "Saturday Night." one of our best Canadian Weeklies has been placed on the reading table. "The Dearborn Independant" ls another Weekly. containing valuable and inter- esting news and litemtnrp. Wu). Cmup .th t and barber s l and intvnds Brillinger â€"â€"Stephenson VICTORIA SQUARE March Storm Public Library Notes MAPLE Presentation Non-Essentials, Liberty,- in all things, Charity has sold his huus shop to Mr. Gm ds leaving hue i lights 'nnmc mu] the evening. The closely the snmv L. PHII‘PB. Librarian Amoxa, is Richards. of Tux-unto, her friend, operator been is not. Tele- the the USO {he winter would corn apply for a “Curliug( $5.00 next Thankin lunch spac and wishiu lhaL who still I: had it huvin u ' ""_‘ h“""J enjoyed by all who took part and lin- ully won by Slan. Tyndall and Henry Burnett. Finally we had a. match he- bween farmer members and villagers. four rinks at side, and uthnugh our farmer friends put. up u gallant fight. Lhe village men provej themselves to be “)9 best, curlers winning by the narrow nun-gin of Lwn shuts. Although the ice on the west side of the curling rink h-m lm-n decidedly \Vc have played friendly games with North Toronto. ’l‘hornhill. Unionvillc. Newmarket and Udkwnud and in each case both awuy and at home we have been the winners by Several shots. 0m- mvn club games h-ive he n run off very promptly. The P-osident vs. Vice President gunes, which are always played as sum] as there, is ice, resulted ina decisive \‘ictury fur uur President. \V. D. Scott. and as H. re- sult of that game the Vice~PrcsidenL James McLean. entertained about 40 ofuurmembers to un oyster supper and euchre pauty at his home an Arnold Street, which was glently eu- joyed by all who were there. I‘llen the Slater Cupnnll Smith Medal Games were keenly contested and finally won hyG. Muodie's qlrlrtett- cl' expeits. the Iunncrs up being B, Bennett's rink. Next “3 1nd :4. contest called the doubles, fur prizes given by the President and Vice President, which was also keenly contested and greatly l.-..A.I L,, .vhicli me to say (hut our “Curling Club" Hr "Dinty Moore's as it, is familiarly known is one af thu me»: p upnl w and useful institutions in ann. [recans- ii isnpenevory nfteinuun and cwn'ng excepting Sunday, and :15 ever mw knuws, Socile iuLL-rccuise with his fel- low men is just as nvcessal'y to the uvn‘nge healthy Inzm, us his duin fond, mid when :1 man joins our club. he knuws he has n C(Hllfnl‘tithie place whim.- he (‘un go and spend his leisure hum-swithuut feeling that he is in~ truding 01' inteil'rring with another man's businPss. A.» I: Is nmv nearing the cur}ng 59.1mm, perhaps it, interest in the Ulimt'n‘lls THE LIBERAL to give llw Ievicw of mu- gmnvs dux in two months. In the first. l we to say (hut pur- “Um Iiu \muncu. The repmt showed total receipt»; of [he week's upemlinn to be $734.80 \vi‘h n tolnl expenditure of $369.85 which left lhe hundsmme sum of $364.93 for the Village treasury. Th» Council in accepting and nth-pt- ing lhu l'(‘p(ll‘[ touk occasion to express its "ppm-chitin!) of th splendid Walk of the l‘oulnanu'nt Unmmittm- whose untiring ‘ei‘furls and lxllsiiwss like mothmls had curried the affair [Inoush with such a gratifying result. The Committee in charge of the recent Hockey Tournament presented its rvpm-t last evening bathe Village Council. The- report showed total receipts of lhc week’s upmntirm to be $734.80 \vi‘h n fob-ll expenditure of nun-n r... we hm! n n didn't uudt taking it. m: u splendid sc m: Soft or sii IZE very unuslul and if any of ms, old or new comers find ’1' months lung and tedious, I rminly reconnnt-nd them to amembexship ticket In our Club" which [think will be GEO. COW! E, Seaâ€"Treats. R :1 new mun understand I) Village Council icky ice fm Jurlinfi the \Hlo :r. Editm r valumhl n-y sucun Lu\vn.1:ecans- ii JUH and uun'ng Id as every mu use with his full necessary to the urling, never and read m u wH munth lh 1923 )l‘ have J the duin club. place in job (n ‘1'! LICENSED FOR. THE CO Putt-unam» respectfu Residence address Vich iu. Square Barristers. Solictnrs. 8m. MANNng ARCADE. 2{ KING ST. WEST. TORONTO. UANAD TELEPHONE MAIN 311 Cable Address: "Dedo" Arthur A. lecdonald Rank Dentnn Laura Demon. B. A. Denton, Macdonald 6: Benton All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired. Good Workmauship. Prompt Service. 2Doors South of Bakery on Yonge St. Boot and Shoe Repairer ! \Vulter S. Jenkins l Res. Phone I Hill. 5048 ‘ HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Canadian Tenm- and’ Chair Leader Sumin Nulth Parkdule Methodist Church, is prepared to receive pupils in Ri<~hnmnd Hill on Mondays. Studio, Mrs. N. Batty's. Arncld St. Particulars -":Ln he «.hminvd by culling. Phone 2:: n: ,A,vu Ring 11 The Th9 {Melina-h Blagflq "26.28 A Offices aide St" West, Toronto. Nuughtcn Block, Aurora SoliCItor for: The Town of Aurora The Township of King The Township of \Vhilnhurch Th!) Im ex'ial Bunk of Canada, J. M. V alton. 81 Co. Aurora Richmond Hill ‘ommissinner, Conveyancer, 1 Insurance and Real Estate T. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HIL- Barristers Solicitor Notaries ‘Tglephone Main 2777 MARRIAGE LICENSES A. J. HUME NAUGHTON &’ ‘JEN‘KiNé . HEW!SON EEO. KIDD NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCING [Single copies, 3 cts. Wm. C. Ruttan ISSUER OF AUCTIONEER UUNTY 0F YL nx J. Harry Nan hton Res. Elgin M: 13 Res. Phone 44.4 37 A urom ZD-tf Adel

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