Wn‘ur Stephen-on a prominent farmer of Vaughan. died suddonly Thunday "cling. Much 8. just. nfter ï¬nishing MI choru at the: burn. His dth was due to hurt. failure. Uocensod wu ham nod! Woodbrid e and spent his “(a in the township. 2 was a member 9! the Iraahywrinn «hunch and A Lib- eral In politics. He is survived by his wife 3nd two sons. Docenued was - hroï¬hor of Mrs. D. Watson of this villâ€" The March issue of Rod and Gun in Unnadn. ' the well known Canadian aportsmpn's magazine of the out of dnors. contains nmny attractive features [ind abound»; in stories and m tides that are sure to please. Many departments and features contain splendid feAtIn-vs (if outstanding quality. The magazino is iilustrnted prnfuwly thmughout. nnd in every Way. the March iisue is one that no one will want lo miss. 37-38 H. H. HOPPER ll’ you wank a Bred-to-Lay ntraln of Barred Rocks. The good for all purpose Breed. that will mature quickly and lay early, I have \0 offer HATCHING EGGS FROM 3 PENS Pen 1. Is a Double Pen of Matur- ed Pullets, which have proved them- selves heavy winter layers, mated lo 3 line Cookerels. Price per setting of 13 Eggs $1.50, per 50 Eggs $5.00. Hatching Eggs For Sale Pens 2 and 3 are single pens of Yearling Hens, the best of last years Pullers and mated to twolarge, wellâ€" barred. Cockerels. l'er setting of 13 Eggs $2.00, per 50 Eggs $6.00. an As the demand for the past four seasons has been greater than the supply. orders will be ï¬lled in rotation. Order Eariy. Nu. l Alsike No. Nu, Nu. N0 3 Red (“\WH‘ No. l Alfalfl NH. 2 Alfalfa Nu Nu No. 2 Timothy (Nu. $5.25 prr bushel. Allmu‘ Seeds aw Untnri.) grnwn will: the exception of Timmhy tie-ed. 1 will open a Butcher Shop on Tuesday. Mmch 20ml}. and will Wm...“ carry a full line of meats. Good Quality and service at lowest possible price. Your patron- age is solicited. WANTED : â€" Marquis and ( Wheat suitable for need Bailey’s Seed Merchants Maple, Ont. North End Meat Market WM GREEN, CorV Riehmoud & Bridgeford Sns. Richmdnd Hill. 37-45 3 Alsike 1 Red Clovex 2 Red Clover lSWeeL Clbver (\Vhite Blosst-In) 86.00 per bums! 2Sweet Clovm- (While Blnss-vm) 85.40 per bushel 3 Alfalfa l Akike (free of nnxions weeds) $10.00 per bushel Government Bags 350. each. Alsike Rod And Gun Tested S E E D S Sudden Death Which Won! 3 8.00 7.00 15. 00 l 1.00 $9. 00 per bushel 15 00 H m purixy) Late ’ot the Township of Vaughan in the County of Yul'k. Retired Fanner, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Statutes in that hob-41f. that I†pevsons having claims against the Estate of the said Alexander Cameron. who died on nr'abuut the ninth day of Fehruary 1923. are requin to send hv post prepaid nr to deliver tn the undersigned Executnrs of the Estate or to Charles H. Porter their solicitor. on or befme the First day 9f April 1923. their names. addresses and doâ€" scriptions and a full statement of their claims and the nature of the Securities. (if any) held by them duly certified and that after the said date the Executor! will proceed tn disu'ibute the Estate. of the deceased amongst the parties en- titled tht‘l'eto. having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. DATED this 12th day of March 1923. J. Alexander Cameron Archibald Cameron. Executms, \Voodbridge R. R. No. 2. CHARLES H. PORTER, 34 Victoria Sheet, Toronto, Solicitor for said Executors. F orsyth 8: _1f_\l‘le1_1 HARNESS REPAIR STORE SOUTH OF NEW GARAGE ROLFE SHOE Painters, Decorators and Hardwood Finishers. Estimates given. Phone 78. Box 201 AURORA JONES LUMBER C0 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Defies Rust! Cor. Arnold & Yonge. Ii PHONE 27 ALEXANDER CAMERON There's one his point about "Toronto" Stable Equip- ment which makes me spec, ially proud to sell it. It's the fact that the galvaniz- ing thoroughly covers and completely coats both the inside and the outside of the steel tubing with pure zinc spelter. This “hot†process makes it absolutely rust- defying and proof against strong stable acids for the maxxmum period. This is a mighty valuable feature. Let me explain some of the many others. Or get some of the inter- esting Toronto Literature. 10R ONTO' We have just received a car of No. 1 Dry Birch cordwood. This wood isin splendid condition to burn right, now having been cut and drying for one year. We would like you to try a cord of it. In the matter of Estate uf It Quality or Service You want? J. Lunau, Agent Richmond Hill Get it at the IS and 37-39 COMMISSIONER, CONVEYANCER. ELG IN MILLS LightLunches Ice Cream Soft Drinks Cigars Cigarettes Refreshmennts Stabling Accommodation at Reasonable Rates ELGIN HOTEL REAL ESTATE AND I Grinding as! usual. Aurora and Maple Leaf pastryniinfl bread flourI "‘v'y-v “- "0â€",. 7..“ a Bran, Siorta, Dairy meal. Meal {or laying hens, Alfnlfa meal. Mount-ch Scntnh bed. Whole and mound feed. made up Ln suit, put-chaser. Meat scraps (unkuge. Deliveries Tuesday and Saturday. - EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC Phoné 44 r 23 Stop 51 Yonge St. . Bridges, Prop. Order your Repair; and Machines at once, snve Express and Freight Charges. Farmers Snï¬piy Go. 75 Jarvis SL. Tot-unto. 37-43 CHOPPING MILL ESTATE AND I SURI Thornh II. "\Vhen the Ford (on truck was ï¬rm exhibited in Western Canada we pur- chased a. number of them for use at Calgarypand this fleet was rapidly added to until to-day we have thirty two Ford Trucks in use throughout \Vestern Canada. T was Tr are used mainly as re« tail deliveries. and for that purpose we ï¬nd them very satisfactory." FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED, FORD, ONTARIO FARMERS Phone 82 W. . G.“Baldock, Ltd., Dealer, I‘ITC EPLUMBING SUPPLIES The James Robertson, Co., Ltd. BATHS. BASINS, W. C's., SINKS. Laundry T U 35 and ALL N ECESSAR v EQUIPMENT. I Ask for our Septic Tnuk Circular. Our local representative. 1 Richmond Hill, Ont. 215 Spadina Ave, Toronto, Ontario Ambrose L. Phipps Richmond Hill Phone 13 r 2 HE trade-mark of P. Burns & Co. Limited, Calgary, Alberta, appears on 32 Ford Trucks. The Popularity of the “Shamrock Brand†has been established, and is being maintained throughout Western Canada by rapid and dependable delivery through the aid of Ford Trucks. The Ford Truck has accomplished big things for hundreds of large Canadian The same economical and. dependable service can be applied with equal effective- ness to smaller ï¬rms by the use of a Ford Truck. Your order placed to-day will assure you one at the present low-record price. The one-ton truck chassis sells for $495 f. o. b. Ford, Ont. Government taxes extra. Standard truck bodies are avail- able at low prices. You can buy on time. See your Ford Dealer at once. Mr. Campbell will he at The Librrul Ofï¬uv. Ri(-hln..nd Hill. H‘er Tuesdwy atvrnoun. Ofï¬cesâ€"Suite 5]] McKinmm Bldg. ‘or. Jordan and Melinda. Sts.. Toronto. Macnaughton & Campbell A. CAMERON MACNAUGHTLN FREDERICK A. A. CAMPBELL Barristers. Solicitors. Etc. Telephr-ne Main 363!