Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Mar 1923, p. 7

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INFLUENZA LEAVES THE BLOOD THIN To Res‘ore Full Health Tonic Treatment is Recommended. Probably the most treacherous tmu- ble that afflicts the people of Canada during the winter months is influenza or la grippe. as it is often called. The disease is treacherous, because often after the characteristic symptoms of the trouble have disappeared it leaves behind it a. weakened and debilitated constitution which makes the victim an easy prey to other troubles. All this is due to the fact that the attack of influenza has left the blood abnorm- ale weak and thin. Weak blood means Impaired digestion, a feeling of tired- ness after slight exertion, and often a nervous breakdown. This condition will continue until the blood is restored to a rich, red, disease resisting condi- tion. For the purpose of enriching and stimulating the blood no other “medicine equals Dr. wnnams' Pink Pills. These pills act directly upon the blood, and through the blood upon the nerves and in this way act as a restorative to the whole system. Thousands throughout Canada have proved the value of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills in cases of this kind, among them is Miss Id-a M. Fraser, RR. No. 2, Thes- salon, 0nt., who ‘says: “I passed through a severe attack of influenza which left me pale, thin and weak. Indeed, I was so weak I could scarcely stand upon my feet. The medicine 1 was taking in the hope of bringing back my health did not help me, and I was greatly discouraged. Finally i decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and from the time I had taken th-e‘tlrst box my health began to improve. I used six boxes altogether, and found as a result that I was again strong and healthy, and I think that in cases of this kind they are worth their weight in gold." .a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medi cine 00., Brockville, Ont. It you have passed thtrongh an at- tack of influenza, your speediest way to regain full strength is through the fair use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents .Everyone knows the danger of this- takes in attempting to select colored articles in artificial light. Only the white light of the sun, containing all the elements of color known to us, can be trusted in such cases to reveal the actual hnes possessed by the objects under examination. Starting with uhe fact that. in a photographic. dark room filled with ruby colored light, bright scarlet cloth appears white, it was shown that when no white light whatever is ad‘ mitted to a dark room the power of the eye to distinguish colors is temporarily lost and all objects appear of various shades of white and black. By mingling blue or green with red light the colors of objects can he made to undergo remarkable changes. The quantity of light alone also affects the appearance of a color, particularly cerâ€" tain tints of blue and violet, for which reason, even in the absence of artifi- :i:fi~lights, a person purchasing color' shade Order. If 1: money back Teaohve meant by were tall Bobby- An ordinary thimble will hold 100‘ 000 of the smallest screws used i watches ad goods in a dark ’hem to the door or s-troug illumination 11 mfler to make cel CANADIAN WESTINGHOUSE C RADIO RECEIVING SETS Remi Sunlight ahd Colors. Literal Interpretation erâ€"“Iu this verse, 3' file line. 'The shadeé ce of a color, particularly cerâ€" s of blue and violet, for which even in the absence of artifi- 's. a person purchasing colorv by Dominion Express Mone; f lost or stolen you get you MONEY ORDERS HAM‘LTON It means that someone 'n the window blinds.‘ 1 person a dark Limite store must window, w p11 rehash ONT flow, where a be obtained of the precise )t night ca 1‘1‘)‘ And through those aisles an acolyta Comes stealing from afarâ€"- It is the Dusk. and in the East He lights the Evening Star! â€"â€"Virginia Jeffrey Morgan A deep sky stains its windows blue, And the nunlike breezes pass, Embroidering bright petals on Its altar-clothvâ€"nh‘e grass. The days are mirrors that reflect our- selvesI And who shall say if life be this or that? Regardless of the proof for which man delves, The world, in truth, is neither round nor flat, But many sided, myriad and strange, As limitless in scope as all desire, All duty, all resolve, all dreams that change The boundaries of earth to some- thing higher. No sanctuary can compare With an orchard that I know, When April slips into its aisles And swinging censers blowâ€" Each one can say his vespers In that old orchard close, When the Sun sends dying b ‘ down Its deep aisles, as in goesâ€" When. 'neath its wondrous traceries, The choristers that sing Are robins. at their mating or Their vespers, in the Spring. No guide is needed bu‘. the heart, For every passer there May pause and see its loveliness And offer up a. prayer. Darkness, the friendly feel of earth and room - To stretch the flesh. And each has proved the whole, For life is not a pattern cut to fitâ€" We make it by the way We look at it. â€"-He1cn Frazee-Bower‘ Unto the bee the world is all perfume, Blown Skyward from the rose. Unto the mole “What is the difference between a fish and a fool?” “I don’t know. I‘ll bite: What is the difference?" Lord Lascelles is an collector of old glass. Minard's Liniment hsed by Physicians. Beautiful eyes, like {incl teeth, are the result of constant 1 ‘ care. The daily use of Murine makts eyes clear and tadlam. Enjoyable. Harmlcss. Soldand all dmggisls Don’t wait for someone lo be in pain to get Kendall’s Spnvin Treatment in the house. _For all external hurtsand pain! â€"for all muscular troubles. Kendall’s Spavin Treatment makes good. Ge! 0 50M]: In tho Eamon: Yunnan District Bow River 127:! tum Proloot “specially good ocntlon for mlxed 1n alrylng. Splendid op- l'tu t for fioung men now 11Vln8 dlatr eta w are good land cannot be boufiht at reasonable prices. THIS 3 NOT PIONEERING, the first 10,000 acres are fully settled and another 10,000 acres now ready for Settlement; maximum distance from railroad, seven mlleal Good roads. telephones and schools. Easy pay- ments, extending over 18 ears. This In (110 Best Luna Buy Alberta. Write for further information to: CANADA LAND and IRRIGATION COMPANY. LIMITED fledlclne not, - - KEN ALEâ€"’3 SPAVIN TREATMENf Irrigated Farms in Southern Alberta “Well, if you’ll bite there isn't any.” "WHOM: 7 Look to Your Eyes VALUI Gootd Shame)! Brannon! "I: a! your druggisl 91’. The I FARM‘ he mm B. J. KENDALL COMPANY, nosburg Falls. VL, U.S.A. A Shrine. Hooked. the difference between a Attifudes 1Z1? :AHM‘Iir (70.. Limhgi 'elllngton StreeL n_ ay on Labor ValonS vespers well close, dying blessings IXI' ‘edf 13 THE iR‘ ten enthusiastic :y. Regular Human use. â€" founda- QDY farm Alberta Ontario BESI LOST HOPE, SAYS MRS. WATERMAN Declares Tanlac Restored Her Fully When Almost a Net- vous Wreckâ€"Gains 14 Pounds. Cornmeal In Soap. Cormneal is a leading ingredient of a recently patented soap thak removes stains from textiles as well as being valuable for personal use. . "Tanlac restored my health so com- pletely three years ago that I haven’t had to take a single dose of medicine since," says Mrs. Cora Wa‘erman, 145 Monroe St., Toronto, Ont. “I don't believe there was a worse case than mine in Ontario. I had been sufierlng for about three years and was practically a nervous and physical wreck. I could eat :carcely a thing. sleep was almost impossible, and rheu- matism in my hands, wrists and arms almost drove me distracted. I spent every cent I could lay my hands on for medicine, and had about lost hope of ever belng well again. Tanlac is for sale 11 gists. Over 35 million "But Tanlac ended my suffering and saved me a great many dollam. I re- gained fourteen pounds, too, which I stile‘e-tain, and I feel as strong and healthy now as when a school girl. I have been praising the Tan-lac treat- ment three years now, and want to send out this message to help others." Chimney'of Glass. A French gunpowder plant blows the fumes from its gun cotton factory through a chimney lined with glass, which resists the chemical action per- fectly. remove ever com betweex without sore Does-n u lift it rig Your drug 'reezone fc Lift Off with Fingers There is nothing better Cuticura Talcum for pa ing and perfuming the 5k appeals to the most fast because of its fine. smoot ture and delicate fragran Sp:ka OintgacanS {11450;}:qu animal trainers find daily use Linlment as a remedy. \Vrite' dence of expen For Lasting Fragrance Use Cuticura 'Falc'am The I38 1111 'rnitzd. 344 CGRNS for sale by all good drug 35 million bottles sold. Minard’s Liniment Animal's Friend \Vritev for experienc 01‘ s and breeders e for Mlnard‘s preventive and 5 for signed evl; ienced men. him: better than u_mvfor powder- nmg the skin. It most fastidious Pun] St‘ 1ts, sumcien [1, soft corn; nd the callu‘ itation. esâ€"without mug Drop corn, ‘ooth tex- nttle lstant- llol‘tly ruly ‘le < Clean your bowels: Feel fine! When you feel sick. dizzy, upset. when your head is duli or aching, or your stomach is sour or gassy. just take one or two Cascarets to relieve constipation. No gripingâ€"nicest laxa- tive-cathartic on earth (or grown-ups and children. 100 a. box. Taste like candy. Approximately one-ninth of the ‘ hold a cake Jr‘séap of any size- ultimate forest land of Saskatchewan ~.â€"_q.____ is now in forest reserves_ Mlnard's Llnlment for sale eve! ammmagwmug é Constipajion gmmaésgseeéééeemé §loa1is Lixfimentakillspaifll That chest cold can be broken upâ€"no matter how stubborn and deep-seated it may seem] UNLESS you see the name “Bayer” on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all Amer Apply Sloan‘s Liniment to chest and neck tonight. Its tingling, glowing warmth goes to the root of trouble. Itbreaks up thecon- gested, inflamed condition. Relief quickly follows. Get a bottle of Sloan’s to- day. All druggists carry it. Its effectiveness will surprise YOU. .l/le’L' In Canada A druggist says: “For nearly thirty years I have recommended the Extract of Roots, known as Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup, for arresting and permanently reliev- ing constipation and indigestion. It is an old reliable remedy that never fails to do the work." 30 drops thrice daily. Get the Genuine. 50c.and$l.00bottles. -- by this method mo": Pioneer Dog nomadic- ‘ Book on ‘umatism DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. 8. Guy Glover 00., no. 129 West 24th street New York. “3.x Banisth ‘trains ulds 'mmm er URE WOOL 1‘.\TTS. BEAUTIFUIA LY carded and flurry. Entirely frat from all or xrease. Large sample, enoug for comforter, one dollar. Woolle Mills, Georgetown, Ontario. Ontario "Papa's Diapepsiu" is the quickest, surest relief for indigestion, gases, flatulence, heartburn. sourness, tel" mentation or stomach distress caused by acidity. A few tablets give almost immediate stomach relief. Correct your stomach and digestion now for a few cents. Druggists sell millions of I_ UBAM CLOVER. mm” 031nm: annual. Write for Interesunl [nu formation, 1), Fraser. ER. 3. [Idol-ton. (1-...-4- packages West St John, N. B.â€"- “I was in a general run-down condition following the birth of my twin boys. I had a great deal of inflammation, with pains and weakness. Finally my doctor recom- mended Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. He said that your medicine would be the only thing to build me up. I am sure he is right, for I am feeling much better and am gaining in weight, having one down to ninety-three ounds. was in bed for over amonth, ut am up a ain now. I have recomâ€" mended the egetable Compound to my friends and give you permission to use my letter.”â€"Mrs. ELMER A. RITCHIE, 82 Rodney St., West St. John, N. B. 5 There are many women who find their household duties almost unbearable ow- ing to some weakness or derangement. The trouble may be slight, yet cause such anno ing symptoms as dragging pains, wea ness and a run-down feelmg. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound is a. s lendid medicine for such conditions.It as in many cases relieved those symptoms by removing the cause of them. Mrs. Ritchie’s experience is but one of many. U stamps for the names of two obi lectors and 2c postage. Lls‘s Freq Toledo Stamp Company. Toledo, Ohio. l ADIES. DO YOUR OWN HE‘Mv l stnchlng and picoung. Attachv ments fit any machine. Sent collect $2.60. Agents wanted. Colorado Anaom ment Co.. Box 2210. Denver. Colo. You might be interested in reading Mrs. Pinkham’s Private Text-Book upon the “Ailments of Women.” You can get a copy free by writing the Lydia E. Pipkham Medicine Co., Cobourg, Set into the face of a new bath brush are movable jaws which will Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg- etable Compound Relieved Her of Inflammation and Great Weakness Minard’s Llnlmcnt ?or sale everywhere Classified Advertisements. STOMACH MISERY, GAS, INDIGESTION “Papa’s Diapepsin” Corrects Sour, Upset Stomachs at Once 1’nt HELP WANTED. Holds Cake of Soap EUBAM (monk. HUNDRED 'WMMWHOM R1 WE?! EGYS 111} DIFmeN'g

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