Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Mar 1923, p. 1

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A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at the above places From the Toronto Conservatory of Music. will accept :1 number of pupils in Piano, Vocal and -: Theory. -:- For information Phone 110. MRS. {\IYLxs. A special price on Scratch Feed, and Old Process Oil Cake Meal; also a car of Gluten Meal to arrive Wednes- day at the Ele- vator. WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers’ and Embalmers RICHMONDHILL. THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE A car of dry hard-i wood 44 in. body 1 wood, (not limbs) j: at $14; also a earl of dry wood, mostly; hard wood, 4 ft} at$12.50,deli.vered'I at the Elevator. : G. HILL, Oak Ridges P. O. PAT N TIN G WW Agrnflt’or Empire “'ull Paper (70. to enter a branch of this Bank because you do not know how to make a deâ€" posit. Our Managers 01‘ the staff will be pleased to show you. q Start with One Dollar and add to it dollar by dollar. Adelmo Melecci and Miss Rosalind Bush L. T. CH VOL. XLV. Estimates Furnished Free: Phone \VILLO \VDA LE. UNT ()LLIVER, Manng THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA P3315513 fifl'fi'EQE DO NOT HESETATE Hardwood Finishing .50 per annum, in advance.] DECORATING 237s Saturdays. _..-\r._. LIIKIL ultrl such lash mentinmad (lute. the Said Administmtrix will promed to dis- tribute the ussets of the said deceased niunng the parties entitled thmetu. havng regard only In tlw (:lailnsof which she shall then have nulico, and [hut the said Administratrix will not Lm liable for the said assets or any part thoreof to nny pH'SUl) or pmsnns of whose claims nntice shall nut lmvn liven received by her at the timeuf such distribution. DATED at: Toronto, this lllh day of Z‘Jnrch. A. D. 1925‘. WILLIAM COOK. 33 Richmond St. \Vest, ’l‘omntn. Solicitor for the said Adnliniqtrnh'iv suunl luS (R. S. O. m'odilms : demwnds :1 Julm an about the 1923. are H 1923. are N‘quin'd on or'hvfm é the 23rd day of April, A. D. 1923. to send by post, prepaid or deliver (0 Mary Elizalmtli \Valsim. Maple. ()ntu‘rio, the Adminislrntrix will) the will annexed of the Estate of the said deceased, their Christian names and sun-mums, addresses nnd destariptions, [be full pnrliculzus of ll]"ll' claimfi. :1 stutvmonl of their :ncuuums, and [he nulure of the securitivs, in any lwld by them. ANQ. TAKE NOTICE that after late of the Trwnship of Vaughan iu the County of York. deceased. Pursuant to the Statutes in that he- hulf, Notice is hereby given that all parties hxviug rluims against the Estate of the Slid Elizabeth Howard. who died nn or about the lat day of February, 1923. are u-quired on or befme the 5th day of April next, to send to Mr. John Ii. Francis. Thornbill, Executor. a statement of theirclaims and addresses. that utter such Inst mentioned date the Executor will distribute the assets among the_paxties entitle lhneto, bm'ing reganl only to sun-h clainw us he shall llmn have received NUUCI‘. Dated [hi3 7th day of March. A. D. R ichmund II illâ€"\Vednesdays and uddresses nnd db pnrlicuhus nf thv-ix of their :ncuuunls, lhp‘ securitius. in.- 19:23 N otice to Creditors TEETZEL 3303 ‘ PHONE 87 ule of the Townshi [he Unnntv (\f Y p! Eavu Tmnvhing n may he ynug‘aro Cuntvmpluling [he in- stallation of :l ne\\"'I*‘uI-n.-1co. We have several lines worthy of your considera- tion. “79 can serve you in Farm Implo- monté and Repuire, Pumps, Lightning Ruds, Luddm-t, Furnaces and Rnpuim‘. may he your gI-mving wux crops, ynu will 1 pmchusv of a H Sepmnmr will p; NOTICE TO CREW!) RS; Imph running: lflPl‘ hef IT COSTS LESS Ux-u‘ns‘ NOTICE IS H ER] AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE md St. Margaret’s College- ‘eac 191 of Piano-Playing at, the ‘(u‘ontn Conservatory of Music \Vt \Vh . EARLE N E WTON In the Matter of the Esiaie of JOHN HENRY WA'ESON ull! IN THE ESTATE OF ELIZABETH HOWARD, NAUGHTON & JENKINS 26 Adelaide Street, \Vest, Toronto. ll; SI’I'V( 1). {hp (1C! 0.15: uncertain yield through dilly 1nd all kind: of 'l‘ [1) Set DH‘IHS RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY, MARCH 23 you on (i 2nd qyin ll rn id nlhers lmvingt mm or iim‘t lhe Esmle {If the said ' Watson, who died on nl' End day of January. A, D. uirvd on or'hvfmé the 23rd i], A. D. 1923. to send by id or delivm (u Mary HI you will ll ml St. \Vest, 'l‘omntn. the said Administratrix. 38-41 PIANIST 1|] Ms fm e-v 11d weal h< Wilh SO“) ru-se l'hun useless weed roadin see that, tho Bull Dug \Vild Ont prove a good inn-st- ll' lsed will want In “In Essentiabs, Unity,- in lms by reason BYGIV 1,110 ILBIIiI t1 ry lil1e_offi‘;nxn Fall Seas a uglm n n-mer. ulng, Sup- thing. ll) that. :Ill {aims or {he said tinu you m of time 1H lx-I After a lung and puinl'ul illness, Mil. Jubn Slim-y'ul‘ this village, passed away on Mnndny. Mun-h 5th. The dccmsedlzujv, whose maiden munc was Elizabeth Ann Cain. was a native (1' King 'l‘mvnahip, and from the time nflwrmarringe until two yours ago, was a resident of Vaughan. She was a consistent mvmhex- of St Mary's Cutbolic Church, and was for all :1 model in lhu fllllfilluwnt of her reâ€" ligionsdntics Her amiable disposi- tion made fur her flieuds (3f ull who knew her. thu m-llegze snme CU\fls~z|h(Iut,lh’5m At an estimated authorities of St have decided to building on- their Mills Hill. As yet plimé foirszune have not been (lmwn up. A Ym'k Cuunty judging team, con- siszing of Lamheit \Vilsnn, Aux-urn; R. J. Rogers. Nou'nmrkeficonch); T. Hastings, Markham: R. Baycxuft. Aurom: and J. Kmmmly. Agincmut won the Manning: Douglmrty cuput the Pi ovinciul Winter Fair at, Guelph. This makes the thinl win for York Cuumy buys. and gin-s them per» munént puss sion of thy tropln‘. F for sale. Px'fcé'rpasoxiiblo. 5'1. CUL‘LTER, Richmond Hill. 38-40 ‘ OR SALEâ€"l range, coal or wood. V high she}! and reservoir. For sale cheap. Apply LIBERAL OFFICE. 38-40 I ht The junior mems Executive in conjnmtizm with Mr. R. J. Rogers nf Newmarket. are preparing for the County Judging (‘mnpvtitinn and hope tn huh! it pally in Apx ii. The date should he heer sekding nnd after the roads are favorable fur t1 ave-Hing. Al- ready 9. special prize has been donated and itis hoped that good prizes and some new trophy will he olfered this year. Thrnugh these C0111peticions, Yul-k’Cnunty is‘ahle [1) train young men, whn ure qualifird to go out. and win Pl'OVil‘Niul Uhmnpionships. Further notice.» of this event will appear in the press and also by letters. II is in lhe The funeral “Ins held from the fam- ily residencn Yunge St. Richmond Hill. on Mulch 81h to St. Mary’s chum-h where- High Ma‘s wus cele- brated by the Rev. Father Kelly, who had prelared h-“r fur dvath. The burial was in St. Luke's cemetery, 'l‘horuhill. Besides her hmhnml them remain to mourn the loss of thie good lady. [no sons, William and Edward, and IWO daughters. M a. J. Gibbons and Mrs. George Defer-Ari. STEUKLEYâ€"-AL Guelph. pn'Mal‘Ch 8th, 1923, to Mr. and Mrs. J. (L Slackley, (formerly of Newmarket.) twins. boy and girl. County judging Unrxzpvti tn huh! it 9:” ly in Apx il‘ should lw before sekding roads are favorable fur tn ready 8. special prize has 1 and it is lmped that got) some new trophy will be rem Thrnugh these ( Y! l'k'Cnunty is able [0 McKAYâ€"‘In Toronto. Mnrch 8th, Aim-v Elizalgfth._ “:jfeptitht} late J. l The wgulnr monthly nwetin i llnnw mud Schnpl Cluh will he llm I‘uhlic School ‘l‘nesdny iMm-ch 27m, at, 8 u'clnck. I Bluiney, director of Physical in Toronto. will give nn ad: The Vulur of Physical 'l‘minin School. Snimlm- music. will providvd. All inlvrvnted ale l tn :ullvml. Steadily i Thursday. down the Boy“! ml's rushvd WP [minf Funerai at Newmm‘ket Cemetery on Saturday afternoon last. D.__McK:uy, Nnjph York Registrar SI’EY;AC Elgin Mills, on the 16th March. 1923, [0 Mr. and All-5.10m] Espey, a non. OR SALEâ€"A modern new six mumed house. hardwood flour, fir ‘lS'Pl OI}. SALEâ€"Eappy Thought} rang; IJIIH hum] B. Sax-om, Bake1A\-e..Rich- n n. 3&41 tnke'n Junior Farmers Judging Home and School Clul m all. vi” 0 Sorry to ha maidenb \vhivh nprm ing. Painful Accident Mrs {\VS NOTES lens which happens-(l Inst, ,lrs. \V. Neill in going 'Har SluilS uh Mrs. Charles 9)! to [hp “001' breaking 1 bath wrists, nnd buising d face. Mus. Neill was ‘muntn where :m ex-my Tlu- \Yl ism WM 9 hound in 2:, and the- patient is DEATHS BIRTHS hp 1:: huiit Obituary Nan-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." give nn address nu bysical Twining in the MP music will also be intvrvnted we invited to t‘ounm‘nco building a land on which lhu uiit \VMS purchased by e 10 yours “go. and custyf $400.000. the Andrew’s College. vr: (-t a new college pmperty on Youk plans for same have hokl ih en ning, Major 1'. minim: 10pm 1&2: Farmers Supply Co. :35 75 Jarvis St. Toronto. 43 I Yes, 0mm mme the Role -Bn'or QMinstX'L-Is will put un :L sideâ€"splitting enterlainment in :m pubrely new way. ’es. in n nmv my and \viLh m:an 'new performers. ' See the Mimtxcl “First Part” full (If snappy j kts. music, etc.. and laugh lnynnx'hwns r‘unU-nt. Thvn ~~ih hark :Ind seelhe "Sa-cnnd Punt" n vaudrviilx-number. T119 April issue 01" Rod and (inn in sznd-l contains heveml features wh’ch should insbnmly recommend it to lovers of the out of doors everywhere. full of mix gives you mingl»d u ('ulnicniilic‘ up and take nmico. The nut/l mt. (mums the “Th cuuxedy pluyh t p! oducing a roar from Mar: tufinish. hills which will he outlaw-r the exact date. which Will I last, week in Anril. in lhe M Richmond Hill. llmuvmher 'J‘nlont. Now that; Easter time and the spring season is so nearly here the men of the town will probably want anew hat :0 complete their outfit. 'l'hol'v are n nlunh narratives pnrtrnyi‘ opinions of huntH anu-ng lhvsu mine "Point Ground J. W.WELLMAN We have new spring hats and caps here in latest colors and styles at reasonable prices, boots, socks, ties and also a good quality of shim. Rubbers for eveyyono this slushy weather. Going 'J Mtbtloy. Atlantic Also rubber boots, work shirts, overalls and numerous other things, among them spring’ oxfords fcr ladies, and patent leather s!ippers in latest styles. Come and see for vourself or WHAT YOU HAVEN’T'HEAR] Why, Its the Minstrei Show Again FARMERS ! Ordur your Repair; and Machines at once, save Express and Freight 'l‘hvn hit bark {and seelhe i Punt" n. vaudH-iilx-number. Hi1“), magic and mud", u‘hivh nu thrills of mistmv, intel- with Iipples of rib breaking lies which will make ynnsiL take notice. Then Ia~t. but 1‘. (‘I'HH’S the “Third P:u‘f."a pluyh t pl oducing a Cunlinuous e n nlunlwr ut' zit-Mules and s portraying experiences and nf huntvrs and spm'tsnwn. ms:- lning “\Vhan Are Yuu 1 Do About It?”. by W. C. Soul Hnnfing in :110 Northern . by Bunnycnstle Dale. Pr-lswâ€"A Public Shooting and n has! of others. Rod And Gun Gent’s Furnishings. Charges which \vall he about (h; ril. in lhe Masonic Hall. limuvuxher~â€"All Local Phone 86 j . Wulch fur mnouncing 1923 “mm. Atlthe Afull stack of chic new modes for misses, matrons and kiddies, from quaint poke and the broader brim with the narrow back to the softly draped hat and small turbans for- our matrons. made in the newest; shades â€" almond green, bitter sweet; and toast, in materials of haircloth, visca braid and kandee cloth. Drop in and choose your leave your order earlv. Arthur Royslon, Administrator by Alexander MncGl-egm-, his SoliciLor, 613-614 Confederation Life Chambers, Toronto. 38-40 Miss E, G. Barker NOTICE is hereby given that a‘ pen-Suns having claims against th eatdte of JOHN HOYSTUN, lute (' the Township of Markhum, Fax-mm the Township nf Markhnm, Farmer. deceased, \vlm dim] rm 20th September 1922 are required tn fmwznd their cluims duly proven to Arthur Rnycton. 'l‘hol'nhill, Onttujo, Administrator, m- tn the undequigned his solicitor, by 10111_April 1923. And notice is further givau blur. after said date the Administratnr will nroCPed to distribute- the estate having: razard only to claims of which he shall then have notice. Dated this 16th day of March 1923. Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Main 2777 Monarch Bldg“ 26-28 Adel Offices {aide St" West, Toronto. Nuugbtun Block, Aurora Solicxtor for z The Town of Aurora The Township of King The Township of VVbitchun‘h The 1m eriul Bank of Canada, Aurora. J. M.\ altcn. & 00. Aurora Walter S. Jenkins Res. Phnue Hill. 5048 Cnnudian Tenor and Choir Leadm: Sulnisb North Pin‘kdille Methodist Church, is pre awed to receive pu ile in Richmond gill on Mondays. Stu io, Mrs. N. Butty's. Arnold St. Particulars can be obtained by calling, Phoue22 W. HEWISON HOUSE PA lNTER. Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Ring 11 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Dress making in connection NAUGHTON & JENKINS [Single copies, 3 cts Thornhill Millinery Shop Wm. C. Ruttan ]. Harry Nanghlon Res. Elgin Milk Res. Phnne 44.4 No. ll'lllPX‘. 29-“

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