Mr. Iliney and fumin wish to thank thoir many kind friends and neighbors .who lympnthined with them during their and bereavement. Read the non" ndv. nbnut the nkw “ore, page 8. At the last. meeting a! the Board of Education :1 resolution was passed asking the Principal to confer with Mrs. PMer with a view of tucking calislhenics and dancing in the public school. A meeting of the Ratepzlyeru' Asso- ciation will be held in the Council Chamber on Maud-y evening. March 16m, It 8.15 chirp. As there ls much ‘buaineu of Importance, every rate- pbyu- is requested to nttend. Rev. F. H. Battersby was aide to take the servicein St. Mary’s Angli- can Church but, Sunday, after being conï¬ned to his house about. three weeks, the result of m: accident when nlarge piece ofico slid from the roof of the Rectory, striking him in the buck. The Hotel Richmond hm made ex- tenuivo interior improvements. and Is today n thoroughly up-toâ€"date hotel in .4: I" pnrtioular. and pleasos all classes of the travellin public. New flows have boon lnid t rougbuut the build- I“. Tho Indlu of St. Mary’s RC. Church gnve an exccllent supper in the laconic Kl“ on M. PnLrick'l night. l'he Tipperary Candy Booth wu well patroniled during the evening, Ind Mr. Finnegan. of Toronto gu‘e a number of melt enjoyable songs and recitations. Dancing was also a plenum feature of the programme. The Ian carnival of the seam!) is over; it was held last night. The fol- lowing war. the winners: Ladies costume. Miss Gladys Grunt ; Gents costume. Harold Reid. Result of races : Half mile, men’s open, Frank Grainger ; boya’ under 16, I). Brawley: half mile relay. B. Ross and B. Sharplcss. Much sympathy was felt for A large flock of wild geese that flew north ward over the village early Sunday morning. However, they would he presem to welcome the ï¬rst dny of npring on its nnlval yesterday. Tuesduy’l Globe cumalned a photo- gruveur of Mr. Arthur E. Pugsley. move of Sutton md an enwarden of York County. who celebrated his 51M) hirthduy on Monday. He has been nave of Sutton for sixteen years. When It comes to questions relating to the farm, fairs, or much like. the services of our toWnIman, Mr. Jame- HcLean, are much sought, after. The Junior Farmers of Perth County met in Strauord on Tuesday evening for the purpose 0! trying tn arrange fnx apluwingmatch. They secured Mr. McLean as one of the principal speakers. and he denied Llwnl not; he wan on hand. The following professional artists of Toronto will take part: Grand Concert Sat. March 31, ’23 ~â€"From the Studio of \V. G. Armstrong This will be one of the best Concerts ever given at Rich- mcnd Hill. TlCKE’l‘S, 50 CTS. MYRTLE WEBBER, Pianist â€"From the Btudin of \V. O. Forsth CHILDREN, 25 CENTS HARRIET MAYBEE COOPER, Elocutionist SADIE STEVENSON. Soprano -â€"F‘rom tne Studio of Owen Smiley AILEEN ATKINSON, Violinist ~Tnlented Young Artist of Rich- mond Hill; Pupil of Frank Cnn- verse Smith. MASONIC HALLâ€"â€" RICHMOND HILL (Including Wu Tax Weather conditions have been web, that ladies have not been eager to purchase for early spring, but brighter and aunsbiny days are hovering near, and in anticipation of village-requirements, “Day by day, in every way, our stocks are getting bigger and better.†The discerning buyer is ever on the alert for goods of substantial distinction, and realizing that such goods mean satisfaction, we conserve our efforts in this direction. In- creased space' enables us to intro- duce new innovations, places as in a better position than ever to supply your needs, and a glance at our frequently changed windows, a visit to our new show room, ï¬tted and equipped in accordance with modern ideas, together with an' inspection of our general range of merchandise. will readily convince you that “artis- tic dignity†is one of the predomin- ating features of our business. Fi‘ame House very tidy on north side Centre Street East. Millinery A ï¬fty foot Lot with comfortable lll‘ll“ house, "W" berries, strawberries, asparagus. ' .d‘f fruit. etc. un nnrth aide of P’ Amend street. price $1600, about 3.100 down. Brick clad house six rooms. electric light, on South side Ccntre Street ess_t, neufly new We have just received a carload of Ruberoid Roofing, Asphalt Shingles, Felts, Building Paper, «1w. which was bought before,the advance in price, and we are therefore able to save yox money. l2 Aores,.bouee and barn to rent on Mill Road. immediate pussession. § Acre. house, and hen hnuse, on May Avanue. at I bxrgain quick sale. Money to loan on First Mortgages. Yonge St., RICHMOND HILL Are You Going to Plant Trees this Spring? BUILDERS ATTENTION! Planing Mill and Lumber Yard Richmond St . Richmond Hill: 38â€"39 MRS. W. DAVIES, Richmond Hill Indivldual instluction. Night School Mondays and Thursdays Newnmrket, Bank of Tor L. Innes & Sons DRY GOODS Ask us for samples and prices H_ A. Nicholls NEWMARKET BUSINESS COLLEGE FALL TERM OPEN Trees add to the beauty of your grounds, we can sell you ï¬rst-class stock. Fruit trees, Ornamental trees and Shrubbery, from the Nur- sery of E. D. Smith & Son, Winona, Ont. Remember all trees that do not grow are replloed. We can sup- ply you with one tree or hundreds. X0 order too small. Our prices include delivery to your home. The Real Estate Man GEO. H. PRICE Representative Richmond Hill Mrs. W. Davies PHONE 119 ENROLL AN Y TIME HAS FOR SALE â€"-ANDâ€" Yonge and Charles Street; Tumnto OPEN ALL YEAR Artist, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram- atic and HumourOus Sketches, Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate of Mr. )nmphell will he at The Liberal Ofï¬ce. RiChmund Bill. every Tuesday aternoon. Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. Studio ‘I'Iomewood Hall,’ Thornhill. Ont 3) tf A High Grade Schaol Get Your Painting Done Now Ban-late“. Solicitors. Etc. Ofï¬cesâ€"Suite 511 McKinnon Bld .. .‘vor. Jordon and Melinda Sts., Town 0. gold at Sloan's Drug Stores ‘ .v 0.; v v ELOC UTION Miss Marguerite BoyEe Macnaughton & Campbell A. CAMERON MACNAUGHTUN FREDERICK A. A. CAMPBELL Lumps gnwn: Business, Stem. graphs, ’l‘ypewn ing. Nu m. I win], Gvnmuul lmplm‘enwlzt t'c. DEMAND FOR OUR GRADY- APE-1 DURING THE LAST SlX'I‘Elv N .\.:)N His MORE THAN IJUI‘BLE anR SUPPLY. Enter Mm‘, Pallliculms frnn. First class Painter Low Charges Stop 47 Richmond Hill CREW . S. \VHEELE R Tt-lvphnne Main 3831. ELLIOTT Principal Stop 51 1-2 TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Richmond Hill Branch, J.'R. Herrington, Manager Arrival of Spring Suits Custom Hatching Your Eggs hatched for you at A few dollars spent on Gyproc and a few hours’ work (building experience not at all necessary) will transform your attic into attractive livable rooms. You have the space, why not use it? The expense is smallâ€"the effect beautifulâ€"and the job permanent. Make Your Attic Ugefu! With Gyproc A Permanent \Vall \Vithout Plaster is absolutely ï¬re-proof. It is vermin-proof, and is an insulator of heat and cold. Gyproc is not an ordinary wall-board. It is absolutely different. ' Ask for our free booklet and samples. THE UNTAR'O GYPSUM 00., LTD. PARIS. ONT. RICHMOND HILL, DEALER L. INNES, & SONS My stock of spring suits has arrived, and having ordered same before the price of woollen had advanced. I can sell suits from $17.50 up (no shubby goods,) those who have bought suits already. pronounced them the best. for me money they have had for a long time. Come and see for yourself. Ladies and Men’s suits made right here by band. 835 and up Ladies’ and Men’s own cloth made and trimmed at very reasonable prices. To the Ladiesâ€"4f you want a suit or coat not made to order, I can save you money by taking you to Jno. Northway & Sons', factory and let you select one ohere. $5.00 per 100 to Invest. WHEN you have saved enough money with which 'n l'hlI" a panntï¬an anvnrnmnnf n" Mlln;t‘;n2| to Buy a Canadian Government â€"or Municipal Bond consultthis bank and obtain free information as to the particular offering best suited to your needs. Standard Service gives impartial investment intelli- gence gladly on request. THE “8 CLEANING AND PRESSING NEATLY DONE STAN DARE) BAN K now have a capacity of 2440 Eggs BROOKLANDS J. W. BOWMAN . R. FORTNER Clothier and Tailor. Phone 44-1 1