2-7“! doï¬hle RESSMAKING â€"â€" \Vouwns And childrens dresses. Mus. WM. GOULD, Richmond Hill. 36-39 J; Blchmund Hill. EN frnm $3.500 up on easy tv homes in Maple. a. real quickgale. A ply WESLE Richmond Hil . A‘VS FILEDâ€"Cross cut and cir- \ culnr saws gumde and ï¬led. (‘ut- ting hm: knives gi-nund. In fact if it is dull wu slmlpeu it. Also ugent for Gilmn Mfg. 00., Guelph. Unnw in and see then-:21 solf sharpening stwl chilled plow <h.uv. A. ANDERSON. Rear of \V. Vamdvrburg’s shop. Rich Iunnd Hill V lll-lf ' NCUBATORâ€"A 250 egg. Hamilton Incubator. all in good shape. Prior 815, n [ml-gain. GARFIELD YEREX, Phone 249 Muple. 87.38 MOTICEâ€"E. S‘iney .s prvpuu-(l tn 1 do all kinds of [rm-king and cutting in Richmond Hill and vicinity. Btgpl'opage soliciLed. Phone Richmond An AL. I)RUNINGâ€"â€"NOW is the, time for pruning trees. 0. SHIELDS(‘(1.. tree- experts. guarantee guud inl'. Box 217. Richmond Hlll. IREâ€"2’3 ANTEDâ€"A coal burning hl-nndvl‘, Buckeye preferred; also No, 122 Buckeye burning hrooder. for sale. \V. Cox, Oxford Street, Elgin Mills. ‘1 ' 366:9: 'i‘. H. HARDWARE, Thorn hill. 36 tf. hum; rl ing nt' buying u home or ful m it wil: he [0 your inlercst 1:) first see: \VESLEY BOYNTON, Phonu 121 J, Rich- ; m -nd Hill. 35-41 | 33 RAINBOW SPECIALTY I SHOPPE, Richmond Hill 51?? OPEN MONDAY l’lmm Want Ads “75mm WANTEDâ€"Slut: quantity and mice. BX! -- n- L 7."..4 u,» VV quantity POULTRY Rum, Jxlurd lutnge IeMm'. 2 Set -tdnd§. Ap Richmond St. (“OR SALIGâ€"Inculhlur r Buckeye. with llwrm master complete, gmnl us Ian-d L\viuc_ \V. M. HAY. I ()8, SALE milchlr m ‘0 LET Fuzlr room suite over ‘O\V FOR SA due to fras I OR SALEâ€"Seven Richmond Hill wghan CD n )R. SALEâ€"l 5 1 good bad spli pet. Qumlitv rug OR SALEâ€"Gray Perchexon geld- ing rising: 4 years. broke simqu double. R. E. SANDERSON. Lut on: GR FAl£.\l~I_f you me'lhinlf :1 twice $1 251 ‘9‘ R. 13'. SA] pail Markham SE; hedmm Apply MR freshen the 2f 3. Markham RETTY STYLES RICES RIGHT New Silks and Tricotines WITH All New Spying Dresses FEATURED IN Season’s Striking Fabrics, OPENiNG mommy, march 26%!) New Store in Town even-u] good hc KNTEDâ€"Slat; kind, md mice. BATHURST Richmond Hill. 38 , lot. 23. con. 2, RUMBLE. Richmond ‘ fécd n dis! Ql’mnity wool I pet. llmperi.†md hcmesin ve< l‘ungirg nus. Al~02 hzugain for Y Box'x'rox, [m 1191' Hummer :uu Angus cow, Lh of April, A. Nluu, 38-39 42 tf suite 37-38 f1 esh COME Late of the Township of Vnuglmn in i [he Cnunly of York. Retired Farmer. f Deceased. NOTlCE is hereby given pursuant to the Statutes in [but behalf. thnt all persons having claims against Ihg Estate (if [he szlitl Alexander CHIHHOU. who died (in or about, the ninlh (lay of February 1923. are required to send I hv post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned Executors nf the Estate or to Charles H. Porter their solicitor. on. or bcl‘nre the First, day of April 1923. their names. addresses and deâ€" scriptions and a full statement of their Vclaims and the nature of the sveurilies. (if any) held by them duly cerl ified and I that, after the said date the Executors will prnceed tn distribute the Estate of the deceased nnmngst lhepartirs en- titled theretn, lmviug rugurd only to Lhe claims of which they then shall have notice. DA l‘lil) [his 12th day ul' Mun-h l'J'_’.5. .1. Alexander Cnnwmn Au-liil-uld Cameron, Exncntnre, \Vnndhridge R. R. No. L’. Rich “)0†()uge St», S hn {y at LIBERAL I ichrmond Hill I NGTECE T0 CREDITORS ALEXANDER CAMERON 34 Victnrin Sheet, Toronio, Sulicitfll' fur snid Executors. CHARLES H. PORTER, In the matter of Estate hf uh “all etc 1 Hill. LE-â€" Cosy 4 lnomod cut- large burn, stabling for ‘ puxulll‘y house and ponlny. ‘g shed. good well, and two endid garden soil. Smp :T S hnmhm-g junction. Ap :RAL Office, or B. Rankin. Hill P. 0. 36-1f 1H HOUSEâ€"( Offit Cute _ ho .nrg Save 1/3 to 1/2 Your Corn You lose from £3 to ,‘3 the food value of your corn by feeding it to your cattle as dry fodder. Corn stored in a TORONTO Wooden Stave Silo will give ou l00% of the value. Good ensilage will improve the eelth of your cattle and will increase the quality and quantity of your milk returns. Good silage must be made in an air-tight ailo. The TORONTO Silo is made of selected spruce. double tongued and grooved to exclude the air. and specially treated with creosote to lengthen its life. l5% extra capacity with the TORONTO Hip Roof. Let me show you how to save on forage, and increase the health and value of your herd. Information and ; full particulars gladly given. pply “1035 J. Lunau, Agent, Richmond Hill 0d ml 11 two acre lmlh p1 Stop 48, 38-39 “CAM .38-I/f (SI-3%) )1]! (H Indoor Sports will commence to flour- ish ere long. It is expe.:ted that they will be ushered in about the middle oi next month by the classiest class of Roler-Holer Minstrels that have yet ap- lpeared before 3. Richmond Hill audi- ' ence. Get your tickets early. No; you're wrong. The hockey sea- sm is not over yet. The Senior Cadet team will stage two contests at the iocal Arena tonight and tomorrow (Friâ€" day) night. Newmarket’s strong junior team will be here tonight. while 5chom« berg team and followers are coming towu en-mass tomorrow night. Surely I the l udets are entitled to your whole- hearted support; let them ha\'e it to the full on both evenings. You'll get ! your money's worth of thrills. a. visit on Thursday evening of last week and held forth at the Arena ice palace. The following well known art- ists were among the party : M l’sses Betty Herman. Ruby Johnson. Isabella McCullough, Peggy McIntosh, Mary Rogers, Kathleen Hewlett. \Vilma Foster, Ruth White. Bella Hay; Master Jackie Mai-r. Mesars. Tom Cnnlin, Tom Ford, Harold Gordon, Bobby Foster. Louis Hurd, Harry Tough. Jack Givens, Percy Johnson. Wm. Taylor, Art Mer- ritt. A number of races were run off, ranging from the 220 yards for women to the men‘s mile, but the big noise of the evening was the appearance of the lU-year-olJ juvenile Star. Jackie Marr. lle i; all the daily papers claim he is â€" FOREWORD Every day. and in every way, Our town is growing bigger and bigger. and better and better. At least that is the opinion of yours truly upon returning after almost ten months of absence. Our main street is rapidly assuming a “Fifth Avenue†ap- pearance Many improvements are noticeable apart from new buildings and excavations for others. But the new Arenaâ€"ah, there is something that made glad the heart of your humble servant. It is a magniï¬cent structure even now. but will be more beautiful and lasting- after its completion this summer. The property owners of the village did themselves proud when the} made the ahievement possible. and there is no doubt in the writer's mind that our young folks of todav and to- morrow will cml them blessed for their kindness and thong itl‘ulness in the mat ter of a new rink. Uptimism seems to be the kcymote to the'heart of Rich- mond Hi-l: "zens as a whole. and this is as it $1] .zul lye. because without optimism time am he no permanent advanceznai: let us keep so far ahead of th ~ pessimist that he will be compelle'l to more) in the dust from our movements. not We from his. m gzow Like all other winter sports, curling is fast drawing t> a close. To settle a long drawn-nut dispute as to whether the East Side «Ir West Side had the bet- ter crowd of curlers four rinks from each side of Yonge Street met at the Curling Rink on Saturday even ng last led by the following Skips: \Vest Side â€"B. Bennett. G. (Jowey. Tyndall. A. Savage : Cast Side â€"(}. Maudie. H Bond. R. Agar: \V. Uippell. "J‘he Westerners \vun out Ivy 12 shots. and will hold the title M Vi'hlLZC (‘hamp‘ons until the playâ€"cif again next winter. Toronto speed merchants. both ladies and gentlenggn, ~paid Richmonq _Hill please< some 0 of the years < Smith time To Sleep to-night use R,‘\2 MAH to-day for Asthm AZ-MAH has brought peaceful nigh and restful sleep to thousquds_w‘ To Sleep to-night use RAZ‘ MAI‘I to-day for Asthma- RAZ-MAH has brought peaceful nights and restful sleep to thousands who lormerlysullerod the ngonles olAsthma. AZ-MAH contains no narcotics or other habit-lormlng drugs. ll it does not glve rellel we guarantee your drugglst wlll return your money. $l.00 a Box. “Just swallow two capsules." Free Trial lrorn Templeton Co., Toronto. Sold at Noan's Drug Stores Sporting Notes WITH THE SPEEDERS e in Eastern Canada today. 11 the spectators present. as (ii [the young lad§es and the I‘mhe party. Tom Comm. who i4 4 f age and still going slrong. W auled as starter. AL Collins a an} \V. Richmond and 11. 5am )f course. All the visitors spok ing terms of our new Arena. \V [TH TH E C U R LERS S P0 R'l‘ Sideâ€"(F. Maudie w: W. ).-.pp«:!l. un out by 12 shots tle m \‘i'lntze (‘ham {1' again next winte 331‘ SHU'I‘S wapm-s r in H Jackie Mal iaim he is :11 t of spa d." V hm He OUR LEASE ES EXPIRING Everything must go It. will pay .you to buy now as the following lines will be from 25 to 50 per cent higher next winter. 043 9¢0M $6 0&5 QOOWM“Q OQWQQOWWWW “MMQQMMM $66 W6 M6060 “Mm 8W DRY GOODS - MILLINERY - LADIES’ WEAR “WWAMM “WWW QUALITY SHOPPE -:- Bf: EE Winter underwear, caps and gloves, we are selling at; less than cost. WJll cost much more next winter. We also have quile a few odrl spring‘ and summer caps, regular $1.75 to $2.25 for 750., will make a gcod every day cap. A few V neck swenters regular to $4.50 for $1.50 to $2.00. These will be much higher next; year. One set Back Band Harness with Steel Bolt Hames. Regular $60 00 Two Burner Three Burner Four Burner - Two Burner Junior Ovens - $6.50 5,-Pts.45c. Pts. 80c. Qts. $1.40 gGals. $2.65 Gals. $5 00' â€"_â€"â€"_â€"â€" WOOD FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE ~ REAL ESTATE A. (i. SAVAGE WOOWWWOWW New Perfection OIL STOVES CGOPER’S HARDWARE rcn General Agent, ffice at the P stOf flu - Rfdnnd Hill COAL and Roofingflamess Sup- plies Sweat pads, Breast strap, Hame strap, Heel ChfliE’RS, Curry combs and Brushes : Stoves and Ranges -: N. COOPER Ri‘Chmond Hi1 Spédes, Shovels, Ferks, Buiiding papera Tar paper we will be pleased to shm signs. and from week to w will add eevx‘ytlling that is m ï¬lm-CHM atu-nlion given to ir lwn huts (,f the same paltvn‘. Alan 3 full line of Huts :uitull pl “’9 take plensnrp in n that gulsprihg Milline Sherwin-Williams Paints T. H. HAP Phone 33, [. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited Phone 325 Thornhill, Ontario E5 orman s3. 006066060600 M R S. NOR MAN BATTY ARDWARE & SUPPLIES Limited TRENCH’S BLOCK and PHONE 93 nnnnnt‘ing tn mu 17 Display is in; Show you the to “'t'ek as th-- s is new and lip-L01 to individual req‘ K FURNigééii‘é $21.50 - 26.00 - 34 .00 unior - 1 .75 $6.50 and $8.00 Thornhill, Ontario child $13188. Sé‘éifï¬â€™?» SWEE .1_.- inch Traces â€"â€" Sale price $50.00 \llll‘ll vllf Plxcne Phone ~