Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Mar 1923, p. 1

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E Wall Hangings 3 - of - - Artistic Charm {SAMPLES FREE ' PAINTING. DECORATING ate of the Township of Vaughan in the County of York. deceased. Pursuant to the Statutes in that he‘ half, anice is hereby given that all ganius haying _(illLi_l!lS‘ agaipst the Estate of the: who died on 1 ngruary-,- 1923 before the 5th send in Mr. Johl Exficntm‘, :Qd and :uhh'vsses. Ihnt uftvr suc (hr' Executor‘ amng (he p: having regard he shall then h Dated this 7 A special price on Scratch Feed, and Old Process Oil Cake Meal; also a car of Gluten Meal to arrive Wed nes- day at the Ele- vator. Notice to Creditors G. HILL, Oak RidgesP A car of dry hard-I wood 44 in. body wood, (not limbs)‘; at $14; also a car of dry wood, mostly hard wood, 4 ft.’ at$12.50, delivered at the Elevator. < I’lrme 2’10“, K'ng 1 Von. XLV. to enter a branch of this Bank because you do not know how to make a de- posit. Our Managers '0: the staff will be pleased to show you. (“Start with One Dollar and add to it dollar by dollar. AND_ TAKE FURTHER NOTICE after such last. Executor will dis ng (he "attics PUBUB NflTIBE \\' ILLOWDrfifi. UNT. ()LLI YER, Munngvr THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ELIZABETH HOWARD. NAI'G HTON & .ll 26 Adelaide Street Toronto. $I.5o per annum, in advance. . D. Ramer IN THE ESTATE OF DO NOT ' HESITATE the mid Elizabeth Howard, on nr about the lat day (If 1923. are u-quired on or 51h day of April next, to , John H. FmmishThornhill, Only ‘ me rec kh day aten K N A E. unenciune tribute the entitled I] to such cl: SKINS West. f their )lzu' then claim allc 1. 35 39 laimi reto. Z37. D. date ment tn you. -- 8V8 are agents forevery line of Fun :1) Implements. Wltlf the Full Sensun may be ynldare contenan stullntinn of :1 new Fumm several lines Worthy uf ye cuming on. you men ts crops, you will readily see that the purchase of a Bull Dog \Vxld Out Sepmatm‘ will prove it gt-nd invest- TEETZEL BROS. EGGS FOR_ MATCHING â€". \VhiLe lezhnrns, $1.50 per: sitting of 13. JOHN BLANanxm. :iv-H‘. 3L: also incubate-i- a3}; "punter. Apply FRANCIS K tango “rent. “‘henyuu figure the loss of lime and uncertain yield through di: ty seed grain, the acreage loss by reason tu your growing worse than useless weed “’3 have enjoyed the Cocoa very much, even if the teachers did econo- mize on the sugar once or probably twice. 'We'also wish thn- Club every success if] im work. for we realize that Signed un behalf of the Kathleen Morri. John H \anter Kendall, Evelyn Smith Atkinson, Phyllis \the. The Home and Selma} Ch most anecenful meeting in u Schun! on Tuesday meaning. Blniney. snpersisur of l’hysit ing in Toronto Public School: clth's Vice-Prvshlmlt. gave :1 address an “Physical Edm llw Schuhls." Lillie Cluiahin son gave it Cmnet 9010 w} much Pnjrlyed. A souiul 1mm '1‘le fullmving latter mm 1-04 the Home and Sclwul (Jul: mug!) appreciated : ' We, 'tne pupils of (he Pubiic Schoél, who have the pleasure of bringing our lunch. take'this opportunity of thank- ing the Home =~nd School Hub for their kindness in hupplying the hot drink for us at noon; also the :etchers in preparing it. its om schools lftf‘r hefnm- IT COSTS LESS Recent lmpmvemvnta along the line of stores in Richmond Hill has been very noticeabln. The latest new . building is that of Mr. and MlS. \‘\'m. E Davies in front of the old Lawrence ' residencoun Yongc- Street. and lhls atom is certainly upLu-date. The now proper contains general mer- chandise, while the rear. which is slanted am eral stars. is a reserve {or mlllinery and ladies Ware. Two huge plate windows adorn the hunt, with f 48 panes of plate glass in the hack-l ground. Th3 plnve is eleclrically lighted witanUU mats, and the huge disnluy cases equipped with latest (18-, signsin Millinely aml “Ilium (‘Olu- mudltivs. cannot fail to mum, tho 0 who have an eye for the bountiful. We mus! conglntulnle Mr. and Mrs. Dmivs on their stole which would do credit to a large town ( r l-ily, The Masonic Hall mu uncnml’ort- ably pierde Friday evening.‘when “The Ymmsz Village antur" \vnv pivsented hy mvmheré of‘ Victoria Squaw Epwmth Lvagm‘, under the air-piers of Hichmnml Hill Methodist, 5.8. Our citizens evidently expected something gnud. and tiny were nnt d’suppointed. TheI play was well presented. en-ry [nut we: well sustained. and the whole entertain- menti‘eflectt-d much credit on the cumpnny. Recitvnlinns. piano 301m. chorus" and vthm- features gow- \‘nripty to the pluvahich was thorâ€" oughly enjoyed by the largo: audience. Mr. E. J. Hitchcock. the director, and his associates are to he cungrnlulated on {he success of the vnleitainmeut. es .‘U' H) “E us 5 w 03 SALEâ€".ohfljc» lot on ('hluch one aim is the welfurldf-Elk ll 1‘ rough and Repair m serve y ewe you 1dders, Fun-ml The Young Village Doctor RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1923 u l‘ n Davies‘ New Store nf Id we.“ I) and School ClLb will no doubt, find you isul- of Physical Truiu~ Public Schools and our aim-m. gave :1 splendid ’hysicul Education in Gillie Cluiatiue Audvrâ€" met Sulo which was A social limo hvlluwvd. mne new PHONE 87 7d Selma} Club he. will FRANCIS PAT'rox 39 “In Essentials, Unity; is :’~h9 .flel’rriiéé'il of thg pupils, “r' J. [AI-m Imp! rereiwd by All um) was the Public {2. ‘Alnjol‘ ‘onsidem (he fuming investâ€" hi Aileéi) cream UK “)7 Iw‘SJ-tf One cannot great change journey from York to ideal Sarah Bnnhnrdt, the noted Fran h lure-s, died at her homo N Park. We left New York fior the Bahamas on the ninth of February‘on the steam- or Murango of the Munson Line. an oil- burning vessel which is a very great improvement on the oldâ€"time dust- strewiug coal system. .and travelled down south. skirting the American shore at a distance from which the only sight of land that can be seen a ong the way i: a glimpse of the lights on Cage Haterus when the Wealher ll fair. Upon the en trance to the gulf stream on the second day out the air became no- ticeably Warmer. so much so that we were abs to loosen up our steamer rugs, an a fly which had been in hiding came out and hovered near. 0n the third day (Sabbath morning) the ships doors were 'fastened open, and most all the passengers appeared in summer at~ tire and were able to sit outside until ten o‘clock without a wrap of any kind. Very early on the following morning the lights on Abaco could be seen. which we passed slowly in and out amongst the cays until we reached near the lighthouse on Hogs Island, where. owing to \he very shallow water, we had to be transferred to a smaller ves- sel and brought into the harbor. a dist- ance of about two miles. in which we were met by colored urchins in boats. begging us to throw money into the translucent water so that they might earn a little by entertaining us watch them dive for it. As the vessel was be- ing made fast to the wharf groups of people of all lines were awaitingâ€"how cool the white dressel on the ladies and the light suits on the gentlemen looked â€"â€"elso the brawuy negroes. of whom some were well dressed while others were careless and barefooted. Colored policemen. dressed in blue serge with white helmets. militaryâ€"looking for all their bland oliiciousness. and other oificv ials. gave character to the crowd as the passengers, disembarking. gave their orders about their belongings and were hurried away to the hotels and abodes in their choice of either automobiles or old-time surreys driven by Colored coachmezt midst avenues of almond trees. royal palms, and quaint white buildings. over which tell cocoanut palms, on which are cocoanuts in all sizes from the blossom up, wave their fern‘like fronds and heautilul hibiscus and llougaidvilleo. in many shades of bloom. add a tench of color to the pic- ture us they peep over the garden walls. 9 i, l I To hegin with, We never shut on these wondvifui [tips that, have heen made posaihle fin- u. to Luke Advantagé of during tho but few years Without a. vex y great fvpling of gratitude. \Ve left 'l‘uruutn on the evening of Ft’hl‘lllll‘, the stulh by the Lvhidh Valley ltuilwuy midst. snow :I’ml ice, and euVl'ke us we neared an York to see more snow freshly spread on the landscape. so pure and lovely that (me ammo; m-erlcok the blessing in that linen like (:oveiiug when (H mum-e xle-cpsi \Ve arijté‘d safely at lb: Penmylvuniu minim», frnm \vhicmWe walkvd the shm I: distance thI-uugh the luliLé-X'ranexn passage ifiin the Peunsy!â€" vuniii Hotpl, and spent I couva of dlyu in thnl city of Iky-scrnpers in which the pupidalion is uver four mil- linua. spending the mm! of Hie time amongst the gI'PM. Mums, and Wei. quite comfmtahle when shopping two bulementa below the giound. Some people hnve a tendency to say hmad l'.b‘.A.." and they might say lvhal ifthey am thinking of His van] imam] -r if) whivh divorce can he lumighl “built. but there is nut any had in which them is nut some good, ] thereforr we mint give the Ammicun ‘lcitizvns some crrdit to.» fine fueling and Ingenuity.» In the first place they have allowed the I‘Plllflins of snme nf New York’s early pioneers, who were interred in girlie lands in the (loun- tmvu Emotions. together wi the uld tombstones. to remain as t ey were plat-ad; and in the St-cund, they have most every nt-w invention under the sun hrfule anyone else. \Vhere land i4 sew-C(- and high in price they build their p'aces beinw the eurth and in the sky.'<md to niieve cunjestion on the streets they have made a notwolk 0f nonden‘uily wrii-ventiiated tube milways (mow the streets by which pASSS‘ngel'S can get over miles cf the city in a few minutt’s. and a. system of ehvuted rniiwnys that, cun easily he notched by stairs, some 0f the stair- wuys being ontnf the big stm'e. Thest- Ways ut’ Lipid transit. together with H)» slow surface street miitVays and taxis standing vvciywhero, maké th‘z handling Hi» the vast ctowds remark- ahiy easy. (By MRS. J. H. C. Dtrmum Our Trip to the Bah-mas Vm_‘New York \ot help contrasting the very ge in less than three days' om piles of snow in New eal mid-summer Weather. (To be, continued) NEWS N01“ Nou- Essentials , Lilm'ty; 6» all things, Charity." ' Inter‘aive tmining preparatory for the 1928 inspection by Col. Barker will be instituted after the Enter holi- days. The 0.0. will ask the permilsion or the Council fur the use of the Curl- ing rink. Physical drill. athletics. and ddll so ecesnary for the mnn‘y du- W't‘pme tnf the Gndrt will thus foL law. and the 0.0. Would ask for the loyal support of the Cadet mother: so that the work may he successfu”y iurthon‘] A Hnnuvial Nah-“lent hf ' h1 (“\nte -n will bu pnhliphed Inter. To the f anw- ing Indies iv: px’prmsed the gratitud.‘ of the (‘n-rps: Tn MN. Armand Sawmza. fur the use of a stove: also 0 Mv-c. Newport]: to Mrs. Grant. for full kin cheu rquipment; to Mrs. Cook, fur H 0 supply at cups: m Mis< Russell. fur the gift nf cotfee burs; mud to MN. L'r‘yd. fur curifecliunmy donated f»r sale Apploxinmtvly $400 was taken in during the period. prrvh'ts from which we distributed fifty~fifty to one C‘mncil and the Cadet Regimental ‘nml. l“'Gmtvful a; pre 'iuUGH is alsn exprpss- ed to those \\ ho luv: during the past month given m thv O. C. special dnnm Nuns for :hr‘ furthering of the work. Expenditure for athletic equipment, hm; been a heavy charge, but it is gr» anally heingjignidated. The Corps 'will hold an Eastertide dune - on Mnmhy evening next. in 1h:- flusnnic. Hall undPr the distinguish-d patronage of the field ufl‘icers ‘t' Ih- regiment. Arrangpmpnh f :- chin event we in th» koepil guf Cadet Capt. Bert Grunt und Hyde; Lien. Bunny \Vhile. Nndr‘tail will I)» luckng to n|=:k ’ the Pruning :Ln P'ljliyn'l’llf.‘ uh". \Vill the mnllwrs 14' lb» 0 ulels kindly assist in providing mku. Fm the Concert. in the Masoniq Hall un Saturday M‘ening, March 815$. in grateful uppl'eciatiuu\ of what Mia“ Aileen Atkinsnn has dune {or the Game in the past, [hr- decorating of the hull [hr the event will he undertaken by the 0 ad 4.. The fullowing Cadet; ni-e de- tul d nl<o for special duly: Attend- ints a“: dmw â€"(‘z «iiâ€"t Cm‘pi. Ahan Dun- can and (33er Cum]. Dnnaui Bl'HW‘“Y ; UJIenRâ€"Pndet Corpl. David Stirling. and Cadets Lyle Grant and Encch Batty. Culvts detniled will will” th“ix red and \vh'm- j: isuvs. also {livir (Inlet enpa khaki hieeuh 3 Nut! wd n “J while socks. _ daughter of Mrs. A. ALU‘UIIKI'lH‘, Was nun-lied tn Elmer GiIhm-t, fisnn of Mr. and MN, D. \V. Clllbirw. of [firhmrmd Hi”. va. C. J. Camelon penformvd the ceremonv. The huide Wnl'e u be- comng navy ‘hlm- Lnih red suir, and A chidhnt with Fremh flowers She carried :\ beant'ful houquwt (t SWu-vl pens. Them u ere no at end Ile. Afu :- :I shm'l, trip Mr. and Mn: Ululduc will live in Ritbumnd Hi“. A quiet. and pretty wedding took place nu Saturday at the 11mm: If lh secretary of the B-ptist Home Mis- sion. u hvn Mildn-d El zah It), daughtgrufjlraA. AIiU‘Uhfll'ltâ€"B", Was Tan [rnpnsed Live Stock Judging Cnntvst nnnnunced in the Press I It week, will take place on Tuesday. April 3d, at, 9.30 a. m. sharp. The first clussu will be judged on the farm of Mr. Stevens, two miles south of Richmond Hill and the party Will visit {arms nmth on Yonge street. later in the day. All Junior Farmers and boys who never had a chance to take an Shall. Course axe inviLvd 10 a1- tend. York Count, Live Stock Judging Conical Clubine â€"â€"Mac Charles York Ranger Cadets HO USE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RichnH-nd Saturduvs. 75 Jarvis St. Toronto. 43 And 'Ilolicg'is ‘furthvr given their, after said duty the Administratm- will proceed to distribute the Pstute lmvinfl regard only in claims of which he shall then have uutice. Dated this 16th day (11’ March 1923. Arthur Rnyston, Administrator hy Alexandvr MncGregur. his Sniicitm‘. 613-614 Goandm-ntiou Life Uhamhprs. Taro mo. 38- I" persnus having claims agairst, tht‘ estate of JOHN ROYSTUN, lute of the Tuwnship of Markhmn, Farmer. deceased, who died nn 20L!) Septemhgr 1922 ale. I‘l‘(]llil‘H‘l!Ln fmwm-d their claims duly prnvpn Kn Arilmr Rnycton. 'l‘homhill. Ontario, Administmlm- m- Farmers Supply Co. W. HEWISON to : h’é’ ' Rial-£35326 1th 1}er x923. Miss E. G. Barker Drop in and choose leave your order early. Am“ stock of chic new modes for misses, matrons and kiddies, from quaint poke and the broader brim with the narrow back to the softly draped hat and small turbans for our matrons, made in the newest shades vâ€" almond green, bitter sweet and toast, in materials of hairclozb, visca braid and knndee cloth. ' At the Thornhill Millinery Shop NOTIC I i and NOTECE T0 CREDITORS Dress making i A full stock of . EARLE N E WT ON FARMERS‘! Oulmwyonr Repair; and Expl'ea-s Machine ntr St. Mgrgaret [Single copies, 3 etc. Piano-Playing at, UllSL‘l'Vallnl'y nf M H llel'el‘y givl-n PIANIST Charges IIâ€"\Vednesdnys and :Ind 1t, (rm-P, 5: ve in connection. 38-31! nn 20L!) Septemhgr .‘Ln fmwm-d tbmr h) AI-ilmr Rnycton. Administmlor, m- :1 his solicitor, by C0“;‘g( your hat, 01' No. 39 that an the sic

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