1‘0 unlsaxoxmt. ELGIN HOTEL LightLunches Ice Cream Soft Drinks Cigars Cigarettes Refreshmennts Stabling Accommodation}; at Reésonable Rates E. Bridges, BIOP- BATHS. BASINS, W The James Robertson, (20.. Ltd. Laundry PLUMBING SUPPLIES “’ill gladly furnish hecessuny info: matinu and advice. regarding your requirements. Systems will provide water installation. If you want a. Bred-to-Lay strain of Barred Rocks. The good for n11 purpose Breed, that will mamrc quickly and lay early, I llave In offer â€" IIA’I‘L‘HING EGGS FROM 3 PENS Hatching Eggs For Sale l‘cns 2 an Yearling lIc Pallets and ‘ 13 Cogs $2.00, per :30 Eggs $6.00. As the dqmzmd for the past four seasons has been greater than Hue supply. orders will be ï¬lled in rnuuin"- Order Eariy. 215 Spadina HARNESS REPAIR’STORE SOUTH OF NEWGAR \CE REAL ESTA'i'E AND INSURANCE Ambrose E. Phipps Richmond Hill Phone 13 r 2 JONES LUMBER C0} PhonE 44 r 23 Stop 51 Yonge St- Outside the Villagl our Pressure Cor. Arnold 8: Yonge BUILDERS SUPPLIES for our Septic Tank Giro Our lomi leptesentative, (tockérels. Gyprock It , Quality or Service You want P (hi it at the Fibreboard Wu ELGIN MILLS i‘homhm. '1‘ VHS and ALL NECESSARY EQUIPMENT. iclxmond &. Bridgefoi'd nuond Hill. 37-41 51 l‘ PHONE ‘27 :FE SHOE WM GREEN, Ave., Toronto, Ontario at {H‘d CON \‘EYA NCER. ETC, IS :x1|(l ling Tar pa} Ron '(Y “be, ‘ settin lirclllul SINKS. [or luxy a: :18 Thone who were not present at the choir Concert held on Thursday even- n: last. missed a rare treat and those who were presmt enjoyed an excel Int 19 ogrlmme. Mi~s Aileen Atkinson's numberl on the Violin Were well chosen. The unacuompanied number was worthv of special mention. Mrs. Sn eddon. Eloeutionist. proved herself an artist of no ordinary ability, reâ€" Iovnding to applause with an encore. Mr. H. 0. Grady at the organ showed himself to be a Master Musician. Mr, Frederick P. (‘haffoy, Tenor soloist. w 3 wall received. his singing being greatly «enjoved by all. His \oice howed quality. refinement and good training. The choir under his direction Have _ two numbers very effiI-iently. ‘Last lut not least, Rev. Mr. Hay in the chair with his ready wit. I‘Ut the finishing touch to a good progumme. Termi 8 nmutha. r'renuce ob Prentice. Aucls. SATURDAY. MARCH 31â€"Househo‘d furniturP. lst dour north of Co- Operalive stui'v‘, R‘r‘hmï¬nd Hill. the property of J. H. Wilda. Sale at 4 o'clock. Txrms cash. J. T Sziigeov, ‘Auot. SATURDAY. MARrH 3lâ€"Honsphnld iï¬ecie. lot M, m. 1. Vaughan. the p-opmty of M q, Our-ric- Boswell. at 2.30 pa m. erms vash. J, T. Saigeun. A'uct. SA’H'RDAY, MARCH 31â€"Housvhnld «(ifvcls nt Benson Awe†near Yong? Shout Richmifnd Hill. the propvrty of Audiew Maxi-91y. SHIP at, 1 o‘clock. Terms cash. I‘. G. LYvn. Auct. â€" MONDAY, APRIL :2â€"Blncksmith tools, furniture 920.. an MillikPh. the property of Ms. Cluyion. SMe at 1 o'clock. I‘m-ms cash. Plentice' & Prentice. Anct<. . \VEDNESDAY.‘ Amm. 4â€"Furm sinck, implementw 010.. int 17. can. 2 Vaughan. (hm px-uperty of B. Giady. Sale at l n’clka. Terms 8 months. Prentice & Prl‘nlim‘, Aucts. ‘ THURSDAY. APRIL bâ€"Ren. Clydl‘sdulé‘ Fillies and Geldings, and milch cuws Int, 28. con. l. Sunrhm'o. thn Pl'ï¬pPl'ly of Alex and Hugh Duhmly. Sale at lo'cluck. Terms Smonlhs. Picnlice & Prentice, Aucts. FRIDAY, APRIL Uâ€"Fnrln stock, imple- ments eta, Int 3!, con. 1. Smu'lmrn. the propwly of \Vni. Luthum. Sale at l o’clmk. Terms 8 months. Prentice & Prenlire, Aucts: 4.\TI‘RDAY, APRIL 7â€"Hnuw. pumises and houwimhl «rlfrcts. Cunt]? St. Thornh‘i‘, 1879p10pt-113‘ of the‘ vsiaie FRIDA Auct. SATURDAY, APR/II implemenh. lut- York. the pm;~ Stewart. Silll‘ n 8 months. Prom Aucts. TUESDAY. Amz:1.3â€"l~‘z mums cm, at Sn ell SL, the prupmtv uf son. Sale at, 1 n‘ months. Prentice & MONDAY, APRIL 9_â€" “ fmplemï¬pts. ‘lfj‘t, 3 RIDAY, MARCH 30â€"Farm stock. im- plements and furniture. lot 23, near 3rd con. Markham, the property of H. S. Ferris. Suie at 1 o’clock. Terms 8 months. Prentice & $75 BRRESFORD AVE Phnnp Junction 72. Late of the Tawnship of Vaughan in the Cuunly nf York-Retired Fall'lnl‘r, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pnl‘~u:1nt In the Statutes in that behalf. tlmt ali pe'sous having claims against the Estutn of the Sillll Alexander Gammon. who died on or ubnut the ninth day nf February 1923. au- xequirell tn seml hv vest. prepaid nr [0 delivm In the undersigned Exocutms of tho Estut» or to Charles H. Porter thoir solicitor. on m- b‘me the First day (if Apt-ii 19:23. their nature. addresses amid:â€" smiptinns and a full stateuwm of (hein "l'tiuw and the nntuw- of the s‘rv'urities eif amyl held by them duly cert ified an» llmt after the said date the Exacutor: will proceed tn distribute the E<tute o the lit-ceased amongst the punivs (-n ‘Iitled lhmetn. having rcgard nnlv tn ll:e cluimi of which they lhvn shal All until orders will receive prompt attentiun. m Eliz-lb nt‘l (I’LL) House 1 l h: fiï¬ï¬iï¬Ã©ï¬va YEARS' EXPERlENCE NOTICE TO CREDITORS n‘u‘EI) this JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER Presbykerim ALEXANDER CAMERON J. AIexzmder Cameron Awhihald Cameron. Executm \Yondhridge R. R. No. 2. in on Auction Sale Register ("HARLER H. PORTER the Au 3 plnpvrly Sull- at 'l RIL 6â€" Farm stock. imple- , Int 3!, can. 1, Scurbm-n, ._v of Wm. Luthum. Sale unk. Terms 8 months. Prenlirt', Aucts.‘ APRIL 7â€"Hnuw. premises ~11l|lll vlfrcts. Cantu: Sn. 1!)» prom-11y of the nsmte h Hz-wald. decmsvd. Snlé Ton-ms of chattels cash. nvr cent (In day Hf wile. 20.. at, Milliken, [he Jus. Claymn. 81119 at Tux-ms cash. Prentice Auct<. Choir Concert [h d . 4â€"qu'm amok Int 17. non. é arty of B. Guady. Terms 8 months. a. Aucts. ' m stuck. i '5 corner, 1 Arthur Ste \V EST TORONTO my of M ‘nrm 90 con. 2. of Mrs 'clock. Estate of *‘ annm 0, Executor: PlenliC§ impleâ€" Ymgge ephon- k and \Vest lehn PI "15 I the lstul P :itan April El (1:. (hei‘ .AlLIYâ€"On Friiny, March 23. H23, to Mr.- and Mrs. Geurue W. Baihy. Maple. a. Ion (William Heuy Currio.) Funelnl M- ndny, March mm, to Aurora (Junelery. TOIKIERâ€"At \Vnodhridge. on Smluldny. March 24. 1923, Hannah E. Alum. w now at the late Ge< rgc Topper. in h. ‘ 76h year. l' nurul Mundzyy. m Pi! e Grove LEHUNâ€"Al his late res St†Aux-mu, Onl., Much 22nd, 1923, Ge Ii! Slut yrur: 'l‘hu CODZHt given in'the (hummunity Hall Int Week by the an“FIxn Com- pany was well ullvndod und enjoyed hyall. Quito“ number lemained fol the dance aftvr the concert. . The husto St. Clair Ava, is again lunning, making the ï¬rst trip 0f the season vn Satunday‘morning. The W. M. S. of the Methodist Church met at, the hnme of Mrs. '1‘. Oliver on \Vednesdny of last wee-k. A (‘nnuPrt by the Idvzll Bread Co.' is advertised for April 5th, m be he'Yd in the Unmmunity Hull. .-n A mWA- a: \,.............-, ,,,,,, A farewell party was held [rut Tues- daymen'mgat 1h» Imme- uf Mr. L. Glenn-m, lwfme mminggu his‘ new house at, Gun '1" d. _ -. .. ,7 J ‘lUl‘zr “k0 V|'ll ‘ - ' x n n Mr. Barry OLDell and family mhved la‘l weeK 50:1 fu1n near L'lke Sim- cur. A'I‘ile farm \vhvle he lhed hele has been bought by Mr. A. Rumble. The selvivv next Sunday evening in Mule Methodist church will he under the auspices of the \Vnmvn's )Iissimmry Snciely. Special Easter sermon and nulsiv. ‘ Jmneo C. Brody of Newmarket was found dead in his huuworï¬utnrdny morning hy neighbors. r. Brudy had left his place of nursinea the pueviuus venng in his usual hunlih. \‘Vhen he failed to put in an appearance the nuxt morning. his partner. W. A. Rruntun became anxiuus. and tele- phoned maneighlmrof .\Ir. Brody": A ., .1 6......) .. -. "O. , Rruntun became anxiuus. and tele- phoned to a neighbor of Mr. Brudy's, who went tn cull him and found him dead in a chair. with an evening paper beside him. and 1h? light burning. Mr. Brody \vus hum in Nwwnmrkeb 52 ycax‘s “go. had had liwd here all his life. For same yeuis he cnnducted '4 general store in pan tum-ship with his brother-imlaw. Dimming 0f the husines’a, he became zissnriated in business with \V. A. Biunhm. Mr. Brody was an enthusiastic 5pm lsmnn. In his youth he had been leflCHSSF‘ Dluyer of considerable note, mud in latte-r years [uuk up howiing. lie WAS ‘l member of the Mvthoiiist Chm-ch: Mr. Body is survived by his wifv. who is in the Toronto Gvnvrai Hocpiial: une sun. Carl. and two daughters. Mus. Clarence McCuaig and Miss Cluiice Brody, all of 'l‘monro. Under the heading “Have you met him?‘ The Globe of Tuesday has A bntngrnveur of Mr. David James of hm-nhill, with ashox-L account of his busy life us fullmVs: " . n.1,...» w . Flve generations of the James family‘ have passed through the Thornhill School, and David James has known them all. He is the link that connu cts ’l‘hnrnbill of the present with the fluurishing settlement which, in earlv e‘ghteenâ€"hundreds, had every promise of becoming a. busy manuv fautming centre, He i4 21150 the histor inn of his district. Not only has he chroniclrd events of ezu-ly days. but has kept truck of the weather. and the yearly progress of the crnps as Well. At; the present time Mr. James is the oldest correspondent of buth the Federal and Provincinl Departments of Agriculture. Thirteen yenrs M Reeve of Markham township gave him an intimate knowledge of municipal mut- tere, und no one elsein York cnunty has in intimate :1 knowledge of the men who, in. the early days. guided the affairs (If York. Reforestntinnismxe of his hnhhies. and one nmylose hls way in a bush lot be planted out a few Cemetery years have Lunsmi perinns muul and Nine Uf’ Hons tn he tlansmitled of the List made pursmu 9f 31} pgrspns appeal iug Revised Assessment Munitripnlity Lube 91 the s uid MuniclpnIit Member; of the Leg 1923, and u- Eleclou s a the said Lis any other 91 take iuunec the said err 3941 SOTICE Clerk of the said Municipali y. [MIN] lh’s 259th (by of Mulch, 1923 as nid Municipality 'xnbexs of the Legis d “131- the said List in my office :it tho md Hill nn (he BNLh 13. and remains the VOTERS’ LIST, 1923 Mm RICHMOND HILL My At his late resident}. Mufley Have You Me! Him? NBWMARKET ip-ulily of the Village (‘0‘; Inn (he BNLh d I'Hnains thele :ale called up {:51an if an arrow are {m Iediule proce1 rI-m‘s correctel nduy, March 26th, to DEATHS BIRTHS A. J. HUME L' NTY OF YORK “AI'LIL s helehy lted Hr l be entitled bu Thursday", -rge Lemon. in my C Jund eedir Elo‘ctionl for ive Assembly us ï¬rst posted “age of Rich- n‘ uf March. iven [hut Ivy suid sec; or dplivered In said Act by the Inst of the said -inspeatiou. to examine mnissitnl or | therein to ngs to have accmding to ns Eight £919. List te in the Do You Know Why the Gear-Shift Is Different P SATURDAY. MARCH 31â€"A hPld of fins: Lelass, flesh milch cows. r-alvvs by side, and close springt-rs,1n[_‘2, can, 7, Mulklmm. [he prnperty of J. S. Honey, Sale at l o'ulm‘k. Tman 8 nnonlhs. Plonlice & Plenlicv, Aucts. To start, y'ou Lhr‘mv the lever 1 \ark‘vau-q, And wlwn the Czu' is ninety percent. of the time â€" U /lhe way, when: it does not inlet Dodge Brothers MOTOR CAR The designoof Dodge BI natural inclinations of t! By simply attaghing a Toronto Pumping Engine to your pump you can have running water for every purpose you desire. Think of the time and labor savedâ€"the freedom from tiresome pumpâ€" mg. _ . -_I I' , . , , _ _ _ A nun-l I-..L urn “(My is so desi Moreover IIIE reduce reverse mg. Toronto Engines with direct connected jack are easily, but securely attached to the pump. Specially designed for pumping service. Smooth-running and almost noiseless. Easily adjusted to any height of ump. Operate economically on gasoline. An indepen ent pulley on the crank-shaft makes power available for operating the churn. separator. washing machine. etc. This Thnl is the best, of character, be well kncwn in drive the district continuousliv. A splend understand their job and are not afraid mission, with good advertising assistan Apply, stating age, references and full I A Toronto Wald System. will) Uzi: dint! wnneded Engine and Pump Jack will (in you (he «Marga of 6in male: Jerri“. 50: me about 1'! or ask me for book- A R. A. LISTER & COMPANY (CANADA) LTD. 58 Stewart Street TORONTO . A. 'BRILLINGER, Thornhill ’ONTARio wngo gugpy_E;-& PUMPï¬O. uMoYlD' ’ 0N Let This Engine Pump Your Water n gearâ€"ht: . M. PALMER 8: SONS why the gearâ€"shift er. ‘he hansmissim‘, developed and palentc :igned that [he countershnft -â€" used in inter â€"â€" is disconnectx (1 when the car is in high. Power is transmitted directly {rum clutcht lnsive fe’atm-e prevents t‘ ear-box nu-ises and eliuxin aresentat: nd user t Richmond Hill SALES AN 0 SER V [CE tumt [he ( 1.21:1?55“.7§3F0rsyth & Allen Wanted RIC PHONE ll “1 SUB-AGE vents [h 1N AL BELGIA |\'(‘l Wk th pwau]. ’l‘o Ie Painters. Deuumtms Finishers. Estil Phunr' 78. I BIOC in in 591152.912: high M. \I'RORA ml by Dodg rmediute 5} There are to [ear uxh us and timntes lln w h vsition 1H or luggu ge g9 Bmlheu, peeds and in | no gears in 1 FF 1‘ H the «I dwn \hnut ‘uL le\ m- [La